public function processPage(Crawler $crawler) { $crawler->filter(".forumline.tablesorter tr")->each(function (Crawler $node) { $filter = $node->filter("td"); if (count($filter) && count($filter->eq(3))) { $name = trim($filter->eq(3)->text()); $torrentLink = trim($filter->eq(3)->filter('a')->attr('href')); $torrentLink = str_replace("./", '', $torrentLink); $id = substr($torrentLink, strpos($torrentLink, "=") + 1); $seeders = trim($filter->eq(7)->text()); $leechers = trim($filter->eq(8)->text()); $downloadTimes = trim($filter->eq(9)->text()); $torrent = Torrent::where('name', '=', $name)->first(); if (!$torrent) { $torrent = new Torrent(); } $torrent->name = $name; $torrent->torrentLink = $torrentLink; $torrent->id = (int) $id; $torrent->seeders = (int) $seeders; $torrent->leechers = (int) $leechers; $torrent->downloadTimes = (int) $downloadTimes; $torrent->isSent = false; $torrent->save(); } }); }
/** * Compose the navigation bar. * */ private function composeNavigation() { //pour du code plus long, utiliser un forder http\composers\... //view()->composer('partials.navbar', 'App\Http\Composers\NavigationComposer@compose'); view()->composer('partials.navbar', function ($view) { $view->with('latest', Torrent::latest()->first()); }); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $torrentsModels = Torrent::where('seeders', '>', 29)->where('isSent', '=', false); $torrents = $torrentsModels->get(); if (count($torrents)) { Mail::send('emails.freshTorrents', ['torrents' => $torrents], function (Message $m) { $m->from(env("MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS"), 'AxelPAL'); $m->to(env("EMAIL_TO_SEND"), "AxelPAL")->subject('Новые торренты за ' . date("Y-m-d")); }); $torrentsModels->update(['isSent' => true]); } }
/** * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param $args * @return Response */ public function dispatch(Request $request, Response $response, $args) { $data = []; if ($request->isPost()) { $magnetUri = $request->getParam('magnetUri'); if ($magnetUri) { $torrent = Torrent::fromMagnet($magnetUri); $data['torrent'] = $torrent; $data['torrentLink'] = (new Torcache())->getDownloadUrl($torrent); } } $this->view->render($response, 'home.twig', $data); return $response; }
public function index(Request $request) { $label = null; $label_id = $request->input('label', null); if ($label_id != null) { $label = Label::find((int) $label_id); } if ($label == null) { $label = Label::unlabeled(); } $_labels = Label::orderBy('id', 'asc')->get(); $labels = array(); foreach ($_labels as $l) { $labels[$l->id] = $l; } return view('index', ['torrents' => Torrent::orderBy('time_added', 'desc')->where('label_id', $label->id)->get(), 'labels' => $labels, 'label' => $label]); }
/** * Update a torrent. * * @param Torrent $torrent * @param TorrentRequest $request * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector */ public function update(Torrent $torrent, TorrentRequest $request) { $torrent->update($request->all()); $this->syncTags($torrent, $request->input('tag_list')); return redirect('torrents'); }
/** * @param Torrent $torrent * @return string */ public function getDownloadUrl(Torrent $torrent) { return '' . $torrent->getHash() . '.torrent'; }