Example #1
  * Show the password form. If the visitor gives the correct password, they
  * are redirected to the page they came from, if any.
  * @return \Twig_Markup
 public function passwordForm()
     // Set up the form.
     $form = $this->app['form.factory']->createBuilder('form');
     if ($this->config['password_only'] == false) {
         $form->add('username', 'text');
     $form->add('password', 'password');
     $form = $form->getForm();
     if ($this->app['request']->getMethod() == 'POST') {
         $data = $form->getData();
         if ($form->isValid() && $this->checkLogin($data)) {
             // Set the session var, so we're authenticated..
             $this->app['session']->set('passwordprotect', 1);
             $this->app['session']->set('passwordprotect_name', $this->checkLogin($data));
             // Print a friendly message..
             printf("<p class='message-correct'>%s</p>", $this->config['message_correct']);
             $returnto = $this->app['request']->get('returnto');
             // And back we go, to the page we originally came from..
             if (!empty($returnto)) {
         } else {
             // Remove the session var, so we can test 'logging off'..
             // Print a friendly message..
             if (!empty($data['password'])) {
                 printf("<p class='message-wrong'>%s</p>", $this->config['message_wrong']);
     // Render the form, and show it it the visitor.
     $html = $this->app['twig']->render('assets/passwordform.twig', array('form' => $form->createView()));
     return new \Twig_Markup($html, 'UTF-8');
Example #2
  * @runInSeparateProcess
 public function testSimpleRedirectAbort()
     $app = $this->getApp();
     $this->setExpectedException('Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Exception\\HttpException', "Redirecting to '/test2'.");
     $this->expectOutputString("<p>Redirecting to <a href='/test2'>/test2</a>.</p><script>window.setTimeout(function () { window.location='/test2'; }, 500);</script>");
     $redirect = Library::simpleredirect('/test2', true);
Example #3
  * Check if a user is logged in, and has the proper required permission. If
  * not, we redirect the user to the dashboard.
  * @param string $permission
  * @return bool True if permission allowed
 public function requireUserPermission($permission = 'dashboard')
     if ($this->app['users']->isAllowed($permission)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
 public function slugTreeRecord($slug)
     // Add snippets, since this is a Frontend route.
     $this->app['htmlsnippets'] = true;
     if (strripos($slug, '/')) {
         // find the last "/"" in the slug
         // dump($this->app['config']);
         // dump($this->app['config']->get('data/contenttypes'));
         // dump($this->app['config']->get('general/homepage_template'));
         // dump(strripos($slug, '/') == strlen($slug));
         // dump(strripos($slug, '/'));
         // dump(strlen($slug));
         $slug = rtrim($slug, '/');
         if (in_array($slug, array('blogs', 'locations', 'structures', 'pages', 'blogposts', 'jobs', 'events', 'persons', 'network', 'publications', 'pressreleases', 'projects', 'taskforces', 'homepage', 'footers'))) {
             switch ($slug) {
                 case 'blogs':
                     //dump('redirect blogs');
                     \Bolt\Library::simpleredirect('/' . $slug);
     // $slug = \Bolt\Helpers\String::slug($slug, -1);
     $slug = $this->app['slugify']->slugify($slug);
     $contenttype = $this->getContenttypeBySlug($slug, true);
     $frontend = new Bolt\Controllers\Frontend();
     return $frontend->record($this->app, $contenttype, $slug);
Example #5
  * Redirect the browser to another page.
  * @param boolean $safe
  * @return string
 public function redirect($path, $safe)
     // Nope! We're not allowing user-supplied content to issue redirects.
     if ($safe) {
         return null;
     return '';
Example #6
  * Create a simple Form.
  * @param string $formname
  * @internal param string $name
  * @return string
 public function simpleForm($formname = "", $with = array())
     // Make sure that we allow a session cookie for pages with a form. If we don't, the
     // form's CSRF token will not work correctly. This might be a temporary fix, depending
     // on how we're going to solve the 'cookies in frontend'-issue.
