Example #1
 public function boot()
     // Extend the navigation
     Event::listen('backend.menu.extendItems', function ($manager) {
         $manager->addSideMenuItems('RainLab.Blog', 'blog', ['tags' => ['label' => 'Tags', 'icon' => 'icon-tags', 'code' => 'tags', 'owner' => 'RainLab.Blog', 'url' => Backend::url('bedard/blogtags/tags')]]);
     // Extend the controller
     PostsController::extendFormFields(function ($form, $model, $context) {
         if (!$model instanceof PostModel) {
         $form->addSecondaryTabFields(['tagbox' => ['label' => 'Tags', 'tab' => 'rainlab.blog::lang.post.tab_categories', 'type' => 'owl-tagbox', 'slugify' => true]]);
     // Extend the model
     PostModel::extend(function ($model) {
         // Relationship
         $model->belongsToMany['tags'] = ['Bedard\\BlogTags\\Models\\Tag', 'table' => 'bedard_blogtags_post_tag', 'order' => 'name'];
         // getTagboxAttribute()
         $model->addDynamicMethod('getTagboxAttribute', function () use($model) {
             return $model->tags()->lists('name');
         // setTagboxAttribute()
         $model->addDynamicMethod('setTagboxAttribute', function ($tags) use($model) {
             $this->tags = $tags;
     // Attach tags to model
     PostModel::saved(function ($model) {
         if ($this->tags) {
             $ids = [];
             foreach ($this->tags as $name) {
                 $create = Tag::firstOrCreate(['name' => $name]);
                 $ids[] = $create->id;
Example #2
  * Attach new tags to a blog post
 private function attachTags($newTags)
     // The post we're adding tags to
     $post = $this->model->id ? $this->model : new Post();
     // firstOrCreate and attach new tags
     foreach ($newTags as $tag) {
         $tag = Tag::firstOrCreate(['name' => $tag]);
         $post->tags()->add($tag, $this->sessionKey);
Example #3
 public function boot()
     $plugin_manager = \System\Classes\PluginManager::instance();
     // Walidacja tablicy
     Validator::extend('arrayed', function ($attribute, $value, $params) {
         foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
             $validation = true;
             for ($i = 1; $i < count($params); $i++) {
                 $validation = $validation && Validator::make($val, [$params[$i] => $params[0]])->fails();
             if ($validation === true) {
                 return false;
         return true;
     // Walidacja numeru telefonu
     Validator::extend('phone', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters) {
         return preg_match('/^(\\+|(00))?(\\([0-9]{2}\\))?([ -]?[0-9]{2,})+$/i', $value) && mb_strlen($value) >= 9 && mb_strlen($value) <= 18;
      * Rozdzerzenie menu o prawidłowe urle do artykułów
     if ($plugin_manager->hasPlugin('Flynsarmy.Menu')) {
         \Flynsarmy\Menu\Models\Menuitem::extend(function ($model) {
             $model->addDynamicMethod('beforeSave', function () use($model) {
                 $classes = ['Flynsarmy\\Menu\\MenuItemTypes\\BlogPost' => 'rainlab_blog_posts', 'Flynsarmy\\Menu\\MenuItemTypes\\BlogCategory' => 'rainlab_blog_categories'];
                 $column = ['post_id', 'category_id'];
                 if (array_key_exists(post('master_object_class'), $classes)) {
                     $object = Db::table($classes[post('master_object_class')])->find($model->master_object_id);
                     if ($object) {
                         $url = $object->url;
                         $model->url = $url;
                         $model->{$column[array_search(post('master_object_class'), $classes)]} = $model->master_object_id;
                         $model->selected_item_id = $model->selected_item_id ?: $url;
                 // usunięcie hosta z urla
                 $model->url = str_replace(\URL::to('/'), '', $model->url);
     // Rozszerzenie pluginu Tags
     if ($plugin_manager->hasPlugin('Bedard.BlogTags')) {
         Tag::extend(function ($model) {
             $model->belongsToMany = ['posts' => ['Bm\\Field\\Models\\Post', 'table' => 'bedard_blogtags_post_tag', 'order' => 'published_at desc']];
         // Extend the model
         Post::extend(function ($model) {
             // Relationship
             $model->belongsToMany['tags'] = ['Bedard\\BlogTags\\Models\\Tag', 'table' => 'bedard_blogtags_post_tag', 'order' => 'name'];
             // getTagboxAttribute()
             $model->addDynamicMethod('getTaglistAttribute', function () use($model) {
                 return $model->tags()->lists('name');
             // setTagboxAttribute()
             $model->addDynamicMethod('setTaglistAttribute', function ($tags) use($model) {
                 $this->tags = $tags;
         // Attach tags to model
         Post::saved(function ($model) {
             if ($this->tags) {
                 $ids = [];
                 foreach ($this->tags as $name) {
                     $create = Tag::firstOrCreate(['name' => $name]);
                     $ids[] = $create->id;
      * Problem z grupowaniem w zarządzaniu grupami
      * @todo usunąć po poprawce w octoberze
     Backend\Models\UserGroup::extend(function ($model) {
         $model->belongsToMany['users_count'] = ['Backend\\Models\\User', 'table' => 'backend_users_groups', 'count' => true, 'key' => 'user_id'];
      * Rozszerzanie pól bloga
     Event::listen('backend.form.extendFields', function ($form) {
         if ($form->getController() instanceof \Bm\Field\Controllers\Posts && in_array($form->getContext(), ['create', 'update'])) {
             // Nadpisanie pola z tagami
             if (class_exists('\\Bedard\\BlogTags\\Plugin')) {
             // Generowanie pól szablonu
             // Ustawianie domyślnej daty publikacji
             $form->data->published_at = $form->data->published_at ?: Carbon::now();
      * Rozdzerzenie pól menu o id artykułukategorii
     Event::listen('backend.list.extendColumns', function ($widget) {
         if ($widget->getController() instanceof \Flynsarmy\Menu\Controllers\Menus) {
             $widget->addColumns(['post_id' => ['hidden' => true], 'category_id' => ['hidden' => false]]);
     // Rejestracja rozszerzeń Twiga
     Event::listen('cms.page.beforeDisplay', function ($controller, $url, $page) {
         $twig = $controller->getTwig();
         $twig->addExtension(new \Bm\Field\Classes\TwigExcerpt());
         $twig->addExtension(new \Bm\Field\Classes\TwigThumbnail());
         $twig->addExtension(new \Bm\Field\Classes\TwigPostUrl());
         if ($page) {
             // Ustawianie aktywnego urla w menu
             $page->menu_url = empty($page->url) ? '/' : $page->url;