public function testGetDisplay() { $output = $this->tester->getOutput(); $this->provider->alias('Danack\\Console\\Output\\Output', get_class($output)); $this->provider->share($output); $callable = $this->parsedCommand->getCallable(); $this->provider->execute($callable, []); $this->assertEquals('foo' . PHP_EOL, $this->tester->getDisplay(), '->getDisplay() returns the display of the last execution'); }
public function testExecuteForApplicationCommandWithXmlOption() { $application = new Application(); $commandTester = new CommandTester($application->get('help')); $parsedCommand = $commandTester->execute(array('command_name' => 'list', '--format' => 'xml')); $provider = new Provider(); $provider->execute($parsedCommand->getCallable(), []); $this->assertRegExp('/list \\[--xml\\] \\[--raw\\] \\[--format="\\.\\.\\."\\] \\[namespace\\]/', $commandTester->getDisplay(), '->execute() returns a text help for the given command'); $this->assertRegExp('/<command/', $commandTester->getDisplay(), '->execute() returns an XML help text if --format=xml is passed'); }
public function testExecuteListsCommandsWithRawOption() { $application = new Application(); $commandTester = new CommandTester($command = $application->get('list')); $parsedCommand = $commandTester->execute(array('command' => $command->getName(), '--raw' => true)); $provider = new Provider(); $provider->execute($parsedCommand->getCallable(), []); $output = <<<EOF help Displays help for a command list Lists commands EOF; $this->assertEquals($output, $commandTester->getDisplay(true)); }
public function testSetRunCustomDefaultCommand() { $command = new \FooCommand(); $application = new Application(); $application->setAutoExit(false); $application->add($command); $application->setDefaultCommand($command->getName()); $tester = new ApplicationTester($application); $parsedCommand = $tester->run(array()); $provider = new Provider(); $provider->execute($parsedCommand->getCallable(), []); $this->assertEquals('interact called' . PHP_EOL . 'called' . PHP_EOL, $tester->getDisplay(), 'Application runs the default set command if different from \'list\' command'); $application = new CustomDefaultCommandApplication(); $application->setAutoExit(false); $tester = new ApplicationTester($application); $parsedCommand = $tester->run(array()); $provider->execute($parsedCommand->getCallable(), []); $this->assertEquals('interact called' . PHP_EOL . 'called' . PHP_EOL, $tester->getDisplay(), 'Application runs the default set command if different from \'list\' command'); }
/** * Resolves Auryn controller dependencies after everything else has been set up correctly * * @see <> */ public function resolveAuryn() { $app = $this; $config = $this->config['auryn']; $provider = new Provider(new ReflectionPool()); foreach ($config as $key => $values) { switch ($key) { case $key === 'define': if (!is_null($values)) { array_walk($values, function ($definition, $key) use($provider) { $provider->define($key, $definition); }); } break; case $key === 'delegate': if (!is_null($values)) { array_walk($values, function ($delegate, $object) use($provider) { $provider->delegate($object, $delegate); }); } break; case $key === 'alias': if (!is_null($values)) { array_walk($values, function ($concrete, $interface) use($provider) { $provider->alias($interface, $concrete); }); } break; case $key === 'share': if (!is_null($values)) { array_walk($values, function ($share) use($provider, $app) { $provider->share($app[$share]); }); } break; } } $repositoryFiles = glob(__DIR__ . "/Model/Repository/*Repository.php"); array_walk($repositoryFiles, function ($file) use($app, $provider) { /** @var \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $orm */ $orm = $app['orm.em']; $repositoryName = str_replace(['Repository', '.php'], '', basename($file)); $provider->share($orm->getRepository(sprintf('\\App\\Model\\Entity\\%s', $repositoryName))); }); $app['resolver'] = $app->share($app->extend('resolver', function ($resolver, $app) use($provider, $config) { return new AurynControllerResolver($resolver, $provider, $app, $app['request'], $config); })); }