public function testHasPublished() { $post = Post::first(); $post->is_published = true; $post->published_at = date('Y-m-d'); $post->save(); dd(Post::first()->published_at); $this->assertEquals(1, Post::published()->get()->count()); }
public function afterFetch() { // dodanie walidacji do pól foreach ($this->field as $key => $value) { $field_config = Yaml::parse($value->code); if (empty($field_config['validator']) === false) { \Bm\Field\Models\Post::extend(function ($model) use($value, $field_config) { $model->rules[$value->name] = $field_config['validator']; }); } } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function onRun() { $this->category_page = $this->property('categoryPage'); $this->wide = $this->property('wide') == true; $this->type = $this->property('type'); $this->limit = $this->property('limit'); $this->subcategories = $this->property('subcategories'); $this->random = $this->property('random'); $this->is_promoted = $this->property('is_promoted'); $this->templates = $this->property('template'); $this->partial = BoxSetting::find($this->type); $this->category = Category::loadCategory($this->category_page); $this->posts = BlogPost::getPosts(['post_id' => isset($this->page['post']) ? $this->page['post']->id : null, 'category' => $this->category, 'categories_id' => $this->property('categories_id'), 'limit' => $this->limit, 'template_id' => $this->templates, 'promoted' => $this->is_promoted, 'random' => $this->random, 'subcategories' => $this->subcategories]); }
/** * Run the request filter. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param \Closure $next * @return mixed */ public function handle($request, Closure $next) { $url = $request->getPathInfo(); if (strpos('/backend', $url) === false) { if (substr($url, 0, 9) === "/download") { $path = Config::get('filesystems.disks.local.root', storage_path() . '/app'); $file = $path . str_replace(["/download", "storage/app/"], "", urldecode($url)); if (file_exists($file) && is_file($file)) { return response()->download($file); } } elseif ($url !== "/") { $url = Post::checkUrl($url); } } return App::make('Cms\\Classes\\Controller')->run($url); }
/** * pobieranie listy postów wg parametrów * @param array $params parametry * @return Collection */ public static function getPosts(array $params, $query = null) { extract(array_merge(['post_id' => null, 'category' => null, 'categories_id' => [], 'template_id' => null, 'additional' => [], 'limit' => 0, 'tags' => false, 'post_tags' => [], 'promoted' => false, 'random' => false, 'subcategories' => false, 'category' => null, 'order' => 'published_at DESC', 'pagination' => false, 'posts_per_page' => 10, 'page' => 1], $params)); $query = $query ?: Post::published()->with('template'); // post_id if ($post_id) { $query->where('id', '<>', $post_id); } // categories_id // ustawione na sztywno id kategorii; nadpisują kategorię if ($categories_id) { $categories_id = is_array($categories_id) ? $categories_id : explode(',', $categories_id); $category = Category::find($categories_id); } elseif (!$category instanceof Category) { // category $category = Category::find($category); } // subcategories // pobieranie id podkategorii i kategorii, jeśli subcategories = true // w przeciwnym wypadku pobieranie id kategorii if ($category && !$categories_id) { if ($category instanceof Category) { $categories_id = $subcategories ? $category->getSubcategoriesId() : [$category->id]; } else { $categories_id = []; foreach ($category as $c) { $categories_id = $categories_id + ($subcategories ? $c->getSubcategoriesId() : [$c->id]); } } } // template_id if ($template_id) { $query->whereIn('template_id', is_array($template_id) ? $template_id : explode(',', $template_id)); } // random if ($random) { $query->orderByRaw("RANDOM()"); } else { $query->orderByRaw($order); } // additional if ($additional) { $additional = is_array($additional) ? $additional : [$additional]; $key = array_search('variable', $additional); if ($key && isset(${$key})) { $additional[$key] = ${$key}; } $query->additional($additional); } // promoted if ($promoted) { $query->additional(['is_promoted' => '1']); } // limit if ($limit) { $query->limit($limit); } $query->where(function ($q) use($tags, $post_tags, $categories_id, $category) { // tags if ($tags && $post_tags) { $q->whereHas('tags', function ($q) use($post_tags) { $q->whereIn('id', array_fetch($post_tags->toArray(), 'id')); }); } // categories if ($categories_id) { $q->whereIn('category_id', $categories_id); } // collection if (isset($category->collection)) { $collection = is_array($category->collection) ? $category->collection : [$category->collection]; $q->orWhereIn(Db::raw("additional->>'collection'"), array_map('strval', $collection)); } }); $posts = $pagination ? $query->paginate($posts_per_page, $page) : $query->get(); return $posts; }
public function afterUpdate() { $original = $this->getOriginal(); // generowanie url dla podkategorii i artykułów if (isset($original['slug']) && $original['slug'] !== $this->slug) { $this->getSubcategories()->each(function ($elem) { if ($elem->id !== $this->id) { $elem->generateUrl(); } Post::queueUrls(array_fetch($elem->posts->toArray(), 'id')); }); } }
protected function prepareVars() { $this->pageParam = $this->paramName('pageNumber'); $this->noPostsMessage = $this->property('noPostsMessage'); $this->postPage = $this->property('postPage'); $this->categoryPage = $this->property('categoryPage'); $this->categoryParent = $this->property('categoryParent'); $this->category = BlogCategory::loadCategory($this->categoryPage, $this->categoryParent); $this->template = $this->property('template') ?: (empty($this->category->template->partial_category) ? null : $this->category->template->partial_category); if (empty($this->category->id) || empty($this->category->template->id) && empty($this->template->id)) { return \Response::make($this->controller->run('404'), 404); } // paginacja domyślnie włączona; 'false' wyłącza $this->paginationActive = $this->category->pagination !== 'false' || $this->property('postsPerPage') > 0; $this->posts = BlogPost::getPosts(['category' => $this->category, 'categories_id' => $this->property('categories_id'), 'template_id' => $this->property('template_id') ?: $this->category->template_id, 'pagination' => $this->paginationActive, 'posts_per_page' => (int) $this->category->pagination > 0 ? $this->category->pagination : $this->property('postsPerPage'), 'page' => $this->property('pageNumber'), 'subcategories' => $this->property('subcategories'), 'order' => "NULLIF(regexp_replace(additional->>'order', E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int NULLS LAST, published_at DESC"]); $this->setMeta(); }
/** * Przejście do artykułu */ public function onGoto($param = null) { if (isset($param) && ($post = Post::find($param))) { return $post->url; } }
public static function run() { // komunikaty 5270 9351 // wiadomości 10 // wiadomosci z pomorza 4136 // Regulaminy rozgrywek 127 // Regulaminy rozgrywek 2452 // Regulaminy Pomorskiego ZPN 5234 // Regulaminy 2014/15 6926 // Regulaminy Piłka Kobieca 2014/15 7249 ini_set('max_execution_time', 1200); $aktualnosci = [0 => 7, 1 => 18, 2 => 19, 3 => 20]; $aktualnosci_z_pomorza = [0 => 17, 1 => 21, 2 => 22, 3 => 23]; $tags = [1 => 18, 2 => 19, 3 => 20]; $komisje = [82 => 53, 83 => 16, 2447 => 54, 4093 => 55, 1842 => 56, 95 => 57, 111 => 58, 7277 => 59, 7912 => 60, 96 => 61, 112 => 62, 97 => 63, 7947 => 65, 98 => 66, 2347 => 67, 117 => 69, 118 => 70, 7958 => 71, 2006 => 72]; $komunikaty_komisji = [1305 => 83, 109 => 84, 2009 => 91, 110 => 86, 1863 => 77, 1302 => 79, 1320 => 89, 1324 => 88, 108 => 82, 2350 => 87, 101 => 78, 2451 => 75, 1216 => 73, 92 => 74, 7930 => 81]; $komunikaty_id = array_flip($komunikaty_komisji); $wydzialy = [19 => 73, 2 => 74, 53 => 75, 43 => 77, 8 => 78, 6 => 78, 3 => 78, 15 => 79, 12 => 80, 13 => 80, 16 => 82, 11 => 82, 10 => 82, 25 => 83, 26 => 84, 4 => 86, 7 => 86, 9 => 86, 18 => 87, 52 => 87, 19 => 88, 24 => 89, 38 => 90, 21 => 91, 22 => 91, 23 => 91]; /* 25 Komisja Piłkarstwa Młodzieżowego - od 01.01.2015 – do komunikatów przy zakładce komisji 26 Komisja Szkoleniowa Kolegium Sędziów - od 01.01.2015 – do komunikatów przy zakładce komisji 27 Komisja Kwalifikacji Kolegium Sędziów - od 01.01.2015 – do komunikatów przy zakładce komisji 28 Komisja Mentorska – Kolegium Sędziów - od 01.01.2015 – do komunikatów przy zakładce komisji 30 OSSM Gdańsk - od 01.01.2015 – do komunikatów przy zakładce komisji 31 Kadra im. K. Deyny od 01.06.2015 – do komunikatów przy zakładce komisji 33 Kadra im. K. Górskiego 01.06.2015 – do komunikatów przy zakładce komisji 34* Kadra im. W. Smolarka - od 01.06.2015 – do komunikatów przy zakładce komisji 35 Kadra Juniorek U-13 01.06.2015 – do komunikatów przy zakładce komisji 36 Kadra Młodziczek U-16 01.06.2015 – do komunikatów przy zakładce komisji 38 Rada Trenerów 01.01.2015 – do komunikatów przy zakładce komisji 39 Komisja Odznaczeń i Wyróżnień 01.01.2015 – do komunikatów przy zakładce komisji 41 PZPN - 01.01.2015 – do komunikatów przy zakładce komisji 42 Extranet - 01.01.2014 – do komunikatów przy zakładce komisji 43 Komisja ds. Nagłych 01.01.2015 – do komunikatów przy zakładce komisji 45 Z podwórka na stadion - 01.08.2014 – do komunikatów przy zakładce komisji 47 Komunikaty obsad 01.07.2015 – do komunikatów przy zakładce komisji 48 OSSM Malbork 01.01.2015 – do komunikatów przy zakładce komisji 49 Warsztaty i szkolenia - 01.07.2014 – do komunikatów przy zakładce komisji 50 Rozgrywki Junior E i F - 01.07.2015 – do komunikatów przy zakładce komisji 52 Komisja Piłki Plażowej – PRZENIEŚĆ DO FUTSALU (od stycznia 2015) 57 Fair_play - 01.01.2015 – do komunikatów przy zakładce biuro Gdańsk 58 Facebook 01.01.2015 – do komunikatów przy zakładce biuro Gdańsk */ $dzialy = [3 => 57, 4 => 66, 5 => 63, 6 => 136, 7 => 137, 8 => 134, 9 => 135, 10 => 61, 11 => 61, 16 => 61, 14 => 147, 15 => 58, 17 => 69, 18 => 67, 21 => 72, 22 => 18, 23 => 20, 24 => 70, 25 => 62, 26 => 145, 28 => 141, 30 => 123, 31 => 118, 33 => 119, 34 => 120, 35 => 121, 36 => 122, 38 => 71, 41 => 72, 42 => 72, 43 => 56, 45 => 38, 47 => 127, 48 => 124, 49 => 45, 50 => 72, 52 => 67, 57 => 72, 58 => 72]; $daty = [31 => '2015-06-01 00:00:00', 33 => '2015-06-01 00:00:00', 34 => '2015-06-01 00:00:00', 35 => '2015-06-01 00:00:00', 36 => '2015-06-01 00:00:00', 42 => '2014-06-01 00:00:00', 45 => '2014-08-01 00:00:00', 47 => '2015-07-01 00:00:00', 49 => '2014-07-01 00:00:00', 50 => '2015-07-01 00:00:00']; Post::extend(function ($model) { //$model->guarded = ['id']; $model->throwOnValidation = false; $model->rules['title'] = ''; //'unique:rainlab_blog_posts,title'; $model->rules['url'] = ''; $model->rules['slug'] = ['required', 'regex:/^[a-z0-9\\/\\:_\\-\\*\\[\\]\\+\\?\\|]*$/i', 'unique:rainlab_blog_posts,slug']; }); $i = 0; DB::rollBack(); DB::beginTransaction(); try { foreach (ImporterBase::$pzpn_site_content as $content) { $date = '2015-01-01 00:00:00'; if (empty($content['wydzialid']) === false && isset($daty[$content['wydzialid']])) { $date = $daty[$content['wydzialid']]; } if ($content['isfolder'] === '0' && date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $content['publishedon']) >= $date && in_array($content['parent'], [10]) && empty($content['alias']) === false) { $category = isset($dzialy[$content['wydzialid']]) ? $dzialy[$content['wydzialid']] : (isset($aktualnosci[$content['podokreg_id']]) ? $aktualnosci[$content['podokreg_id']] : 17); $html = str_replace('assets/', '/storage/app/media/', $content['content']); $data = ['user_id' => 2, 'title' => $content['pagetitle'], 'slug' => Str::slug($content['alias']), 'excerpt' => str_replace('assets/', '/storage/app/media/', $content['introtext']), 'content' => $html, 'published_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $content['publishedon']), 'published' => $content['published'] === '1' && $content['deleted'] === '0', 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $content['createdon']), 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'content_html' => '', 'template_id' => 1, 'category_id' => $category]; $model_post = new Post(); $model_post->fill($data); if (!