  * Execute the command.
  * @return void
 public function handle()
     //set_time_limit( 600 );
     //ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
     //bump up limits
     ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
     //will we be checking entities
     $entityCheck = $this->validate_entities == 'on' ? false : true;
     //create new file
     $inputFileData = ['raw_data' => $this->data, 'fk_user_id' => $this->userId];
     $inputFile = InputFile::create($inputFileData);
     $inputFileDataId = $inputFile->id;
     $multivariantDataset = $this->multivariant_dataset;
     $variables = $this->variables;
     if (!empty($variables)) {
         $entityData = [];
         //creating new datasource, if there is some
         $sourceName = $this->source_name;
         if (!empty($sourceName)) {
             $datasourceData = ['name' => $this->source_name, 'link' => $this->source_link, 'description' => $this->source_description];
             $datasource = Datasource::create($datasourceData);
         } else {
             //fake datasoure
             $datasource = new \stdClass();
             $datasource->id = null;
         //create new dataset or pick existing one
         $datasetName = $this->new_dataset_name;
         $datasetData = ['name' => $datasetName, 'fk_dst_cat_id' => $this->category_id, 'fk_dst_subcat_id' => $this->subcategory_id, 'description' => $this->new_dataset_description, 'fk_dsr_id' => $datasource->id];
         $dataset = Dataset::create($datasetData);
         $datasetId = $dataset->id;
         //process possible tags
         $tagsInput = $this->new_dataset_tags;
         if (!empty($tagsInput)) {
             $tagsArr = explode(',', $tagsInput);
             foreach ($tagsArr as $tag) {
                 $tag = DatasetTag::create(['name' => $tag]);
                 $tagId = $tag->id;
                 $datasetTagLink = LinkDatasetsTags::create(['fk_dst_id' => $datasetId, 'fk_dst_tags_id' => $tagId]);
         //store inserted variables, for case of rolling back
         $inserted_variables = array();
         foreach ($variables as $variableJsonString) {
             //convert back single out to actual single quote
             //$variableJsonString = str_replace( "'", "‘", $variableJsonString );
             //setting json_decode second param to false, to try to save memory
             $variableObj = json_decode($variableJsonString, false);
             $variableData = ['name' => $variableObj->name, 'fk_var_type_id' => $this->variable_type, 'fk_dst_id' => $datasetId, 'unit' => $variableObj->unit, 'description' => $variableObj->description, 'fk_dsr_id' => $datasource->id];
             //update of existing variable or new variable
             if (!isset($variableObj->id)) {
                 //new variable
                 $variable = Variable::create($variableData);
             } else {
                 //update variable
                 $variable = Variable::find($variableObj->id);
             $variableId = $variable->id;
             $inserted_variables[] = $variable;
             $variableValues = $variableObj->values;
             foreach ($variableValues as $countryValue) {
                 $entityData = ['name' => $countryValue->key, 'fk_ent_t_id' => 5, 'validated' => 0];
                 if ($entityCheck) {
                     //entity validation (only if not multivariant dataset)
                     //find corresponding iso code
                     $entityIsoName = EntityIsoName::match($entityData['name'])->first();
                     if (!$entityIsoName) {
                         //!haven't found corresponding country, throw an error!
