public function do_activity($task)
     // Use workflowID to generate a unique TMP folder localy.
     $this->tmpPathInput = self::TMP_FOLDER . $task["workflowExecution"]["workflowId"] . "/" . "input";
     $inputFileInfo = null;
     // Create TMP storage to store input file to transcode
     if (isset($this->input->{'input_asset'}->{'file'})) {
         $inputFileInfo = pathinfo($this->input->{'input_asset'}->{'file'});
     // Create the tmp folder if doesn't exist
     if (!file_exists($this->tmpPathInput)) {
         if ($this->debug) {
             $this->cpeLogger->log_out("INFO", basename(__FILE__), "Creating TMP input folder '" . $this->tmpPathInput . "'", $this->activityLogKey);
         if (!mkdir($this->tmpPathInput, 0750, true)) {
             throw new CpeSdk\CpeException("Unable to create temporary folder '{$this->tmpPathInput}' !", self::TMP_FOLDER_FAIL);
     $this->pathToInputFile = null;
     if (isset($this->input->{'input_asset'}->{'bucket'}) && isset($this->input->{'input_asset'}->{'file'})) {
         // Make pre-signed URL so ffmpeg has access to file
         $this->pathToInputFile = 'cache:' . S3Client::factory()->getCommand('GetObject', ['Bucket' => $this->input->{'input_asset'}->{'bucket'}, 'Key' => $this->input->{'input_asset'}->{'file'}])->createPresignedUrl('+1 day');
     } else {
         if ($this->input->{'input_asset'}->{'http'}) {
             // Pad HTTP input so it is cached in case of full encodes
             $this->pathToInputFile = 'cache:' . $this->input->{'input_asset'}->{'http'};
  * @param string $name
  * @return \League\Flysystem\AdapterInterface
  * @throws \RuntimeException
 public static function make($name)
     $connections = Config::get('storage.connections');
     if (!isset($connections[$name])) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('The storage connection %d does not exist.', $name));
     $connection = $connections[$name];
     $connection['adapter'] = strtoupper($connection['adapter']);
     switch ($connection['adapter']) {
         case 'LOCAL':
             return new Local($connection['root_path'], $connection['public_url_base']);
         case 'RACKSPACE':
             $service = isset($connection['service']) ? Config::get($connection['service']) : Config::get('services.rackspace');
             $client = new Rackspace($service['api_endpoint'], array('username' => $service['username'], 'tenantName' => $service['tenant_name'], 'apiKey' => $service['api_key']));
             $store = $client->objectStoreService($connection['store'], $connection['region']);
             $container = $store->getContainer($connection['container']);
             return new RackspaceAdapter($container);
         case 'AWS':
             $service = isset($connection['service']) ? Config::get($connection['service']) : Config::get('');
             $client = S3Client::factory(array('credentials' => array('key' => $service['access_key'], 'secret' => $service['secret_key']), 'region' => $service['region'], 'version' => 'latest'));
             return new AwsS3Adapter($client, $connection['bucket']);
         case 'GCLOUD':
             $service = isset($connection['service']) ? Config::get($connection['service']) : Config::get('services.google_cloud');
             $credentials = new \Google_Auth_AssertionCredentials($service['service_account'], [\Google_Service_Storage::DEVSTORAGE_FULL_CONTROL], file_get_contents($service['key_file']), $service['secret']);
             $config = new \Google_Config();
             $client = new \Google_Client($config);
             $service = new \Google_Service_Storage($client);
             return new GoogleStorageAdapter($service, $connection['bucket']);
     throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('The storage adapter %s is invalid.', $connection['adapter']));
Example #3
 protected function __construct($attrs = null)
     if (!$this->no_backend) {
         if (!$this->table) {
             $this->table = strtolower(Inflector::get()->pluralize(get_class($this)));
