  * Handle the event.
  * @param SubscriptionPayment\FailedInsufficientFunds $event
 public function handle(SubscriptionPayment\FailedInsufficientFunds $event)
     $user = $this->userRepository->getById($event->userId);
     $this->mailer->send('emails.sub-payment-failed', ['user' => $user], function ($m) use($user) {
         $m->to($user->email, $user->name)->subject('Your subscription payment failed');
 public function run()
     $today = new Carbon();
     //Fetch and check over active users which have a status of leaving
     $users = User::paymentWarning()->get();
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         /** @var $user \BB\Entities\User */
         if ($user->subscription_expires->lt($today)) {
             //User has passed their expiry date
             echo $user->name . ' has a payment warning and has passed their expiry date' . PHP_EOL;
             //Check the actual expiry date
             //When did their last sub payment expire
             $paidUntil = MembershipPayments::lastUserPaymentExpires($user->id);
             //What grace period do they have - when should we give them to
             $cutOffDate = MembershipPayments::getSubGracePeriodDate($user->payment_method);
             //If the cut of date is greater than (sooner) than the last payment date "expire" them
             if ($paidUntil == false || $cutOffDate->subDays(2)->gt($paidUntil)) {
                 //set the status to left and active to false
                 echo $user->name . ' marked as having left' . PHP_EOL;
             //an email will be sent by the user observer
         } else {
             echo $user->name . ' has a payment warning but is within their expiry date' . PHP_EOL;
 public function store()
     $input = \Input::only('subject', 'message', 'send_to_all', 'recipient');
     //This is for admins only unless they are part of a group, then they have access to specific lists
     if (!\Auth::user()->isAdmin() && !\Auth::user()->hasRole('laser')) {
     if ($input['send_to_all']) {
         if ($input['recipient'] == 'all') {
             if (!\Auth::user()->isAdmin()) {
                 throw new AuthenticationException("You don't have permission to send to this group");
             $users = $this->userRepository->getActive();
         } else {
             if ($input['recipient'] == 'laser_induction_members') {
                 if (!\Auth::user()->hasRole('laser')) {
                     throw new AuthenticationException("You don't have permission to send to this group");
                 $users = $this->inductionRepository->getUsersForEquipment('laser');
             } else {
                 throw new NotImplementedException("Recipient not supported");
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             $notification = new UserMailer($user);
             $notification->sendNotificationEmail($input['subject'], nl2br($input['message']));
     } else {
         //Just send to the current user
         $notification = new UserMailer(\Auth::user());
         $notification->sendNotificationEmail($input['subject'], nl2br($input['message']));
     \Notification::success('Email Queued to Send');
     return \Redirect::route('notificationemail.create');
  * Update the specified resource in storage.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function update(Request $request, $id)
     $user = User::findWithPermission($id);
     $input = $request->only('rules_agreed', 'induction_completed');
     return \Redirect::route('account.show', [$user->id]);
  * Create the sub charge for each member, only do this for members with dates matching the supplied date
  * @param Carbon $targetDate
 public function createSubscriptionCharges($targetDate)
     $users = $this->userRepository->getBillableActive();
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         if ($user->payment_day == $targetDate->day && !$this->subscriptionChargeRepository->chargeExists($user->id, $targetDate)) {
             $this->subscriptionChargeRepository->createCharge($user->id, $targetDate);
  * A sub charge has been rolled back as a payment failed
  * @param integer $chargeId
  * @param integer $userId
  * @param Carbon  $paymentDate
  * @param double  $amount
 public function onPaymentFailure($chargeId, $userId, Carbon $paymentDate, $amount)
     $paidUntil = MembershipPayments::lastUserPaymentExpires($userId);
     if ($paidUntil) {
         $user = $this->userRepository->getById($userId);
         /** @var $user \BB\Entities\User */
         $user->extendMembership(null, $paidUntil);
     } else {
         \Log::info('Payment cancelled, expiry date rollback failed as there is no previous payment. User ID:' . $userId);
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     $users = $this->userRepo->getAll();
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $memberCreditService = \App::make('\\BB\\Services\\Credit');
 public function run()
     $today = new Carbon();
     //Fetch and check over active users which have a status of leaving
     $users = User::leaving()->notSpecialCase()->get();
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         if ($user->subscription_expires->lt($today)) {
             //User has passed their expiry date
             //set the status to left and active to false
             //an email will be sent by the user observer
 private function recordDoorKeyPaymentId($userId, $paymentId)
     /* @TODO: Verify payment amount is valid - this could have been changed */
     $user = $this->userRepository->getById($userId);
     $user->key_deposit_payment_id = $paymentId;
  * Update the specified resource in storage.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
 public function update($id)
     $user = User::findWithPermission($id);
     $input = \Input::only('given_name', 'family_name', 'email', 'secondary_email', 'password', 'phone', 'address.line_1', 'address.line_2', 'address.line_3', 'address.line_4', 'address.postcode', 'emergency_contact', 'profile_private');
     $this->userForm->validate($input, $user->id);
     $this->userRepository->updateMember($id, $input, \Auth::user()->hasRole('admin'));
     \Notification::success('Details Updated');
     return \Redirect::route('account.show', [$user->id]);
  * Show the form for editing the specified resource.