                         //rollback everything first
                         foreach ($inserted_variables as $inserted_var) {
                         //is new dataset
                         if ($this->new_dataset === '1') {
                             $dataset = Dataset::find($datasetId);
                             //delete itself
                         \Log::error('Error non-existing entity in dataset.');
                         return redirect()->route('import')->with('message', 'Error non-existing entity in dataset.')->with('message-class', 'error');
                     //enter standardized info
                     $entityData['name'] = $entityIsoName->name;
                     $entityData['code'] = $entityIsoName->code;
                     $entityData['validated'] = 1;
                 //find try finding entity in db
                 if (isset($entityIsoName)) {
                     $entity = Entity::where('code', $entityIsoName->code)->first();
                 } else {
                     //not standardized data
                     $entity = Entity::where('code', $entityData['name'])->orWhere('name', $entityData['name'])->first();
                 if (!$entity) {
                     //entity haven't found in database, so insert it
                     $entity = Entity::create($entityData);
                 //check to override validation if stored in db not validated and now is validate
                 if ($entity->validated == 0 && $entityData['validated'] === 1) {
                     $entity->validated = 1;
                 $entityId = $entity->id;
                 $countryValues = $countryValue->values;
                 //prepare vars for mass insert
                 $times = [];
                 $values = [];
                 //TODO - get latest time for base timeId
                 $lastTime = Time::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first();
                 $timeId = !empty($lastTime) ? $lastTime->id : 0;
                 foreach ($countryValues as $value) {
                     if ($this->hasValue($value->x) && $this->hasValue($value->y)) {
                         //create time
                         $timeObj = $value->x;
                         $timeValue = ['startDate' => isset($timeObj->sd) ? $timeObj->sd : "", 'endDate' => isset($timeObj->ed) ? $timeObj->ed : "", 'date' => isset($timeObj->d) ? $timeObj->d : "", 'label' => isset($timeObj->l) ? $timeObj->l : ""];
                         //convert timedomain
                         $fk_ttype_id = 1;
                         if (!empty($timeObj->td)) {
                             $ttQuery = TimeType::query();
                             $fk_ttype_id = $ttQuery->whereRaw('LOWER(`name`) like ?', [$timeObj->td])->first()->id;
                         $timeValue['fk_ttype_id'] = $fk_ttype_id;
                         //using mass insert instead
                         //$time = Time::create( $timeValue );
                         //$timeId = $time->id;
                         $times[] = $timeValue;
                         //create value
                         $dataValueData = ['value' => $value->y, 'fk_time_id' => $timeId, 'fk_input_files_id' => $inputFileDataId, 'fk_var_id' => $variableId, 'fk_ent_id' => $entityId, 'fk_dsr_id' => $datasource->id];
                         //using mass insert instead
                         //$dataValue = DataValue::create( $dataValueData );
                         $values[] = $dataValueData;
                 //mass insertion
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     // General
     \App\Language::create(['code' => 'es', 'name' => 'Español', 'image' => 'es.png']);
     \App\Site::create(['name' => 'Plataforma ', 'domain' => 'http://mimg.dev/', 'root' => '/', 'es' => ['title' => 'PROGRAMA MUNICIPAL DE RECONOCIMIENTO Y FOMENTO A INICIATIVAS SOSTENIBLES', 'description' => 'Nuestro objetivo es programar la plataforma del Programa Municipal de Reconocimiento y Fomento a Iniciativas Sostenibles en formato es php y sql para entorno web, en base a un contenido y diseño previamente definido.', 'keywords' => 'programa, municipal, iniciativas sostenibles, medio ambiente, guayaquil, ecuador'], 'google_verification' => '', 'analytics' => '']);
     // Nodos
     $node_registry_a = \App\Node::create(['name' => 'registry-a', 'table_name' => 'registry_a', 'type' => 'form']);
