public function log() { $ar = func_get_args(); $cn = \bbn\str\text::encode_filename(str_replace('\\', '_', get_class($this))); foreach ($ar as $a) { \bbn\tools::log($a, $cn); } }
/** * Empties the structure tables for a given database and refill them with the current structure * * @param string $db * @return void */ public function update($db = '') { apc_clear_cache(); apc_clear_cache("user"); if (empty($db)) { $db = $this->db->current; } if (\bbn\str\text::check_name($db)) { $change = $this->db->current === $db ? false : $this->db->current; if ($change) { $this->db->change($db); } $schema = $this->db->modelize(); if ($change) { $this->db->change($change); } /* $projects = []; $r1 = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `{$this->admin_db}`.`{$this->prefix}projects` WHERE `db` LIKE '$db'"); while ( $d1 = $r1->get_row() ){ $projects[$d1['id']] = $d1; $projects[$d1['id']]['forms'] = []; $r2 = $this->db->query(" SELECT id FROM `{$this->admin_db}`.`{$this->prefix}forms` WHERE `id_project` = ?", $d1['id']); while ( $d2 = $r2->get_row() ){ $projects[$d1['id']]['forms'][$d2['id']] = $this->get_form_config(); } } */ $this->db->query("DELETE IGNORE FROM `{$this->prefix}dbs` WHERE id LIKE '{$db}.%'"); $this->db->query("DELETE IGNORE FROM `{$this->prefix}tables` WHERE id LIKE '{$db}.%'"); $this->db->query("DELETE IGNORE FROM `{$this->prefix}columns` WHERE id LIKE '{$db}.%'"); $this->db->query("DELETE IGNORE FROM `{$this->prefix}keys` WHERE id LIKE '{$db}.%'"); $this->db->raw_query("\n INSERT IGNORE INTO `{$this->admin_db}`.`{$this->prefix}dbs`\n (`id`, `host`, `db`)\n VALUES\n ('{$db}', '{$this->db->host}', '{$db}')"); $has_history = false; if (\bbn\appui\history::$is_used && isset($schema[\bbn\appui\history::$htable])) { $has_history = 1; } foreach ($schema as $t => $vars) { if (strpos($t, '.' . $this->prefix) === false) { $tmp = explode(".", $t); $db = $tmp[0]; $table = $tmp[1]; $this->db->insert_update($this->admin_db . '.' . $this->prefix . 'tables', ['id' => $t, 'db' => $db, 'table' => $table]); foreach ($vars['fields'] as $col => $f) { $config = new \stdClass(); if ($has_history && array_key_exists(\bbn\appui\history::$hcol, $vars['fields']) && $col !== \bbn\appui\history::$hcol) { $config->history = 1; } if (isset($f['default'])) { $config->default = $f['default']; } if (!empty($f['extra'])) { $config->extra = $f['extra']; } if (isset($f['signed']) && $f['signed'] == 1) { $config->signed = 1; } if (isset($f['null']) && $f['null'] == '1') { $config->null = 1; } if (isset($f['maxlength']) && $f['maxlength'] > 0) { $config->maxlength = (int) $f['maxlength']; } if (isset($f['keys'])) { $config->keys = []; foreach ($f['keys'] as $key) { $config->keys[$key] = $vars['keys'][$key]; } } $this->db->insert_update($this->admin_db . '.' . $this->prefix . 'columns', ['id' => $t . '.' . $col, 'table' => $t, 'column' => $col, 'position' => $f['position'], 'type' => $f['type'], 'null' => $f['null'], 'key' => $f['key'], 'config' => json_encode($config)]); } } } foreach ($schema as $t => $vars) { if (strpos($t, '.' . $this->prefix) === false) { if (is_array($vars['keys'])) { foreach ($vars['keys'] as $k => $arr) { $pos = 1; foreach ($arr['columns'] as $c) { $this->db->insert_update($this->admin_db . '.' . $this->prefix . 'keys', ['id' => $t . '.' . $c . '.' . $k, 'key' => $k, 'column' => $t . '.' . $c, 'position' => $pos, 'ref_column' => is_null($arr['ref_column']) ? null : $arr['ref_db'] . '.' . $arr['ref_table'] . '.' . $arr['ref_column']]); $pos++; } } } else { \bbn\tools::log($t); \bbn\tools::log($vars['keys']); } } } /* foreach ( $projects as $i => $p ){ $this->db->insert($this->admin_db.'