public static function createPrize($params, $activityId) { $accountId = Token::getAccountId(); if (empty($accountId)) { throw new ServerErrorHttpException("Fail to get account's id"); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($params); $i++) { unset($params[$i]['_id']); //remove default _id, create MongoId $params[$i]['activityId'] = $activityId; $params[$i]['accountId'] = $accountId; $params[$i]['points'] = (int) $params[$i]['points']; $params[$i]['quantity'] = (int) $params[$i]['quantity']; $prize = new ActivityPrize(); if (!empty($params[$i]['startDate'])) { $params[$i]['startDate'] = MongodbUtil::msTimetamp2MongoDate($params[$i]['startDate']); $params[$i]['endDate'] = MongodbUtil::msTimetamp2MongoDate($params[$i]['endDate']); } $prize->attributes = $params[$i]; if (!$prize->save()) { LogUtil::error(['message' => 'save activity-prize failed', 'error' => $prize->errors], 'activityPrize'); // throw new ServerErrorHttpException('save activityPrize failed'); return false; } unset($prize); } return true; }
public static function createSmsJob($condition, $operator, $smsName) { $totalCount = 0; $accountId = Token::getAccountId(); if (!array_key_exists('accountId', $condition)) { $condition = array_merge($condition, ['accountId' => $accountId]); } switch ($smsName) { case 'cny_winners': $smsTemplate = self::CNY_WINNERS_SMS_TEMPLATE; $totalCount = LuckyDrawWinner::find()->where($condition)->count(); break; default: break; } $recordId = BulkSmsRecord::createSmsRecord($operator, $smsName, $smsTemplate, $totalCount); if (is_bool($recordId) && !$recordId) { throw new ServerErrorHttpException("發送失敗,請刷新頁面重試!"); } $args = ['condition' => serialize($condition), 'smsName' => $smsName, 'smsRecord' => (string) $recordId]; $jobId = Yii::$app->job->create('backend\\modules\\uhkklp\\job\\BulkSms', $args); if (!empty($jobId)) { return ['smsRecordId' => (string) $recordId, 'count' => $totalCount]; } else { throw new ServerErrorHttpException("發送失敗,請刷新頁面重試!"); } }
public static function getCountBySmsRecordId($smsRecordId) { $accountId = Token::getAccountId(); $successful = BulkSmsLog::find()->where(['smsRecordId' => $smsRecordId, 'status' => true, 'accountId' => $accountId])->count(); $failed = BulkSmsLog::find()->where(['smsRecordId' => $smsRecordId, 'status' => false, 'accountId' => $accountId])->count(); unset($accountId); return ['successful' => $successful, 'failed' => $failed]; }
public static function createSmsRecord($operator, $smsName, $smsTemplate, $total = 0, $process = 0) { $properties = ['smsName' => $smsName, 'total' => $total, 'successful' => 0, 'failed' => 0, 'process' => $process, 'smsTemplate' => $smsTemplate, 'accountId' => Token::getAccountId(), 'operator' => $operator]; $smsRecord = new BulkSmsRecord(); $smsRecord->attributes = $properties; if (!$smsRecord->save()) { return false; } return $smsRecord->_id; }
public static function createWinner($params) { $winner = new LuckyDrawWinner(); if (!array_key_exists('accountId', $params)) { $winner->accountId = Token::getAccountId(); } $winner->attributes = $params; $winner->createdAt = new \MongoDate(); $winner->save(); unset($winner); }
public static function getLastSmsRecord() { $accountId = Token::getAccountId(); $query = new Query(); $query = $query->from('uhkklpEarlyBirdSmsRecord')->select(['_id', 'total', 'successful', 'failed', 'process']); $recordOne = $query->where(['smsName' => 'sms_one', 'accountId' => $accountId])->orderBy(['createdAt' => SORT_DESC])->one(); $recordTwo = $query->where(['smsName' => 'sms_two', 'accountId' => $accountId])->orderBy(['createdAt' => SORT_DESC])->one(); $recordThree = $query->where(['smsName' => 'sms_three', 'accountId' => $accountId])->orderBy(['createdAt' => SORT_DESC])->one(); $recordFour = $query->where(['smsName' => 'sms_four', 'accountId' => $accountId])->orderBy(['createdAt' => SORT_DESC])->one(); unset($accountId, $query); return ['sms_one' => $recordOne, 'sms_two' => $recordTwo, 'sms_three' => $recordThree, 'sms_four' => $recordFour]; }
