  * Converts the given value so that it can be hydrated by the hydrator.
  * @param mixed $value
  *        	The original value.
  * @return mixed Returns the value that should be hydrated.
 public function hydrate($value)
     if (Helper::is_json($value)) {
         $value = json_decode($value, true);
     return parent::hydrate($value);
  * @ORM\PostLoad
  * @param Lead $lead        	
  * @param LifecycleEventArgs $event        	
 public function postLoad(Lead $lead, LifecycleEventArgs $event)
     // Get the values for the ArrayCollection and sort it using the function
     $attributes = $lead->getAttributes();
     // Filter by active LeadAttribute
     if ($attributes) {
         $attributes = array_filter($attributes, function ($leadAttributeValue) {
             $attribute = $leadAttributeValue->getAttribute();
             return $attribute ? $attribute->getActive() : false;
     // sort as you like
     usort($attributes, function ($a, $b) {
         $aOrder = $bOrder = 0;
         $aAttribute = $a->getAttribute();
         if ($aAttribute) {
             $aOrder = $aAttribute->getAttributeOrder();
         $bAttribute = $b->getAttribute();
         if ($bAttribute) {
             $bOrder = $bAttribute->getAttributeOrder();
         return $aOrder - $bOrder;
     // Clear the current collection values and reintroduce in new order.
     $lead->setAttributes(new ArrayCollection($attributes));
     $default_ip = "";
     $ip = $lead->getIpaddress();
     $ip_filtered = Helper::validate_ipv4($ip, false) ? $ip : $default_ip;
     $referrer = $lead->getReferrer();
     $referrer_filtered = $referrer ? Helper::add_protocol(strtolower($referrer)) : null;
  * @ORM\PostLoad
  * @param AgentCriterionValue $agentCriterionValue        	
  * @param LifecycleEventArgs $event        	
 public function postLoad(AgentCriterionValue $agentCriterionValue, LifecycleEventArgs $event)
     $fValue = null;
     $value = $agentCriterionValue->getValue();
     if ($value && Helper::is_serialized($value, $fValue)) {
  * @param array $location        	
  * @return Elastica\Query $localityQuery
 public static function getLocalityQuery($location)
     $query = new Agent\Elastica\Query\BoolQuery();
     $method = 'addMust';
     if (!isset($location['state']) && !isset($location['zip']) && !isset($location['locality'])) {
         foreach (['phone', 'ipaddress'] as $field) {
             if (isset($location[$field]) && empty($location['state'])) {
                 switch ($field) {
                     case 'ipaddress':
                         $geo = self::$geo;
                         $loc = $geo->getRecord($location['ipaddress']);
                         if ($loc instanceof Record) {
                             $state = $loc->getRegion();
                             if ($state) {
                                 $location['state'] = $state;
                     case 'phone':
                         $phone = Helper::parse_phonenumber($location['phone'], 'array');
                         if ($phone) {
                             $state = Helper::area_code_to_state($phone[0]);
                             if ($state) {
                                 $location['state'] = $state;
     foreach ($location as $field => $value) {
         switch ($field) {
             case 'locality':
                 if (!isset($location['zip'])) {
                     $fields = ['latitude', 'longitude'];
                     $values = is_array($value) ? $value : explode(",", $value);
                     $latlon = count($values) == 2 ? array_combine($fields, $values) : false;
                     if ($latlon) {
                         $path = "location";
                         $nested = new Elastica\Query\Nested();
                         $bool = new Elastica\Query\BoolQuery();
                         foreach ($latlon as $dim => $coord) {
                             $bool->addMust(new Elastica\Query\Match("{$path}.{$dim}", $coord));
             case 'city':
                 if (!isset($location['locality'])) {
                     $query->addShould(new Elastica\Query\Match($field, $value));
             case 'state':
                 if (!isset($location['locality'])) {
                     $fields = ['state.abbrev', 'state.full'];
                     $values = is_array($value) ? $value : [$value];
                     foreach ($values as $state) {
                         $querystring = new Elastica\Query\QueryString($state);
                         $nested = new Elastica\Query\Nested();
                         if (count($values) > 1) {
                         } else {
             case 'zip':
                 $query->{$method}(new Elastica\Query\Match($field, $value));
     $localityQuery = new Elastica\Query($query);