     \App\NodeExtra::create(['parent_id' => $node_registry_a->id, 'display' => 'admin', 'type' => 'filter', 'parameter' => 'field', 'value_array' => json_encode(['status', 'company_type', 'guayaquil_zone'])]);
     \App\NodeExtra::create(['parent_id' => $node_registry_a->id, 'display' => 'admin', 'type' => 'graph', 'parameter' => 'pie', 'value_array' => json_encode(['status', 'company_type', 'guayaquil_zone'])]);
     $node_registry_b = \App\Node::create(['name' => 'registry-b', 'table_name' => 'registry_b', 'type' => 'form']);
     \App\NodeExtra::create(['parent_id' => $node_registry_b->id, 'display' => 'admin', 'type' => 'filter', 'parameter' => 'field', 'value_array' => json_encode(['status', 'clasification', 'guayaquil_belongs'])]);
     \App\NodeExtra::create(['parent_id' => $node_registry_b->id, 'display' => 'admin', 'type' => 'graph', 'parameter' => 'pie', 'value_array' => json_encode(['status', 'clasification', 'guayaquil_belongs'])]);
     $node_postulation_a = \App\Node::create(['name' => 'postulation-a', 'table_name' => 'postulation_a', 'type' => 'form']);
     \App\NodeExtra::create(['parent_id' => $node_postulation_a->id, 'display' => 'admin', 'type' => 'filter', 'parameter' => 'field', 'value_array' => json_encode(['status'])]);
     \App\NodeExtra::create(['parent_id' => $node_postulation_a->id, 'display' => 'admin', 'type' => 'filter', 'parameter' => 'parent_field', 'value_array' => json_encode([['name' => 'guayaquil_zone', 'parent' => 'registry-a', 'data' => 'registry_a_id'], ['name' => 'company_type', 'parent' => 'registry-a', 'data' => 'registry_a_id']])]);
     \App\NodeExtra::create(['parent_id' => $node_postulation_a->id, 'display' => 'admin', 'type' => 'graph', 'parameter' => 'pie', 'value_array' => json_encode(['status'])]);
     \App\NodeExtra::create(['parent_id' => $node_postulation_a->id, 'display' => 'admin', 'type' => 'parent_graph', 'parameter' => 'pie', 'value_array' => json_encode([['name' => 'guayaquil_zone', 'parent' => 'registry_a', 'data' => 'registry_a_id'], ['name' => 'company_type', 'parent' => 'registry_a', 'data' => 'registry_a_id']])]);
     $node_postulation_b = \App\Node::create(['name' => 'postulation-b', 'table_name' => 'postulation_b', 'type' => 'form']);
     \App\NodeExtra::create(['parent_id' => $node_postulation_b->id, 'display' => 'admin', 'type' => 'filter', 'parameter' => 'field', 'value_array' => json_encode(['status'])]);
     \App\NodeExtra::create(['parent_id' => $node_postulation_b->id, 'display' => 'admin', 'type' => 'filter', 'parameter' => 'parent_field', 'value_array' => json_encode([['name' => 'guayaquil_belongs', 'parent' => 'registry-b', 'data' => 'registry_b_id'], ['name' => 'clasification', 'parent' => 'registry-b', 'data' => 'registry_b_id']])]);
     \App\NodeExtra::create(['parent_id' => $node_postulation_b->id, 'display' => 'admin', 'type' => 'graph', 'parameter' => 'pie', 'value_array' => json_encode(['status'])]);
     \App\NodeExtra::create(['parent_id' => $node_postulation_b->id, 'display' => 'admin', 'type' => 'parent_graph', 'parameter' => 'pie', 'value_array' => json_encode([['name' => 'guayaquil_belongs', 'parent' => 'registry_b', 'data' => 'registry_b_id'], ['name' => 'clasification', 'parent' => 'registry_b', 'data' => 'registry_b_id']])]);
     $node_deadlines = \App\Node::create(['name' => 'deadline']);
     $node_social_network = \App\Node::create(['name' => 'social-network', 'table_name' => 'social_networks', 'location' => 'app', 'type' => 'global', 'model' => '\\App\\SocialNetwork']);
     $node_title = \App\Node::create(['name' => 'title']);
     $node_content = \App\Node::create(['name' => 'content']);
     $node_banner = \App\Node::create(['name' => 'banner']);
     $node_agenda = \App\Node::create(['name' => 'agenda']);
     $node_sponsor = \App\Node::create(['name' => 'sponsor']);
     $node_contact = \App\Node::create(['name' => 'contact', 'table_name' => 'contact']);
     $node_form_contact = \App\Node::create(['name' => 'form-contact', 'type' => 'form', 'table_name' => 'form_contact']);
     // Menu: Home
     $page_home = \App\Page::create(['type' => 'customized', 'customized_name' => 'home', 'es' => ['name' => 'Inicio']]);
     \App\Menu::create(['page_id' => $page_home->id]);
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 1, 'page_id' => $page_home->id, 'node_id' => $node_title->id]);
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 2, 'page_id' => $page_home->id, 'node_id' => $node_content->id]);
