public function __construct() { $oldInfoHeaders = ApiClient::getInfoHeadersData(); if ($oldInfoHeaders) { $infoHeaders = InformationHeaders::Extend($oldInfoHeaders); $infoHeaders->setEnvironment('Symfony', Kernel::VERSION); $infoHeaders->setPackage('jwt-auth-bundle', self::SDK_VERSION); ApiClient::setInfoHeadersData($infoHeaders); } }
/** * Bootstrap the application events. * * @return void */ public function boot() { \Auth::extend('auth0', function ($app) { // Let the container build the repository for us $userRepository = \App::make('\\Auth0\\Login\\Contract\\Auth0UserRepository'); $provider = new Auth0UserProvider($userRepository); return new \Illuminate\Auth\Guard($provider, $app['']); }); $this->publishes([__DIR__ . '/../../config/config.php' => config_path('laravel-auth0.php')]); $laravel = app(); $oldInfoHeaders = ApiClient::getInfoHeadersData(); if ($oldInfoHeaders) { $infoHeaders = InformationHeaders::Extend($oldInfoHeaders); $infoHeaders->setEnvironment('Laravel', $laravel::VERSION); $infoHeaders->setPackage('laravel-auth0', self::SDK_VERSION); ApiClient::setInfoHeadersData($infoHeaders); } }
/** * Exchanges the code from the URI parameters for an access token, id token and user info * @return Boolean Wheter it exchanged the code or not correctly */ private function exchangeCode() { if (!isset($_REQUEST['code'])) { return false; } $code = $_REQUEST['code']; $this->debugInfo("Code: " . $code); // Generate the url to the API that will give us the access token and id token $auth_url = $this->generateUrl('token'); // Make the call $auth0_response = $this->oauth_client->getAccessToken($auth_url, "authorization_code", array("code" => $code, "redirect_uri" => $this->redirect_uri), array('Auth0-Client' => ApiClient::getInfoHeadersData()->build())); // Parse it $auth0_response = $auth0_response['result']; $this->debugInfo(json_encode($auth0_response)); $access_token = isset($auth0_response['access_token']) ? $auth0_response['access_token'] : false; $id_token = isset($auth0_response['id_token']) ? $auth0_response['id_token'] : false; if (!$access_token) { throw new ApiException('Invalid access_token - Retry login.'); } if (!$id_token) { throw new ApiException('Missing JWT after code exchange. Remember to ask for openid scope.'); } // Set the access token in the oauth client for future calls to the Auth0 API $this->oauth_client->setAccessToken($access_token); $this->oauth_client->setAccessTokenType(Client::ACCESS_TOKEN_BEARER); // Set it and persist it, if needed $this->setAccessToken($access_token); $this->setIdToken($id_token); $token = Auth0JWT::decode($id_token, $this->client_id, $this->client_secret); $user = ApiUsers::get($this->domain, $id_token, $token->sub); $this->setUser($user); return true; }