Example #1
 public function testSerialize()
     $hex = '41414141';
     $dec = EccFactory::getAdapter()->hexDec($hex);
     $bin = pack("H*", $hex);
     $this->buffer = Buffer::hex($hex);
     // Check Binary
     $retBinary = $this->buffer->getBinary();
     $this->assertSame($bin, $retBinary);
     // Check Hex
     $this->assertSame($hex, $this->buffer->getHex());
     // Check Decimal
     $this->assertSame($dec, $this->buffer->getInt());
Example #2
 public function testGetBufferEmptyNull()
     $buffer = new Buffer();
     $this->parser = new Parser($buffer);
     $parserData = $this->parser->getBuffer()->getBinary();
     $bufferData = $buffer->getBinary();
     $this->assertSame($parserData, $bufferData);
Example #3
  * @param Buffer $bits
  * @return array
 public function unpackCompact(Buffer $bits)
     $bitStr = $bits->getBinary();
     // Unpack and decode
     $sci = array_map(function ($value) {
         return $this->hexDec($value);
     }, unpack('H2exp/H6mul', $bitStr));
     return $sci;
Example #4
  * Encode a given hex string in base58
  * @param Buffer $binary
  * @return string
  * @throws \Exception
 public static function encode(Buffer $binary)
     $size = $binary->getSize();
     if ($binary->getBinary() === '') {
         return '';
     $math = Bitcoin::getMath();
     $orig = $binary->getBinary();
     $decimal = $binary->getInt();
     $return = '';
     while ($math->cmp($decimal, 0) > 0) {
         list($decimal, $rem) = $math->divQr($decimal, 58);
         $return .= self::$base58chars[$rem];
     $return = strrev($return);
     //leading zeros
     for ($i = 0; $i < $size && $orig[$i] === ""; $i++) {
         $return = '1' . $return;
     return $return;
  * @param \BitWasp\Buffertools\Buffer $sig
  * @return bool
  * @throws SignatureNotCanonical
 public static function isDERSignature(Buffer $sig)
     $checkVal = function ($fieldName, $start, $length, $binaryString) {
         if ($length == 0) {
             throw new SignatureNotCanonical('Signature ' . $fieldName . ' length is zero');
         $typePrefix = ord(substr($binaryString, $start - 2, 1));
         if ($typePrefix !== 0x2) {
             throw new SignatureNotCanonical('Signature ' . $fieldName . ' value type mismatch');
         $val = substr($binaryString, $start, $length);
         $vAnd = $val[0] & pack("H*", '80');
         if (ord($vAnd) === 128) {
             throw new SignatureNotCanonical('Signature ' . $fieldName . ' value is negative');
         if ($length > 1 && ord($val[0]) == 0x0 && !ord($val[1] & pack('H*', '80'))) {
             throw new SignatureNotCanonical('Signature ' . $fieldName . ' value excessively padded');
     $bin = $sig->getBinary();
     $size = $sig->getSize();
     if ($size < 9) {
         throw new SignatureNotCanonical('Signature too short');
     if ($size > 73) {
         throw new SignatureNotCanonical('Signature too long');
     if (ord($bin[0]) !== 0x30) {
         throw new SignatureNotCanonical('Signature has wrong type');
     if (ord($bin[1]) !== $size - 3) {
         throw new SignatureNotCanonical('Signature has wrong length marker');
     $lenR = ord($bin[3]);
     $startR = 4;
     if (5 + $lenR >= $size) {
         throw new SignatureNotCanonical('Signature S length misplaced');
     $lenS = ord($bin[5 + $lenR]);
     $startS = 4 + $lenR + 2;
     if ($lenR + $lenS + 7 !== $size) {
         throw new SignatureNotCanonical('Signature R+S length mismatch');
     $checkVal('R', $startR, $lenR, $bin);
     $checkVal('S', $startS, $lenS, $bin);
     return true;
Example #6
  * @param Buffer $vch
  * @param bool $fRequireMinimal
  * @param int $maxNumSize
  * @param Math|null $math
  * @return self
