function check_for_entries($student_no)
     $entries = Students::all();
     $counter = 0;
     foreach ($entries as $entry) {
         if ($entry->student_id == $student_no) {
     return $counter;
Example #2
 public function home()
     if (Auth::check()) {
         //Super Admin Dashboard //
         if (priv() == 1) {
             //return date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-4 months"));
             /* Current Month Total Day Count Start */
             $date = new \DateTime("-6");
             $date->modify("-" . ($date->format('j') - 1) . " days");
             $month = date('m');
             $year = date("Y");
             $start_date = "01-" . $month . "-" . $year;
             $start_time = strtotime($start_date);
             $end_time = strtotime("+1 month", $start_time);
             for ($i = $start_time; $i < $end_time; $i += 86400) {
                 $list[] = date('Y-m-d', $i);
                 $list1[] = date('d D', $i);
             $daycount = count($list);
             //return $mo;
             //return count($list);
             /************ Current Month Total Day Count End **************/
             /*********** Current Month Total weekend Count Start ***********/
             $t = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), 1, date('Y')));
             $e = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') + 1, 0, date('Y')));
             //return $t.'--'.$e;
             $begin = new \DateTime($t);
             $end = new \DateTime($e);
             $interval = new \DateInterval('P1D');
             $daterange = new \DatePeriod($begin, $interval, $end);
             $weekends = [];
             foreach ($daterange as $date) {
                 if (in_array($date->format('N'), [5])) {
                     $weekends[$date->format('W')][] = $date->format('Y-m-d');
             $week = count($weekends);
             //return $week;
             //echo 'Number of weeks: ' . count($weekends);
             //echo 'Number of weekend days: ' . (count($weekends, COUNT_RECURSIVE) - count($weekends));
             /************ Current Month Total weekend Count End ****************/
             $workday = $daycount - $week;
             /************ Current Month Teacher Attdence Percentage Start ****************/
             $teacher = Teacher::all()->count();
             $allteacherworkday = $workday * $teacher;
             $m = date("Y-m");
             $teacheratten1 = Attendence::where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 1)->count();
             $teacheratten2 = Attendence::where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 0)->count();
             $total = $teacheratten1 + $teacheratten2;
             $tcurrent = (int) ($total / $allteacherworkday * 100);
             /************ Current Month Teacher Attdence Percentage End ****************/
             /************ Current Month Student Attdence Percentage Start ****************/
             $student = Students::all()->count();
             $studentclassday = $workday * $student;
             //return $studentclassday;
             $m = date("Y-m");
             $studentm = Attendence::where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->where('type', '=', 'Student')->where('status', '=', 0)->count();
             $sttotal = (int) ($studentm / $studentclassday * 100);
             /************ Current Month Student Attdence Percentage End ****************/
             /*** six month day count Start ***/
             $d1 = date("Y-m-d");
             $d2 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-6 months"));
             //return $d2.$d1;
             $date1 = strtotime($d2);
             $date2 = strtotime($d1);
             //return $date1.'=='.$date2;
             $months = 0;
             while (($date1 = strtotime('+1 DAY', $date1)) <= $date2) {
             //return  $months;
             /*** Week Count For six month Start***/
             $t = $d2;
             $e = $d1;
             //return $t.'--'.$e;
             $beginsix = new \DateTime($t);
             $endsix = new \DateTime($e);
             //return $begin.'--'.$end;
             $intervalsix = new \DateInterval('P1D');
             $daterangesix = new \DatePeriod($beginsix, $intervalsix, $endsix);
             $weekendsix = [];
             foreach ($daterangesix as $date) {
                 if (in_array($date->format('N'), [5])) {
                     $weekendsix[$date->format('W')][] = $date->format('Y-m-d');
             $weeksix = count($weekendsix);
             /* Teacher Six month calculation start */
             $totaldaycountsix = $months - $weeksix;
             $t1 = Attendence::whereBetween('created_at', [$d2, $d1])->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 1)->count();
             $t2 = Attendence::whereBetween('created_at', [$d2, $d1])->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 0)->count();
             $ct = $t1 + $t2;
             $sixmonthtattenpercent = (int) ($ct / $totaldaycountsix * 100);
             /* Teacher Six month calculation End */
             /* Student Six month calculation start */
             $s1 = Attendence::whereBetween('created_at', [$d2, $d1])->where('type', '=', 'Student')->where('status', '=', 0)->count();