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 3, 'page_id' => $page_home->id, 'node_id' => $node_title->id]);
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 4, 'page_id' => $page_home->id, 'node_id' => $node_agenda->id]);
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 5, 'page_id' => $page_home->id, 'node_id' => $node_title->id]);
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 6, 'page_id' => $page_home->id, 'node_id' => $node_sponsor->id]);
     // Menu: Sobre el Programa
     $page_programa = \App\Page::create(['es' => ['name' => 'Sobre el Programa']]);
     \App\Menu::create(['page_id' => $page_programa->id]);
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 7, 'page_id' => $page_programa->id, 'node_id' => $node_content->id]);
     // Menu: Categorias
     $page_categorias = \App\Page::create(['es' => ['name' => 'Categorias']]);
     \App\Menu::create(['page_id' => $page_categorias->id]);
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 8, 'page_id' => $page_categorias->id, 'node_id' => $node_content->id]);
     // Menu: Premios
     $page_premios = \App\Page::create(['es' => ['name' => 'Premios']]);
     \App\Menu::create(['page_id' => $page_premios->id]);
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 9, 'page_id' => $page_premios->id, 'node_id' => $node_content->id]);
     // Menu: Cronograma
     $page_cronograma = \App\Page::create(['es' => ['name' => 'Cronograma']]);
     \App\Menu::create(['page_id' => $page_cronograma->id]);
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 10, 'page_id' => $page_cronograma->id, 'node_id' => $node_content->id]);
     // Menu: Registro
     $menu_registro = \App\Menu::create(['type' => 'blank', 'es' => ['name' => 'Registro']]);
     $page_registro_a = \App\Page::create(['es' => ['name' => 'Registro A']]);
     \App\Menu::create(['level' => 2, 'parent_id' => $menu_registro->id, 'es' => ['name' => 'A. Distinción a empresas ambientalmente sostenibles', 'link' => 'registro-a']]);
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 11, 'page_id' => $page_registro_a->id, 'node_id' => $node_content->id]);
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 12, 'page_id' => $page_registro_a->id, 'node_id' => $node_registry_a->id]);
     $page_registro_b = \App\Page::create(['es' => ['name' => 'Registro B']]);
     \App\Menu::create(['level' => 2, 'parent_id' => $menu_registro->id, 'es' => ['name' => 'B. Capital semilla a iniciativas sostenibles', 'link' => 'registro-b']]);
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 13, 'page_id' => $page_registro_b->id, 'node_id' => $node_content->id]);
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 14, 'page_id' => $page_registro_b->id, 'node_id' => $node_registry_b->id]);
     // Page: Postulación A
     $page_postulacion_a = \App\Page::create(['es' => ['name' => 'Postulacion A']]);
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 15, 'page_id' => $page_postulacion_a->id, 'node_id' => $node_content->id]);
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 16, 'page_id' => $page_postulacion_a->id, 'node_id' => $node_postulation_a->id]);
     // Page: Postulación B
     $page_postulacion_b = \App\Page::create(['es' => ['name' => 'Postulacion B']]);
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 17, 'page_id' => $page_postulacion_b->id, 'node_id' => $node_content->id]);
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 18, 'page_id' => $page_postulacion_b->id, 'node_id' => $node_postulation_b->id]);
     // Menu: Contacto
     $page_contacto = \App\Page::create(['es' => ['name' => 'Contacto']]);
     \App\Menu::create(['page_id' => $page_contacto->id]);
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 19, 'page_id' => $page_contacto->id, 'node_id' => $node_contact->id]);
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 20, 'page_id' => $page_contacto->id, 'node_id' => $node_form_contact->id]);
     // Panel: Postulaciones
     $page_postulaciones = \App\Page::create(['type' => 'customized', 'customized_name' => 'postulaciones', 'es' => ['name' => 'Postulaciones']]);
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 21, 'page_id' => $page_postulaciones->id, 'node_id' => $node_content->id]);
     // Home Segunda Parte
     \App\Section::create(['id' => 22, 'page_id' => $page_home->id, 'node_id' => $node_banner->id]);
     // Crear menu en Admin
