Example #1
  * @see BackBee\Config\Persistor\PersistorInterface::persist
 public function persist(Config $config, array $configToPersist)
     if (array_key_exists('override_site', $configToPersist)) {
         $configToPersist = array('override_site' => $configToPersist['override_site']);
     $key = $this->application->getContainer()->get('bundle.loader')->getBundleIdByBaseDir($config->getBaseDir());
     if (null === $key) {
         $key = 'application';
     $scope = $this->getScope($key);
     $registry = $this->application->getEntityManager()->getRepository('BackBee\\Bundle\\Registry')->findOneBy(array('key' => $key, 'scope' => $scope));
     if (null === $registry) {
         $registry = new RegistryEntity();
     $success = true;
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $success = false;
     return $success;
  * Load and override services into container; the load order is from the most global to the most specific
  * depends on context and environment.
 private function loadApplicationServices()
     // setting default services
     $this->container->set('bbapp', $this->application);
     $this->container->set('container.builder', $this);
     $services_directory = $this->application->getBBDir() . '/Config/services';
     foreach (scandir($services_directory) as $file) {
         if (1 === preg_match('#(\\w+)\\.(yml|xml)$#', $file, $matches)) {
             if ('yml' === $matches[2]) {
                 ServiceLoader::loadServicesFromYamlFile($this->container, $services_directory, $matches[1]);
             } else {
                 ServiceLoader::loadServicesFromXmlFile($this->container, $services_directory, $matches[1]);
     // define in which directory we have to looking for services yml or xml
     $directories = ConfigDirectory::getDirectories(null, $this->repository_directory, $this->context, $this->environment);
     // Loop into every directory where we can potentially found a services.yml or services.xml
     foreach ($directories as $directory) {
         if (true === is_readable($directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::SERVICE_FILENAME . '.yml')) {
             ServiceLoader::loadServicesFromYamlFile($this->container, $directory);
         if (true === is_readable($directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::SERVICE_FILENAME . '.xml')) {
             ServiceLoader::loadServicesFromXmlFile($this->container, $directory);
Example #3
  * @param string $controllerName
  * @param string $actionName
 protected function createController($controllerName, $actionName = null)
     $controllerClass = null;
     if (null === $actionName) {
         // support for ControllerClass::methodName notation
         if (false !== strpos($controllerName, '::')) {
             list($controllerClass, $actionName) = explode('::', $controllerName, 2);
         } else {
             throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Unable to extract controller action from "%s".', $controllerName));
     } else {
         $controllerClass = $controllerName;
     if (null === $controllerClass) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Controller class couldn\'t be resolved for "%s".', $controllerName));
     if (class_exists($controllerClass)) {
         $controller = new $controllerClass();
         if ($controller instanceof ContainerAwareInterface) {
     } else {
         // support for service id
         $controller = $this->bbapp->getContainer()->get($controllerClass);
     return array($controller, $actionName);
Example #4
  * Reverts a content to a specific revision.
  * @param  AbstractClassContent $content  The content to revert.
  * @param  integer              $revision The revision number.
  * @return ClassContentManager            The current class content manager.
 public function revertToRevision(AbstractClassContent $content, $revision)
     // First remove existing draft for user
     if (null !== ($draft = $this->getDraft($content))) {
     // If asked $revision is the last one, all is done.
     if ($content->getRevision() === (int) $revision) {
         return $this;
     $source = $this->entityManager->getRepository('BackBee\\ClassContent\\Revision')->getRevision($content, (int) $revision);
     if (null === $source) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown revision %d for content %s.', $revision, $content->getObjectIdentifier()));
     $token = $this->token ?: $this->app->getBBUserToken();
     $draft = clone $source;
     $draft->setComment(sprintf('Revert to revision %d.', $revision));
     return $this;
Example #5
  * Returns path to the right directory to dump and save config.yml file.
  * @param string $baseDir config base directory
  * @return string
 private function getConfigDumpRightDirectory($baseDir)
     $configDumpDir = $this->app->getBaseRepository();
     if ($this->persistPerContext && ApplicationInterface::DEFAULT_CONTEXT !== $this->app->getContext()) {
         $configDumpDir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->app->getContext();
     $configDumpDir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Config';
     if ($this->persistPerEnvironment && ApplicationInterface::DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT !== $this->app->getEnvironment()) {
         $configDumpDir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->app->getEnvironment();
     $key = $this->app->getContainer()->get('bundle.loader')->getBundleIdByBaseDir($baseDir);
     if (null !== $key) {
         $configDumpDir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bundle' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $key;
     if (!is_dir($configDumpDir) && false === @mkdir($configDumpDir, 0755, true)) {
         throw new \Exception('Unable to create config dump directory');
     return $configDumpDir;
Example #6
  * Returns the current site if defined.
  * @param  Site|null $site Optional, if provided, will be return.
  * @return Site|null
 private function getCurrentSite(Site $site = null)
     if (null !== $site) {
         return $site;
     if (null !== $this->application) {
         return $this->application->getSite();
     return null;
Example #7
  * Adds bundle's resources directory into application.
