Author: Konstantin Kudryashov (
Example #1
  * Prints example story syntax into console.
  * @param   Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface    $output
  * @param   string                                              $language
 public function printSyntax(OutputInterface $output, $language = 'en')
     $output->getFormatter()->setStyle('comment', new OutputFormatterStyle('yellow'));
     $output->getFormatter()->setStyle('keyword', new OutputFormatterStyle('green', null, array('bold')));
     $story = $this->dumper->dump($language);
     $story = preg_replace('/^\\#.*/', '<comment>$0</comment>', $story);
Example #2
  * Executes controller.
  * @param InputInterface  $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @return null|integer
 public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     if (!$input->getOption('story-syntax')) {
         return null;
     $output->getFormatter()->setStyle('gherkin_keyword', new OutputFormatterStyle('green', null, array('bold')));
     $output->getFormatter()->setStyle('gherkin_comment', new OutputFormatterStyle('yellow'));
     $story = $this->keywordsDumper->dump($this->translator->getLocale());
     $story = preg_replace('/^\\#.*/', '<gherkin_comment>$0</gherkin_comment>', $story);
     return 0;
    public function testExtendedVersionDumper()
        $dumper = new KeywordsDumper($this->keywords);
        $dumped = $dumper->dump('ru', false);
        $etalon = array(<<<GHERKIN
# language: ru
Функционал: Internal operations
  In order to stay secret
  As a secret organization
  We need to be able to erase past agents' memory

    Допустим there is agent A
    И there is agent B

  Сценарий: Erasing agent memory
    Допустим there is agent J
    И there is agent K
    Если I erase agent K's memory
    @ I erase agent K's memory
    То there should be agent J
    Но there should not be agent K

  История: Erasing agent memory
    Допустим there is agent J
    И there is agent K
    Если I erase agent K's memory
    @ I erase agent K's memory
    То there should be agent J
    Но there should not be agent K

  Структура сценария: Erasing other agents' memory
    Допустим there is agent <agent1>
    И there is agent <agent2>
    Если I erase agent <agent2>'s memory
    @ I erase agent <agent2>'s memory
    То there should be agent <agent1>
    Но there should not be agent <agent2>

      | agent1 | agent2 |
      | D      | M      |

  Аутлайн: Erasing other agents' memory
    Допустим there is agent <agent1>
    И there is agent <agent2>
    Если I erase agent <agent2>'s memory
    @ I erase agent <agent2>'s memory
    То there should be agent <agent1>
    Но there should not be agent <agent2>

      | agent1 | agent2 |
      | D      | M      |
# language: ru
Фича: Internal operations
  In order to stay secret
  As a secret organization
  We need to be able to erase past agents' memory

    Допустим there is agent A
    И there is agent B

  Сценарий: Erasing agent memory
    Допустим there is agent J
    И there is agent K
    Если I erase agent K's memory
    @ I erase agent K's memory
    То there should be agent J
    Но there should not be agent K

  История: Erasing agent memory
    Допустим there is agent J
    И there is agent K
    Если I erase agent K's memory
    @ I erase agent K's memory
    То there should be agent J
    Но there should not be agent K

  Структура сценария: Erasing other agents' memory
    Допустим there is agent <agent1>
    И there is agent <agent2>
    Если I erase agent <agent2>'s memory
    @ I erase agent <agent2>'s memory
    То there should be agent <agent1>
    Но there should not be agent <agent2>

      | agent1 | agent2 |
      | D      | M      |

  Аутлайн: Erasing other agents' memory
    Допустим there is agent <agent1>
    И there is agent <agent2>
    Если I erase agent <agent2>'s memory
    @ I erase agent <agent2>'s memory
    То there should be agent <agent1>
    Но there should not be agent <agent2>

