private function _adminAccess() { require BASE_DIR . BACKEND_DIR . 'db.php'; if (!isset($_REQUEST['username'])) { return false; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['password'])) { return false; } //check log in if (isset($_REQUEST['username']) && isset($_REQUEST['password'])) { if (\Backend\Db::incorrectLoginCount($_REQUEST['username'] . '(' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ')') > 2) { \Backend\Db::log('system', 'backend login suspended (menu management)', $_REQUEST['username'] . '(' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ')', 2); return false; } else { $id = \Backend\Db::userId($_REQUEST['username'], $_REQUEST['password']); if ($id !== false) { $module = \Db::getModule(null, $groupName = 'standard', $moduleName = 'menu_management'); if (\Backend\Db::allowedModule($moduleId = $module['id'], $userId = $id)) { \Backend\Db::log('system', 'backend login (menu management)', $_REQUEST['username'] . ' (' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ')', 0); return true; } else { \Backend\Db::log('system', 'this user is not allowed to access menu management module', $_REQUEST['username'] . '(' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ')', 1); return false; } } else { \Backend\Db::log('system', 'backend login incorrect (menu management)', $_REQUEST['username'] . '(' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ')', 1); return false; } } } //check log in return false; }
/** * Output management tools * * @access public * @return string Option */ function manage() { global $parametersMod; //log off if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == "logout" && !isset($_REQUEST['module_id'])) { $this->session->logout(); $this->html->headerModules(); $this->html->html('<script type="text/javascript">\'admin.php\';</script>'); $this->deleteTmpFiles(); $this->html->footer(); $this->html->send(); \db::disconnect(); exit; } //eof log off //log in if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && isset($_REQUEST['f_name']) && isset($_REQUEST['f_pass']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == "login" && !isset($_REQUEST['module_id'])) { if (\Backend\Db::incorrectLoginCount($_REQUEST['f_name'] . '(' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ')') > 2) { $this->loginError = $parametersMod->getValue('standard', 'configuration', 'system_translations', 'login_suspended'); \Backend\Db::log('system', 'backend login suspended', $_REQUEST['f_name'] . '(' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ')', 2); } else { $id = \Backend\Db::userId($_REQUEST['f_name'], $_REQUEST['f_pass']); if ($id !== false) { $this->session->login($id); \Backend\Db::log('system', 'backend login', $_REQUEST['f_name'] . ' (' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ')', 0); header("location:ip_backend_frames.php"); } else { $this->loginError = $parametersMod->getValue('standard', 'configuration', 'system_translations', 'login_incorrect'); \Backend\Db::log('system', 'backend login incorrect', $_REQUEST['f_name'] . '(' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ')', 1); } } } //eof log in if ($this->session->loggedIn()) { //login check //create module if (isset($_GET['module_id']) && $_GET['module_id'] != '' && \Backend\Db::allowedModule($_GET['module_id'], $this->session->userId())) { /*new module*/ $newModule = \Db::getModule($_GET['module_id']); if ($newModule['core']) { require MODULE_DIR . $newModule['g_name'] . '/' . $newModule['m_name'] . '/manager.php'; } else { require PLUGIN_DIR . $newModule['g_name'] . '/' . $newModule['m_name'] . '/manager.php'; } $this->curModId = $newModule['id']; eval('$this->module = new \\Modules\\' . $newModule['g_name'] . '\\' . $newModule['m_name'] . '\\Manager();'); } else { if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'first_module') { /*first module*/ $newModule = \Backend\Db::firstAllowedModule($this->session->userId()); if ($newModule != false) { $this->curModId = $newModule['id']; if ($newModule['core']) { require MODULE_DIR . $newModule['g_name'] . '/' . $newModule['m_name'] . '/manager.php'; } else { require PLUGIN_DIR . $newModule['g_name'] . '/' . $newModule['m_name'] . '/manager.php'; } eval('$this->module = new \\Modules\\' . $newModule['g_name'] . '\\' . $newModule['m_name'] . '\\Manager();'); } } elseif (isset($_GET['action']) && ($_GET['action'] = 'ping')) { $this->html->html(''); } elseif (!isset($_GET['action'])) { $this->html->html('<html><body><script type="text/javascript">\'ip_backend_frames.php\';</script></body></html>'); } } //eof create module if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'tep_modules') { $this->html->headerModules(); $this->html->modules(\Backend\Db::modules(true, $this->session->userId())); $this->html->footer(); } else { if ($this->module) { $this->html->html($this->module->manage()); } } } else { if (strpos(BASE_URL, $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) != 7 && strpos(BASE_URL, $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) != 8) { /*check if we are in correct subdomain. not allways equal to from session perspective)*/ header("location: " . BASE_URL . "admin.php"); \db::disconnect(); exit; } $this->html->headerLogin(); $this->html->html('<script type="text/javascript">if(parent.header && parent.content)\'admin.php\';</script>'); $this->html->loginForm($this->loginError); //login window $this->html->footer(); } $this->html->send(); }