         $this->db = DB::instance();
     if (!$this->no_cache) {
         $this->cache = Cache::instance();
     if (class_exists('\\Notifier')) {
         $this->notifier = \Notifier::instance();
     if (defined('AWS_CONSUMER_KEY') && defined('AWS_CONSUMER_SECRET') && defined('AWS_BUCKET')) {
         if (!class_exists('\\Aws\\S3\\S3Client')) {
             throw new Exception("AWS S3 packaged is required");
         $this->s3 = \Aws\S3\S3Client::factory(array('key' => AWS_CONSUMER_KEY, 'secret' => AWS_CONSUMER_SECRET));
     $this->validator = ValidatorBase::instance();
     if ($attrs && is_numeric($attrs)) {
         // assume $attrs is id
         $this->findOne(array($this->primary_key => $attrs));
     } else {
         if ($attrs && is_array($attrs)) {
             if (!array_key_exists($this->primary_key, $attrs)) {
             // set the attrs
             $this->attrs = $attrs;
Example #4
 private function getS3Client()
     if (!$this->s3Client) {
         $this->s3Client = S3Client::factory(array('key' => $this->awsAccessKey, 'secret' => $this->awsAccessSecret));
     return $this->s3Client;
Example #5
 public function __construct($key, $secret)
     $this->key = $key;
     $this->secret = $secret;
     $arr = array('key' => $key, 'secret' => $secret, 'region' => AWS_REGION);
     $this->s3 = S3Client::factory($arr);
  * @inheritdoc
  * @param array $values
 public function __construct(array $values = [])
     $values['amazon_s3_client'] = $this->share(function (Application $app) {
         return S3Client::factory(array_merge($this->getCredentials(), ['version' => '2006-03-01', 'ssl.certificate_authority' => false]));
     $values['amazon_s3_credentials_cookie_name'] = 'credentials';
     $values['controller.amazon_s3_client'] = $this->share(function (Application $app) {
         return new AmazonS3Controller($app['twig'], $app['amazon_s3_client']);
     $values['controller.authentication'] = $this->share(function (Application $app) {
         return new AuthenticationController($app['twig'], $app['amazon_s3_credentials_cookie_name']);
     $this->register(new TwigServiceProvider(), ['twig.path' => __DIR__ . '/../views', 'twig.options' => ['cache' => is_writable(__DIR__ . '/..') ? __DIR__ . '/../cache/twig' : false]]);
     $this->register(new UrlGeneratorServiceProvider());
     $this->register(new ServiceControllerServiceProvider());
     $this->get('/login', 'controller.authentication:loginAction')->bind('login')->before(function (Request $request, Application $app) {
         $credentials = $this->getCredentials();
         if (!empty($credentials)) {
             return new RedirectResponse($app['url_generator']->generate('list'));
     $this->post('/login', 'controller.authentication:authenticateAction');
     $this->post('/logout', 'controller.authentication:logoutAction')->bind('logout');
     $this->get('/{bucket}', 'controller.amazon_s3_client:listAction')->value('bucket', null)->bind('list')->before(function (Request $request, Application $app) {
         $credentials = $this->getCredentials();
         if (empty($credentials)) {
             return $app->handle(Request::create($app['url_generator']->generate('login')), HttpKernelInterface::SUB_REQUEST, false);
Example #7
 public function __construct($params)
     if (!isset($params['key']) || !isset($params['secret']) || !isset($params['bucket'])) {
         throw new \Exception("Access Key, Secret and Bucket have to be configured.");
     $this->id = 'amazon::' . $params['key'] . md5($params['secret']);
     $this->bucket = $params['bucket'];
     $scheme = $params['use_ssl'] === 'false' ? 'http' : 'https';
     $this->test = isset($params['test']);
     $this->timeout = !isset($params['timeout']) ? 15 : $params['timeout'];
     $params['region'] = !isset($params['region']) || $params['region'] === '' ? 'eu-west-1' : $params['region'];
     $params['hostname'] = !isset($params['hostname']) || $params['hostname'] === '' ? '' : $params['hostname'];