             $studentpercentsixmonth = (int) ($s1 / $totaldaycountsix * 100);
             /* Student Six month calculation End */
             //echo 'Number of weeks: ' . count($weekends);
             //echo 'Number of weekend days: ' . (count($weekends, COUNT_RECURSIVE) - count($weekends));
             /*** Week Count For Six month End ***/
             /*** six month day count End ***/
             /*** one year day count Start ***/
             $dy1 = date("Y-m-d");
             $dy2 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-12 months"));
             //return $d2.$d1;
             $datey1 = strtotime($dy2);
             $datey2 = strtotime($dy1);
             //return $date1.'=='.$date2;
             $monthsy = 0;
             while (($datey1 = strtotime('+1 DAY', $datey1)) <= $datey2) {
             //return  $months;
             /*** Week Count For six month Start***/
             $ty = $dy2;
             $ey = $dy1;
             //return $t.'--'.$e;
             $beginy = new \DateTime($ty);
             $endy = new \DateTime($ey);
             //return $begin.'--'.$end;
             $intervaly = new \DateInterval('P1D');
             $daterangey = new \DatePeriod($beginy, $intervaly, $endy);
             $weekendy = [];
             foreach ($daterangey as $date) {
                 if (in_array($date->format('N'), [5])) {
                     $weekendy[$date->format('W')][] = $date->format('Y-m-d');
             $weekyear = count($weekendy);
             //return $weekyear;
             $totaldaycountyear = $monthsy - $weekyear;
             /* Teacher One year Start*/
             $ty1 = Attendence::whereBetween('created_at', [$dy2, $dy1])->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 1)->count();
             $ty2 = Attendence::whereBetween('created_at', [$dy2, $dy1])->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 0)->count();
             $cty = $ty1 + $ty2;
             //return $cty;
             $yeartattenpercent = (int) ($cty / $totaldaycountyear * 100);
             /* Teacher One year End*/
             /* Student One year Start*/
             $sy2 = Attendence::whereBetween('created_at', [$dy2, $dy1])->where('type', '=', 'Student')->where('status', '=', 0)->count();
             //return $cty;
             $styearcount = (int) ($sy2 / $totaldaycountyear * 100);
             /* Student One year End*/
             //return $yeartattenpercent;
             //echo 'Number of weeks: ' . count($weekends);
             //echo 'Number of weekend days: ' . (count($weekends, COUNT_RECURSIVE) - count($weekends));
             /*** Week Count For Six month End ***/
             /*** six month day count End ***/
             /***************************************************** Teacher Percent End ********/
             //Super Admin
             $AtotalInstitute = Institute::where('status', '=', 1)->count();
             $AtotalStudents = Students::where('status', '=', 1)->count();
             $AtotalStudentsMale = Students::where('status', '=', 1)->where('gender', '=', 'Male')->count();
             $AtotalStudentsFemale = Students::where('status', '=', 1)->where('gender', '=', 'Female')->count();
             $SAtotalTeachers = Teacher::all()->count();
             $SAtotalTeachersMale = Teacher::where('gender', '=', 'Male')->count();
             $SAtotalTeachersFeMale = Teacher::where('gender', '=', 'Female')->count();
             $OthersTeacher = Teacher::where('gender', '=', 'Other')->count();
             //today report in %
             $today = date('Y-m-d');
             $y = date("Y");
             //$totalTeachesrs=Teacher::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->count();
             $teacherAttendence = Attendence::where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 0)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$today}%")->count();
             $teacherAttendence1 = Attendence::where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 1)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$today}%")->count();
             $total = $teacherAttendence + $teacherAttendence1;
             //return $total;
             $today_atten = (int) ($total / $SAtotalTeachers * 100);
             //return $today_atten;
             //end today report
             //This Month Report in %
             $m = date("Y-m");
             $d = date('t');
             $at = Holyday::where('holiday_date', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->count();
             $p = $d - $at;
             $a12 = Attendence::where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 1)->count();
             $a02 = Attendence::where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 0)->count();
             $ay2 = $a12 + $a02;
             //return $a12.$a02;
             $t = $SAtotalTeachers * $p;
             $ms = (int) ($ay2 / $t * 100);
             //return $ms;
             //This Month Rreport End
