function tree($path, $ver_path, $c = false, $ext = false) { $res = []; foreach (\bbn\file\dir::get_files($path, 1) as $p) { if (empty($ext) || !empty($ext) && (\bbn\str::file_ext($p) === $ext || \bbn\str::file_ext($p) === '')) { $pa = substr($p, strlen($ver_path), strlen($p)); $r = ['text' => basename($p), 'path' => strpos($pa, '/') === 0 ? substr($pa, 1, strlen($pa)) : $pa]; if (!empty($c) && in_array($r['path'], $c)) { $r['checked'] = 1; } if (is_dir($p)) { $r['items'] = tree($p, $ver_path, $c, $ext); } if (!is_dir($p) || is_dir($p) && !empty($r['items'])) { array_push($res, $r); } } } return $res; }
<?php /* * Describe what it does to show you're not that dumb! * **/ /** @var $ctrl \bbn\mvc\controller */ if (isset($ctrl->post['ref'])) { $path = BBN_USER_PATH . 'tmp/' . $ctrl->post['ref']; $files = \bbn\file\dir::get_files($path); $ctrl->post['files'] = $files; } $ctrl->obj = $ctrl->get_object_model($ctrl->post);
<?php /* * Describe what it does or you're a pussy * **/ /** @var $model \bbn\mvc\model*/ if (isset($model->data['url'], $model->data['ref']) && \bbn\str::is_url($model->data['url'])) { $linkPreview = new \LinkPreview\LinkPreview($model->data['url']); $parsed = $linkPreview->getParsed(); $path = BBN_USER_PATH . 'tmp/' . $model->data['ref'] . '/'; $root = strval(time()); \bbn\file\dir::create_path($path . $root); foreach ($parsed as $parserName => $link) { if ($parserName === 'general') { $r = ['url' => $link->getUrl(), 'realurl' => $link->getRealUrl(), 'title' => $link->getPageTitle(), 'desc' => $link->getDescription(), 'pictures' => []]; $img = $link->getImage(); $pictures = $link->getPictures(); if (!is_array($pictures)) { $pictures = []; } if (!empty($img)) { array_unshift($pictures, $img); } foreach ($pictures as $pic) { $saved = @file_get_contents($pic); if ($saved && strlen($saved) > 1000) { $new = \bbn\str::encode_filename(basename($pic), \bbn\str::file_ext(basename($pic))); file_put_contents($path . $root . '/' . $new, $saved); unset($saved); $img = new \bbn\file\image($path . $root . '/' . $new);
} } } else { // Get files and folders $path = $path . (empty($model->data['path']) ? '' : $model->data['path']); $ff = \bbn\file\dir::get_files($path, 1); foreach ($ff as $f) { if (is_dir($f)) { // Folder name $fn = basename($f); // Add folder to array $folders[$fn] = ['path' => (empty($model->data['path']) ? '' : $model->data['path'] . '/') . $fn, 'name' => $fn, 'has_index' => \bbn\file\dir::has_file($f, 'index.php', 'index.html', 'index.htm') ? 1 : false, 'dir' => $current, 'parenthood' => true, 'is_svg' => false, 'is_viewable' => false, 'is_image' => false, 'default' => false, 'icon' => "folder-icon", 'bcolor' => $dir['bcolor'], 'type' => "dir"]; if (empty($model->data['onlydir'])) { $folders[$fn]['is_parent'] = count(\bbn\file\dir::get_files($f, 1)) > 0; } else { $folders[$fn]['is_parent'] = count(\bbn\file\dir::get_dirs($f)) > 0; } } else { if (empty($model->data['onlydir']) && !in_array(\bbn\str::file_ext($f), $excluded)) { // File extension $ext = \bbn\str::file_ext($f); // Filename $fn = \bbn\str::file_ext($f, 1)[0]; // Add file $files[$f] = ['path' => (empty($model->data['path']) ? '' : $model->data['path'] . '/') . basename($f), 'name' => $fn, 'has_index' => false, 'is_parent' => false, 'parenthood' => false, 'dir' => $current, 'is_svg' => $ext === 'svg', 'is_viewable' => in_array($ext, $file_check['viewables']) && $ext !== 'svg' ? true : false, 'is_image' => in_array($ext, $file_check['images']), 'default' => false, 'ext' => in_array($ext, $ext_icons) ? $ext : 'default', 'bcolor' => $dir['bcolor'], 'type' => "file"]; $files[$f]['default'] = !$files[$f]['is_svg'] && !$files[$f]['is_viewable'] && !$files[$f]['is_image'] ? true : false; } } } } if (ksort($folders, SORT_STRING | SORT_FLAG_CASE) && ksort($files, SORT_STRING | SORT_FLAG_CASE)) {