     if (!isset($params['port']) || $params['port'] === '') {
         $params['port'] = $params['use_ssl'] === 'false' ? 80 : 443;
     $base_url = $scheme . '://' . $params['hostname'] . ':' . $params['port'] . '/';
     $this->connection = S3Client::factory(array('key' => $params['key'], 'secret' => $params['secret'], 'base_url' => $base_url, 'region' => $params['region']));
     if (!$this->connection->isValidBucketName($this->bucket)) {
         throw new \Exception("The configured bucket name is invalid.");
     if (!$this->connection->doesBucketExist($this->bucket)) {
         try {
             $result = $this->connection->createBucket(array('Bucket' => $this->bucket));
             $this->connection->waitUntilBucketExists(array('Bucket' => $this->bucket, 'waiter.interval' => 1, 'waiter.max_attempts' => 15));
         } catch (S3Exception $e) {
             \OCP\Util::writeLog('files_external', $e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
             throw new \Exception("Creation of bucket failed.");
     if (!$this->file_exists('.')) {
         $result = $this->connection->putObject(array('Bucket' => $this->bucket, 'Key' => '.', 'Body' => '', 'ContentType' => 'httpd/unix-directory', 'ContentLength' => 0));
Example #8
 public function __construct()
     $this->Order = ClassRegistry::init('Order');
     $this->client = S3Client::factory(["key" => "AKIAJVCBLQ3VQQS3DJHA", "secret" => "AFiCMEGvTP9yF6hubPlWeIF2WZwMYfGlRfnpkzU6"]);
     $this->bucket = "younique-reports";
Example #9
  * Register the service provider.
  * @return void
 public function register()
     /** @var \Illuminate\Config\Repository $config */
     $config = $this->app->make('config');
     $this->app->singleton('Intervention\\Image\\ImageManager', function (Application $app) {
         return new ImageManager(array('driver' => $app->config->get('imager::driver', 'gd')));
     $this->app->bind('TippingCanoe\\Imager\\Repository\\Image', 'TippingCanoe\\Imager\\Repository\\DbImage');
     $this->app->singleton('TippingCanoe\\Imager\\Service', function (Application $app) use($config) {
         // Amazon S3
         if ($s3Config = $config->get('imager::s3')) {
             $this->app->bind('Aws\\S3\\S3Client', function (Application $app) use($s3Config) {
                 return \Aws\S3\S3Client::factory($s3Config);
         // Run through and call each config option as a setter on the storage method.
         $storageDrivers = [];
         foreach ($config->get('imager::storage', []) as $abstract => $driverConfig) {
             /** @var \TippingCanoe\Imager\Storage\Driver $driver */
             $driver = $app->make($abstract);
             foreach ($driverConfig as $property => $value) {
                 $setter = studly_case('set_' . $property);
             $storageDrivers[$abstract] = $driver;
         $service = new Service($app->make('TippingCanoe\\Imager\\Repository\\Image'), $app->make('Intervention\\Image\\ImageManager'), $app, $storageDrivers);
         return $service;
 public static function uploadNewScreenshot($sid, $name, $tempFile, $tempThumb)
     $keyData = AWSFileManager::getCredentials();
     $client = S3Client::factory(array("credentials" => array("key" => $keyData->aws_access_key_id, "secret" => $keyData->aws_secret_access_key)));
     $result = $client->putObject(array("Bucket" => $keyData->aws_bucket, "Key" => "screenshots/" . $sid, "SourceFile" => $tempFile, "ACL" => 'public-read', "ContentDisposition" => "attachment; filename=\"" . $name . "\""));
     $result = $client->putObject(array("Bucket" => $keyData->aws_bucket, "Key" => "screenshots/thumb/" . $sid, "SourceFile" => $tempThumb, "ACL" => 'public-read', "ContentDisposition" => "attachment; filename=\"" . $name . "\""));
Example #11
 public static function getInstance($adapter = null, $localRoot = JPATH_SITE)
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_k2');
     if (is_null($adapter)) {
         $adapter = $params->get('filesystem', 'Local');
     $key = $adapter . '|' . $localRoot;
     if (empty(self::$instances[$key])) {
