public function duelCopyVideoAction(request $request)
     $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
     $user = $this->container->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
     //get the duel.
     $duelId = $request->get('duel');
     $duel = $em->getRepository('BFSiteBundle:Duel')->find($duelId);
     //get the video that has to be duplicated
     $Usevideo = $em->getRepository('BFSiteBundle:Video')->find($request->get('video'));
     if ($duel->getHost() == $user) {
         $userRole = 'host';
     } else {
         $userRole = 'guest';
     $video = new Video();
     $video->setDate(new \Datetime())->setDuel($duel)->setUser($user)->setScore('0')->setType('duel')->setRepetitions($Usevideo->getRepetitions())->setSource($Usevideo->getSource())->setThumbUrl('jpg')->setThumbAlt('Thumbnail of ' . $user->getUsername() . ' for the ' . $duel->getChallenge()->getTitle() . ' duel.')->setTitle($Usevideo->getTitle());
     //getting the code for the duel
     $service = $this->container->get('bf_site.randomcode');
     $code = $service->generate('video');
     $host = $duel->getHost();
     $guest = $duel->getGuest();
     if ($duel->getHostCompleted() == 1 && $duel->getGuestCompleted() == 1) {
         //both the players uploaded their video. We can now set the complete off the duel to 1
         //now we look at the video with the highest repitions and we give 50 points to the winner.
         //get the video of the other player
         if ($userRole == 'host') {
             $otherVideo = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->getRepository('BFSiteBundle:Video')->duelGuestVideo($guest, $duel);
             $hostscore = $video->getRepetitions();
             $guestscore = $otherVideo->getRepetitions();
         } elseif ($userRole == 'guest') {
             $otherVideo = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->getRepository('BFSiteBundle:Video')->duelHostVideo($host, $duel);
             $guestscore = $video->getRepetitions();
             $hostscore = $otherVideo->getRepetitions();
         //we get compare the host to the guest score
         if ($hostscore > $guestscore) {
             //host wins
             $points = $host->getDuelPoints() + 100;
             $wins = $host->getDuelWins() + 1;
             $link = $this->generateUrl('bf_site_duel_view', array('id' => $duel->getId()));
             $message = 'Congratulations you won the duel against ' . $guest->getUsername() . ' adn you received 100 points !';
             $service = $this->container->get('bf_site.notification');
             $notificationhost = $service->create($host, $message, $duel, $link);
             $message = 'unfortunately you lost the duel against ' . $host->getUsername();
             $service = $this->container->get('bf_site.notification');
             $notificationguest = $service->create($guest, $message, $duel, $link);
         } elseif ($hostscore < $guestscore) {
             //guest wins
             $points = $guest->getDuelPoints() + 100;
             $wins = $guest->getDuelWins() + 1;
             $link = $this->generateUrl('bf_site_duel_view', array('id' => $duel->getId()));
             $message = 'Congratulations you won the duel against ' . $host->getUsername() . ' adn you received 100 points !';
             $service = $this->container->get('bf_site.notification');
             $notificationguest = $service->create($guest, $message, $duel, $link);
             $message = 'unfortunately you lost the duel against ' . $guest->getUsername();
             $service = $this->container->get('bf_site.notification');
             $notificationhost = $service->create($host, $message, $duel, $link);
         } elseif ($hostscore == $guestscore) {
             //same score,each 50 points
             //host points
             $points = $host->getDuelPoints() + 50;
             //guest points
             $points = $guest->getDuelPoints() + 50;
             $link = $this->generateUrl('bf_site_duel_view', array('id' => $duel->getId()));
             $message = 'Congratulations, the duel against ' . $guest->getUsername() . ' was a tie and you received 50 points !';
             $service = $this->container->get('bf_site.notification');
             $notificationhost = $service->create($host, $message, $duel, $link);
             $message = 'Congratulations, the duel against ' . $host->getUsername() . ' was a tie and you received 50 points !';
             $service = $this->container->get('bf_site.notification');
             $notificationguest = $service->create($guest, $message, $duel, $link);
     //now we update the points of the user
     $this->addFlash('success', 'Your video was uploaded to our servers.');
     return new response();