$file = $path . '/' . $new; if (\bbn\file\dir::create_path($path) && move_uploaded_file($f['tmp_name'], $file)) { $tmp = \bbn\str::file_ext($new, 1); $fname = $tmp[0]; $ext = $tmp[1]; $ctrl->obj->success = 1; $archives = ['zip', 'rar', 'tar', 'gzip', 'iso']; $images = ['jpg', 'gif', 'jpeg', 'png', 'svg']; $files = [basename($file)]; if (in_array($ext, $archives)) { $archive = \wapmorgan\UnifiedArchive\UnifiedArchive::open($file); \bbn\file\dir::create_path($path . '/' . $fname); if ($num = $archive->extractNode($path . '/' . $fname, '/')) { $tmp = getcwd(); chdir($path); $all = \bbn\file\dir::scan($fname, 'file'); foreach ($all as $a) { array_push($files, $a); } chdir($tmp); } } $ctrl->obj->files = []; foreach ($files as $f) { $tmp = \bbn\str::file_ext($f, 1); $fname = $tmp[0]; $ext = $tmp[1]; $res = ['name' => $f, 'size' => filesize($path . '/' . $f), 'extension' => '.' . $ext]; if (in_array($ext, $images)) { // Creating thumbnails $res['imgs'] = [];
/** * Deletes all the content from a directory. * * If the $full param is set to true, it will also delete the directory itself. * * <code> * \bbn\file\dir::delete("C:\Documents\Test"); //Deletes "C:\Documents\Test" and subdirectories * \bbn\file\dir::delete("C:\Documents\Test", 0); //Deletes "C:\Documents\Test" * </code> * * @param string $dir The directory path. * @param bool $full If set to true, it will also delete the directory itself. Default: "1". * * @return bool */ public static function delete($dir, $full = 1) { $dir = self::clean($dir); if (is_dir($dir)) { $files = scandir($dir); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $file)) { \bbn\file\dir::delete($dir . '/' . $file); } else { unlink($dir . '/' . $file); } } } if ($full === 1) { return rmdir($dir); } return true; } else { if (is_file($dir)) { return unlink($dir); } } return false; }
<?php /** @var $model \bbn\mvc\model */ //die(\bbn\file\dir::get_files(BBN_LOG_PATH)); $log_files = array_filter(\bbn\file\dir::get_files(BBN_DATA_PATH . 'logs'), function ($a) { return substr($a, -3) === 'log'; }); if (($log_file = ini_get('error_log')) && strpos($log_file, BBN_DATA_PATH . 'logs') === false) { array_unshift($log_files, $log_file); } $res = []; foreach ($log_files as $lf) { $res[basename($lf)] = $lf; } ksort($res); if (isset($model->data['log'])) { $output = []; if ($model->data['clear']) { file_put_contents($res[$model->data['log']], ''); } else { $file = escapeshellarg($res[$model->data['log']]); // for the security concious (should be everyone!) $num_lines = isset($model->data['num_lines']) && \bbn\str::is_integer($model->data['num_lines']) && $model->data['num_lines'] > 0 && $model->data['num_lines'] <= 1000 ? $model->data['num_lines'] : 100; $line = "tail -n {$num_lines} {$file}"; exec($line, $output); $res = []; $pid = 0; } return ['content' => implode("\n", $output)]; } else { $data = ['logs' => []];
<?php /* * Describe what it does to show you're not that dumb! * **/ /** @var $ctrl \bbn\mvc\controller */ if (isset($ctrl->arguments[0]) && is_array($o = $ctrl->inc->options->get_cfg($ctrl->arguments[0]))) { $ctrl->add_data($o, ['id' => $ctrl->arguments[0], 'values' => $ctrl->inc->options->text_value_options($ctrl->arguments[0]), 'controllers' => array_map(function ($a) { $len = strlen(BBN_APP_PATH . 'mvc/private/'); $tmp = $len + strlen('_options/'); return ['text' => substr($a, $tmp, -4), 'value' => substr($a, $len, -4)]; }, array_filter(\bbn\file\dir::get_files(BBN_APP_PATH . 'mvc/private/_options'), function ($b) { return substr($b, -4) === '.php'; }))])->combo("Configuration", $ctrl->data); }
$id_plugins = $model->inc->perm->get_option_id('plugins'); if (!$id_plugins) { $id_plugins = $opt->add(['id_parent' => $id_permission, 'code' => 'plugins', 'text' => _("Plugins"), 'value' => ['icon' => 'fa fa-plug']]); } // $id_page must be set to generate the page's permissions if ($id_page) { if (!isset($model->data['routes'])) { $model->data['routes'] = []; } $all = \bbn\file\dir::get_tree(BBN_APP_PATH . 'mvc/public', false, function ($a) { return ($a['type'] === 'dir' || $a['ext'] === 'php') && basename($a['name']) !== '_ctrl.php'; }); $all = $treat($all); foreach ($model->data['routes'] as $name => $path) { if ($tree = \bbn\file\dir::get_tree($path . '/mvc/public', false, function ($a) { return ($a['type'] === 'dir' || $a['ext'] === 'php') && basename($a['name']) !== '_ctrl.php'; })) { $treated = $treat($tree); $merge($all, $treated, $name); } } usort($all, $sort); array_walk($all, $walk); $res['total'] = 0; //die(\bbn\x::dump($all)); foreach ($all as $i => $it) { $it['cfg'] = json_encode(['order' => $i + 1]); $res['total'] += $add($it, $id_page); } } // $id_option must be set to generate the option's permissions