     return $localityQuery;
Example #5
        foreach ($entry as $data_label => $data_value) {
            echo $data_label;
            if (is_array($data_value)) {
                echo Helper::recursive_implode($data_value, ", ", false, false);
            } else {
                echo $data_value;
 public function addScripts(ElementInterface $oElement)
     $view = $this->getView();
     $inlinejs = '';
     $allow_add = $oElement->getOption('allow_add');
     $allow_remove = $oElement->getOption('allow_remove');
     if ($allow_add || $allow_remove) {
         $id = $oElement->getAttribute('id');
         $name = Helper::camelCase($oElement->getName());
         $remove = $allow_remove ? 'true' : 'false';
         if ($allow_add) {
             $inlinejs .= sprintf(self::$addScriptFormat, $name, $id, $remove);
         if ($allow_remove) {
             $inlinejs .= sprintf(self::$removeScriptFormat, $name, $id);
         $script = $view->inlineScript();
         $headScript = $view->headScript();
         $script->appendScript($inlinejs, 'text/javascript', array('noescape' => true));
         // Disable CDATA comments
 protected function formatFormMessages($form, $glue = ". <br>\n", $debug = false)
     $messages = $form->getMessages();
     $output = [];
     foreach ($messages as $field => $notice) {
         foreach ($notice as $rule => $message) {
             if (is_array($message)) {
                 $output[] = "The field \"{$field}\" is invalid. " . ($debug ? $glue . Helper::recursive_implode($message, $glue) : "");
             } else {
                 $output[] = "The field \"{$field}\" is invalid. {$message}";
     return implode($glue, $output);
 protected function getDateOfBirth(Lead $lead)
     $DateOfBirth = null;
     $match = $lead->findAttribute('birth', true);
     if ($match) {
         $date = $match->getValue();
         $DateOfBirth = $date instanceof \DateTime ? date_format('m/d/Y', $date) : (Helper::validateDate($date) ? date('m/d/Y', strtotime($date)) : null);
     return $DateOfBirth;
 protected function getSources(array $results = [], $list = false)
     $sources = [];
     if (!$results) {
         $results = $this->getReferrers();
     foreach ($results as $record) {
         $referrer = Helper::add_protocol(strtolower($record['referrer']));
         $domain = $referrer ? parse_url($referrer, PHP_URL_HOST) : false;
         $count = $record['refcount'];
         if (!$domain) {
             $domain = 'unknown';
         if (isset($sources[$domain])) {
             $sources[$domain]['referrers'][] = $record['referrer'];
             $sources[$domain]['count'] += $count;
         } else {
             $sources[$domain] = ['source' => $domain, 'count' => $count, 'referrers' => [$record['referrer']]];
     if ($list) {
         $sources = array_combine(array_keys($sources), array_keys($sources));
     return $sources;
  * Handle Confirm (Stage 4)
  * @param array $post        	
  * @param Form $form        	
  * @param boolean $reload        	
  * @return mixed
 protected function handleConfirm($post, $form, $reload = false)
     $outcome = false;
     $valid = false;
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $invalid = false;
     if ($form->isValid()) {
         if ($post && isset($post['match'], $post['leadTmpFile'])) {
             $match = $post['match'];
             if (Helper::is_json($match)) {
                 $match = json_decode($match, true);
             $company = $post['Company'];
             $tmp_file = $this->getUploadPath() . '/' . $post['leadTmpFile'];
             $duplicates = isset($post['duplicate']) ? $post['duplicate'] : false;
             $importFieldset = $form->getImportFieldset();
             $csv = $this->parseFile($tmp_file);
             if ($csv['count']) {
                 $data = $this->mapImportedValues($csv['body'], $match, false);
                 $valid = $this->validateImportData($data, $duplicates);
                 if ($valid) {
                     $outcome = true;
                     $headings = $this->getHeadings();
                     $invalid = array_filter($valid);
                     $form = $this->addImportFields($form, $data, $valid);
                     $form->addHiddenField('Company', $company);
                     $this->stage = 4;
                     $this->results['stage'] = $this->stage;
                     $this->results['fields'] = $form->getLeadAttributes();
                     $this->results['data'] = $data;
                     $this->results['valid'] = $valid;
                     $this->results['form'] = $form;
                     $this->results['headings'] = $headings;
                     $this->setImportCache($this->stage, $post);
             if (!$valid || $valid === $invalid) {
                 $outcome = false;
