/** * @return ExtendedPdo */ public static function getInstance() { $dbopts = parse_url(getenv('DATABASE_URL')); $db = new ExtendedPdo("pgsql:host={$dbopts["host"]};port={$dbopts["port"]};dbname=" . ltrim($dbopts["path"], '/'), $dbopts['user'], $dbopts['pass']); $db->exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users\n(\n id serial NOT NULL,\n username character varying(50) NOT NULL,\n registered_by integer NOT NULL,\n created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),\n CONSTRAINT user_pk PRIMARY KEY (id),\n CONSTRAINT users_username_uk UNIQUE (username)\n);"); return $db; }
/** * @inheritdoc * * @param Task $task */ public function handle(Task $task) { $config = $task->getData(); if ($config["driver"] === "mysql") { $config += ["host" => "", "port" => 3306, "charset" => "utf8", "socket" => null]; } if ($config["remit"]["driver"] === "zeromq") { $config["remit"]["server"] += ["host" => ""]; $config["remit"]["client"] += ["host" => ""]; $server = new ZeroMqServer(new InMemoryLocation($config["remit"]["client"]["host"], $config["remit"]["client"]["port"])); $client = new ZeroMqClient(new InMemoryLocation($config["remit"]["server"]["host"], $config["remit"]["server"]["port"])); } $connection = new ExtendedPdo(new PDO($this->newConnectionString($config), $config["username"], $config["password"])); $server->addListener("q", function ($query, $values, $id) use($client, $connection) { $client->emit("r", [$connection->fetchAll($query, $values), $id]); }); $server->addListener("d", function () use($connection, $server, $client) { $client->emit("dd"); try { $connection->disconnect(); } catch (Exception $exception) { // TODO: find an elegant way to deal with this } $server->disconnect(); $client->disconnect(); Loop\stop(); }); Loop\periodic(0, function () use($server) { $server->tick(); }); Loop\run(); }
public static function getInstance() { $basepath = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../'); $db = new ExtendedPdo('sqlite:' . $basepath . '/weights.db'); $db->exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS persons (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, timeadded INTEGER, currentweight REAL, telegramid INTEGER, firstname TEXT, username TEXT, token TEXT)"); $db->exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS weights (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, timestamp INTEGER, weight REAL, personid INTEGER)"); return $db; }
public static function setUpBeforeClass() { $extendedPdo = new ExtendedPdo('sqlite::memory:'); $extendedPdo->exec("ATTACH DATABASE `jpemeric_blog.db` AS `jpemeric_blog`"); $extendedPdo->exec("\n CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jpemeric_blog`.`introduction` (\n `id` integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n `type` varchar(10) NOT NULL,\n `value` varchar(25) NOT NULL,\n `title` varchar(100) NOT NULL,\n `content` text NOT NULL,\n `image` image\n )"); self::$connection = new ConnectionLocator(function () use($extendedPdo) { return $extendedPdo; }); }
public static function setUpBeforeClass() { $extendedPdo = new ExtendedPdo('sqlite::memory:'); $extendedPdo->exec("ATTACH DATABASE `jpemeric_stream.db` AS `jpemeric_stream`"); $extendedPdo->exec("\n CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jpemeric_stream`.`activity` (\n `id` integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n `message` text NOT NULL,\n `message_long` text NOT NULL,\n `datetime` datetime NOT NULL,\n `metadata` text NOT NULL,\n `type` varchar(10) NOT NULL,\n `type_id` integer NOT NULL,\n `created_at` datetime,\n `updated_at` datetime\n )"); self::$connection = new ConnectionLocator(function () use($extendedPdo) { return $extendedPdo; }); }
public static function setUpBeforeClass() { $extendedPdo = new ExtendedPdo('sqlite::memory:'); $extendedPdo->exec("ATTACH DATABASE `jpemeric_stream.db` AS `jpemeric_stream`"); $extendedPdo->exec("\n CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jpemeric_stream`.`changelog` (\n `id` integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n `hash` char(40) NOT NULL,\n `message` text,\n `message_short` varchar(100),\n `datetime` datetime NOT NULL,\n `author` varchar(50) NOT NULL,\n `commit_link` varchar(100) NOT NULL,\n `created_at` datetime,\n `updated_at` datetime\n )"); self::$connection = new ConnectionLocator(function () use($extendedPdo) { return $extendedPdo; }); }