.'.$this->prefix.'projects',[ 'id' => $i, 'id_client' => $p['id_client'], 'db' => $p['db'], 'name' => $p['name'], 'config' => $p['config']]); foreach ( $p['forms'] as $j => $form ){ $this->db->insert($this->admin_db.'.'.$this->prefix.'forms',[ 'id' => $j, 'id_project' => $i ]); foreach ( $form as $field ){ $this->db->insert_ignore($this->admin_db.'.'.$this->prefix.'fields',[ 'id' => $field['id'], 'id_form' => $j, 'column' => $field['column'], 'title' => $field['title'], 'position' => $field['position'], 'configuration' => json_encode($field['configuration']) ]); } } } * */ } }
/** * @return mixed */ private function _identify($credentials) { if ($this->check_session()) { $this->close_session(); } if (isset($credentials['user'], $credentials['pass'])) { // Table structure $arch =& $this->cfg['arch']; // Database Query if ($d = $this->db->rselect($this->cfg['tables']['users'], $this->fields, \bbn\tools::merge_arrays($this->cfg['conditions'], [$arch['users']['status'] => 1], [$arch['users']['login'] => $credentials['user']]))) { $this->id = $d['id']; $this->_user_info($d); // Canceling authentication if num_attempts > max_attempts if (!$this->check_attempts()) { $this->error = 4; } $pass = $this->db->select_one($this->cfg['tables']['passwords'], $arch['passwords']['pass'], [$arch['passwords']['id_user'] => $this->id], [$arch['passwords']['added'] => 'DESC']); if ($this->_check_password($credentials['pass'], $pass)) { $this->auth = 1; $this->_login(); } else { $this->record_attempt(); $this->error = 6; } } else { $this->error = 6; } } return $this->auth; }
public function log($st) { $args = func_get_args(); foreach ($args as $a) { \bbn\tools::log($a, 'db'); } }
/** * The function used by the \bbn\db\connection trigger * This will basically execute the history query if it's configured for. * * @param string $table The table for which the history is called * @param string $kind The type of action: select|update|insert|delete * @param string $moment The moment according to the db action: before|after * @param array $values key/value array of fields names and fields values selected/inserted/updated * @param array $where key/value array of fields names and fields values identifying the row * * @return bool returns true */ public static function trigger($table, $kind, $moment, $values = [], $where = []) { if (self::$enabled && self::check($table)) { $table = self::$db->table_full_name($table); if (!isset(self::$hstructures[$table])) { self::get_table_cfg($table); } if (isset(self::$hstructures[$table], self::$hstructures[$table]['history']) && self::$hstructures[$table]['history']) { $s =& self::$hstructures[$table]; if (!isset($s['primary'])) { \bbn\tools::dump($s); die("You need to have a primary key on a single column in your table {$table} in order to use the history class"); } $date = self::$date ? self::$date : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if (count($values) === 1 && array_keys($values)[0] === self::$hcol) { $kind = array_values($values)[0] === 1 ? 'restore' : 'delete'; } switch ($kind) { case 'select': break; case 'insert': if ($moment === 'before' && isset($values[$s['primary']])) { if (self::$db->select_one($table, self::$hcol, [$s['primary'] => $values[$s['primary']]]) === 0) { self::$db->update($table, [self::$hcol = 1], [$s['primary'] => $values[$s['primary']]]); } } else { if ($moment === 'after') { $id = self::$db->last_id(); self::$db->insert(self::$htable, ['operation' => 'INSERT', 'line' => $id, 'column' => $table . '.' . $s['primary'], 'old' => null, 'last_mod' => $date, 