                 $message = "No valid records could be imported.";
     } else {
         $message = "You have invalid Form Entries.";
         $messages = $form->getMessages();
         if ($messages) {
     return $outcome;
Example #11
											<th>Imported Record</th>
											<th>Existing Record</th>
    foreach ($data as $attribute_id => $entry) {
        foreach ($entry as $data_label => $data_value) {
            if (is_array($data_value)) {
                $data_value = Helper::recursive_implode($data_value);
            if (isset($fields[$attribute_id])) {
                echo "duplicate";
            echo $data_label;
 public function __toString()
     $fValue = $this->getValue();
     $criterion = $this->getCriterion();
     if ($criterion) {
         $relationship = $criterion->getRelationship();
         if ($relationship) {
             $type = $relationship->getInput();
             if ($type) {
                 $methodName = "get" . ucwords($type);
                 if (method_exists($this, $methodName)) {
                     switch ($type) {
                         case 'boolean':
                         case 'string':
                         case 'daterange':
                         case 'range':
                             $fValue = $this->{$methodName}();
                         case 'location':
                         case 'multiple':
                             $value = $this->{$methodName}();
                             $fValue = is_array($value) ? Helper::recursive_implode($value, ", ", false) : $value;
     return $fValue;
 public function format_value($value, $type = null)
     $formatted = null;
     if (!$type) {
         $attribute = $this->getAttribute();
         if (isset($attribute)) {
             $type = $attribute->getAttributeType() ?: 'string';
     switch ($type) {
         case 'date':
             $date = str_replace('-', '/', $this->value);
             if (count(explode('/', $date)) > 1) {
                 $ts = strtotime($date);
                 if (date('Y', $ts) > date('Y')) {
                     $darray = [];
                     $darray[] = date('m', $ts);
                     $darray[] = date('d', $ts);
                     $darray[] = date('Y', $ts) - 100;
                     $date = implode('/', $darray);
                 if (Helper::validateDate($date)) {
                     $formatted = new \DateTime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date)));
         case 'number':
             $limits = ['upper' => pow(2, 31) - 1, 'lower' => -1 * (pow(2, 31) - 1)];
             if (preg_match('/([\\d\\.]+)/i', $value, $match)) {
                 $number = isset($match[1]) ? $match[1] : null;
                 if (!$number || !is_numeric($number)) {
                     $formatted = null;
                 } else {
                     $float = floatval($number);
                     $formatted = $float > $limits['upper'] || $float < $limits['lower'] ? null : $float;
             $formatted = $value;
     return $formatted;
  * Run Jobs Queue
  * @return mixed
 protected function runQueue()
     $outcome = false;
     if ($this->queue) {
         $count = count($this->queue);
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($this->queue as $job) {
             $return = true;
             $message = false;
             $type = 'notice';
             if (isset($job->callback) && Helper::is_closure($job->callback)) {
                 $return = $job->callback();
             if (isset($job->progress)) {
                 if (is_numeric($job->progress)) {
                     $this->progress += $job->progress;
                 } elseif (Helper::is_closure($job->progress)) {
                     $this->progress += $job->progress($this->progress);
             if ($return && !$return instanceof \Exception) {
                 if (Helper::is_closure($job->message)) {
                     $message = $job->message($return);
                 } elseif ($job->message) {
                     $message = $job->message;
                 } else {
                     $message = ["status" => "running", "message" => "{$this->progress} completed."];
             } elseif ($return instanceof \Exception) {
                 $message = ["status" => "running", "message" => $return->getMessage()];
                 $type = 'fail';
             } else {
                 $message = ["status" => "error", "message" => "Oops. Something went wrong."];
                 $type = 'fail';
             if (!$message) {
                 $message = ["status" => "running", "message" => "{$this->progress} completed."];
             if ($count == $i) {
                 $type = 'success';
             $outcome = $this->onProgress($message, $type);
     return $outcome;