  * Create and return a new instance of the session handler with
  * the passed configuration.
  * @param \AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\SessionHandlerNodeInterface $sessionHandlerNode The session handler configuration
  * @param \AppserverIo\Appserver\ServletEngine\SessionSettingsInterface    $sessionSettings    The session settings
  * @return \AppserverIo\Appserver\ServletEngine\Session\SessionHandlerInterface The session handler instance
 public static function create(SessionHandlerNodeInterface $sessionHandlerNode, SessionSettingsInterface $sessionSettings)
     // reflect the class
     $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($sessionHandlerNode->getType());
     // create and initialize the session handler instance
     $sessionHandler = $reflectionClass->newInstanceArgs($sessionHandlerNode->getParamsAsArray());
     // return the initialzed instance
     return $sessionHandler;
Example #2
  * Test @Route annotation initialization.
  * @return null
 public function testGetRouteAnnotation()
     // initialize the annotations to ignore and the aliases
     $ignore = array();
     $aliases = array('Route' => 'AppserverIo\\Psr\\Servlet\\Annotations\\Route');
     // we need to load the annotation instance from the mock servlet implementation
     $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass('AppserverIo\\Psr\\Servlet\\Annotations\\HelloWorldServlet', $ignore, $aliases);
     $reflectionAnnotation = $reflectionClass->getAnnotation(Route::ANNOTATION);
     $routeAnnotation = $reflectionAnnotation->newInstance($reflectionAnnotation->getAnnotationName(), $reflectionAnnotation->getValues());
     // define the URL patterns and the initialization parameters
     $urlPattern = array('/helloWorld.do', '/helloWorld.do*');
     $initParams = array(array('name1', 'value1'), array('name2', 'value2'));
     // check te values
     $this->assertSame('helloWorld', $routeAnnotation->getName());
     $this->assertSame('Hello World', $routeAnnotation->getDisplayName());
     $this->assertSame('The Hello World! as servlet implementation.', $routeAnnotation->getDescription());
     $this->assertSame($urlPattern, $routeAnnotation->getUrlPattern());
     $this->assertSame($initParams, $routeAnnotation->getInitParams());
  * Checks if the isAbstract() method works as expected.
  * @return void
 public function testIsAbstract()
  * Check that the merge() method with descriptor containing an other
  * method name throws an Exception.
  * @return void
  * @expectedException AppserverIo\Routlt\Description\DescriptorException
 public function testMergeWithNotMatchingDescriptor()
     // create a reflection class and load the reflection method
     $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass(__CLASS__);
     $reflectionMethod = $reflectionClass->getMethod('nonameAction');
     // initialize the descriptor instance
     $descriptor = new ActionDescriptor();
     // merge the descriptors
Example #5
  * Returns an array of reflection method instances from the passed reflection class.
  * @param \AppserverIo\Lang\Reflection\ReflectionClass $reflectionClass     The reflection class to return the methods for
  * @param integer                                      $filter              The filter used for loading the methods
  * @param array                                        $annotationsToIgnore An array with annotations names we want to ignore when loaded
  * @param array                                        $annotationAliases   An array with annotation aliases used when create annotation instances
  * @return array An array with ReflectionMethod instances
 public static function fromReflectionClass(ReflectionClass $reflectionClass, $filter = -1, array $annotationsToIgnore = array(), array $annotationAliases = array())
     // initialize the array for the reflection methods
     $reflectionMethods = array();
     // load the reflection methods and initialize the array with the reflection methods
     $phpReflectionClass = $reflectionClass->toPhpReflectionClass();
     foreach ($phpReflectionClass->getMethods($filter) as $phpReflectionMethod) {
         $reflectionMethods[$phpReflectionMethod->getName()] = ReflectionMethod::fromPhpReflectionMethod($phpReflectionMethod, $annotationsToIgnore, $annotationAliases);
     // return the array with the initialized reflection methods
     return $reflectionMethods;
  * Utility method to create a Principal for the given username. This
  * creates an instance of the principalClassName type if this option was
  * specified. If principalClassName was not specified, a SimplePrincipal
  * is created.
  * @param \AppserverIo\Lang\String $name The name of the principal
  * @return Principal The principal instance
  * @throws \Exception Is thrown if the custom principal type cannot be created
 public function createIdentity(string $name)
     //initialize the principal
     $principal = null;
     // query whether or not a principal class name has been specified
     if ($this->principalClassName == null) {
         $principal = new SimplePrincipal($name);
     } else {
         $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($this->principalClassName->__toString());
         $principal = $reflectionClass->newInstanceArgs(array($name));
     // return the principal instance
     return $principal;
  * Register the servlet described by the passed descriptor.