'id_user' => self::$huser]); self::$db->set_last_insert_id($id); } } break; case 'restore': if ($moment === 'after') { self::$db->insert(self::$htable, ['operation' => 'RESTORE', 'line' => $where[$s['primary']], 'column' => $table . '.' . self::$hcol, 'old' => '0', 'last_mod' => $date, 'id_user' => self::$huser]); } break; case 'update': if ($moment === 'before') { self::$last_rows = self::$db->rselect_all($table, array_keys($values), $where); } else { if ($moment === 'after') { if (is_array(self::$last_rows)) { foreach (self::$last_rows as $upd) { foreach ($values as $c => $v) { if (!isset($upd[$c])) { $upd[$c] = null; } if ($v !== $upd[$c] && $c !== self::$hcol && isset($s['fields'][$c]['config']['history'])) { self::$db->insert(self::$htable, ['operation' => 'UPDATE', 'line' => $where[$s['primary']], 'column' => $table . '.' . $c, 'old' => $upd[$c], 'last_mod' => $date, 'id_user' => self::$huser]); } } } } else { $id = self::$db->last_id(); self::$db->insert(self::$htable, ['operation' => 'INSERT', 'line' => $id, 'column' => $table . '.' . $s['primary'], 'old' => '', 'last_mod' => $date, 'id_user' => self::$huser]); self::$db->set_last_insert_id($id); } self::$last_rows = false; } } break; case 'delete': if ($moment === 'before') { // Looking for foreign constraints // Nothing is really deleted, the hcol is just set to 0 if ($r = self::$db->query(self::$db->get_update($table, [self::$hcol], $where), 0, array_values($where)[0])) { self::$db->insert(self::$htable, ['operation' => 'DELETE', 'line' => $where[$s['primary']], 'column' => $table . '.' . self::$hcol, 'old' => 1, 'last_mod' => $date, 'id_user' => self::$huser]); return ['trig' => false, 'value' => $r]; /* For each value of this key which is deleted (hopefully one) $to_check = self::$db->get_rows(" SELECT k.`column` AS id, c1.`column` AS to_change, c2.`column` AS from_change, c1.`null`, t.`table` FROM `".self::$admin_db."`.`".self::$prefix."keys` AS k JOIN `".self::$prefix."columns` AS c1 ON c1.`id` LIKE k.`column` JOIN `".self::$prefix."columns` AS c2 ON c2.`id` LIKE k.`ref_column` JOIN `".self::$prefix."tables` AS t ON t.`id` LIKE c1.`table` WHERE k.`ref_column` LIKE ?", $table.'.%%'); $to_select = [self::$primary]; foreach ( $to_check as $c ){ array_push($to_select, $c['from_change']); } // The values from the constrained rows that should have been deleted $delete = self::$db->select_all($table, array_unique($to_select), $where); foreach ( $delete as $del ){ $del = (array) $del; // For each table having a constrain foreach ( $to_check as $c ){ // If it's nullable we set it to null if ( $c['null'] == 1 ){ self::$db->query(" UPDATE `$c[table]` SET `$c[to_change]` = NULL WHERE `$c[to_change]` = ?", $del[$c['from_change']]); } // Then we "delete" it on the same manner self::$db->delete($c['table'], [ $c['to_change'] => $del[$c['from_change']] ], $date); } // Inserting a new history row for each deleted value self::$db->insert(self::$htable, [ 'operation' => 'DELETE', 'line' => $del[$s['primary']], 'column' => $table.'.'.self::$hcol, 'old' => 1, 'last_mod' => $date, 'id_user' => self::$huser]); } * */ } } break; } } } return 1; }
