Example #1
 public function putIndex()
     if (!$this->isLoggedIn || !$this->user->ability(null, 'admin.adkats.reports.edit')) {
         throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('Authorization Denied!');
     $r = App::make('BFACP\\Repositories\\ReportRepository');
     $v = Validator::make(Input::all(), ['id' => 'required|numeric|exists:adkats_records_main,record_id', 'action' => 'required|numeric|in:' . implode(',', $r::$allowedCommands), 'reason' => 'required|string|between:3,500', 'extras.tban.duration' => 'required_if:action,7|numeric|between:1,525960'], ['extras.tban.duration.required_if' => 'The duration is required for temp bans.', 'extras.tban.duration.between' => 'The duration must be between :min minute and :max minutes.']);
     if ($v->fails()) {
         throw new ResourceException(null, $v->errors());
     try {
         $record = $r->getReportById(Input::get('id'));
         if (!in_array($record->command_action, [18, 20])) {
             throw new UpdateResourceFailedException('Unable to complete action. Report has already been acted on.');
         // If the action is {Accept, Deny, Ignore} Round Report then we just need to update the existing record.
         if (in_array(Input::get('action'), [40, 41, 61])) {
             $record->command_action = Input::get('action');
         } else {
             $newRecord = $record->replicate();
             $newRecord->command_type = Input::get('action');
             $newRecord->command_action = Input::get('action');
             if (Input::get('action') == 7) {
                 $maxDuration = Setting::where('setting_name', 'Maximum Temp-Ban Duration Minutes')->where('server_id', 1)->pluck('setting_value');
                 $duration = Input::get('extras.tban.duration', $maxDuration);
                 $commandNumeric = (int) $duration > (int) $maxDuration ? $maxDuration : $duration;
             } else {
                 $commandNumeric = 0;
             $newRecord->command_numeric = $commandNumeric;
             $newMessage = trim(Input::get('reason', $newRecord->record_message));
             $oldMessage = trim($newRecord->record_message);
             if ($newMessage != $oldMessage && !empty($newMessage)) {
                 $newRecord->record_message = $newMessage;
             $source = MainHelper::getAdminPlayer($this->user, $newRecord->server->game->GameID);
             if (!is_null($source)) {
                 $newRecord->source_id = $source->PlayerID;
                 $newRecord->source_name = $source->SoldierName;
             } else {
                 $newRecord->source_id = null;
                 $newRecord->source_name = $this->user->username;
             $newRecord->record_time = Carbon::now();
             $newRecord->adkats_read = 'N';
             $record->command_action = 40;
         return MainHelper::response(['old' => $record, 'new' => isset($newRecord) ? $newRecord : null], 'Report updated', null, null, false, true);
     } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) {
         return MainHelper::response(null, 'Report was not found. Aborting!', 'error', null, false, true);
 public function edit($id)
     $settings = Setting::where('server_id', $id)->get();
     return View::make('admin.adkats.settings.edit', compact('settings'))->with('page_title', sprintf('AdKats Settings for #%s', $id));