public static function creatWinner($winnerArr, $recordId, $prizeName) { $winner = new EarlyBirdWinner(); $winner->memberId = new \MongoId($winnerArr['id']); $winner->prizeLevel = $winnerArr['prizeLevel']; $winner->mobile = $winnerArr['mobile']; $winner->name = $winnerArr['name']; $winner->exchangeGoodsScore = $winnerArr['exchangeGoodsScore']; $winner->accountId = Token::getAccountId(); $winner->createdAt = new \MongoDate(); $winner->drawRecordId = $recordId; $winner->prizeName = $prizeName; $winner->save(); unset($winner); }
public static function createBar($params) { $params['accountId'] = Token::getAccountId(); if (empty($params['accountId'])) { throw new ServerErrorHttpException("Fail to get account's id"); } unset($params['_id']); $bar = new ActivityBar(); $params['startDate'] = MongodbUtil::msTimetamp2MongoDate($params['startDate']); $params['endDate'] = MongodbUtil::msTimetamp2MongoDate($params['endDate']); $params['probability'] = (int) $params['probability']; $bar->attributes = $params; if (!$bar->save()) { LogUtil::error(['message' => 'save activity-bar failed', 'error' => $bar->errors], 'activityBar'); throw new ServerErrorHttpException('save activityBar failed'); } return $bar['_id']; }
public static function getList($currentPage = 1, $pageSize = 10, $sort = [], $condition = []) { if (empty($sort)) { $sort = ['_id' => SORT_DESC]; } else { foreach ($sort as $key => $value) { if ($value) { $sort = [$key => SORT_DESC]; } else { $sort = [$key => SORT_ASC]; } } } $offset = ($currentPage - 1) * $pageSize; $query = new Query(); $datas = $query->from(self::collectionName())->select(self::attributes())->where(['accountId' => Token::getAccountId()])->andWhere($condition)->orderBy($sort)->offset($offset)->limit($pageSize)->all(); return $datas; }
public static function createUser($params) { try { $result = true; $accountId = Token::getAccountId(); if (empty($accountId)) { throw new ServerErrorHttpException("Fail to get account's id"); } $params['accountId'] = $accountId; $user = new ActivityUser(); $user->attributes = $params; if (!$user->save()) { LogUtil::error(['message' => 'save activity-user failed', 'error' => $user->errors], 'activityUser'); $result = false; } return $result; } catch (\Exception $ex) { LogUtil::error(['message' => 'save activity-user failed', 'error' => $ex->getMessage()], 'activityUser'); return false; } }
/** * Sync the stores data from wechat */ public function actionSync() { $accountId = Token::getAccountId(); $result = ['finished' => true]; $account = Account::find()->select(['syncWechat'])->where(['_id' => $accountId, 'isDeleted' => Account::NOT_DELETED])->one(); $wechat = Channel::getWechatByAccount($accountId, false); if (!empty($wechat)) { $unsyncWechat = array_diff($wechat, (array) $account->syncWechat); if (!empty($unsyncWechat)) { $args = ['accountId' => $accountId . '', 'channels' => $unsyncWechat, 'description' => 'Direct: Sync the stores data from wechat']; $token = Yii::$app->job->create('backend\\modules\\channel\\job\\StoreSync', $args); $result = ['finished' => false, 'token' => $token]; } } return $result; }