public static function sync(\bbn\db\connection $db, $dbs = '', $dbs_table = '', $num_try = 0) { if (!$num_try) { self::define($dbs, $dbs_table); self::first_call(); self::disable(); $mode_db = self::$db->get_error_mode(); $mode_dbs = self::$dbs->get_error_mode(); self::$db->set_error_mode("continue"); self::$dbs->set_error_mode("continue"); } $num_try++; $to_log = ['deleted_sync' => 0, 'deleted_real' => 0, 'updated_sync' => 0, 'updated_real' => 0, 'inserted_sync' => 0, 'inserted_real' => 0, 'num_problems' => 0, 'problems' => []]; $retry = false; $start = ($test = self::$dbs->get_one("\n SELECT MIN(moment)\n FROM " . self::$dbs->escape(self::$dbs_table) . "\n WHERE db NOT LIKE ?\n AND state = 0", self::$db->current)) ? $test : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Deleting the entries prior to this sync we produced and have been seen by the twin process $to_log['deleted_sync'] = self::$dbs->delete(self::$dbs_table, [['db', 'LIKE', self::$db->current], ['state', '=', 1], ['moment', '<', $start]]); // Selecting the entries inserted $ds = self::$dbs->rselect_all(self::$dbs_table, ['id', 'tab', 'vals', 'moment'], [['db', 'NOT LIKE', self::$db->current], ['state', '=', 0], ['action', 'LIKE', 'insert']], ['moment' => 'ASC', 'id' => 'ASC']); // They just have to be inserted foreach ($ds as $i => $d) { if (isset(self::$methods['cbf1'])) { self::cbf1($d); } $vals = json_decode($d['vals'], 1); if (!is_array($vals)) { $to_log['num_problems']++; array_push($to_log['problems'], "Hey, look urgently at the row {$d['id']}!"); } else { if (self::$db->insert($d['tab'], $vals)) { if (isset(self::$methods['cbf2'])) { self::cbf2($d); } $to_log['inserted_sync']++; self::$dbs->update(self::$dbs_table, ["state" => 1], ["id" => $d['id']]); } else { if (self::$db->select($d['tab'], [], $vals)) { self::$dbs->update(self::$dbs_table, ["state" => 1], ["id" => $d['id']]); } else { if ($num_try > self::$max_retry) { $to_log['num_problems']++; array_push($to_log['problems'], "Problem while syncing (insert), check data with status 5 and ID " . $d['id']); self::$dbs->update(self::$dbs_table, ["state" => 5], ["id" => $d['id']]); } $retry = 1; } } } } // Selecting the entries modified and deleted in the twin DB, // ordered by table and rows (so the same go together) $ds = self::$dbs->rselect_all(self::$dbs_table, ['id', 'tab', 'action', 'rows', 'vals', 'moment'], [['db', 'NOT LIKE', self::$db->current], ['state', '=', 0], ['rows', 'NOT LIKE', '[]'], ['action', 'NOT LIKE', 'insert']], ['tab' => 'ASC', 'rows' => 'ASC', 'moment' => 'ASC', 'id' => 'ASC']); foreach ($ds as $i => $d) { // Executing the first callback if (isset(self::$methods['cbf1'])) { self::cbf1($d); } // Proceeding to the actions: delete is before if ($d['action'] === 'delete') { if (self::$db->delete($d['tab'], json_decode($d['rows'], 1))) { self::$dbs->update(self::$dbs_table, ["state" => 1], ["id" => $d['id']]); $to_log['deleted_real']++; } else { if (!self::$db->select($d['tab'], [], json_decode($d['rows'], 1))) { self::$dbs->update(self::$dbs_table, ["state" => 1], ["id" => $d['id']]); } else { if ($num_try > self::$max_retry) { self::$dbs->update(self::$dbs_table, ["state" => 5], ["id" => $d['id']]); $to_log['num_problems']++; array_push($to_log['problems'], "Problem while syncing (delete), check data with status 5 and ID " . $d['id']); } $retry = 1; } } } // Checking if there is another change done to this record and when in the twin DB $next_time = isset($ds[$i + 1]) && $ds[$i + 1]['tab'] === $d['tab'] && $ds[$i + 1]['rows'] === $d['rows'] ? $ds[$i + 1]['moment'] : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Looking for the actions done on this specific record in our database // between the twin change and the next (or now if there is no other change) $each = self::$dbs->rselect_all(self::$dbs_table, ['id', 'moment', 'action', 'vals'], [['db', 'LIKE', self::$db->current], ['tab', 'LIKE', $d['tab']], ['rows', 'LIKE', $d['rows']], ['moment', '>=', $d['moment']], ['moment', '<', $next_time]]); if (count($each) > 