     // @see https://github.com/bolt/bolt/issues/3425
     $this->app['config']->set('general/cookies_no_frontend', false);
     // Select which form to use..
     if (isset($this->config[$formname])) {
         $formconfig = $this->config[$formname];
     } else {
         return "Simpleforms notice: No form known by name '{$formname}'.";
     // Set the mail configuration for empty fields to the global defaults if they exist
     foreach ($this->global_fields as $configkey) {
         if (!array_key_exists($configkey, $formconfig) && !empty($this->config[$configkey])) {
             $formconfig[$configkey] = $this->config[$configkey];
         } elseif (!array_key_exists($configkey, $formconfig) && empty($this->config[$configkey])) {
             $formconfig[$configkey] = false;
     // translate labels if labels extension exists
     if ($this->labelsenabled) {
     if ($formconfig['debugmode'] == true) {
         dump('Building ' . $formname);
     $message = "";
     $error = "";
     $sent = false;
     $form = $this->app['form.factory']->createNamedBuilder($formname, 'form', null, array('csrf_protection' => $this->config['csrf']));
     foreach ($formconfig['fields'] as $name => $field) {
         $options = $this->buildField($name, $field, $with, $formname);
         // only add known fields with options to the form
         if ($options) {
             $form->add($name, $options['attr']['type'], $options);
     $form = $form->getForm();
     require_once 'recaptcha-php-1.11/recaptchalib.php';
     if ('POST' == $this->app['request']->getMethod()) {
         if (!$this->app['request']->request->has($formname)) {
             // we're not submitting this particular form
             if ($formconfig['debugmode'] == true) {
                 $error .= "we're not submitting this form: " . $formname;
             $sent = false;
         } else {
             // ok we're really submitting this form
             $isRecaptchaValid = true;
             // to prevent ReCaptcha check if not enabled
             if ($this->config['recaptcha_enabled']) {
                 $isRecaptchaValid = false;
                 // by Default
                 $resp = recaptcha_check_answer($this->config['recaptcha_private_key'], $this->getRemoteAddress(), $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]);
                 $isRecaptchaValid = $resp->is_valid;
             if ($isRecaptchaValid) {
                 if ($form->isValid()) {
                     $res = $this->processForm($formconfig, $form, $formname);
                     if ($res) {
                         $message = $formconfig['message_ok'];
                         $sent = true;
                         // If redirect_on_ok is set, redirect to that page when succesful.
                         if (!empty($formconfig['redirect_on_ok'])) {
                             $redirectpage = $this->app['storage']->getContent($formconfig['redirect_on_ok']);
                             if ($formconfig['debugmode'] == true) {
                                 dump('Redirecting ' . $formconfig['redirect_on_ok']);
                                 if ($redirectpage) {
                                     dump("Redirect link: " . $redirectpage->link());
                                 } else {
                                     dump("redirectpage is missing for " . $formname);
                             } elseif ($redirectpage) {
                                 return Lib::simpleredirect($redirectpage->link());
                             } else {
                                 dump("redirectpage is missing for " . $formname);
                     } else {
                         $error = $formconfig['message_technical'];
                 } else {
                     $error = $formconfig['message_error'];
             } else {
                 $error = $this->config['recaptcha_error_message'];
     $use_ssl = !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off';
     $formhtml = $this->app['render']->render($formconfig['template'], array("submit" => "Send", "form" => $form->createView(), "message" => $message, "error" => $error, "sent" => $sent, "formname" => $formname, "recaptcha_html" => $this->config['recaptcha_enabled'] ? recaptcha_get_html($this->config['recaptcha_public_key'], null, $use_ssl) : '', "recaptcha_theme" => $this->config['recaptcha_enabled'] ? $this->config['recaptcha_theme'] : '', "button_text" => $formconfig['button_text'], "button_class" => $formconfig['button_class']));
     return new \Twig_Markup($formhtml, 'UTF-8');
Example #7
  * Edit a unit of content, or create a new one.
  * @param string      $contenttypeslug The content type slug
  * @param integer     $id              The content ID
  * @param Application $app             The application/container
  * @param Request     $request         The Symfony Request
  * @return \Twig_Markup|\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse
 public function editContent($contenttypeslug, $id, Application $app, Request $request)
     // Make sure the user is allowed to see this page, based on 'allowed contenttypes'
     // for Editors.
     if (empty($id)) {
         $perm = "contenttype:{$contenttypeslug}:create";
         $new = true;
     } else {
         $perm = "contenttype:{$contenttypeslug}:edit:{$id}";
         $new = false;
     if (!$app['users']->isAllowed($perm)) {
         $app['session']->getFlashBag()->add('error', Trans::__('You do not have the right privileges to edit that record.'));
         return Lib::redirect('dashboard');
     // set the editreferrer in twig if it was not set yet.