public static function saveByCookbook($cookbook, $accountId = null, $admin = null) { if ($accountId == null) { $accountId = Token::getAccountId(); } if ($admin == null) { $accessToken = Token::getToken(); $userId = $accessToken->userId; $admin = User::findOne(['_id' => $userId]); } $queryCookingtype = new Query(); $queryCookingtype->from('uhkklpCookingtype')->where(['accountId' => $accountId]); $cookingTypes = $queryCookingtype->all(); if (isset($cookbook['category'])) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($cookbook['category']); $j++) { if (self::checkExist($accountId, $cookbook['category'][$j])) { $cookingType = new CookingType(); $cookingType->name = $cookbook['category'][$j]; $cookingType->category = '標簽'; $cookingType->operator = $admin['name']; $cookingType->accountId = $accountId; $cookingType->save(); } } } /*if (isset($cookbook['restaurantName']) && $cookbook['restaurantName'] != '' && self::checkExist($accountId, $cookbook['restaurantName'])) { $cookingType = new CookingType(); $cookingType->name = $cookbook['restaurantName']; $cookingType->category = '餐廳'; $cookingType->operator = $admin['name']; $cookingType->accountId = $accountId; $cookingType->save(); }*/ if (isset($cookbook['subCategory'])) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($cookbook['subCategory']); $j++) { if (self::checkExist($accountId, $cookbook['subCategory'][$j])) { $cookingType = new CookingType(); $cookingType->name = $cookbook['subCategory'][$j]; $cookingType->category = '標簽'; $cookingType->operator = $admin['name']; $cookingType->accountId = $accountId; $cookingType->save(); } } } if (isset($cookbook['tag'])) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($cookbook['tag']); $j++) { if (self::checkExist($accountId, $cookbook['tag'][$j])) { $cookingType = new CookingType(); $cookingType->name = $cookbook['tag'][$j]; $cookingType->category = '標簽'; $cookingType->operator = $admin['name']; $cookingType->accountId = $accountId; $cookingType->save(); } } } if (isset($cookbook['cuisineType'])) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($cookbook['cuisineType']); $j++) { if (self::checkExist($accountId, $cookbook['cuisineType'][$j])) { $cookingType = new CookingType(); $cookingType->name = $cookbook['cuisineType'][$j]; $cookingType->category = '標簽'; $cookingType->operator = $admin['name']; $cookingType->accountId = $accountId; $cookingType->save(); } } } return ['code' => 200, 'msg' => 'Update types success!']; }
public static function getDrawCount() { return self::find(['accountId' => Token::getAccountId()])->count(); }
/** * Query all menu actions * * <b>Request Type</b>: GET<br/><br/> * <b>Request Endpoint</b>:http://{server-domain}/api/common/channel/menu-action<br/><br/> * <b>Content-type</b>: application/json<br/><br/> * <b>Summary</b>: This api is used for querying all menu actions. * <br/><br/> * * <b>Request Params</b>:<br/> * <br/><br/> * * <b>Request Example:</b><br/> * <br/><br/> * * <b>Response Example</b>:<br/> * <pre> * { * "member": { * "title": "channel_menu_member", * "keycode": "USER_CENTER", * "actionKey": "channel_menu_member_title", * "msgType": "URL", * "content": "" * }, * "helpdesk": { * "title": "helpdesk", * "keycode": "CUSTOMER_SERVICE", * "actionKey": "channel_menu_helpdesk_title", * "msgType": "", * "content": false * } * } * </pre> */ public function actionMenuAction() { $channelId = $this->getQuery('channelId'); $accountId = Token::getAccountId(); return Yii::$app->channelMenu->getMenuActions($channelId, $accountId); }
public static function getActivityByName($name) { $accountId = Token::getAccountId(); $activity = Activity::findOne(['name' => $name, 'accountId' => $accountId]); return $activity; }