$model_post->validate()) { //dd($model_post->errors()); echo 'Błąd - ' . $content['id'], '<br>'; continue; } else { $data['url'] = $model_post->getUrl(); $post = $model_post->insertGetId($data); if ($post > 0 && $content['podokreg_id'] > 0) { $tag = Db::insert(Db::raw('insert into bedard_blogtags_post_tag values(' . (int) $tags[$content['podokreg_id']] . ',' . $post . ')')); } echo $content['id'], '<br>'; } } } } catch (Exception $e) { DB::rollBack(); dd($e); } DB::commit(); echo 'Sukces!'; exit; array('id' => '9423', 'type' => 'document', 'contentType' => 'text/html', 'pagetitle' => 'Uchwała nr VIII/124 w sprawie statusu zawodników oraz zasad zmian przynależności klubowej ', 'longtitle' => '', 'description' => 'assets/files/A_2015/Uchwaly/Uchwala nr VIII-124.pdf', 'alias' => 'uchwała-nr-viii124-w-sprawie-statusu-zawodników-oraz-zasad-zmian-przynależności-klubowej1', 'link_attributes' => '', 'published' => '1', 'pub_date' => '0', 'unpub_date' => '0', 'parent' => '9411', 'isfolder' => '0', 'introtext' => '', 'content' => '<p>Uchwała nr VIII/124 w sprawie statusu zawodników oraz zasad zmian przynależności klubowej .pdf</p>', 'richtext' => '1', 'template' => '5', 'menuindex' => '12', 'searchable' => '1', 'cacheable' => '0', 'createdby' => '1', 'createdon' => '1438635743', 'editedby' => '1', 'editedon' => '1438636045', 'deleted' => '0', 'deletedon' => '0', 'deletedby' => '0', 'publishedon' => '1438635855', 'publishedby' => '1', 'menutitle' => '', 'donthit' => '0', 'haskeywords' => '0', 'hasmetatags' => '0', 'privateweb' => '0', 'privatemgr' => '0', 'content_dispo' => '0', 'hidemenu' => '1', 'podokreg_id' => '0', 'wydzialid' => '0', 'slideron' => '0', 'czy_wazna' => '0'); }
/** * Doczytanie powiązanych postów * @return void */ protected function loadRelated() { if (empty($this->post->template->related) === false) { $this->post->categories_id = $this->post->categories->getSubcategoriesId(); foreach (Yaml::parse($this->post->template->related) as $key => $value) { // sprawdzanie czy istnieje wymagany atrybut if (isset($value['require']) && !$this->post->{$value['require']}) { continue; } // przypisanie wartości z posta if (isset($value['variable']) && isset($this->post->{$value['variable']})) { $value[$value['variable']] = $this->post->{$value['variable']}; } $this->post->{$key} = isset($value['run']) ? $this->{$value['run']}($this->post, $this->category, $value) : BlogPost::getPosts(['post_id' => $this->post->id, 'categories_id' => empty($this->post->category) ? empty($this->post->communication->id) ? $this->post->categories_id : $this->post->communication->id : $this->post->category, 'tags' => $this->post->tags] + $value); } } }
public function getElems($category_id) { return Post::remember(5)->where('category_id', $category_id)->orderBy('title')->lists('title', 'id'); }
public function boot() { $plugin_manager = \System\Classes\PluginManager::instance(); // Walidacja tablicy Validator::extend('arrayed', function ($attribute, $value, $params) { foreach ($value as $key => $val) { $validation = true; for ($i = 1; $i < count($params); $i++) { $validation = $validation && Validator::make($val, [$params[$i] => $params[0]])->fails(); } if ($validation === true) { return false; } } return true; }); // Walidacja numeru telefonu Validator::extend('phone', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters) { return preg_match('/^(\\+|(00))?(\\([0-9]{2}\\))?([ -]?