Example #1
  * The default constructor.
  * @param \AppserverIo\Properties\Properties $defaults The properties we want want to use for initialization
 public function __construct(Properties $defaults = null)
     // check if properties are passed
     if ($defaults != null) {
         // if yes set them
     } else {
  * Get the environment modifier (if any) which helps to switch the configuration environment
  * @param string $appBase The base of the application we are dealing with
  * @return string
  * @throws \AppserverIo\Properties\PropertyFileNotFoundException
  * @throws \AppserverIo\Properties\PropertyFileParseException
 public static function getEnvironmentModifier($appBase)
     // check if we got the properties cached already, if not load them anew
     $properties = null;
     if (!is_null(self::$cachedProperties)) {
         $properties = self::$cachedProperties;
     } else {
         // load the properties from file
         $propertiesFile = DirectoryKeys::realpath(sprintf('%s/%s', $appBase, self::CONFIGURATION_FILE));
         // load the properties from the configuration file
         if (file_exists($propertiesFile)) {
             $properties = Properties::create()->load($propertiesFile);
     // load the properties from the configuration file
     $result = '';
     // get the actual property if it exists
     if (!is_null($properties) && $properties->exists(ConfigurationKeys::APP_ENVIRONMENT)) {
         $result = $properties->get(ConfigurationKeys::APP_ENVIRONMENT);
     // ENV variable always wins
     if (defined(ConfigurationKeys::APP_ENVIRONMENT)) {
         $result = getenv(ConfigurationKeys::APP_ENVIRONMENT);
     return $result;
  * Creates a new naming context and add's it to the passed manager.
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\Application\ManagerInterface $manager The manager to add the naming context to
  * @return void
 public static function visit(ManagerSettingsAwareInterface $manager)
     // load the path to the web application
     $application = $manager->getApplication();
     $webappPath = $application->getWebappPath();
     // initialize the variable for the properties
     $properties = null;
     // load the configuration base directory
     if ($baseDirectory = $manager->getManagerSettings()->getBaseDirectory()) {
         // look for naming context properties in the manager's base directory
         $propertiesFile = DirectoryKeys::realpath(sprintf('%s/%s/%s', $webappPath, $baseDirectory, NamingContextFactory::CONFIGURATION_FILE));
         // load the properties from the configuration file
         if (file_exists($propertiesFile)) {
             $properties = Properties::create()->load($propertiesFile);
     // create the initial context instance
     $initialContext = new InitialContext($properties);
     // set the initial context in the manager
  * Initialize the initial context with the values of the passed properties.
  * @param \AppserverIo\Properties\PropertiesInterface $properties The configuration properties
 public function __construct(PropertiesInterface $properties = null)
     // initialize the default properties if no ones has been passed
     if ($properties == null) {
         // initialize the default properties
         $properties = new Properties();
         foreach ($this->defaultProperties as $key => $value) {
             $properties->setProperty($key, $value);
     // inject the properties
     // create a factory for the lexer we use to parse the JNDI style bean names
     $factory = new UsingPregReplace(new LexerDataGenerator());
     // create the lexer instance and inject it
     $this->injectLexer($factory->createLexer(array('php' => InitialContext::T_SCHEME, 'global\\/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)' => InitialContext::T_GLOBAL_SCOPE, 'app' => InitialContext::T_APPLICATION_SCOPE, '\\:' => InitialContext::T_COLON, '\\/' => InitialContext::T_SEPARATOR, 'local|remote' => InitialContext::T_INTERFACE, '\\w+' => InitialContext::T_CLASS)));
  * Loads the values found in the configuration file and merges
  * them with the servlet context initialization parameters.
  * @return void
 protected function initConfiguration()
     // load the relative path to the Routlt configuration file
     $configurationFileName = $this->getInitParameter(ControllerServlet::INIT_PARAMETER_ROUTLT_CONFIGURATION_FILE);
     // load the path to the configuration file
     $configurationFile = $this->getServletConfig()->getWebappPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ltrim($configurationFileName, '/');
     // if the file is readable
     if (is_file($configurationFile) && is_readable($configurationFile)) {
         // load the  properties from the file
         $properties = new Properties();
         // append the properties to the servlet context
         foreach ($properties as $paramName => $paramValue) {
             $this->getServletContext()->addInitParameter($paramName, $paramValue);
  * Checks if the resource identifier will be initialized propertly
  * from a URL with global scope and remote interface.
  * @return void
 public function testWithDefaultPropertiesPopulatedWithGlobalScopeAndRemoteInterface()
     // create default properties
     $defaultProperties = new Properties();
     $defaultProperties->setProperty('indexFile', InitialContextTest::INDEX_FILE);
     $defaultProperties->setProperty('contextName', InitialContextTest::CONTEXT_NAME);
     $defaultProperties->setProperty('transport', InitialContextTest::TRANSPORT);
     // create the initial context initialized with the default properties
     // populate the identifier with the data of the passed URL
     $resourceIdentifier = $this->initialContext->prepareResourceIdentifier(InitialContextTest::IDENTIFIER_GLOBAL_REMOTE);
     // check the data from the resource identifier
     $this->assertSame(InitialContextTest::INDEX_FILE, $resourceIdentifier->getIndexFile());
     $this->assertSame(InitialContextTest::CLASS_NAME, $resourceIdentifier->getClassName());
     $this->assertSame(InitialContextTest::CONTEXT_NAME, $resourceIdentifier->getContextName());
     $this->assertSame(InitialContextTest::TRANSPORT, $resourceIdentifier->getTransport());
     $this->assertSame(EnterpriseBeanResourceIdentifier::REMOTE_INTERFACE, $resourceIdentifier->getInterface());
  * Initializes the connection.
