Example #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function write(Geometry $geometry)
     $srid = $geometry->SRID();
     if ($srid === 0) {
         return $this->doWrite($geometry);
     return 'SRID=' . $geometry->SRID() . ';' . $this->prettyPrintSpace . $this->doWrite($geometry);
Example #2
  * @param Geometry $geometry
  * @return \GEOSGeometry
 private function toGEOS(Geometry $geometry)
     if ($geometry->isEmpty()) {
         $geosGeometry = $this->wktReader->read($geometry->asText());
         return $geosGeometry;
     if ($this->hasBinaryReadWrite) {
         return $this->wkbReader->read($this->ewkbWriter->write($geometry));
     return $this->wkbReader->readHEX(bin2hex($this->ewkbWriter->write($geometry)));
Example #3
  * @param Geometry $reference
  * @param Geometry $culprit
  * @return CoordinateSystemException
 public static function sridMix(Geometry $reference, Geometry $culprit)
     return new CoordinateSystemException(sprintf('SRID mix: %s with SRID %d cannot contain %s with SRID %d.', $reference->geometryType(), $reference->SRID(), $culprit->geometryType(), $culprit->SRID()));
Example #4
  * @param Geometry $g      The Geometry to test.
  * @param array    $coords The expected raw coordinates of the geometry.
  * @param boolean  $hasZ   Whether the geometry is expected to contain Z coordinates.
  * @param boolean  $hasM   Whether the geometry is expected to contain M coordinates.
  * @param integer  $srid   The expected SRID of the geometry.
 protected final function assertGeometryContents(Geometry $g, array $coords, $hasZ = false, $hasM = false, $srid = 0)
     $this->assertSame($coords, $g->toArray());
     $this->assertSame($hasZ, $g->is3D());
     $this->assertSame($hasM, $g->isMeasured());
     $this->assertSame($srid, $g->SRID());