private function renderPage($page, $useRiot = false, $injectWechatJS = true, $socialWebviewOnly = true) { $actionName = $this->action->id; $params = Yii::$app->request->get(); $this->registerCommonResource($page, $useRiot); if ($injectWechatJS) { $sdk = Yii::$app->wechatSdk; $sdk->refererUrl = $sdk->refererDomain . substr(Yii::$app->request->getUrl(), 1); $signPackage = json_encode($sdk->getSignPackage()); $logObj = json_encode(['url' => Yii::$app->params['frontendTrackUrl'], 'env' => Yii::$app->params['currentEnv']]); $js = "var options={$signPackage}, page='{$page}';window.trackerLog={$logObj};"; $this->view->registerJs($js, View::POS_HEAD); if (empty($params['debug'])) { $this->registerBodyJsFile(self::BUILD_PATH . 'handlewechat.js?v=' . Yii::$app->params['buildVersion']); } } $socialWebviewOnly = $socialWebviewOnly && empty($params['debug']); if ($socialWebviewOnly && !BrowserUtil::isWeixinBrowser() && !BrowserUtil::isWeiboBrower() && !BrowserUtil::isAliBrower()) { $this->view->js = null; $this->view->jsFiles = null; $this->view->cssFiles = null; $this->view->registerCssFile(self::BUILD_PATH . 'common/app.css'); return $this->render('common/error'); } else { //Member active record $accessToken = $this->getAccessToken(); if (!empty($params['memberId']) && !empty($accessToken)) { $memberId = new \MongoId($params['memberId']); $accountId = Token::getAccountId($accessToken); MemberLogs::record($memberId, $accountId, MemberLogs::OPERATION_VIEWED); } return $this->render($actionName . '/' . $page); } }
public static function createSmsJob($condition, $operator, $smsTag) { $accountId = Token::getAccountId(); switch ($smsTag) { case 'sms_one': $smsTemplate = self::EARLY_BIRD_ONE_TEMPLATE; break; case 'sms_two': $smsTemplate = self::EARLY_BIRD_TWO_TEMPLATE; break; case 'sms_three': $smsTemplate = self::EARLY_BIRD_THREE_TEMPLATE; break; case 'sms_four': $smsTemplate = self::EARLY_BIRD_FOUR_TEMPLATE; break; default: break; } $recordId = EarlyBirdSmsRecord::createSmsRecord($operator, $smsTag, $smsTemplate); $count = 0; if (is_bool($recordId) && !$recordId) { throw new ServerErrorHttpException("發送失敗,請刷新頁面重試!"); } if (!array_key_exists('accountId', $condition)) { $condition = array_merge($condition, ['accountId' => $accountId]); } if ($smsTag == 'sms_four') { $count = count(self::getMemberCanDraw($condition)); // get發送總量 } else { $count = Member::find()->where($condition)->count(); } $smsRecord = EarlyBirdSmsRecord::findOne($recordId); // set發送總量 $smsRecord->total = $count; $smsRecord->save(); unset($smsRecord); $args = ['condition' => serialize($condition), 'smsTag' => $smsTag, 'smsRecord' => (string) $recordId]; $jobId = Yii::$app->job->create('backend\\modules\\uhkklp\\job\\EarlyBirdSendSms', $args); if (!empty($jobId)) { return ['smsRecordId' => (string) $recordId, 'count' => $count]; } else { throw new ServerErrorHttpException("發送失敗,請刷新頁面重試!"); } }
public function actionStatsMenuHits() { $query = $this->getQuery(); $openId = $query['openId']; $channelId = $query['channelId']; $page = $query['page']; $perPage = $query['per-page']; $orderBy = $this->getQuery('orderby'); $orderKey = $orderValue = ''; $accountId = Token::getAccountId(); if (empty($openId) || empty($channelId)) { throw new BadRequestHttpException(Yii::t('common', 'parameters_missing')); } if (!empty($orderBy)) { $orderBy = Json::decode($orderBy, true); foreach ($orderBy as $key => $value) { $orderKey = $key; if ('asc' === strtolower($value)) { $orderValue = SORT_ASC; } else { $orderValue = SORT_DESC; } } } // Get all menus. $menus = Yii::$app->weConnect->getMenus($channelId); $menuItems = $this->_transformMenus($menus); // Get every menus count. $result = Yii::$app->weConnect->statsMenusHits($openId, $channelId); $items = $this->_transformStatsMenuHits($channelId, $result, $menuItems); // Paging if (!empty($orderKey) && !empty($orderValue)) { ArrayHelper::multisort($items, $orderKey, $orderValue); } $offset = ($page - 1) * $perPage; $message = array_slice($items, $offset, $perPage); return ['items' => empty($message) ? [] : $message, '_meta' => ['totalCount' => count($items), 'pageCount' => ceil(count($items) / $perPage), 'currentPage' => $page, 'perPage' => $perPage]]; }