         if ($adapter == 'Local') {
             $filesystem = new Gaufrette\Filesystem(new Gaufrette\Adapter\Local($localRoot));
             self::$instances[$key] = $filesystem;
         } elseif ($adapter == 'AmazonS3') {
             $AmazonS3AccessKey = $params->get('AmazonS3AccessKey');
             $AmazonS3SecretAccessKey = $params->get('AmazonS3SecretAccessKey');
             $AmazonS3Bucket = $params->get('AmazonS3Bucket');
             $service = S3Client::factory(array('key' => $AmazonS3AccessKey, 'secret' => $AmazonS3SecretAccessKey));
             $filesystem = new Gaufrette\Filesystem(new Gaufrette\Adapter\AwsS3($service, $AmazonS3Bucket));
             self::$instances[$key] = $filesystem;
         } elseif ($adapter == 'MicrosoftAzure') {
             $MicrosoftAzureEndpoint = $params->get('MicrosoftAzureEndpoint');
             $MicrosoftAzureAccountName = $params->get('MicrosoftAzureAccountName');
             $MicrosoftAzureAccountKey = $params->get('MicrosoftAzureAccountKey');
             $MicrosoftAzureContainer = $params->get('MicrosoftAzureContainer');
             $connectionString = 'BlobEndpoint=' . $MicrosoftAzureEndpoint . '/;AccountName=' . $MicrosoftAzureAccountName . ';AccountKey=' . $MicrosoftAzureAccountKey;
             $factory = new Gaufrette\Adapter\AzureBlobStorage\BlobProxyFactory($connectionString);
             $filesystem = new Gaufrette\Filesystem(new Gaufrette\Adapter\AzureBlobStorage($factory, $MicrosoftAzureContainer));
             self::$instances[$key] = $filesystem;
     return self::$instances[$key];
 public function __construct($config = array(), $autoConnect = true)
     $config['region'] = $this->region;
     $this->S3 = S3Client::factory($config);
     $this->bucketName = $config['bucket_name'];
Example #13
 public function __construct($bucket, $con = 'default')
     global $keys;
     $array = array('credentials' => array('key' => 'AcessKey', 'secret' => 'SecretKey'), 'region' => 'Region', 'version' => 'latest');
     $this->client = S3Client::factory($array);
     $this->bucket = $bucket;
 public function __construct($config, $baseFolder, $options = array())
     $this->filesystem = new Filesystem();
     // Create an Amazon S3 client object
     $this->client = S3Client::factory(array('key' => $config['key'], 'secret' => $config['secret']));
     $this->bucketname = $config['bucketname'];
     $this->baseFolder = $baseFolder;
     // Register the stream wrapper from a client object
     $this->scheme = 's3://' . $this->bucketname;
     if (isset($config['region'])) {
     if (file_exists($this->scheme)) {
         $this->scheme .= '/' . $baseFolder;
         if (!file_exists($this->scheme)) {
     } else {
         throw new \Exception('Bucket ' . $this->bucketname . ' missing.');
     if (isset($config['url'])) {
         $this->baseUrl = trim($config['url'], '/') . '/' . $this->baseFolder;
     if (isset($config['imagesize'])) {
         $this->imagesize = (bool) $config['imagesize'];
Example #15
 private function getS3Client()
     if (!$this->S3Client) {
         $this->S3Client = S3Client::factory(array('credentials' => array('key' => br()->config()->get('AWS/S3AccessKey'), 'secret' => br()->config()->get('AWS/S3AccessSecret')), 'region' => br()->config()->get('AWS/S3Region'), 'version' => 'latest'));
     return $this->S3Client;
 private function setupAdapter($invalid = false)
     if ($invalid) {
         $s3Client = S3Client::factory(array('credentials' => array('key' => 'foo', 'secret' => 'bar'), 'region' => 'us-east-1', 'version' => '2006-03-01'));
     } else {
         $this->s3Client = $s3Client = S3Client::factory(array('credentials' => array('key' => $key, 'secret' => $secret), 'region' => $region, 'version' => '2006-03-01'));
         if (!$s3Client->doesBucketExist($bucket)) {
             $s3Client->createBucket(array('Bucket' => $bucket, 'LocationConstraint' => $region));
             // Wait until the bucket is created
             $s3Client->waitUntil('BucketExists', array('Bucket' => $bucket));
