public function dump()
     $finder = new Finder();
     $twigNamespaces = $this->loader->getNamespaces();
     foreach ($twigNamespaces as $ns) {
         if (count($this->loader->getPaths($ns)) > 0) {
             $iterator = $finder->files()->in($this->loader->getPaths($ns));
             foreach ($iterator as $file) {
                 /** @var SplFileInfo $file */
                 $resource = new TwigResource($this->loader, '@' . $ns . '/' . $file->getRelativePathname());
                 $this->lam->addResource($resource, 'twig');
     foreach ($this->lam->getNames() as $name) {
         $asset = $this->lam->get($name);
         $formula = $this->lam->getFormula($name);
         $debug = isset($formula[2]['debug']) ? $formula[2]['debug'] : $this->lam->isDebug();
         $combine = isset($formula[2]['combine']) ? $formula[2]['combine'] : null;
         if (null !== $combine ? !$combine : $debug) {
             foreach ($asset as $leaf) {
         } else {
 private function scanTemplates()
     $templates = Filesystem::scanForFiles($this->getConfig()->getTwigBasePath(), '', 'twig');
     foreach ($templates as $template) {
         $resource = new TwigResource($this->twig()->getLoader(), $template);
         $this->am->addResource($resource, 'twig');
Example #3
  * Locates twig templates and adds their defined assets to the lazy asset manager
 public function addTwigAssets()
     if (!$this->twig instanceof \Twig_Environment) {
         throw new \LogicException('Twig environment not set');
     $finder = new Finder();
     $viewfinder = $this->viewfinder;
     if (count($viewfinder->getPaths()) > 0) {
         $iterator = $finder->files()->in($viewfinder->getPaths());
         foreach ($iterator as $file) {
             $resource = new TwigResource($this->loader, $file->getRelativePathname());
             $this->lam->addResource($resource, 'twig');
Example #4
  * Locates twig templates and adds their defined assets to the lazy asset manager
 public function addTwigAssets()
     if (!$this->twig instanceof \Twig_Environment) {
         throw new \LogicException('Twig environment not set');
     $twigNamespaces = $this->loader->getNamespaces();
     foreach ($twigNamespaces as $ns) {
         if (count($this->loader->getPaths($ns)) > 0) {
             $iterator = Finder::create()->files()->in($this->loader->getPaths($ns));
             foreach ($iterator as $file) {
                 $resource = new TwigResource($this->loader, '@' . $ns . '/' . $file->getRelativePathname());
                 $this->lam->addResource($resource, 'twig');
Example #5
  * Render a single file from a template to an output path
  * @param string $templateName Name of the template for Twig
  * @param string $outputPath Relative path to render to
  * @param array $context Twig context
 public function renderFile($templateName, $outputPath, array $context)
     $template = $this->twig->loadTemplate($templateName);
     $this->manager->addResource(new TwigResource($this->twig->getLoader(), $templateName), 'twig');
     $event = new RenderEvent($this, $template, $context);
     $this->dispatcher->dispatch(BrancherEvents::RENDER, $event);
     $rendered = $template->render($event->context);
     $this->filesystem->dumpFile("{$this->outputDir}/{$outputPath}", $rendered);
  * Collect asset resources defined in twig templates
  * @param FilterResponseEvent $event
 public function onKernelResponse(FilterResponseEvent $event)
     if (count($this->templates) === 0) {
         // Automatically find templates only if loader compatible
         if ($this->loader instanceof \Twig_Loader_Filesystem) {
             $twigNamespaces = $this->loader->getNamespaces();
             foreach ($twigNamespaces as $ns) {
                 if (count($this->loader->getPaths($ns)) > 0) {
                     $iterator = Finder::create()->files()->in($this->loader->getPaths($ns));
                     /* @var $file \Symfony\Component\Finder\SplFileInfo */
                     foreach ($iterator as $file) {
                         $resource = new TwigResource($this->loader, '@' . $ns . '/' . $file->getRelativePathname());
                         $this->manager->addResource($resource, 'twig');
     } else {
         foreach ($this->templates as $template) {
             $resource = new TwigResource($this->loader, $template);
             $this->manager->addResource($resource, 'twig');
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $app = $this->getSilexApp();
     $twig = $app->getTwig();
     $factory = $app->getAssets();
     $assetManager = new LazyAssetManager($factory);
     $assetManager->setLoader('twig', new TwigFormulaLoader($twig));
     if ($input->getOption('ignore-folders')) {
         $output->writeln('<comment>' . date('H:i:s') . '</comment> <info>Skipping folders...</info>');
     } else {
         foreach ($app['assets.folders'] as $folder) {
             $source = $folder['source'];
             $target = $folder['target'];
             if (!is_dir($target)) {
                 $output->writeln('<comment>' . date('H:i:s') . '</comment> <info>[dir+]</info> ' . $this->getAbsolutePath($target));
                 if (false === @mkdir($target, 0777, true)) {
                     throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to create directory ' . $target);
             $directoryIterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($source, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