      | agent1 | agent2 |
      | D      | M      |
        $this->assertEquals($etalon, $dumped);
Example #4
  * Initializes definition dispatcher.
  * @param   Behat\Gherkin\Keywords\KeywordsDumper   $dumper
 public function __construct(KeywordsDumper $dumper)
     $dumper->setKeywordsDumperFunction(array($this, 'dumpKeywords'));
     $this->dumper = $dumper;
Example #5
    public function translationTestDataProvider()
        $keywords = $this->getKeywords();
        $lexer = new Lexer($keywords);
        $parser = new Parser($lexer);
        $dumper = new KeywordsDumper($keywords);
        $keywordsArray = $this->getKeywordsArray();
        // Remove languages with repeated keywords
        unset($keywordsArray['en-old'], $keywordsArray['uz']);
        $data = array();
        foreach ($keywordsArray as $lang => $i18nKeywords) {
            $features = array();
            foreach (explode('|', $i18nKeywords['feature']) as $transNum => $featureKeyword) {
                $line = 1;
                if ('en' !== $lang) {
                    $line = 2;
                $featureLine = $line;
                $line += 5;
                $keywords = explode('|', $i18nKeywords['background']);
                $backgroundLine = $line;
                $line += 1;
                $background = new BackgroundNode(null, array_merge($this->getSteps($i18nKeywords['given'], 'there is agent A', $line, 'Given'), $this->getSteps($i18nKeywords['and'], 'there is agent B', $line, 'Given')), $keywords[0], $backgroundLine);
                $line += 1;
                $scenarios = array();
                foreach (explode('|', $i18nKeywords['scenario']) as $scenarioKeyword) {
                    $scenarioLine = $line;
                    $line += 1;
                    $steps = array_merge($this->getSteps($i18nKeywords['given'], 'there is agent J', $line, 'Given'), $this->getSteps($i18nKeywords['and'], 'there is agent K', $line, 'Given'), $this->getSteps($i18nKeywords['when'], 'I erase agent K\'s memory', $line, 'When'), $this->getSteps($i18nKeywords['then'], 'there should be agent J', $line, 'Then'), $this->getSteps($i18nKeywords['but'], 'there should not be agent K', $line, 'Then'));
                    $scenarios[] = new ScenarioNode('Erasing agent memory', array(), $steps, $scenarioKeyword, $scenarioLine);
                    $line += 1;
                foreach (explode('|', $i18nKeywords['scenario_outline']) as $outlineKeyword) {
                    $outlineLine = $line;
                    $line += 1;
                    $steps = array_merge($this->getSteps($i18nKeywords['given'], 'there is agent <agent1>', $line, 'Given'), $this->getSteps($i18nKeywords['and'], 'there is agent <agent2>', $line, 'Given'), $this->getSteps($i18nKeywords['when'], 'I erase agent <agent2>\'s memory', $line, 'When'), $this->getSteps($i18nKeywords['then'], 'there should be agent <agent1>', $line, 'Then'), $this->getSteps($i18nKeywords['but'], 'there should not be agent <agent2>', $line, 'Then'));
                    $line += 1;
                    $keywords = explode('|', $i18nKeywords['examples']);
                    $table = new ExampleTableNode(array(++$line => array('agent1', 'agent2'), ++$line => array('D', 'M')), $keywords[0]);
                    $line += 1;
                    $scenarios[] = new OutlineNode('Erasing other agents\' memory', array(), $steps, $table, $outlineKeyword, $outlineLine);
                    $line += 1;
                $features[] = new FeatureNode('Internal operations', <<<DESC
In order to stay secret
As a secret organization
We need to be able to erase past agents' memory
, array(), $background, $scenarios, $featureKeyword, $lang, $lang . '_' . ($transNum + 1) . '.feature', $featureLine);
            $dumped = $dumper->dump($lang, false, true);
            $parsed = array();
            try {
                foreach ($dumped as $num => $dumpedFeature) {
                    $parsed[] = $parser->parse($dumpedFeature, $lang . '_' . ($num + 1) . '.feature');
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                throw new \Exception($e->getMessage() . ":\n" . json_encode($dumped), 0, $e);
            $data[] = array($lang, $features, $parsed);