         } else {
     $mimeTypeDetector = $this->getMockBuilder('DotsUnited\\Cabinet\\MimeType\\Detector\\DetectorInterface')->getMock();
     $config = array('s3_client' => $s3Client, 'bucket' => $bucket, 'mime_type_detector' => $mimeTypeDetector, 'throw_exceptions' => !$invalid);
     $adapter = new AmazonS3Adapter($config);
     return $adapter;
Example #17
 public function fire()
     $environment = $this->argument('environment');
     if (!($environment == "production" || $environment == "dev")) {
         return $this->error("Specify whether this should be deployed to production or development.");
     $s3 = \Aws\S3\S3Client::factory(array('key' => 'AKIAIL4QPNABCUH3PXVA', 'secret' => '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', 'region' => 'us-west-1'));
     // Make sure no blockfile exists. If it does, someone else might be trying to deploy a new agent and we need to abort.
     if ($s3->doesObjectExist('', $environment == "production" ? 'block' : 'dev/block')) {
         return $this->error("A deployment is already in process for " . $environment . ". Talk to your fellow devs before deploying an agent.");
     // Create blockfile
     $s3->putObject(array('Bucket' => '', 'Key' => $environment == "production" ? 'block' : 'dev/block', 'ContentType' => 'text/plain', 'Body' => '', 'ACL' => 'public-read'));
     // Make sure the latest file exists. If not, start with 0.
     if (!$s3->doesObjectExist('', $environment == "production" ? 'block' : 'dev/latest')) {
         // Create zero latest
         $s3->putObject(array('Bucket' => '', 'Key' => $environment == "production" ? 'latest' : 'dev/latest', 'ContentType' => 'text/plain', 'Body' => '0', 'ACL' => 'public-read'));
     // Get current latest so we can increment it
     $result = $s3->getObject(array('Bucket' => '', 'Key' => $environment == "production" ? 'latest' : 'dev/latest'));
     $current_latest = $result['Body'] . "";
     $new_latest = $current_latest + 1;
     $ruby_agent = file_get_contents($environment == "production" ? 'deployments/agent.rb' : 'deployments/agent_dev.rb');
     $ruby_agent_with_version_info = "VERSION = " . $new_latest . "\n\n" . $ruby_agent;
     // Upload new Ruby
     $result = $s3->putObject(array('Bucket' => '', 'Key' => $environment == "production" ? $new_latest . "" : "dev/" . $new_latest . "", 'Body' => $ruby_agent_with_version_info, 'ContentType' => 'text/plain', 'ACL' => 'public-read'));
     // Delete latest
     $s3->deleteObject(array('Bucket' => '', 'Key' => $environment == "production" ? 'latest' : 'dev/latest'));
     // Upload new latest
     $result = $s3->putObject(array('Bucket' => '', 'Key' => $environment == "production" ? 'latest' : 'dev/latest', 'Body' => $new_latest . "", 'ContentType' => 'text/plain', 'ACL' => 'public-read'));
     // Delete the old version
     $s3->deleteObject(array('Bucket' => '', 'Key' => $environment == "production" ? $current_latest : 'dev/' . $current_latest));
     // Delete blockfile
     $s3->deleteObject(array('Bucket' => '', 'Key' => $environment == "production" ? 'block' : 'dev/block'));
Example #18
 public function __construct($args = array())
     $this->s3 = S3Client::factory($this->build_aws_config());
     $this->s3Client = $this->s3->get('s3');
     $this->uploadDir = '/maps/icons';
     $this->bucket = '';
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     $this->info('Backing up databases');
     $client = \Aws\S3\S3Client::factory(['key' => \Config::get('laravel-backup::key'), 'secret' => \Config::get('laravel-backup::secret'), 'region' => \Config::get('laravel-backup::region')]);
     foreach (\Config::get('laravel-backup::databases') as $connection => $remote) {
         // Get the bucket and path
         $bucketAndPath = explode('/', $remote, 2);
         // Set the temporary file
         $file = basename($bucketAndPath[1]);
         $tempFile = storage_path() . '/' . $file;
         // Get database configuration
         $username = \Config::get('database.connections.' . $connection . '.username');