  * @param  string $equipmentId
  * @return Response
 public function edit($equipmentId)
     $equipment = $this->equipmentRepository->findBySlug($equipmentId);
     $memberList = $this->userRepository->getAllAsDropdown();
     $roleList = \BB\Entities\Role::lists('title', 'id');
     return \View::make('equipment.edit')->with('equipment', $equipment)->with('memberList', $memberList)->with('roleList', $roleList->toArray())->with('ppeList', $this->ppeList);
  * This is a basic method for recording a payment transfer between two people
  * This should not exist and the normal balance payment controller should be used
  * If any more work is needed here please take the time and move it over!
  * @param Request $request
  * @param integer $userId
  * @return mixed
  * @throws ValidationException
  * @throws AuthenticationException
 public function recordTransfer(Request $request, $userId)
     $user = User::findWithPermission($userId);
     $amount = $request->get('amount');
     $targetUserId = $request->get('target_user_id');
     $targetUser = $this->userRepository->getById($targetUserId);
     if ($targetUserId === $userId) {
         throw new ValidationException('Your\'e trying to send money to yourself, no!');
     //What is the users balance
     $userBalance = $this->bbCredit->getBalance();
     //With this payment will the users balance go to low?
     if ($userBalance - $amount < 0) {
         \Notification::error("You don't have the money for this");
         return \Redirect::route('account.balance.index', $user->id);
     $this->paymentRepository->recordBalanceTransfer($user->id, $targetUser->id, $amount);
     \Notification::success("Transfer made");
     return \Redirect::route('account.balance.index', $user->id);
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
 public function store($userId)
     $confirm_params = array('resource_id' => \Request::get('resource_id'), 'resource_type' => \Request::get('resource_type'), 'resource_uri' => \Request::get('resource_uri'), 'signature' => \Request::get('signature'));
     // State is optional
     if (\Request::get('state')) {
         $confirm_params['state'] = \Request::get('state');
     $user = User::findWithPermission($userId);
     try {
         $confirmed_resource = $this->goCardless->confirmResource($confirm_params);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return \Redirect::route('account.show', $user->id);
     if (strtolower($confirmed_resource->status) != 'active') {
         \Notification::error('Something went wrong, you can try again or get in contact');
         return \Redirect::route('account.show', $user->id);
     $this->userRepository->recordGoCardlessVariableDetails($user->id, $confirmed_resource->id);
     //all we need for a valid member is an active dd so make sure the user account is active
     return \Redirect::route('account.show', [$user->id]);
  * Update a payment
  * Change where the money goes by altering the original record or creating a secondary payment
  * @param Request $request
  * @param  int    $paymentId
  * @return Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
  * @throws NotImplementedException
  * @throws \BB\Exceptions\PaymentException
 public function update(Request $request, $paymentId)
     $payment = $this->paymentRepository->getById($paymentId);
     switch ($request->get('change')) {
         case 'assign-unknown-to-user':
             $newUserId = $request->get('user_id');
             try {
                 $newUser = $this->userRepository->getById($newUserId);
             } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) {
                 \Notification::error('User not found');
             $this->paymentRepository->assignPaymentToUser($paymentId, $newUser->id);
             \Notification::success('Payment updated');
         case 'refund-to-balance':
             \Notification::success('Payment updated');
             throw new NotImplementedException('This hasn\'t been built yet');
     return \Redirect::back();
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $roles = Role::with('Users')->get();
     $memberList = $this->userRepository->getAllAsDropdown();
     return \View::make('roles.index')->with('roles', $roles)->with('memberList', $memberList);
  * Handle the event.
  * @param SubscriptionChargePaid $event
 public function handle(SubscriptionChargePaid $event)
     /** @var $user \BB\Entities\User */
     $user = $this->userRepository->getById($event->subscriptionCharge->user_id);
     $user->extendMembership(null, $event->subscriptionCharge->payment_date->addMonth());
Example #17
  * @param mixed $userId
 public function setUserId($userId)
     $this->userId = $userId;
     $this->user = $this->userRepository->getById($this->userId);
 public function index()
     $users = $this->userRepository->getActivePublicList(!\Auth::guest());
     return \View::make('members.index')->withUsers($users);