Example #1
  * Returns the center coordinates of the boundaries of an array of Markers
  * @param Marker[] $markers
  * @return LatLng
 public static function getCenterCoordinates($markers)
     $bounds = LatLngBounds::getBoundsOfMarkers($markers);
     return $bounds->getCenterCoordinates();
Example #2
  * Returns the center of bounds of the
  * @return \dosamigos\google\maps\LatLng
 public function getCenterOfBounds()
     $path = ArrayHelper::getValue($this->options, 'path');
     return is_array($path) && !empty($path) ? LatLngBounds::getBoundsOfCoordinates($path)->getCenterCoordinates() : null;
  * Returns the boundaries of an array of Polygon objects
  * @param Polygon[] $polygons array of Polygons
  * @param float $margin margin factor for the bounds
  * @return LatLngBounds
  * @throws \yii\base\InvalidParamException
 public static function getBoundsOfPolygons($polygons, $margin = 0.0)
     $coords = [];
     /** @var Polygon $polygon */
     foreach ($polygons as $polygon) {
         if (!$polygon instanceof Polygon) {
             throw new InvalidParamException('"$polygons" must be an array of "' . Polygon::className() . '" objects');
         // merge LatLng arrays
         $coords = ArrayHelper::merge($coords, $polygon->paths);
     return LatLngBounds::getBoundsOfCoordinates($coords, $margin);
Example #4
  * @return LatLngBounds
 public function getBoundsFromCenterAndZoom()
     return LatLngBounds::getBoundsFromCenterAndZoom($this->center, $this->zoom, $this->width, $this->height);
Example #5
  * Returns the center of bounds
  * @return \dosamigos\google\maps\LatLng
 public function getCenterOfBounds()
     return LatLngBounds::getBoundsOfPolygons([$this])->getCenterCoordinates();
Example #6
  * Calculates the center of an array of coordinates according to its bounds
  * @param LatLng[] $coords
  * @return LatLng
 public static function getCenterOfBounds($coords)
     $bounds = LatLngBounds::getBoundsOfCoordinates($coords);
     return $bounds->getCenterCoordinates();