         $password = \Config::get('database.connections.' . $connection . '.password');
         $database = \Config::get('database.connections.' . $connection . '.database');
         $host = \Config::get('database.connections.' . $connection . '.host');
         $port = \Config::get('database.connections.' . $connection . '.port', 3306);
         // Create SQL Dump
         exec("mysqldump --routines --host={$host} --port={$port} --user={$username} --password={$password} {$database} > '{$tempFile}'");
         // Compress the dump
         exec("gzip '{$tempFile}'");
         // Upload to S3
         $client->putObject(array('Bucket' => $bucketAndPath[0], 'Key' => $bucketAndPath[1] . '.gz', 'SourceFile' => $tempFile . '.gz', 'ACL' => 'public-read'));
         // Delete temp file
         unlink($tempFile . '.gz');
Example #20
 public function __construct()
     $this->client = S3Client::factory(["key" => AWS_NETSUITE_INTEGRATION_KEY, "secret" => AWS_NETSUITE_INTEGRATION_SECRET]);
     $this->Item = ClassRegistry::init('Item');
     $this->ItemsItems = ClassRegistry::init('ItemsItems');
     $this->ItemPrice = ClassRegistry::init('ItemPrices');
     $this->ItemAvailabilityTimes = ClassRegistry::init('ItemAvailabilityTimes');
     $this->NetsuiteAudit = ClassRegistry::init('NetsuiteAudit');
     $this->NetSuite = ClassRegistry::init('NetSuite');
     $this->ItemShipmentClass = ClassRegistry::init('ItemShipmentClass');
     $this->Item->useDbConfig = 'default';
     $this->ItemPrice->useDbConfig = 'default';
     $this->ItemAvailabilityTimes->useDbConfig = 'default';
     $this->ItemShipmentClass->useDbConfig = 'default';
     $this->ItemsItems->useDbConfig = 'default';
     $this->email = '*****@*****.**';
     /***********     Populate $this->Markets      ***************
      * Caution: There are two class variable with similar names:
      * 1. $this->Markets (plural) is an array of compiled market data.
      * 2. $this->Market  (singular) is the instantiation for the Market model.
     $this->stdout->styles('magenta', array('text' => 'magenta'));
Example #21
 public static function getBucket($dir, $ext = '*')
     $app = App::getInstance();
     $results = [];
     if ($s3conf = $app->config->getKey(self::stockUtilsKey)) {
         if (!empty($s3conf['access_key']) && !empty($s3conf['secret_key']) && !empty($s3conf['bucket_name'])) {
             try {
                 if ($s3 = S3Client::factory(array('key' => $s3conf['access_key'], 'secret' => $s3conf['secret_key'], 'region' => @$s3conf['region'] ?: Region::US_EAST_1))) {
                     if ($objects = $s3->getListObjectsIterator(['Bucket' => $s3conf['bucket_name'], 'Prefix' => sprintf('bgtracks/%s/', rtrim($dir, '/'))])) {
                         foreach ($objects as $object) {
                             $fn = $object['Key'];
                             $name = basename($fn);
                             if (empty($ext) || preg_match("/\\.({$ext})\$/", $name)) {
                                 $host = !empty($s3conf['cdn']) ? $s3conf['cdn'] : sprintf('', $s3conf['bucket_name']);
                                 $result = ['name' => self::fix_name(pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_FILENAME)), 'url' => sprintf('http://%s/%s', $host, $fn)];
                                 if (preg_match("!{$dir}/(\\w+)!", dirname($fn), $matches)) {
                                     $results[$matches[1]][] = $result;
                                 } else {
                                     $results[] = $result;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 throw new BgtracksError("Error connecting to S3: " . $e->getMessage(), $e);
     return $results;
Example #22
 private static function _init($settings)
     pb_backupbuddy::status('details', 'Loading AWS SDK...');
     require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/_s3lib2/aws-autoloader.php';
     pb_backupbuddy::status('details', 'SDK loaded.');
     // Format all settings.