[0-9]{2,})+$/i', $value) && mb_strlen($value) >= 9 && mb_strlen($value) <= 18; }); /** * Rozdzerzenie menu o prawidłowe urle do artykułów */ if ($plugin_manager->hasPlugin('Flynsarmy.Menu')) { \Flynsarmy\Menu\Models\Menuitem::extend(function ($model) { $model->addDynamicMethod('beforeSave', function () use($model) { $classes = ['Flynsarmy\\Menu\\MenuItemTypes\\BlogPost' => 'rainlab_blog_posts', 'Flynsarmy\\Menu\\MenuItemTypes\\BlogCategory' => 'rainlab_blog_categories']; $column = ['post_id', 'category_id']; if (array_key_exists(post('master_object_class'), $classes)) { $object = Db::table($classes[post('master_object_class')])->find($model->master_object_id); if ($object) { $url = $object->url; $model->url = $url; $model->{$column[array_search(post('master_object_class'), $classes)]} = $model->master_object_id; $model->selected_item_id = $model->selected_item_id ?: $url; } } // usunięcie hosta z urla $model->url = str_replace(\URL::to('/'), '', $model->url); }); }); } // Rozszerzenie pluginu Tags if ($plugin_manager->hasPlugin('Bedard.BlogTags')) { Tag::extend(function ($model) { $model->belongsToMany = ['posts' => ['Bm\\Field\\Models\\Post', 'table' => 'bedard_blogtags_post_tag', 'order' => 'published_at desc']]; }); // Extend the model Post::extend(function ($model) { // Relationship $model->belongsToMany['tags'] = ['Bedard\\BlogTags\\Models\\Tag', 'table' => 'bedard_blogtags_post_tag', 'order' => 'name']; // getTagboxAttribute() $model->addDynamicMethod('getTaglistAttribute', function () use($model) { return $model->tags()->lists('name'); }); // setTagboxAttribute() $model->addDynamicMethod('setTaglistAttribute', function ($tags) use($model) { $this->tags = $tags; }); }); // Attach tags to model Post::saved(function ($model) { if ($this->tags) { $ids = []; foreach ($this->tags as $name) { $create = Tag::firstOrCreate(['name' => $name]); $ids[] = $create->id; } $model->tags()->sync($ids); } }); } /** * Problem z grupowaniem w zarządzaniu grupami * @todo usunąć po poprawce w octoberze */ Backend\Models\UserGroup::extend(function ($model) { $model->belongsToMany['users_count'] = ['Backend\\Models\\User', 'table' => 'backend_users_groups', 'count' => true, 'key' => 'user_id']; }); /** * Rozszerzanie pól bloga */ Event::listen('backend.form.extendFields', function ($form) { if ($form->getController() instanceof \Bm\Field\Controllers\Posts && in_array($form->getContext(), ['create', 'update'])) { // Nadpisanie pola z tagami if (class_exists('\\Bedard\\BlogTags\\Plugin')) { $form->removeField('tagbox'); } // Generowanie pól szablonu $form->addTabFields($form->model->generateFields()); // Ustawianie domyślnej daty publikacji $form->data->published_at = $form->data->published_at ?: Carbon::now(); } }); /** * Rozdzerzenie pól menu o id artykułukategorii */ Event::listen('backend.list.extendColumns', function ($widget) { if ($widget->getController() instanceof \Flynsarmy\Menu\Controllers\Menus) { $widget->addColumns(['post_id' => ['hidden' => true], 'category_id' => ['hidden' => false]]); } }); // Rejestracja rozszerzeń Twiga Event::listen('', function ($controller, $url, $page) { $twig = $controller->getTwig(); $twig->addExtension(new \Bm\Field\Classes\TwigExcerpt()); $twig->addExtension(new \Bm\Field\Classes\TwigThumbnail()); $twig->addExtension(new \Bm\Field\Classes\TwigPostUrl()); if ($page) { // Ustawianie aktywnego urla w menu $page->menu_url = empty($page->url) ? '/' : $page->url; } }); }
<?php use Bm\Field\Models\Post; // pobieranie plików Route::group(['prefix' => 'download'], function () { Route::get('{name}', function ($name) { $path = Config::get('filesystems.disks.local.root', storage_path() . '/app'); $file = $path . str_replace("storage/app/", "", urldecode($name)); if (is_file($file)) { return response()->download($file); } })->where('name', '.*'); }); // artykuły i kategorie Event::listen('cms.route', function () { Route::any('{slug}', function ($slug) { return (new Cms\Classes\CmsController())->run(Post::checkUrl("/{$slug}")); })->where('slug', '(.*)?'); });