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\Servlet\Description\ServletDescriptorInterface $descriptor The servlet descriptor
  * @return void
 protected function registerServlet(ServletDescriptorInterface $descriptor)
     try {
         // create a new reflection class instance
         $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($descriptor->getClassName());
         // instantiate the servlet
         $instance = $reflectionClass->newInstance();
         // load servlet name
         $servletName = $descriptor->getName();
         // initialize the servlet configuration
         $servletConfig = new ServletConfiguration();
         // append the init params to the servlet configuration
         foreach ($descriptor->getInitParams() as $paramName => $paramValue) {
             $servletConfig->addInitParameter($paramName, $paramValue);
         // initialize the servlet
         // the servlet is added to the dictionary using the complete request path as the key
         $this->addServlet($servletName, $instance);
         // prepend the url-pattern - servlet mapping to the servlet mappings
         foreach ($descriptor->getUrlPatterns() as $pattern) {
             $this->addServletMapping($pattern, $servletName);
         // register the EPB references
         foreach ($descriptor->getEpbReferences() as $epbReference) {
         // register the resource references
         foreach ($descriptor->getResReferences() as $resReference) {
         // register the persistence unit references
         foreach ($descriptor->getPersistenceUnitReferences() as $persistenceUnitReference) {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // log the exception
Example #8
  * Creates a new reflection class instance from the passed PHP reflection class.
  * @param \ReflectionClass $reflectionClass     The PHP reflection class to load the data from
  * @param array            $annotationsToIgnore An array with annotations names we want to ignore when loaded
  * @param array            $annotationAliases   An array with annotation aliases used when create annotation instances
  * @return \AppserverIo\Lang\Reflection\ReflectionClass The instance
 public static function fromPhpReflectionClass(\ReflectionClass $reflectionClass, array $annotationsToIgnore = array(), array $annotationAliases = array())
     return new ReflectionClass($reflectionClass->getName(), $annotationsToIgnore, $annotationAliases);
  * Parses the servlet context's deployment descriptor file for servlets
  * that has to be registered in the object manager.
  * @return void
 public function parse()
     // load the web application base directory
     $webappPath = $this->getAuthenticationContext()->getWebappPath();
     // prepare the deployment descriptor
     $deploymentDescriptor = $webappPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'WEB-INF' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'web.xml';
     // query whether we found epb.xml deployment descriptor file
     if (file_exists($deploymentDescriptor) === false) {
     // validate the passed configuration file
     /** @var \AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\ConfigurationService $configurationService */
     $configurationService = $this->getApplication()->newService('AppserverIo\\Appserver\\Core\\Api\\ConfigurationService');
     $configurationService->validateFile($deploymentDescriptor, null, true);
     // prepare and initialize the configuration node
     $webAppNode = new WebAppNode();
     // query whether or not we've a login configuration
     /** @var \AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\LoginConfigNode $loginConfig */
     if ($loginConfig = $webAppNode->getLoginConfig()) {
         // create the authentication method instance
         $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($this->mapAuthenticator($loginConfig->getAuthMethod()->__toString()));
         $authenticator = $reflectionClass->newInstanceArgs(array($loginConfig, $this->getAuthenticationContext(), new Boolean(true)));
         // add the authentication method itself
         // initialize the security roles, that are part of the new security subsystem
         /** @var \AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\SecurityRoleNode $securityRoleNode */
         foreach ($webAppNode->getSecurityRoles() as $securityRoleNode) {
             // do something here
         // initialize the security roles, that are part of the new security subsystem
         /** @var \AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\SecurityConstraintNode $securityContstraintNode */
         foreach ($webAppNode->getSecurityConstraints() as $securityContstraintNode) {
             // prepare the array with the authentication constraint role names
             $roleNames = array();
             if ($authConstraint = $securityContstraintNode->getAuthConstraint()) {
                 $roleNames = $authConstraint->getRoleNamesAsArray();
             /** @var \AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\WebResourceCollectionNode $webResourceCollectionNode */
             foreach ($securityContstraintNode->getWebResourceCollections() as $webResourceCollectionNode) {
                 // prepare the arrays for the HTTP methods and the method omissions
                 $httpMethods = $webResourceCollectionNode->getHttpMethodsAsArray();
                 $httpMethodOmissions = $webResourceCollectionNode->getHttpMethodOmissionsAsArray();
                 /** @var \AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\UrlPatternNode $urlPatternNode */
                 foreach ($webResourceCollectionNode->getUrlPatterns() as $urlPatternNode) {
                     // prepare the URL pattern to authenticator mapping with the necessary data
                     $mapping = new Mapping($urlPatternNode->__toString(), $authenticator->getSerial(), $roleNames, $httpMethods, $httpMethodOmissions);
                     // add the URL pattern to authenticator mapping
Example #10
  * Returns an array of reflection property instances from the passed reflection class.
  * @param \AppserverIo\Lang\Reflection\ReflectionClass $reflectionClass     The reflection class to return the properties for
  * @param integer                                      $filter              The filter used for loading the properties
  * @param array                                        $annotationsToIgnore An array with annotations names we want to ignore when loaded
  * @param array                                        $annotationAliases   An array with annotation aliases used when create annotation instances
  * @return array An array with ReflectionProperty instances
 public static function fromReflectionClass(ReflectionClass $reflectionClass, $filter = 0, array $annotationsToIgnore = array(), array $annotationAliases = array())
     // initialize the array for the reflection properties
     $reflectionProperties = array();
     // load the reflection properties and initialize the array with the reflection properties
     $phpReflectionClass = $reflectionClass->toPhpReflectionClass();
     foreach ($phpReflectionClass->getProperties($filter) as $phpReflectionProperty) {
         $reflectionProperties[$phpReflectionProperty->getName()] = ReflectionProperty::fromPhpReflectionProperty($phpReflectionProperty, $annotationsToIgnore, $annotationAliases);
     // return the array with the initialized reflection properties
     return $reflectionProperties;