public function modifyWebDispatcher($di) { $dispatcher = $di->get('aura/web-kernel:dispatcher'); $dispatcher->setObject('hello', function () use($di) { $response = $di->get('aura/web-kernel:response'); $response->content->set('Hello World!'); }); $dispatcher->setObject('about', function () use($di) { $view_factory = new \Aura\View\ViewFactory(); $view = $view_factory->newInstance(); $layout_registry = $view->getLayoutRegistry(); $layout_registry->set('default', './../src/templates/default.layout.php'); $view_registry = $view->getViewRegistry(); $view_registry->set('about', './../src/templates/about.php'); $view->setView('about'); $view->setLayout('default'); $response = $di->get('aura/web-kernel:response'); $response->content->set($view()); }); $dispatcher->setObject('data-view-sales', function () use($di) { $view_factory = new \Aura\View\ViewFactory(); $view = $view_factory->newInstance(); $pdo = new ExtendedPdo('sqlite:./../db/database.sqlite'); $extended_pdo = new ExtendedPdo($pdo); $stm = ' SELECT t.TrackId, sum(il.unitprice) as "TotalSales", t.Name as "TrackName", g.Name as Genre, a.Title as "AlbumTitle", at.Name as "ArtistName" from InvoiceLine il inner join track t on (t.TrackId = il.TrackId) INNER JOIN genre g on (g.GenreId = t.GenreId) inner join album a on (a.AlbumId = t.AlbumId) INNER JOIN artist at on (at.ArtistId = a.ArtistId) WHERE g.Name like :genre group by t.TrackId HAVING at.Name = :artist_name order by sum(il.UnitPrice) desc, t.Name asc '; $bind = array('genre' => 'TV%', 'artist_name' => 'Lost'); $sth = $pdo->prepare($stm); $sth->execute($bind); $layout_registry = $view->getLayoutRegistry(); $layout_registry->set('default', './../src/templates/sales.layout.php'); $view_registry = $view->getViewRegistry(); $view_registry->set('sales-data', './../src/templates/data/sales/view.php'); $view->setView('sales-data'); $view->setLayout('default'); // the "sub" template $view_registry->set('_result', './../src/templates/data/sales/result.php'); $view->setData(['results' => $pdo->fetchObjects($stm, $bind, '\\DatabaseObjects\\Entity\\SalesData')]); $response = $di->get('aura/web-kernel:response'); $response->content->set($view()); }); }
private function initConnection($dbname) { $cfg = Config::getSingleton()->get($this->configKey); if (!$cfg) { throw new \Exception("No configuration found for '{$this->configKey}'"); } $cfg = $cfg[$dbname]; if (!$cfg) { throw new \Exception("No configuration found for connection '{$dbname}'"); } switch ($cfg['driver']) { case 'pgsql': case 'mysql': if (!isset($cfg['additional_dsn'])) { $cfg['additional_dsn'] = ''; } $connstr = "{$cfg['driver']}:host={$cfg['host']} dbname={$cfg['database']} {$cfg['additional_dsn']}"; if (isset($cfg['port'])) { $connstr .= ' port=' . $cfg['port']; } break; case 'sqlite': $connstr = "sqlite:{$cfg['filename']}"; break; default: throw new \Exception("Unsupported driver '{$cfg['driver']} given for connection '{$dbname}'."); } if (!isset($cfg['user'])) { $cfg['user'] = ''; } if (!isset($cfg['password'])) { $cfg['password'] = ''; } if (class_exists("Aura\\Sql\\ExtendedPdo")) { $conn = new ExtendedPdo($connstr, $cfg['user'], $cfg['password']); if (isset($cfg['profiling']) && $cfg['profiling'] == true) { $conn->setProfiler(new Profiler()); $conn->getProfiler()->setActive(true); } } else { $conn = new PDO($connstr, $cfg['user'], $cfg['password']); } if ($conn) { $conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } $this->connections[$dbname] = $conn; }
/** * Returns db for given repository. * * @param string $repository_url Repository url. * @param ConsoleIO $io Console IO. * * @return ExtendedPdoInterface */ public function getDatabase($repository_url, ConsoleIO $io = null) { if (preg_match(Connector::URL_REGEXP, $repository_url, $regs)) { $sub_folder = $regs[2] . $regs[3] . $regs[4]; } else { $sub_folder = 'misc'; } $parent_path = $this->_workingDirectory . '/' . $sub_folder; if (!file_exists($parent_path)) { mkdir($parent_path, 0777, true); } $db = new ExtendedPdo('sqlite:' . $parent_path . '/log_' . crc32($repository_url) . '.sqlite'); $profiler = clone $this->_statementProfiler; $profiler->setIO($io); $db->setProfiler($profiler); return $db; }