0) { $to_log['num_problems']++; array_push($to_log['problems'], "Conflict!", $d); foreach ($each as $i => $e) { // If it's deleted locally and updated on the twin we restore if ($e['action'] === 'delete') { if ($d['action'] === 'update') { if (!self::$db->insert_update($d['tab'], \bbn\tools::merge_arrays(json_decode($e['vals'], 1), json_decode($d['vals'], 1)))) { $to_log['num_problems']++; array_push($to_log['problems'], "insert_update number 1 had a problem"); } } } else { if ($e['action'] === 'update') { if ($d['action'] === 'delete') { if (!self::$db->insert_update($d['tab'], \bbn\tools::merge_arrays(json_decode($d['vals'], 1), json_decode($e['vals'], 1)))) { $to_log['num_problems']++; array_push($to_log['problems'], "insert_update had a problem"); } } else { if ($d['action'] === 'update') { $d['vals'] = json_encode(\bbn\tools::merge_arrays(json_decode($d['vals'], 1), json_decode($e['vals'], 1))); } } } } } } // Proceeding to the actions update is after in case we needed to restore if ($d['action'] === 'update') { if (self::$db->update($d['tab'], json_decode($d['vals'], 1), json_decode($d['rows'], 1))) { self::$dbs->update(self::$dbs_table, ["state" => 1], ["id" => $d['id']]); $to_log['updated_real']++; } else { if (self::$db->select($d['tab'], [], \bbn\tools::merge_arrays(json_decode($d['rows'], 1), json_decode($d['vals'], 1)))) { self::$dbs->update(self::$dbs_table, ["state" => 1], ["id" => $d['id']]); } else { if ($num_try > self::$max_retry) { self::$dbs->update(self::$dbs_table, ["state" => 5], ["id" => $d['id']]); $to_log['num_problems']++; array_push($to_log['problems'], "Problem while syncing (update), check data with status 5 and ID " . $d['id']); } $retry = 1; } } } // Callback number 2 if (isset(self::$methods['cbf2'])) { self::cbf2($d); } } $res = []; foreach ($to_log as $k => $v) { if (!empty($v)) { $res[$k] = $v; } } if ($retry && $num_try <= self::$max_retry) { $res = \bbn\tools::merge_arrays($res, self::sync($db, $dbs, $dbs_table, $num_try)); } else { self::$db->set_error_mode($mode_db); self::$dbs->set_error_mode($mode_dbs); self::enable(); } return $res; }
/** * Returns an array of files in a directory. * * It returns the full path ie including the original directory's path. * If including_dirs is set to true it will also return the folders included in the path. * * <code> * \bbn\file\dir::get_files("C:\Docs\Test"); //Returns ['C:/DocsTest/file.txt', 'C:/DocsTest/file.doc'] * \bbn\file\dir::get_files("C:\Docs\Test", 1); //Returns ['C:/DocsTest/test1', 'C:/DocsTest/test2', 'C:/DocsTest/file.txt', 'C:/DocsTest/file.doc'] * </code> * * @param string $dir The directory path. * @param bool $including_dirs If set to true it will also return the folders included in the path. * * @return array|false */ public static function get_files($dir, $including_dirs = false) { $dir = self::clean($dir); if (is_dir($dir)) { $files = []; $fs = scandir($dir); foreach ($fs as $f) { if ($f !== '.' && $f !== '..') { if ($including_dirs) { array_push($files, self::cur($dir . '/') . $f); } else { if (is_file($dir . '/' . $f)) { array_push($files, self::cur($dir . '/') . $f); } } } } \bbn\tools::sort($files); return $files; } return false; }
public function info($path = '.') { if ($this->has_svn) { $this->auth(); return svn_status($path, SVN_NON_RECURSIVE | SVN_ALL); } else { ob_start(); system("svn info " . $this->args()); $st = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); \bbn\tools::hdump($st); return $this->parseCMD($st); } }
public static function monthpicker_options($val = '') { $arr = []; for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $arr[$i] = self::month_name($i); } return \bbn\tools::build_options($arr, $val); }