 public static function buffer(Buffer $vch, $fRequireMinimal, $maxNumSize = self::MAX_NUM_SIZE, Math $math = null)
     $size = $vch->getSize();
     if ($size > $maxNumSize) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Script number overflow');
     if ($fRequireMinimal && $size > 0) {
         $binary = $vch->getBinary();
         if (ord($binary[$size - 1]) & 0x7f === 0) {
             if ($size <= 1 || ord($binary[$size - 2]) & 0x80 === 0) {
                 throw new \RuntimeException('Non-minimally encoded script number');
     $math = $math ?: Bitcoin::getMath();
     $number = new self(0, $math);
     $number->number = $number->parseBuffer($vch);
     return $number;
Example #7
  * @param Buffer $publicKey
  * @return bool
 public static function isCompressedOrUncompressed(Buffer $publicKey)
     $vchPubKey = $publicKey->getBinary();
     if ($publicKey->getSize() < 33) {
         return false;
     if (ord($vchPubKey[0]) === 0x4) {
         if ($publicKey->getSize() !== 65) {
             // Invalid length for uncompressed key
             return false;
     } elseif (in_array($vchPubKey[0], array(hex2bin(self::KEY_COMPRESSED_EVEN), hex2bin(self::KEY_COMPRESSED_ODD)))) {
         if ($publicKey->getSize() !== 33) {
             return false;
     } else {
         return false;
     return true;
Example #8
  * Push data into the stack.
  * @param $data
  * @return $this
  * @throws \Exception
 public function push(Buffer $data)
     $length = $data->getSize();
     $parsed = new Parser('', $this->math);
     /** Note that larger integers are serialized without flipping bits - Big endian */
     if ($length < $this->opcodes->getOpByName('OP_PUSHDATA1')) {
         $varInt = Buffertools::numToVarInt($length);
         $data = new Buffer($varInt->getBinary() . $data->getBinary(), null, $this->math);
         $parsed->writeBytes($data->getSize(), $data);
     } else {
         if ($length <= 0xff) {
             $lengthSize = 1;
         } elseif ($length <= 0xffff) {
             $lengthSize = 2;
         } else {
             $lengthSize = 4;
         $op = $this->opcodes->getOpByName('OP_PUSHDATA' . $lengthSize);
         $parsed->writeBytes(1, Buffer::int($op))->writeBytes($lengthSize, Buffer::int($length), true)->writeBytes($length, $data);
     $this->script .= $parsed->getBuffer()->getBinary();
     return $this;
Example #9
  * Write $data as $bytes bytes. Can be flipped if needed.
  * @param  integer $bytes
  * @param  $data
  * @param  bool $flipBytes
  * @return $this
 public function writeBytes($bytes, $data, $flipBytes = false)
     // Treat $data to ensure it's a buffer, with the correct size
     if ($data instanceof SerializableInterface) {
         $data = $data->getBuffer();
     if ($data instanceof Buffer) {
         // only create a new buffer if the size does not match
         if ($data->getSize() != $bytes) {
             $data = new Buffer($data->getBinary(), $bytes, $this->math);
     } else {
         // Convert to a buffer
         $data = Buffer::hex($data, $bytes, $this->math);
     // At this point $data will be a Buffer
     $binary = $data->getBinary();
     if ($flipBytes) {
         $binary = Buffertools::flipBytes($binary);
     $this->string .= $binary;
     return $this;
Example #10
  * @param Buffer $msg32
  * @param PrivateKey $privateKey
  * @return CompactSignature
 private function doSignCompact(Buffer $msg32, PrivateKey $privateKey)
     $sig_t = '';
     /** @var resource $sig_t */
     if (1 !== secp256k1_ecdsa_sign_recoverable($this->context, $msg32->getBinary(), $privateKey->getBinary(), $sig_t)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Secp256k1: failed to sign');
     $recid = '';
     $ser = '';