     $tmp = parse_url($app['request']->server->get('HTTP_REFERER'));
     $tmpreferrer = $tmp['path'];
     if (!empty($tmp['query'])) {
         $tmpreferrer .= '?' . $tmp['query'];
     if (strpos($tmpreferrer, '/overview/') !== false || $tmpreferrer == $app['paths']['bolt']) {
         $app['twig']->addGlobal('editreferrer', $tmpreferrer);
     $contenttype = $app['storage']->getContentType($contenttypeslug);
     if ($request->isMethod('POST')) {
         if (!$app['users']->checkAntiCSRFToken()) {
             $app->abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, Trans::__('Something went wrong'));
         if (!empty($id)) {
             // Check if we're allowed to edit this content.
             if (!$app['users']->isAllowed("contenttype:{$contenttype['slug']}:edit:{$id}")) {
                 $app['session']->getFlashBag()->add('error', Trans::__('You do not have the right privileges to edit that record.'));
                 return Lib::redirect('dashboard');
         } else {
             // Check if we're allowed to create content.
             if (!$app['users']->isAllowed("contenttype:{$contenttype['slug']}:create")) {
                 $app['session']->getFlashBag()->add('error', Trans::__('You do not have the right privileges to create a new record.'));
                 return Lib::redirect('dashboard');
         // If we have an ID now, this is an existing record
         if ($id) {
             $content = $app['storage']->getContent($contenttype['slug'], array('id' => $id, 'status' => '!undefined'));
             $oldStatus = $content['status'];
         } else {
             $content = $app['storage']->getContentObject($contenttypeslug);
             $oldStatus = '';
         // Add non successfull control values to request values
         // http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-17.13.2
         // Also do some corrections
         $requestAll = $request->request->all();
         foreach ($contenttype['fields'] as $key => $values) {
             if (isset($requestAll[$key])) {
                 switch ($values['type']) {
                     case 'float':
                         // We allow ',' and '.' as decimal point and need '.' internally
                         $requestAll[$key] = str_replace(',', '.', $requestAll[$key]);
             } else {
                 switch ($values['type']) {
                     case 'select':
                         if (isset($values['multiple']) && $values['multiple'] === true) {
                             $requestAll[$key] = array();
                     case 'checkbox':
                         $requestAll[$key] = 0;
         // To check whether the status is allowed, we act as if a status
         // *transition* were requested.
         $content->setFromPost($requestAll, $contenttype);
         $newStatus = $content['status'];
         // Don't try to spoof the $id.
         if (!empty($content['id']) && $id != $content['id']) {
             $app['session']->getFlashBag()->add('error', "Don't try to spoof the id!");
             return Lib::redirect('dashboard');
         // Save the record, and return to the overview screen, or to the record (if we clicked 'save and continue')
         $statusOK = $app['users']->isContentStatusTransitionAllowed($oldStatus, $newStatus, $contenttype['slug'], $id);
         if ($statusOK) {
             // Get the associate record change comment
             $comment = $request->request->get('changelog-comment');
             // Save the record
             $id = $app['storage']->saveContent($content, $comment);
             // Log the change
             if ($new) {
                 $app['session']->getFlashBag()->add('success', Trans::__('contenttypes.generic.saved-new', array('%contenttype%' => $contenttypeslug)));
                 $app['logger.system']->info('Created: ' . $content->getTitle(), array('event' => 'content'));
             } else {
                 $app['session']->getFlashBag()->add('success', Trans::__('contenttypes.generic.saved-changes', array('%contenttype%' => $contenttype['slug'])));
                 $app['logger.system']->info('Saved: ' . $content->getTitle(), array('event' => 'content'));
              * We now only get a returnto parameter if we are saving a new
              * record and staying on the same page, i.e. "Save {contenttype}"
             if ($app['request']->get('returnto')) {
                 $returnto = $app['request']->get('returnto');
                 if ($returnto === 'new') {
                     return Lib::redirect('editcontent', array('contenttypeslug' => $contenttype['slug'], 'id' => $id), '#' . $app['request']->get('returnto'));
                 } elseif ($returnto == 'saveandnew') {
                     return Lib::redirect('editcontent', array('contenttypeslug' => $contenttype['slug'], 'id' => 0), '#' . $app['request']->get('returnto'));
                 } elseif ($returnto === 'ajax') {
                      * Flush any buffers from saveContent() dispatcher hooks
                      * and make sure our JSON output is clean.