             $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($directoryIterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
             foreach ($iterator as $file) {
                 $path = $target . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $iterator->getSubPathName();
                 if ($file->isDir()) {
                     if (is_dir($path)) {
                     $output->writeln('<comment>' . date('H:i:s') . '</comment> <info>[dir+]</info> ' . $this->getAbsolutePath($path));
                     if (false === @mkdir($path, 0777, true)) {
                         throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to create directory ' . $path);
                 } else {
                     if (is_file($path) && md5_file($path) == md5_file($file)) {
                     $output->writeln('<comment>' . date('H:i:s') . '</comment> <info>[file+]</info> ' . $this->getAbsolutePath($path));
                     if (false === @file_put_contents($path, file_get_contents($file))) {
                         throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to write file ' . $path);
     $directoryIterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($app['twig.path']);
     $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($directoryIterator);
     $templates = new RegexIterator($iterator, '/^.+\\.twig$/i', RegexIterator::GET_MATCH);
     foreach ($templates as $file) {
         $file = str_replace(rtrim($app['twig.path'], '/') . '/', null, $file[0]);
         $resource = new TwigResource($twig->getLoader(), $file);
         $assetManager->addResource($resource, 'twig');
     foreach ($app['twig.templates'] as $name => $file) {
         $resource = new TwigResource($twig->getLoader(), $name);
         $assetManager->addResource($resource, 'twig');
     $writer = new AssetWriter($app['assets.output_path']);
     foreach ($assetManager->getNames() as $name) {
         $asset = $assetManager->get($name);
         foreach (VarUtils::getCombinations($asset->getVars(), []) as $combination) {
             $path = $app['assets.output_path'] . '/' . VarUtils::resolve($asset->getTargetPath(), $asset->getVars(), $asset->getValues());
             if (!is_dir($dir = dirname($path))) {
                 $output->writeln('<comment>' . date('H:i:s') . '</comment> <info>[dir+]</info> ' . $this->getAbsolutePath($dir));
                 if (false === @mkdir($dir, 0777, true)) {
                     throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to create directory ' . $dir);
             $output->writeln('<comment>' . date('H:i:s') . '</comment> <info>[file+]</info> ' . $this->getAbsolutePath($path));
             if (false === @file_put_contents($path, $asset->dump())) {
                 throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to write file ' . $path);
Example #8
use Assetic\AssetManager;
use Assetic\AssetWriter;
use Assetic\Extension\Twig\AsseticExtension;
use Assetic\Extension\Twig\TwigFormulaLoader;
use Assetic\Extension\Twig\TwigResource;
use Assetic\Factory\AssetFactory;
use Assetic\Factory\LazyAssetManager;
use Assetic\Filter\LessFilter;
use Assetic\FilterManager;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
$loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(VIEWS_PATH);
$options = ['cache' => DEBUG_APP ? false : 'cache'];
$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, $options);
$assetManager = new AssetManager();
$filterManager = new FilterManager();
$filterManager->set('less', new LessFilter(NODE_PATH, [NODE_MODULE_PATH]));
$assetFactory = new AssetFactory('assets/');
$twig->addExtension(new AsseticExtension($assetFactory));
$lazyAssetManager = new LazyAssetManager($assetFactory);
$lazyAssetManager->setLoader('twig', new TwigFormulaLoader($twig));
$finder = new Finder();
foreach ($finder as $template) {
    $resource = new TwigResource($loader, $template->getFileName());
    $lazyAssetManager->addResource($resource, 'twig');
$writer = new AssetWriter('.');
 public function register(Container $app)
     $app['assetic.assets'] = $app['assetic.filters'] = $app['assetic.workers'] = array();
     $app['assetic.asset_manager'] = function () use($app) {
         $am = new AssetManager();
         if (isset($app['assetic.assets'])) {
             $assets = $app['assetic.assets'];
             if (!is_array($assets)) {
                 $assets = array($assets);
             foreach ($assets as $name => $asset) {
                 if (!is_array($asset)) {
                     // não collection, transformar em collection
                     $asset = array($asset);
                 $col = new AssetCollection();
                 foreach ($asset as $a) {
                     if (is_string($a)) {
                         // é referencia
                         $a = new AssetReference($am, $a);
                     if (!$a instanceof AssetInterface) {
                         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("'assetic.assets' precisa ser um array de AssetInterface");
                 $am->set($name, $col);
         return $am;
     $app['assetic.filter_manager'] = function () use($app) {
         $fm = new FilterManager();
         if (isset($app['assetic.filters'])) {
             $filters = $app['assetic.filters'];
             if (!is_array($filters)) {
                 $filters = array($filters);
             foreach ($filters as $name => $filter) {
                 $fm->set($name, $filter);