     if (!secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature_serialize_compact($this->context, $sig_t, $ser, $recid)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to obtain recid');
     return new CompactSignature($this, $sig_t, $recid, $privateKey->isCompressed());
Example #11
  * @param PublicKeyInterface $publicKey
  * @return bool
 public function checkInvolvesKey(PublicKeyInterface $publicKey)
     return $publicKey->getPubKeyHash()->getBinary() === $this->hash->getBinary();
Example #12
  * Do HMAC hashing on $data and $salt
  * @param string $algo
  * @param Buffer $data
  * @param Buffer $salt
  * @return Buffer
 public static function hmac($algo, Buffer $data, Buffer $salt)
     return new Buffer(hash_hmac($algo, $data->getBinary(), $salt->getBinary(), true));
Example #13
  * @param Buffer $hash
  * @return bool
 public function containsHash(Buffer $hash)
     return array_key_exists($hash->getBinary(), $this->heightByHash);
Example #14

require "../vendor/autoload.php";
use BitWasp\Buffertools\Buffer;
use BitWasp\Buffertools\BufferHex;
use BitWasp\Buffertools\BufferInt;
// Binary data and ASCII can be passed directly to a Buffer
$binary = new Buffer('hello world');
echo $binary->getBinary() . PHP_EOL;
echo $binary->getHex() . PHP_EOL;
// BufferHex and BufferInt convert data to binary
$hex = new BufferHex('68656c6c6f20776f726c64');
echo $binary->getBinary() . PHP_EOL;
echo $hex->getHex() . PHP_EOL;
// All Buffers expose getBinary(), getInt(), getHex()
$int = new BufferInt(65);
echo $int->getBinary() . PHP_EOL;
echo $int->getInt() . PHP_EOL;
echo $int->getHex() . PHP_EOL;
Example #15
  * @param $opCode
  * @param Buffer $pushData
  * @return bool
  * @throws \Exception
 public function checkMinimalPush($opCode, Buffer $pushData)
     $pushSize = $pushData->getSize();
     $binary = $pushData->getBinary();
     $opcodes = $this->script->getOpCodes();
     if ($pushSize == 0) {
         return $opcodes->isOp($opCode, 'OP_0');
     } elseif ($pushSize == 1 && ord($binary[0]) >= 1 && ord($binary[0]) <= 16) {
         return $opCode == $opcodes->getOpByName('OP_1') + (ord($binary[0]) - 1);
     } elseif ($pushSize == 1 && ord($binary[0]) == 0x81) {
         return $opcodes->isOp($opCode, 'OP_1NEGATE');
     } elseif ($pushSize <= 75) {
         return $opCode == $pushSize;
     } elseif ($pushSize <= 255) {
         return $opcodes->isOp($opCode, 'OP_PUSHDATA1');
     } elseif ($pushSize <= 65535) {
         return $opcodes->isOp($opCode, 'OP_PUSHDATA2');
     return true;
Example #16
  * @param $opCode
  * @param Buffer $pushData
  * @return bool
  * @throws \Exception
 public function checkMinimalPush($opCode, Buffer $pushData)
     $pushSize = $pushData->getSize();
     $binary = $pushData->getBinary();
     if ($pushSize === 0) {
         return $opCode === Opcodes::OP_0;
     } elseif ($pushSize === 1) {
         $first = ord($binary[0]);
         if ($first >= 1 && $first <= 16) {
             return $opCode === Opcodes::OP_1 + ($first - 1);
         } elseif ($first === 0x81) {
             return $opCode === Opcodes::OP_1NEGATE;
     } elseif ($pushSize <= 75) {
         return $opCode === $pushSize;
     } elseif ($pushSize <= 255) {
         return $opCode === Opcodes::OP_PUSHDATA1;
     } elseif ($pushSize <= 65535) {
         return $opCode === Opcodes::OP_PUSHDATA2;
     return true;
Example #17
  * Initialize container
  * @param Buffer $script
 public function __construct(Buffer $script = null)
     $this->script = $script instanceof Buffer ? $script->getBinary() : '';
     $this->opcodes = new Opcodes();
Example #18
  * @param Buffer $publicKey
  * @return bool
 public function validatePublicKey(Buffer $publicKey)
     $ret = (bool) \secp256k1_ec_pubkey_verify($publicKey->getBinary());
     return $ret;