public function __construct($dsn, $username = null, $password = null, array $options = array(), array $attributes = array()) { parent::__construct($dsn, $username, $password, $options, $attributes); if (\App::getInstance()->singleton('container')->isDebug()) { $this->setProfiler(new \Aura\Sql\Profiler()); $this->getProfiler()->setActive(true); $this->debug = true; } }
public function connect() { if ($this->pdo) { return; } // Parent connect parent::connect(); // Loop through post connect commands foreach ($this->aPostConnectCommands as $sCommand) { $this->query($sCommand); } }
public static function setUpBeforeClass() { $extendedPdo = new ExtendedPdo('sqlite::memory:'); $extendedPdo->exec('ATTACH DATABASE `jpemeric_blog.db` AS `jpemeric_blog`'); $extendedPdo->exec("\n CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jpemeric_blog`.`post` (\n `id` integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n `title` varchar(60) NOT NULL,\n `path` varchar(60) NOT NULL,\n `category` varchar(15) NOT NULL,\n `date` datetime,\n `body` text,\n `display` integer(1) NOT NULL\n )"); $extendedPdo->exec("\n CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jpemeric_blog`.`ptlink` (\n `post_id` integer NOT NULL,\n `tag_id` integer NOT NULL\n )"); $extendedPdo->exec("\n CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jpemeric_blog`.`series_post` (\n `series` integer NOT NULL,\n `post` integer NOT NULL,\n `order` integer(1) NOT NULL\n )"); $extendedPdo->exec("\n CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jpemeric_blog`.`tag` (\n `id` integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n `tag` varchar(25) NOT NULL\n )"); self::$connection = new ConnectionLocator(function () use($extendedPdo) { return $extendedPdo; }); }
/** * Remove relationship. * * @param \Percy\Entity\EntityInterface $entity * @param array $rels * @param array $map * * @return void */ public function deleteRelationship(EntityInterface $entity, array $rels, array $map) { $this->dbal->beginTransaction(); foreach ($rels as $rel) { $delete = $this->query->newDelete(); $delete->from($map['defined_in']['table']); $delete->where(sprintf('%s = :%s', $map['defined_in']['primary'], $map['defined_in']['entity'])); $delete->where(sprintf('%s = :%s', $map['target']['relationship'], 'relationship')); $delete->limit(1); $delete->bindValue('uuid', $entity[$map['defined_in']['entity']]); $delete->bindValue('relationship', $rel); $this->dbal->perform($delete->getStatement(), $delete->getBindValues()); } $this->dbal->commit(); }
/** * Saves a set of data to the table * This function will either insert or update, depending on if the entity passed already has an identifier set. The * generated/passed ID will be returned. * * @param object|array $data Data to save * @param string $table Table to save to * @param string $identifierColumn Identifier column to work against * @return int|string */ public function save($data, $table, $identifierColumn = 'id') { $data = $this->convertToArray($data); if (!empty($data[$identifierColumn])) { $update = $this->queryHandler->newUpdate(); $update->table($table)->cols(array_keys($data))->where($identifierColumn . ' = :' . $identifierColumn)->bindValues($data); $this->db->perform($update->__toString(), $update->getBindValues()); return $data[$identifierColumn]; } else { $insert = $this->queryHandler->newInsert(); $insert->into($table)->cols(array_keys($data))->bindValues($data); $this->db->perform($insert->__toString(), $insert->getBindValues()); $name = $insert->getLastInsertIdName($identifierColumn); return $this->db->lastInsertId($name); } }
/** * @param string $table * @param array $where * * @return bool */ protected final function delete($table, $where = array()) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE 1 '; $binds = array(); if (is_array($where)) { if (empty($where)) { return false; } else { foreach ($where as $key => $value) { $sql .= ' AND ' . $key . ' = :' . $key; $binds[$key] = $value; } } } elseif (is_int($where)) { $sql .= ' AND Id = :Id'; $binds['Id'] = $where; } $this->pdo->perform($sql, $binds); }