  * @param string                                      $appName    Name of the webapp using this client connection
  * @param \AppserverIo\Properties\PropertiesInterface $properties The properties containing the connection parameters
 public function __construct($appName = '', PropertiesInterface $properties = null)
     // set the application name
     $this->appName = $appName;
     // initialize the message queue parser and the session
     $this->parser = new MessageQueueParser();
     $this->sessions = new \ArrayObject();
     // initialize the default properties if no ones has been passed
     if ($properties == null) {
         // initialize the default properties
         $properties = new Properties();
         foreach ($this->defaultProperties as $key => $value) {
             $properties->setProperty($key, $value);
     // inject the properties
Example #8
  * Return a new sender for the message queue with the passed lookup name.
  * @param string $lookupName The lookup name of the queue to return a sender for
  * @param string $sessionId  The session-ID to be passed to the queue session
  * @return \AppserverIo\Messaging\QueueSender The sender instance
 public function createSenderForQueue($lookupName, $sessionId = null)
     // load the application name
     $application = $this->getApplication();
     $applicationName = $application->getName();
     $webappPath = $application->getWebappPath();
     // initialize the variable for the properties
     $properties = null;
     // load the configuration base directory
     if ($baseDirectory = $this->getManagerSettings()->getBaseDirectory()) {
         // look for naming context properties in the manager's base directory
         $propertiesFile = DirectoryKeys::realpath(sprintf('%s/%s/%s', $webappPath, $baseDirectory, QueueManagerSettingsInterface::CONFIGURATION_FILE));
         // load the properties from the configuration file
         if (file_exists($propertiesFile)) {
             $properties = Properties::create()->load($propertiesFile);
     // initialize and return the sender
     $queue = \AppserverIo\Messaging\MessageQueue::createQueue($lookupName);
     $connection = \AppserverIo\Messaging\QueueConnectionFactory::createQueueConnection($applicationName, $properties);
     $session = $connection->createQueueSession();
     return $session->createSender($queue);
  * @param $value
  * @throws \AppserverIo\Collections\InvalidKeyException
  * @throws \AppserverIo\Lang\NullPointerException
 public static function setEnvironmentProperty($value)
     self::$cachedProperties = Properties::create();
     self::$cachedProperties->add(ConfigurationKeys::APP_ENVIRONMENT, $value);
  * Test the replaceProperties() method.
  * @return void
 public function testReplaceProperties()
     // initialize the properties
     $properties = new Properties();
     $properties->setProperty('foo.bar', $propertyValue = 'foo.bar');
     // try to replace the variables in the node value's value
     // assert that the property has been replaced
     $this->assertSame(str_replace('${foo.bar}', $propertyValue, $this->constructorValue), $this->nodeValue->getValue());
  * Returns the system proprties. If a container node has been passed,
  * the container properties will also be appended.
  * @param ContainerNodeInterface|null $containerNode The container to return the system properties for
  * @return \AppserverIo\Properties\Properties The system properties
 public function getSystemProperties(ContainerNodeInterface $containerNode = null)
     // initialize the properties
     $properties = Properties::create();
     // append the system properties
     $properties->add(SystemPropertyKeys::BASE, $this->getBaseDirectory());
     $properties->add(SystemPropertyKeys::VAR_LOG, $this->getLogDir());
     $properties->add(SystemPropertyKeys::ETC, $this->getEtcDir());
     $properties->add(SystemPropertyKeys::ETC_APPSERVER, $this->getConfDir());
     $properties->add(SystemPropertyKeys::ETC_APPSERVER_CONFD, $this->getConfdDir());
     // append the declared system propertie
     /** @var \AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\SystemPropertyNode $systemProperty */
     foreach ($this->getSystemConfiguration()->getSystemProperties() as $systemProperty) {
         $properties->add($systemProperty->getName(), $systemProperty->castToType());
     // query whether or not a container node has been passed
     if ($containerNode != null) {
         // append the container specific properties
         $properties->add(SystemPropertyKeys::TMP, $this->getTmpDir($containerNode));
         $properties->add(SystemPropertyKeys::CONTAINER_NAME, $containerNode->getName());
         $properties->add(SystemPropertyKeys::WEBAPPS, $this->getWebappsDir($containerNode));
         // append the host specific system properties
         if ($host = $containerNode->getHost()) {
             $properties->add(SystemPropertyKeys::HOST_APP_BASE, $host->getAppBase());
             $properties->add(SystemPropertyKeys::HOST_TMP_BASE, $host->getTmpBase());
             $properties->add(SystemPropertyKeys::HOST_DEPLOY_BASE, $host->getDeployBase());
     // return the properties
     return $properties;