<?php require "blog.php"; use Blog\DB; // Fetch all posts $posts = DB\get("posts", $conn); view("index", array("posts" => $posts, "name" => "John Doe"));
<?php require 'functions.php'; use Blog\DB; // Connect to the db $conn = DB\connect($config); if (!$conn) { die('Problem connecting to the db.'); } /* Create a database/table in mysql / CREATE DATABASE blog; / CREATE TABLE posts; / INSERT INTO posts(title, body) VALUES('TITLE 1', 'BODY 1'); / INSERT INTO posts(title, body) VALUES('TITLE 2', 'BODY 2'); */ // Fetch all the posts $post = DB\get('posts', $conn); // Filter through and display in the view $view_path = 'views/index.view.php'; include 'views/layout.php';
<?php require 'functions.php'; use Blog\DB; $conn = DB\connect($config); if ($conn) { $users = DB\get('users', $conn); } else { die('Could not connect'); } ?> <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <?php if ($users) { foreach ($users as $user) { echo "<li>{$user['username']}</li>"; } } else { echo "No rows returned."; } ?> </body> </html>