     /*$m_list = \App\Menu::create(['menu_type'=>'admin', 'icon'=>'th-list', 'es'=>['name'=>'Listas de Correos', 'link'=>'admin/model-list/target-list']]);
       $m_email = \App\Menu::create(['menu_type'=>'admin', 'icon'=>'th-list', 'es'=>['name'=>'Enviar Emails', 'link'=>'admin/model-list/email']]);
       $m_history = \App\Menu::create(['menu_type'=>'admin', 'icon'=>'th-list', 'es'=>['name'=>'Emails Enviados', 'link'=>'admin/model-list/sent-email']]);*/
     // Variables
     \App\Variable::create(['name' => 'admin_email', 'type' => 'string', 'es' => ['value' => '*****@*****.**']]);
     \Solunes\Master\App\Variable::create(['name' => 'footer_name', 'type' => 'string', 'es' => ['value' => 'GAD MUNICIPAL DE GUAYAQUIL - GUAYAQUIL, ECUADOR']]);
     \Solunes\Master\App\Variable::create(['name' => 'footer_rights', 'type' => 'string', 'es' => ['value' => 'TODOS LOS DERECHOS RESERVADOS']]);
     // Social Networks
     \App\SocialNetwork::create(['code' => 'facebook', 'url' => 'https://www.facebook.com/alcaldiaguayaquil/']);
     \App\SocialNetwork::create(['code' => 'twitter', 'url' => 'https://twitter.com/alcaldiagye/']);
     \App\SocialNetwork::create(['code' => 'youtube', 'url' => 'https://www.youtube.com/user/municipioguayaquil/']);
     \App\SocialNetwork::create(['code' => 'instagram', 'url' => 'https://www.instagram.com/municipiogye/']);
     /*factory(App\Customer::class, 30)->create();
       factory(App\CustomerPoint::class, 150)->create();
       factory(App\Operator::class, 100)->create(['city_id'=>$lpz->id]);
       factory(App\Operator::class, 100)->create(['city_id'=>$scz->id]);
       factory(App\OperatorAttendance::class, 100)->create(['operator_id'=>1, 'status'=>'1/2']);
       factory(App\OperatorAttendance::class, 100)->create(['operator_id'=>2, 'status'=>'O']);
       factory(App\Product::class, 20)->create(['type'=>'product']);
       factory(App\Product::class, 30)->create(['type'=>'implement']);*/
     /*factory(App\FilledForm::class, 50)->create(['form_id'=>1]);
       factory(App\FilledForm::class, 50)->create(['form_id'=>2]);
       factory(App\FilledForm::class, 50)->create(['form_id'=>3]);
       factory(App\FilledForm::class, 50)->create(['form_id'=>4]);
       factory(App\FilledForm::class, 50)->create(['form_id'=>5]);
       factory(App\FilledField::class, 50)->create(['filled_form_id'=>rand(1,50), 'field_id'=>rand(1,9)]);
       factory(App\FilledField::class, 50)->create(['filled_form_id'=>rand(51,100), 'field_id'=>rand(10,15)]);
       factory(App\FilledField::class, 50)->create(['filled_form_id'=>rand(101,150), 'field_id'=>rand(16,26)]);
       factory(App\FilledField::class, 50)->create(['filled_form_id'=>rand(151,200), 'field_id'=>rand(27,65)]);
       factory(App\FilledField::class, 50)->create(['filled_form_id'=>rand(201,250), 'field_id'=>rand(66,77)]);*/
     //factory(App\Questionnaire::class, 100)->create(['user_id'=>1]);
 public function variable(Request $request)
     try {
         $variableObj = $request->all();
         $varId = $request->has('varId') ? $request->get('varId') : '';
         $varName = $request->has('name') ? $request->get('name') : '';
         $varType = $request->has('variableType') ? $request->get('variableType') : 1;
         $varUnit = $request->has('unit') ? $request->get('unit') : '';
         $varDescription = $request->has('description') ? $request->get('description') : '';
         $datasetId = $request->has('datasetId') ? $request->get('datasetId') : '';
         $datasourceId = $request->has('datasourceId') ? $request->get('datasourceId') : '';
         //$variableObj = json_decode( $variableJsonString, false );
         $variableData = ['name' => $varName, 'fk_var_type_id' => $varType, 'fk_dst_id' => $datasetId, 'unit' => $varUnit, 'description' => $varDescription, 'fk_dsr_id' => $datasourceId];
         //update of existing variable or new variable
         if (empty($varId)) {
             //new variable
             $variable = Variable::create($variableData);
         } else {
             //update variable
             $variable = Variable::find($varId);
             if (!empty($variable)) {
             } else {
                 //not found existing variable
                 return ['success' => false];
         $variableId = $variable->id;
         return ['success' => true, 'data' => ['variableId' => $variableId]];
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return ['success' => false];