public function __construct(Config $config) { $dsn = $config->get('db.driver') . ':dbname=' . $config->get('db.name', 'eden') . ';host=' . $config->get('db.host', 'localhost'); parent::__construct($dsn, $config->get('db.user'), $config->get('db.pass'), $config->get('db.options'), $config->get('db.attributes')); }
/** * @inheritdoc * * @param string $query * @param array $values * * @return PromiseInterface * * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function query($query, $values) { return Promise\resolve($this->connection->fetchAll($query, $values)); }
/** * @param string $statement * @param array $values * @return array */ public function fetchOne($statement, array $values = []) { $return = parent::fetchOne($statement, $values); return is_array($return) ? $return : []; }
<?php require '../vendor/autoload.php'; use Aura\Sql\ExtendedPdo; $pdo = new ExtendedPdo('sqlite:../database.sqlite'); $pdo->exec('CREATE TABLE records (id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT UNIQUE, animal_type TEXT, animal_name TEXT, animal_age INTEGER, timestamp NUMERIC);'); if (file_exists('../database.sqlite')) { echo 'Database and tables created.'; } else { echo 'Database was not created. Please check to make sure this directory is writeable.'; }
public static function postInstall(Event $oEvent) { // Initialize $sAppDirPath = __DIR__ . '/../../../app'; $sLocalDistConfigPath = sprintf('%s/%s', $sAppDirPath, 'install/local.php.dist'); $sLocalConfigPath = sprintf('%s/%s', $sAppDirPath, 'config/local.php'); // Create file manager $oFileManager = new FileManager([]); $oFileManager->addHandler('local', 'PHP', []); // Make sure console is executable $sOutput = 'Make sure the deployment manager console is executable'; $sErrorMessage = ''; try { ExtendedShell::exec(sprintf('chmod +x %s', sprintf('%s/%s', $sAppDirPath, 'console'))); } catch (Exception $oException) { // Update error message $sErrorMessage = $oException->getMessage(); } // No error if ($sErrorMessage === '') { $sResult = 'OK'; } else { $sResult = 'KO'; } // Output $oEvent->getIO()->write(sprintf("\n%s: %s", $sOutput, $sResult)); // Copy dist config $sOutput = 'Copy the local dist config'; $sErrorMessage = ''; try { $oFileManager->copy($sLocalDistConfigPath, $sLocalConfigPath); } catch (Exception $oException) { // Update error message $sErrorMessage = $oException->getMessage(); } // Error if ($sErrorMessage === '') { // Output $oEvent->getIO()->write(sprintf("\n%s: OK", $sOutput)); // Explain $oEvent->getIO()->write("\nTo install the manager, you need a valid UTF-8 database as well as a user with " . "read/write privileges on it. Once you have it, please fill in the information below:\n"); // Set ouput $sOutput = 'Update local config parameters'; // Get local config content $sLocalConfigContent = $oFileManager->read($sLocalConfigPath); // Get values to ask $aValuesToAsk = ['%DATASOURCE_HOSTNAME%' => ['label' => 'database host', 'default' => 'localhost', 'mandatory' => true], '%DATASOURCE_DATABASE%' => ['label' => 'database name', 'default' => 'deployment', 'mandatory' => true], '%DATASOURCE_USERNAME%' => ['label' => 'database user name', 'mandatory' => true], '%DATASOURCE_PASSWORD%' => ['label' => 'database user password', 'mandatory' => false], '%BUILD_nb_backups_per_project%' => ['label' => 'number of backups kept per project', 'default' => '2', 'mandatory' => true], '%BUILD_BIN_COMPOSER%' => ['label' => 'full path to composer binary', 'default' => '/usr/bin/composer', 'mandatory' => true, 'binary' => ['check_command' => '%s -v', 'name' => 'composer']], '%BUILD_BIN_GIT%' => ['label' => 'full path to git binary', 'default' => '/usr/local/bin/git', 'mandatory' => true, 'binary' => ['check_command' => '%s --version', 'name' => 'git']], '%BUILD_BIN_PHP%' => ['label' => 'full path to php binary', 'default' => '/usr/bin/php', 'mandatory' => true, 'binary' => ['check_command' => '%s -v', 'name' => 'php']]]; // Loop through values to ask foreach ($aValuesToAsk as $sKeyToReplace => $aValueToAsk) { // Initialize $sDefault = isset($aValueToAsk['default']) ? $aValueToAsk['default'] : null; // Binary path if (isset($aValueToAsk['binary'])) { // Get value $sValue = ExtendedComposer::askBinaryPath($oEvent, $aValueToAsk['label'], $aValueToAsk['binary']['name'], $aValueToAsk['binary']['check_command'], $sDefault, true, $aValueToAsk['mandatory']); } else { // Get value $sValue = ExtendedComposer::askString($oEvent, $aValueToAsk['label'], $sDefault, $aValueToAsk['mandatory']); } // Replace config $sLocalConfigContent = preg_replace(sprintf('/%s/', ExtendedString::pregQuote($sKeyToReplace)), $sValue, $sLocalConfigContent); } // Put local config content $oFileManager->write($sLocalConfigContent, $sLocalConfigPath, WriteMethod::OVERWRITE); // Output $oEvent->getIO()->write(sprintf("\n%s: OK", $sOutput)); // Get config $aConfig = ExtendedArray::extendWithDefaultValues(require __DIR__ . '/../../../app/config/local.php', require __DIR__ . '/../../../app/config/global.php'); // Build extended PDO $aDatasourceConfig = $aConfig['datasources']['write']['deployment']; $oExtendedPDO = new ExtendedPdo("mysql:host={$aDatasourceConfig['hostname']};" . "dbname={$aDatasourceConfig['database']};", $aDatasourceConfig['username'], $aDatasourceConfig['password'], $aConfig['pdo_options']); // Execute SQL commands $sOutput = 'Execute SQL commands'; $sErrorMessage = ''; try { // Get SQL files $aSQLFiles = $oFileManager->explore(__DIR__ . '/../../../sql', OrderField::BASENAME); // Loop through SQL files /** @var $oSQLFile \Asticode\FileManager\Entity\File */ foreach ($aSQLFiles as $oSQLFile) { // Split statements $aStatements = explode(';', $oFileManager->read($oSQLFile->getPath())); // Loop through statements foreach ($aStatements as $sStatement) { if ($sStatement !== '') { $oExtendedPDO->exec($sStatement); } } } } catch (Exception $oException) { // Get error message $sErrorMessage = $oException->getMessage(); } // Error if ($sErrorMessage === '') { // Output $oEvent->getIO()->write(sprintf("\n%s: OK", $sOutput)); // Create dirs $sOutput = 'Create directories'; $aDirsToCreate = ['backups', 'gits', 'tmp']; // Check keys exist ExtendedArray::checkRequiredKeys($aConfig['build']['dirs'], $aDirsToCreate); // Loop through dirs to create foreach ($aDirsToCreate as $sDirToCreate) { // Create dir $oFileManager->createDir($aConfig['build']['dirs'][$sDirToCreate]); } // Output $oEvent->getIO()->write(sprintf("\n%s: OK", $sOutput)); // Conclude $oEvent->getIO()->write("\n\nInstallation successful!\n\n\nYou can now add a new project with\n\n" . " \$ <your path>/app/console project:add\n\nOr remove a project with\n\n" . " \$ <your path>/app/console project:remove\n"); } else { // Output $oEvent->getIO()->write(sprintf("\n%s: KO\n", $sOutput)); // Throw exception throw new RuntimeException($sErrorMessage); } } else { // Output $oEvent->getIO()->write(sprintf("\n%s: KO\n", $sOutput)); // Throw exception throw new RuntimeException($sErrorMessage); } }
<?php namespace database; use Aura\SqlQuery\QueryFactory; use Aura\Sql\ExtendedPdo; $query_factory = new QueryFactory('sqlite'); $pdo = new ExtendedPdo('sqlite:database.sqlite'); $pdo->connect();
/** * destroy connection * * @throws \Aura\Sql\Exception\CannotDisconnect */ public function __destruct() { self::$_connection->disconnect(); }
<?php require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; use Aura\Sql\ExtendedPdo; use GuzzleHttp\Client; use SparkPost\SparkPost; use Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client as GuzzleAdapter; $dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv(dirname(__DIR__)); $dotenv->load(); $httpAdapter = new GuzzleAdapter(new Client()); $sparky = new SparkPost($httpAdapter, ['key' => getenv('SPARKPOST_API_KEY'), 'async' => false]); $htmlTpl = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . "/templates/email/rewards-sizing-form-2016.tpl"); $pdo = new ExtendedPdo(getenv('PDO_DB_CONNECTION'), getenv('PDO_DB_USERNAME'), getenv('PDO_DB_PASSWORD')); $stm = "SELECT * FROM `indiegogo` WHERE `Perk ID` = 3613098 OR `Perk ID` = 3633662"; $sth = $pdo->query($stm); $rs = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!$rs) { throw new Exception('No results for matching perk customers'); } foreach ($rs as $row) { echo "Sending to {$row['Email']}...\n"; $results = $sparky->transmissions->post(['content' => ['from' => ['name' => 'OSMIHelp', 'email' => '*****@*****.**'], 'subject' => 'OSMI Shirts and Hoodies: We need your size info!', 'html' => $htmlTpl], 'substitution_data' => ['name' => $row['Name'], 'email' => $row['Email']], 'recipients' => [['address' => ['name' => $row['Name'], 'email' => $row['Email']]]], 'cc' => null, 'bcc' => null]); } echo "done.\n";