        return $data;
Example #6
    public function translationTestDataProvider()
        $keywords = $this->getKeywords();
        $lexer = new Lexer($keywords);
        $parser = new Parser($lexer);
        $dumper = new KeywordsDumper($keywords);
        $data = array();
        foreach ($this->getKeywordsArray() as $lang => $i18nKeywords) {
            $features = array();
            foreach (explode('|', $i18nKeywords['feature']) as $transNum => $featureKeyword) {
                $line = 1;
                if ('en' !== $lang) {
                    $line = 2;
                $feature = new Node\FeatureNode('Internal operations', <<<DESC
In order to stay secret
As a secret organization
We need to be able to erase past agents' memory
, $lang . '_' . ($transNum + 1) . '.feature', $line);
                $line += 5;
                $background = new Node\BackgroundNode(null, $line);
                $keywords = explode('|', $i18nKeywords['background']);
                $line += 1;
                $line = $this->addSteps($background, $i18nKeywords['given'], 'there is agent A', $line);
                $line = $this->addSteps($background, $i18nKeywords['and'], 'there is agent B', $line);
                $line += 1;
                foreach (explode('|', $i18nKeywords['scenario']) as $scenarioKeyword) {
                    $scenario = new Node\ScenarioNode('Erasing agent memory', $line);
                    $line += 1;
                    $line = $this->addSteps($scenario, $i18nKeywords['given'], 'there is agent J', $line);
                    $line = $this->addSteps($scenario, $i18nKeywords['and'], 'there is agent K', $line);
                    $line = $this->addSteps($scenario, $i18nKeywords['when'], 'I erase agent K\'s memory', $line);
                    $line = $this->addSteps($scenario, $i18nKeywords['then'], 'there should be agent J', $line);
                    $line = $this->addSteps($scenario, $i18nKeywords['but'], 'there should not be agent K', $line);
                    $line += 1;
                foreach (explode('|', $i18nKeywords['scenario_outline']) as $outlineKeyword) {
                    $outline = new Node\OutlineNode('Erasing other agents\' memory', $line);
                    $line += 1;
                    $line = $this->addSteps($outline, $i18nKeywords['given'], 'there is agent <agent1>', $line);
                    $line = $this->addSteps($outline, $i18nKeywords['and'], 'there is agent <agent2>', $line);
                    $line = $this->addSteps($outline, $i18nKeywords['when'], 'I erase agent <agent2>\'s memory', $line);
                    $line = $this->addSteps($outline, $i18nKeywords['then'], 'there should be agent <agent1>', $line);
                    $line = $this->addSteps($outline, $i18nKeywords['but'], 'there should not be agent <agent2>', $line);
                    $line += 1;
                    $outline->setExamples($examples = new Node\TableNode(<<<TABLE
                      | agent1 | agent2 |
                      | D      | M      |
                    $keywords = explode('|', $i18nKeywords['examples']);
                    $line += 3;
                    $line += 1;
                $features[] = $feature;
            $dumped = $dumper->dump($lang, false);
            $parsed = array();
            try {
                foreach ($dumped as $num => $dumpedFeature) {
                    $parsed[] = $parser->parse($dumpedFeature, $lang . '_' . ($num + 1) . '.feature');
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                throw new \Exception($e->getMessage() . ":\n" . $dumped, 0, $e);
            $data[] = array($lang, $features, $parsed);
        return $data;
Example #7
  * Prints features usage example in specified language (--lang) to the console.
  * @param   Behat\Gherkin\Keywords\KeywordsDumper           $dumper     keywords dumper
  * @param   string                                          $lang       locale name
  * @param   Symfony\Component\Console\Input\OutputInterface $output     output console
 protected function demonstrateUsageExample(KeywordsDumper $dumper, $lang, OutputInterface $output)
     $output->writeln($dumper->dump($lang) . "\n", OutputInterface::OUTPUT_RAW);