     $settings = self::_formatSettings($settings);
     // If not connected with these exact settings (by comparisong signatue of $settings ) then connect & prepare bucket.
     //if ( ! isset( self::$_client ) ) {
     $newSignature = md5(serialize($settings));
     if ($newSignature != self::$_client_signature) {
         self::$_client_signature = md5(serialize($settings));
         $s3Config = self::getCredentials($settings);
         if ('0' == $settings['ssl']) {
             $s3Config['scheme'] = 'http';
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', 'SSL disabled.');
         self::$_client = S3Client::factory($s3Config);
         // Verify bucket exists; create if not. Also set region to the region bucket exists in.
         if (false === self::_prepareBucketAndRegion($settings)) {
             return self::_error('Error #983483437: Could not prepare bucket `' . $settings['bucket'] . '` in region `' . $settings['regision'] . '`.');
     return $settings;
     // Formatted & updated settings.
 public static function get()
     if (S3ClientBuilder::$client == null) {
         S3ClientBuilder::$client = S3Client::factory();
     return S3ClientBuilder::$client;
Example #24
 public function getAdapter()
     $client = S3Client::factory(['credentials' => ['key' => $this->settings('key'), 'secret' => $this->settings('secret')], 'region' => $this->settings('region'), 'version' => $this->settings('version')]);
     $bucket = $this->settings('bucket');
     return new AwsS3Adapter($client, $bucket);
  * Criar storage do aws S3
  * @param array $config
  * @return StorageInterface
 protected function registerS3Storage(array $config)
     $this->app[''] = $this->app->share(function ($app) use($config) {
         $s3 = S3Client::factory(array('key' => $config['access'], 'secret' => $config['secret']));
         return new S3Storage($config['root'], $s3);
Example #26
  * @param array $config
 public function __construct($config)
     $this->client = S3Client::factory(array('key' => $config['application.files']['s3_key'], 'secret' => $config['application.files']['s3_secret']));
     $this->bucket = $config['application.files']['s3_bucket'];
     $this->baseURI = $config['application.files']['s3_endpoint'];
  * @return S3Client
 private function getMockS3Client()
     $mock = new MockPlugin(array(new Response(200, null, '{"Records":[{"r1":"r1"},{"r2":"r2"},{"r3":"r3"}]}'), new Response(200, null, '{}'), new Response(200, null, '{"Records":[{"r4":"r4"},{"r5":"r5"}]}')));
     $client = S3Client::factory(array('key' => 'foo', 'secret' => 'bar'));
     return $client;
Example #28
  * Creates adapter instance
  * @param Enlight_Event_EventArgs $args
  * @return AdapterInterface
 public function createS3Adapter(Enlight_Event_EventArgs $args)
     $defaultConfig = ['key' => '', 'secret' => '', 'region' => '', 'version' => 'latest', 'bucket' => '', 'prefix' => ''];
     $config = array_merge($defaultConfig, $args->get('config'));
     $client = S3Client::factory(['credentials' => ['key' => $config['key'], 'secret' => $config['secret']], 'region' => $config['region'], 'version' => $config['version']]);
     return new AwsS3Adapter($client, $config['bucket'], $config['prefix']);
Example #29
  * Register specific services for the module
 public function registerServices(DiInterface $di)
     $config = $di->get('config');
     //Registering a dispatcher
     $di->set('dispatcher', function () {
         $dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
         return $dispatcher;
     $di->set('view', function () {
         $view = new View();
         $view->setViewsDir(__DIR__ . '/views/');