public function run($id_cron = null) { if ($cron = $this->get_next($id_cron)) { $ok = 1; if ($this->is_running($cron['id'])) { $runner = $this->get_runner($cron['id']); $start = strtotime($runner['start']); $timeout = $runner['cfg']['timeout']; if ($start + $timeout > time()) { $this->alert(); } $ok = false; } if ($ok) { $id = $this->start($cron['id']); $output = $this->_exec($cron['file'], $cron['cfg']); $time = $this->finish($id, $output); \bbn\tools::dump("Execution of " . $cron['file'] . " (Journal ID: {$id}) in {$time} secs", $output); return 1; } } }
/** * Returns a variable in a fashion that is directly usable by PHP. * * @param mixed $o The item to be. * @param bool $remove_empty Default: "false". * @param int $lev Default: "1". * * @return mixed */ public static function export($o, $remove_empty = false, $lev = 1) { $st = ''; if (is_object($o) && ($cls = get_class($o)) && $cls !== 'stdClass') { $st .= "Object " . get_class($o) . PHP_EOL; } if (is_object($o) || is_array($o)) { $is_assoc = is_object($o) || \bbn\tools::is_assoc($o); $st .= $is_assoc ? '{' : '['; $st .= PHP_EOL; foreach ($o as $k => $v) { if ($remove_empty && (is_string($v) && empty($v) || is_array($v) && count($v) === 0)) { continue; } $st .= str_repeat(' ', $lev); if ($is_assoc) { $st .= (is_string($k) ? "'" . \bbn\str\text::escape_squote($k) . "'" : $k) . ": "; } if (is_array($v)) { $st .= self::export($v, $remove_empty, $lev + 1); } else { if (is_object($v)) { $cls = get_class($v); if ($cls === 'stdClass') { $st .= self::export($v, $remove_empty, $lev + 1); } else { $st .= "Object {$cls}"; } } else { if ($v === 0) { $st .= '0'; } else { if (is_null($v)) { $st .= 'null'; } else { if (is_bool($v)) { $st .= $v === false ? 'false' : 'true'; } else { if (is_int($v) || is_float($v)) { $st .= $v; } else { if (!$remove_empty || !empty($v)) { $st .= "'" . \bbn\str\text::escape_squote($v) . "'"; } } } } } } } $st .= ',' . PHP_EOL; } $st .= str_repeat(' ', $lev - 1); $st .= $is_assoc ? '}' : ']'; return $st; } return $o; }
public function debug($file = 'misc') { $i = debug_backtrace(); \bbn\tools::log(print_r($i, 1)); }
/** * Returns the current configuration. * * @return array Current configuration */ public function get_config() { $this->update(); $tmp = \bbn\tools::remove_empty($this->cfg); if (isset($tmp['content']) && is_array($tmp['content'])) { foreach ($tmp['content'] as $i => $c) { if (is_object($c)) { if (method_exists($c, 'get_config')) { $tmp['content'][$i] = $c->get_config(); } } } } return $tmp; }
/** * Generates a whole input configuration array by combining the passed and default configurations * @param array $cfg The input's config * @return array */ public function input($cfg = array()) { if (is_array($cfg) && isset($cfg['attr']['name'])) { self::give_id($cfg); if (isset($cfg['field'])) { $cfg = \bbn\tools::merge_arrays(self::specs('fields', $cfg['field']), $cfg); } /* if ( !isset($cfg['tag']) ){ $cfg['tag'] = 'input'; } if ( !isset($cfg['attr']['type']) ){ $cfg['attr']['type'] = 'text'; } */ if (isset($cfg['data'])) { if (isset($cfg['data']['sql'], $this->_current_cfg['data']['db'])) { $db =& $this->_current_cfg['data']['db']; if (!isset($cfg['widget']['options']['dataSource'])) { $cfg['widget']['options']['dataSource'] = []; } $count = ($r = $db->query($cfg['data']['sql'])) ? $r->count() : 0; if ($count <= self::max_values_at_once) { if ($ds = $db->get_irows($cfg['data']['sql'])) { foreach ($ds as $d) { if (count($d) > 1) { array_push($cfg['widget']['options']['dataSource'], ['value' => $d[0], 'text' => $d[1]]); } else { array_push($cfg['widget']['options']['dataSource'], $d[0]); } } } } else { $cfg['field'] = 'autocomplete'; } } else { if (is_array($cfg['data']) && count($cfg['data']) > 0) { if (isset($cfg['data'][0])) { $cfg['widget']['options']['dataSource'] = $cfg['data']; } else { $cfg['widget']['options']['dataSource'] = []; foreach ($cfg['data'] as $k => $v) { array_push($cfg['widget']['options']['dataSource'], ['value' => $k, 'text' => $v]); } } } } if (isset($cfg['widget']['options']['dataSource'][0]['text'])) { $cfg['widget']['options']['dataTextField'] = 'text'; $cfg['widget']['options']['dataValueField'] = 'value'; } } if (is_array($cfg)) { // Size calculation if (isset($cfg['attr']['maxlength']) && !isset($cfg['attr']['size'])) { if ($cfg['attr']['maxlength'] <= 20) { $cfg['attr']['size'] = (int) $cfg['attr']['maxlength']; } } if (isset($cfg['attr']['size'], $cfg['attr']['minlength']) && $cfg['attr']['size'] < $cfg['attr']['minlength']) { $cfg['attr']['size'] = (int) $cfg['attr']['minlength']; } $cfg = array_filter($cfg, function ($a) { return !(is_array($a) && count($a) === 0); }); } if (isset($cfg['null']) && $cfg['null']) { if (empty($cfg['attr']['value'])) { $cfg['attr']['value'] = null; $cfg['attr']['disabled'] = true; if (isset($cfg['widget'])) { if (!isset($cfg['script'])) { $cfg['script'] = ''; } /* $cfg['script'] .= 'if ( $("#'.$cfg['attr']['id'].'").data("'.$cfg['widget']['name'].'") ){ $("#'.$cfg['attr']['id'].'").data("'.$cfg['widget']['name'].'").enable(false); } else if ( $("#'.$cfg['attr']['id'].'").'.$cfg['widget']['name'].' ){ $("#'.$cfg['attr']['id'].'").'.$cfg['widget']['name'].'("enable", false); }'; * */ } } } $t = new \bbn\html\input($cfg); return $t; } return false; }
<?php /** @var $this \bbn\mvc\controller */ // DB connection $db =& $this->data['db']; if (!empty($db) && !empty($this->data['id_lib'])) { // Get all library's versions $versions = $db->rselect_all('versions', [], ['library' => $this->data['id_lib']], ['date_added' => 'DESC']); foreach ($versions as $i => $ver) { // Get all versions' dependencies $versions[$i]['dependencies'] = $db->get_rows("\n SELECT libraries.title,, AS version\n FROM dependencies\n LEFT JOIN versions\n ON id_master =\n LEFT JOIN libraries\n ON versions.library =\n WHERE id_slave = ?\n GROUP BY libraries.title\n ORDER BY", $ver['id']); // Make version's files TreeView $versions[$i]['files_tree'] = \bbn\tools::make_tree((array) json_decode($ver['content'])); } return $versions; } else { if (!empty($this->data['folder']) && !empty(BBN_CDN_PATH)) { $ret = []; // Library path $lib_path = BBN_CDN_PATH . 'lib/' . $this->data['folder']; // Check if the library's subfolders are already inserted into db and use the first not included as version if (is_dir($lib_path) && ($dirs = \bbn\file\dir::get_dirs($lib_path))) { $ver = []; foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if (empty($db->select('versions', [], ['name' => basename($dir), 'library' => $this->data['folder']]))) { array_push($ver, $dir); } } if (empty($ver)) { return ['error' => "All library's versions (subfolders) are existing into database."]; }