                      * Currently occurs due to a 404 exception being generated
                      * in \Bolt\Storage::saveContent() dispatchers:
                      *     $this->app['dispatcher']->dispatch(StorageEvents::PRE_SAVE, $event);
                      *     $this->app['dispatcher']->dispatch(StorageEvents::POST_SAVE, $event);
                     if (ob_get_length()) {
                     // Get our record after POST_SAVE hooks are dealt with and return the JSON
                     $content = $app['storage']->getContent($contenttype['slug'], array('id' => $id, 'returnsingle' => true, 'status' => '!undefined'));
                     $val = array();
                     foreach ($content->values as $key => $value) {
                         // Some values are returned as \Twig_Markup and JSON can't deal with that
                         if (is_array($value)) {
                             foreach ($value as $subkey => $subvalue) {
                                 if (gettype($subvalue) == 'object' && get_class($subvalue) == 'Twig_Markup') {
                                     $val[$key][$subkey] = $subvalue->__toString();
                         } else {
                             $val[$key] = $value;
                     if (isset($val['datechanged'])) {
                         $val['datechanged'] = date_format(new \DateTime($val['datechanged']), 'c');
                     $lc = localeconv();
                     foreach ($contenttype['fields'] as $key => $values) {
                         switch ($values['type']) {
                             case 'float':
                                 // Adjust decimal point dependent on locale
                                 if ($lc['decimal_point'] === ',') {
                                     $val[$key] = str_replace('.', ',', $val[$key]);
                     // unset flashbag for ajax
                     return new JsonResponse($val);
             // No returnto, so we go back to the 'overview' for this contenttype.
             // check if a pager was set in the referrer - if yes go back there
             $editreferrer = $app['request']->get('editreferrer');
             if ($editreferrer) {
                 Lib::simpleredirect($editreferrer, true);
             } else {
                 return Lib::redirect('overview', array('contenttypeslug' => $contenttype['slug']));
         } else {
             $app['session']->getFlashBag()->add('error', Trans::__('contenttypes.generic.error-saving', array('%contenttype%' => $contenttype['slug'])));
             $app['logger.system']->error('Save error: ' . $content->getTitle(), array('event' => 'content'));
     // We're doing a GET
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $content = $app['storage']->getContent($contenttype['slug'], array('id' => $id));
         if (empty($content)) {
             return $app->abort(Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND, Trans::__('contenttypes.generic.not-existing', array('%contenttype%' => $contenttype['slug'])));
         // Check if we're allowed to edit this content.
         if (!$app['users']->isAllowed("contenttype:{$contenttype['slug']}:edit:{$content['id']}")) {
             $app['session']->getFlashBag()->add('error', Trans::__('You do not have the right privileges to edit that record.'));
             return Lib::redirect('dashboard');
     } else {
         // Check if we're allowed to create content.
         if (!$app['users']->isAllowed("contenttype:{$contenttype['slug']}:create")) {
             $app['session']->getFlashBag()->add('error', Trans::__('You do not have the right privileges to create a new record.'));
             return Lib::redirect('dashboard');
         $content = $app['storage']->getEmptyContent($contenttype['slug']);
     $oldStatus = $content['status'];
     $allStatuses = array('published', 'held', 'draft', 'timed');
     $allowedStatuses = array();
     foreach ($allStatuses as $status) {
         if ($app['users']->isContentStatusTransitionAllowed($oldStatus, $status, $contenttype['slug'], $id)) {
             $allowedStatuses[] = $status;
     $duplicate = $app['request']->query->get('duplicate');
     if (!empty($duplicate)) {
         $content->setValue('id', '');
         $content->setValue('slug', '');
         $content->setValue('datecreated', '');
         $content->setValue('datepublish', '');
         $content->setValue('datedepublish', null);
         $content->setValue('datechanged', '');
         $content->setValue('username', '');
         $content->setValue('ownerid', '');
         // $content->setValue('templatefields', array());
         $app['session']->getFlashBag()->add('info', Trans::__('contenttypes.generic.duplicated-finalize', array('%contenttype%' => $contenttype['slug'])));
     // Set the users and the current owner of this content.
     if (empty($id) || $duplicate) {
         // For brand-new and duplicated items, the creator becomes the owner.