         $view->registerEngines(array('.volt' => function ($view, $di) {
             $volt = new VoltEngine($view, $di);
             $config = $di->get('config');
             $volt->setOptions(array('compileAlways' => true, 'compiledPath' => $config->application->cache_dir . "volt/", 'compiledSeparator' => '_'));
             return $volt;
         return $view;
     $di->set('aws_s3', function () use($config) {
         //version 2.7 style
         $s3 = \Aws\S3\S3Client::factory(array('key' => $config->application->security->aws->key, 'secret' => $config->application->security->aws->secret, 'region' => 'us-west-2', 'version' => '2006-03-01'));
         return $s3;
Example #30
  * @param string $name
  * @param array $config
  * @return League\Flysystem\Adapter\AbstractAdapter
 protected function prepareAdapter($name, $config)
     if (!isset($this->adaptersMap[$name])) {
         throw new \Exception(sprintf('Unknown adapter "%s".', $name));
     $adapter = $this->adaptersMap[$name];
     $class = $adapter['class'];
     // check required properties
     if (!empty($adapter['required'])) {
         foreach ($adapter['required'] as $prop) {
             if (!isset($config[$prop])) {
                 throw new InvalidConfigException(sprintf('The "%s" property must be set.', $prop));
     switch ($name) {
         case 'local':
             return Yii::createObject($class, [$this->basePath]);
         case 'dropbox':
             return Yii::createObject($class, [Yii::createObject('Dropbox\\Client', [$config['token'], $config['app']]), isset($config['prefix']) ? $config['prefix'] : null]);
         case 'ftp':
             if (isset($config['root'])) {
                 $config['root'] = Yii::getAlias($config['root']);
         case 'sftp':
             if (!isset($config['password']) && !isset($config['privateKey'])) {
                 throw new InvalidConfigException('Either "password" or "privateKey" property must be set.');
             if (isset($config['root'])) {
                 $config['root'] = Yii::getAlias($config['root']);
         case 'gridfs':
             return Yii::createObject($class, [(new \MongoClient($config['server']))->selectDB($config['database'])->getGridFS()]);
         case 'awss3':
             return Yii::createObject($class, [\Aws\S3\S3Client::factory($config), $config['bucket'], isset($config['prefix']) ? $config['prefix'] : null, isset($config['options']) ? $config['options'] : []]);
         case 'azure':
             return Yii::createObject($class, [\WindowsAzure\Common\ServicesBuilder::getInstance()->createBlobService(sprintf('DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=%s;AccountKey=%s', base64_encode($config['accountName']), base64_encode($config['accountKey']))), $config['container']]);
         case 'copy':
             return Yii::createObject($class, [new \Barracuda\Copy\API($config['consumerKey'], $config['consumerSecret'], $config['accessToken'], $config['tokenSecret']), isset($config['prefix']) ? $config['prefix'] : null]);
         case 'rackspace':
             return Yii::createObject($class, [(new \OpenCloud\Rackspace($config['endpoint'], ['username' => $config['username'], 'apiKey' => $config['apiKey']]))->objectStoreService('cloudFiles', $config['region'])->getContainer($config['container']), isset($config['prefix']) ? $config['prefix'] : null]);
         case 'webdav':
             return Yii::createObject($class, [new \Sabre\DAV\Client($config['endpoint']), isset($config['prefix']) ? $config['prefix'] : null]);
             $class = 'League\\Flysystem\\Adapter\\NullAdapter';
     return Yii::createObject($class, [$config]);