  * @param Config        $config
  * @param callable|null $recipe
 private function addResourcesDir(Config $config, callable $recipe = null)
     if (false === $this->runRecipe($config, $recipe)) {
         $baseDir = dirname($config->getBaseDir()) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
         $directory = realpath($baseDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Resources');
         if (false === $directory) {
             $directory = realpath($baseDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Ressources');
         if (false !== $directory) {
  * Getter of class content thumbnails folder paths
  * @return array The class content thumbnails flder path if found, null otherwise.
 private function getThumbnailBaseFolderPaths()
     if (is_array($this->thumbnailBaseDir)) {
         return $this->thumbnailBaseDir;
     $this->thumbnailBaseDir = [];
     if (null !== ($baseFolder = $this->getBaseFolder())) {
         $thumbnailBaseDir = array_map(function ($directory) use($baseFolder) {
         }, $this->application->getResourceDir());
         foreach (array_unique($thumbnailBaseDir) as $directory) {
             if (is_dir($directory)) {
                 $this->thumbnailBaseDir[] = $directory;
     return $this->thumbnailBaseDir;
Example #9
  * Returns the registry entry for bundle's config storing.
  * @param  string  $bundleId            The id of the bundle we are looking for override config in registry.
  * @param  boolean $scopePerContext     If TRUE use context in registry scope.
  * @param  boolean $scopePerEnvironment If TRUE use environment in regsitry scope.
  * @return \BackBee\Bundle\Registry|NULL
 private function getRegistryConfig($bundleId, $scopePerContext, $scopePerEnvironment)
     $registry = null;
     try {
         if (null !== ($em = $this->application->getEntityManager())) {
             $registry = $em->getRepository('BackBee\\Bundle\\Registry')->findOneBy(array('key' => $bundleId, 'scope' => $this->getRegistryScope('BUNDLE_CONFIG', $scopePerContext, $scopePerEnvironment)));
     } catch (DBALException $e) {
         $expectedError = false;
         if (null !== $e->getPrevious() && $e->getPrevious() instanceof \PDOException) {
             // expected error is if we try to get overrided config in registry on application installation process
             // PDOException has two methods for retrieving information about an error
             // @see http://php.net/manual/en/class.pdoexception.php
             $expectedError = '42S02' === $e->getPrevious()->getCode() || false !== strpos($e->getPrevious()->getMessage(), 'SQLSTATE[42S02]');
         if (false === $expectedError) {
             throw $e;
     return $registry;
  * CategoryManager's constructor.
  * @param ApplicationInterface $application application from where we will extract classcontent's categories
 public function __construct(ApplicationInterface $application)
     $this->categories = [];
     $this->options = ['thumbnail_url_pattern' => $application->getRouting()->getUrlByRouteName('bb.classcontent_thumbnail', ['filename' => '%s.' . $application->getContainer()->getParameter('classcontent_thumbnail.extension')])];
  * Returns current revision for the given $content
  * @param AbstractClassContent $content           The content we want to get the latest revision
  * @param boolean              $checkoutOnMissing If TRUE, checkout a new revision for $content
  * @return null|Revision
 public function getDraft(AbstractClassContent $content, $checkoutOnMissing = false)
     return $this->entityManager->getRepository('BackBee\\ClassContent\\Revision')->getDraft($content, $this->token ?: $this->app->getBBUserToken(), $checkoutOnMissing);
  * ContainerBuilder's constructor;.
  * @param BackBee\ApplicationInterface $application the application we want to build a container for
 public function __construct(ApplicationInterface $application)
     $this->application = $application;
     $this->repository_directory = $application->getBaseRepository();
     $this->context = $application->getContext();
     $this->environment = $application->getEnvironment();
Example #13
  * Loads ToolbarBundle and BBCoreJs resources directories into application.
  * @param  BBApplication $application
  * @param  Config        $config
 public static function loadResources(ApplicationInterface $application, Config $config)
     $baseDir = $application->getContainer()->get('bundle.theme')->getBaseDirectory();
     $application->addResourceDir($baseDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'resources');
  * @see BackBee\Bundle\BundleInterface::getEntityManager
 public function getEntityManager()
     return $this->application->getEntityManager();
Example #15
  * Returns the validator service.
  * @access public
  * @return \Symfony\Component\Validator\ValidatorInterface
 public function getValidator()
     return $this->application->getValidator();
Example #16
  * @param ApplicationInterface $application
 public function __construct(ApplicationInterface $application)
     $this->application = $application;
     $this->container = $application->getContainer();
Example #17
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function __construct(ApplicationInterface $application, $persistPerContext, $persistPerEnvironment)
     $this->container = $application->getContainer();
  * Instantiate a ClassContentManager.
  * @param ApplicationInterface $application
 public function __construct(ApplicationInterface $application)
     $this->application = $application;
     $this->em = $application->getEntityManager();
     $this->categoryManager = $application->getContainer()->get('classcontent.category_manager');