public function __construct(array $cfg) { if (isset($cfg['primary'])) { $this->id = isset($cfg['id']) ? $cfg['id'] : \bbn\str\text::genpwd(); $this->primary = $cfg['primary']; if (!isset($cfg['builder'])) { $cfg['builder'] = new \bbn\html\builder(); } $this->builder = $cfg['builder']; $this->grid = new \Kendo\UI\Grid($this->id); $this->dataSource = new \Kendo\Data\DataSource(); if (isset($cfg['data'])) { $this->dataSource->data($cfg['data']); } $this->schema = new \Kendo\Data\DataSourceSchema(); $this->schema->data('data'); $this->schema->total('total'); $this->model = new \Kendo\Data\DataSourceSchemaModel(); $this->model->id($cfg['primary']); foreach ($cfg['elements'] as $e) { if (isset($e['attr']['name'])) { $field = new \Kendo\Data\DataSourceSchemaModelField($e['attr']['name']); if (isset($e['attr']['name']) && isset($e['editable']) && $e['editable']) { if (isset($e['type'])) { $field->type($e['type']); } if (isset($e['null']) && $e['null']) { $field->nullable(true); } if (isset($e['attr']['readonly']) && $e['attr']['readonly']) { $field->editable(false); } else { if (isset($e['validation'])) { $field->validation($e['validation']); } } $this->model->addField($field); } if (empty($e['editable'])) { $field->editable(false); } if (!empty($e['default'])) { $field->defaultValue($e['default']); } } $col = new \Kendo\UI\GridColumn(); if (!isset($e['field']) || $e['field'] !== 'hidden') { if (isset($e['editable']) && $e['editable']) { /* if ( !isset($e['editor']) ){ $input = $this->builder->input($e, 1); $sc = $input->ele_and_script(); $e['editor'] = new \Kendo\JavaScriptFunction('function(container, options) { '.$sc[0].'.appendTo(container)'.$sc[1].' }'); } $col->editor($e['editor']); * */ } if (isset($e['raw'])) { $col->encoded(false); } if (isset($e['data'])) { $col->values($e['data']); } if (isset($e['label'])) { $col->title($e['label']); } if (isset($e['attr']['name'])) { $col->field($e['attr']['name']); } if (isset($e['width'])) { $col->width((int) $e['width']); } if (isset($e['format'])) { $col->format('{0:' . $e['format'] . '}'); } if (isset($e['hidden'])) { $col->hidden(true); } if (isset($e['template'])) { $col->template($e['template']); } if (isset($e['editor'])) { $col->editor($e['editor']); } if (isset($e['encoded'])) { $col->encoded($e['encoded']); } if (isset($e['commands'])) { foreach ($e['commands'] as $c) { if (isset($c['click'])) { $c['click'] = new \Kendo\JavaScriptFunction($c['click']); } $col->addCommandItem($c); } } if (count(\bbn\tools::to_array($col)) > 0) { $this->grid->addColumn($col); } } } if (isset($cfg['url'])) { $this->transport = new \Kendo\Data\DataSourceTransport(); if (isset($cfg['all'])) { $this->set_all($cfg['url']); } else { if (isset($cfg['select'])) { $this->set_select($cfg['select'] === 1 || $cfg['select'] === 'on' ? 'json/select/' . $cfg['url'] : $cfg['select']); } if (isset($cfg['insert'])) { $this->set_insert($cfg['insert'] === 1 || $cfg['insert'] === 'on' ? 'json/insert/' . $cfg['url'] : $cfg['insert']); } if (isset($cfg['update'])) { $this->set_update($cfg['update'] === 1 || $cfg['update'] === 'on' ? 'json/update/' . $cfg['url'] : $cfg['update']); } if (isset($cfg['delete'])) { $this->set_delete($cfg['delete'] === 1 || $cfg['delete'] === 'on' ? 'json/delete/' . $cfg['url'] : $cfg['delete']); } } $this->dataSource->transport($this->transport); } if (isset($cfg['data'])) { $this->dataSource->data($cfg['data']); } $this->schema->model($this->model); $this->dataSource->schema($this->schema)->pageSize(50); $this->grid->attr("class", "appui-full-height")->datasource($this->dataSource)->editable(['mode' => 'popup'])->filterable(true)->resizable(true)->sortable(true)->groupable(true)->pageable(true)->columnMenu(true)->edit(new \Kendo\JavaScriptFunction('function(){ $(".k-edit-form-container").parent().css({ height:"auto", width:720, "max-height":appui.v.height-100 }).restyle().data("kendoWindow").title("' . \bbn\str\text::escape_dquotes($cfg['description']) . '").center(); }')); $this->cfg['args'] = [$this->id]; $this->cfg['datasource']['schema']['model']['id'] = $this->primary; } }