         return $fm;
     $app['assetic.factory'] = function () use($app) {
         $factory = new AssetFactory($app['assetic.dist_path']);
         $factory->setDebug(isset($app['debug']) ? $app['debug'] : false);
         if (isset($app['assetic.workers']) && is_array($app['assetic.workers'])) {
             foreach ($app['assetic.workers'] as $worker) {
         return $factory;
     $app['assetic.lazy_asset_manager'] = function () use($app) {
         $am = new LazyAssetManager($app['assetic.factory']);
         if (isset($app['twig'])) {
             // carrega os assets pelo twig
             $am->setLoader('twig', new TwigFormulaLoader($app['twig']));
             $loader = $app['twig.loader.filesystem'];
             $namespaces = $loader->getNamespaces();
             foreach ($namespaces as $ns) {
                 if (count($loader->getPaths($ns)) > 0) {
                     $iterator = Finder::create()->files()->in($loader->getPaths($ns));
                     foreach ($iterator as $file) {
                         $resource = new TwigResource($loader, '@' . $ns . '/' . $file->getRelativePathname());
                         $am->addResource($resource, 'twig');
         return $am;
     $app['assetic.asset_writer'] = function () use($app) {
         return new AssetWriter($app['assetic.dist_path']);
     if (isset($app['twig'])) {
         $app['twig'] = $app->extend('twig', function ($twig, $app) {
             $functions = array('cssrewrite' => array('options' => array('combine' => true)));
             $twig->addExtension(new AsseticExtension($app['assetic.factory'], $functions));
             return $twig;
  * @{inheritDoc}
 public function load($name, LazyAssetManager $mng)
     $resource = new TwigResource($this->loader, $name);
     $mng->addResource($resource, 'twig');
Example #11
  * Render the Twig template with Assetic manager
  * If Twig Loader method is string, we can render view as string template and
  * set the params, else there is no need to declare params or view in this method.
  * @param  string $view   
  * @param  array  $params 
  * @return void         
 public function render($view = "", $params = array())
     # Autoload url helper (required)
     # Set additional config functions/global vars inside Attire environment
     # Add default view path
     $this->add_path(VIEWPATH, 'VIEWPATH');
     # Twig environment (master of puppets)
     $twig =& $this->_environment;
     $escaper = new Twig_Extension_Escaper('html');
     $twig->addFilter('var_dump', new Twig_Filter_Function('var_dump'));
     # Declare asset manager and add global paths
     $am = new AssetManager();
     # Assets global paths
     if ($this->_bundle_path !== NULL) {
         $class = $this->_ci->router->fetch_class();
         $method = $this->_ci->router->fetch_method();
         $directory = $this->_ci->router->directory;
         $this->_bundle_path = rtrim($this->_bundle_path, '/') . '/';
         $absolute_path = rtrim($this->_bundle_path . $directory . 'assets', '/');
         $global_assets = array('module_js' => array('path' => "{$absolute_path}/js/{$class}/{$method}/*", 'type' => 'Assetic\\Asset\\GlobAsset'), 'module_css' => array('path' => "{$absolute_path}/css/{$class}/{$method}/*", 'type' => 'Assetic\\Asset\\GlobAsset'), 'global_css' => array('path' => "{$absolute_path}/css/{$class}/*", 'type' => 'Assetic\\Asset\\GlobAsset'), 'global_js' => array('path' => "{$absolute_path}/js/{$class}/*", 'type' => 'Assetic\\Asset\\GlobAsset'));
         foreach (array_merge($global_assets, $this->_assets) as $global => $params) {
             $class_name = $params['type'];
             $am->set($global, new $class_name($params['path']));
     # Declare filters manager
     $fm = new FilterManager();
     $fm->set('cssrewrite', new CssRewriteFilter());
     $absolute_path = rtrim("{$this->_paths["theme"]}{$this->_theme}", '/') . '/assets';
     # Declare assetic factory with filters and assets
     $factory = new AssetFactory($absolute_path);
     # Add assetic extension to factory
     $absolute_path = rtrim($this->_paths['assets'], '/');
     $twig->addExtension(new AsseticExtension($factory));
     # This is too lazy, we need a lazy asset manager...
     $am = new LazyAssetManager($factory);
     $am->setLoader('twig', new TwigFormulaLoader($twig));
     # Add the Twig resource (following the assetic documentation)
     $resource = new TwigResource($this->_loader, $this->_default_template . $this->_extension);
     $am->addResource($resource, 'twig');
     # Write all assets files in the output directory in one or more files
     try {
         $writer = new AssetWriter($absolute_path);
     } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
     # Set current lexer
     if (!empty($this->_current_lexer)) {
         $lexer = new Twig_Lexer($this->_environment, $this->_current_lexer);
     try {
         # Render all childs
         if (!empty($this->_childs)) {
             foreach ($this->_childs as $child => $params) {
                 $this->_params['views'] = $this->_views;
                 echo $twig->render($child, array_merge($params, $this->_params));
             # Remove childs after the use
             $this->_childs = array();
         } elseif (strlen($view) <= 1 && $this->_loader instanceof Twig_Loader_String) {
             echo $twig->render($this->_default_template . $this->_extension, $params);
     } catch (Twig_Error_Syntax $e) {