         $contentowner = $app['users']->getCurrentUser();
     } else {
         // For existing items, we'll just keep the current owner.
         $contentowner = $app['users']->getUser($content['ownerid']);
     $filesystem = $app['filesystem']->getFilesystem();
     // Test write access for uploadable fields
     foreach ($contenttype['fields'] as $key => &$values) {
         if (isset($values['upload'])) {
             $values['canUpload'] = $filesystem->has($values['upload']) && $filesystem->getVisibility($values['upload']);
         } else {
             $values['canUpload'] = true;
     if (!empty($content['templatefields']) && !empty($content['templatefields']->contenttype['fields'])) {
         foreach ($content['templatefields']->contenttype['fields'] as $key => &$values) {
             if (isset($values['upload'])) {
                 $values['canUpload'] = $filesystem->has($values['upload']) && $filesystem->getVisibility($values['upload']);
             } else {
                 $values['canUpload'] = true;
     // Determine which templates will result in templatefields
     $templateFieldTemplates = array();
     if ($templateFieldsConfig = $app['config']->get('theme/templatefields')) {
         $templateFieldTemplates = array_keys($templateFieldsConfig);
         // Special case for default template
         $toRepair = array();
         foreach ($contenttype['fields'] as $name => $field) {
             if ($field['type'] == 'templateselect' && !empty($content->values[$name])) {
                 $toRepair[$name] = $content->values[$name];
                 $content->setValue($name, '');
         if ($content->hasTemplateFields()) {
             $templateFieldTemplates[] = '';
         foreach ($toRepair as $name => $value) {
             $content->setValue($name, $value);
     // Info
     $hasIncomingRelations = is_array($content->relation);
     $hasRelations = isset($contenttype['relations']);
     $hasTabs = $contenttype['groups'] !== false;
     $hasTaxonomy = isset($contenttype['taxonomy']);
     $hasTemplateFields = $content->hasTemplateFields();
     // Generate tab groups
     $groups = array();
     $groupIds = array();
     $addGroup = function ($group, $label) use(&$groups, &$groupIds) {
         $nr = count($groups) + 1;
         $id = rtrim('tab-' . Slugify::create()->slugify($group), '-');
         if (isset($groupIds[$id]) || $id == 'tab') {
             $id .= '-' . $nr;
         $groups[$group] = array('label' => $label, 'id' => $id, 'is_active' => $nr === 1);
         $groupIds[$id] = 1;
     foreach ($contenttype['groups'] ? $contenttype['groups'] : array('ungrouped') as $group) {
         if ($group === 'ungrouped') {
             $addGroup($group, Trans::__('contenttypes.generic.group.ungrouped'));
         } elseif ($group !== 'meta' && $group !== 'relations' && $group !== 'taxonomy') {
             $default = array('DEFAULT' => ucfirst($group));
             $key = array('contenttypes', $contenttype['slug'], 'group', $group);
             $addGroup($group, Trans::__($key, $default));
     if ($hasRelations || $hasIncomingRelations) {
         $addGroup('relations', Trans::__('contenttypes.generic.group.relations'));
     if ($hasTaxonomy || is_array($contenttype['groups']) && in_array('taxonomy', $contenttype['groups'])) {
         $addGroup('taxonomy', Trans::__('contenttypes.generic.group.taxonomy'));
     if ($hasTemplateFields || is_array($contenttype['groups']) && in_array('template', $contenttype['groups'])) {
         $addGroup('template', Trans::__('Template'));
     $addGroup('meta', Trans::__('contenttypes.generic.group.meta'));
     // Render
     $context = array('contenttype' => $contenttype, 'content' => $content, 'allowed_status' => $allowedStatuses, 'contentowner' => $contentowner, 'fields' => $app['config']->fields->fields(), 'fieldtemplates' => $templateFieldTemplates, 'can_upload' => $app['users']->isAllowed('files:uploads'), 'groups' => $groups, 'has' => array('incoming_relations' => $hasIncomingRelations, 'relations' => $hasRelations, 'tabs' => $hasTabs, 'taxonomy' => $hasTaxonomy, 'templatefields' => $hasTemplateFields));
     return $app['render']->render('editcontent/editcontent.twig', array('context' => $context));