             return view('welcome')->with('atotalInstitute', $AtotalInstitute)->with('atotalStudents', $AtotalStudents)->with('atotalStudentsMale', $AtotalStudentsMale)->with('atotalStudentsFemale', $AtotalStudentsFemale)->with('satotalteacher', $SAtotalTeachers)->with('satotalmaleteacher', $SAtotalTeachersMale)->with('satotalfemaleteacher', $SAtotalTeachersFeMale)->with('others', $OthersTeacher)->with('today', $today_atten)->with('cmonth', $ms)->with('tattencmonth', $tcurrent)->with('sixmonth', $sixmonthtattenpercent)->with('oneyear', $yeartattenpercent)->with('totalstudentmonth', $sttotal)->with('totalpercentstudentsix', $studentpercentsixmonth)->with('studentoneyear', $styearcount);
         } elseif (priv() == 2) {
             $today = date('Y-m-d');
             $y = date("Y");
             //return $today;
             $totalStudents = Students::where('status', '=', 1)->where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->count();
             $totalStudentsMale = Students::where('status', '=', 1)->where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('gender', '=', 'Male')->count();
             $totalStudentsFemale = Students::where('status', '=', 1)->where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('gender', '=', 'Female')->count();
             $totalTeachesrs = Teacher::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->count();
             $teacherAttendence = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 0)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$today}%")->count();
             $teacherAttendence1 = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 1)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$today}%")->count();
             $total = $teacherAttendence + $teacherAttendence1;
             //return $total;
             $today_atten = (int) ($total / $totalTeachesrs * 100);
             //return $today_atten;
             $a1 = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$y}%")->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 1)->count();
             $a0 = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$y}%")->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 0)->count();
             $ay = $a1 + $a0;
             //return $ay;
             if ($y % 4 == 0) {
                 $x = 366;
                 $year_percent = (int) ($ay / $x * 100);
             } else {
                 $yx = 365;
                 $year_percent = (int) ($ay / $yx * 100);
             $totalTeacherMale = Teacher::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('gender', '=', 'Male')->count();
             $totalTeacherFemale = Teacher::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('gender', '=', 'Female')->count();
             $m = date("Y-m");
             $d = date('t');
             $at = Holyday::where('holiday_date', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->count();
             $p = $d - $at;
             //return $p;
             $a12 = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 1)->count();
             $a02 = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 0)->count();
             $ay2 = $a12 + $a02;
             //return $a12.$a02;
             $t = $totalTeachesrs * $p;
             $ms = (int) ($ay2 / $t * 100);
             //return $ms;
             $at = Holyday::where('holiday_date', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->count();
             $InstiHolyday = InstiHolyday::where('holiday_date', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->count();
             // $InstiHolyday=AcademicCalender::where('holiday_date','LIKE',"%$m%")->where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->count();
             //return $InstiHolyday;
             $p = $d - ($at + $InstiHolyday);
             $ms = (int) ($p / $d * 100);
             //students attendence report saif...
             //today attendence calculation
             $totalStudents = Students::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->count();
             $totalstudentsAtten = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('type', '=', 'Student')->where('status', '=', 0)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$today}%")->count();
             $studentTodayReport = (int) ($totalstudentsAtten / $totalStudents * 100);
             //monthly calculation
             $stdPrestAve = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('type', '=', 'Student')->where('status', '=', 0)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->count();
             //$presentPersent= (int)(($stdPrestAve/$p)*100);
             $mtotal = $totalStudents * $p;
             $monthpresentPersent = (int) ($stdPrestAve / $mtotal * 100);
             ///yearly calculation
             return view('welcome')->with('totalStudents', $totalStudents)->with('totalTeachesrs', $totalTeachesrs)->with('totalStudentsMale', $totalStudentsMale)->with('totalStudentsFemale', $totalStudentsFemale)->with('today', $today_atten)->with('year', $year_percent)->with('m', $totalTeacherMale)->with('f', $totalTeacherFemale)->with('mon', $ms)->with('studentTodayReport', $studentTodayReport)->with('monthpresentPersent', $monthpresentPersent);
         } elseif (priv() == 3) {
             /****School Admin****/
             $totalStudents = Students::where('status', '=', 1)->where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->count();
             $totalStudentsMale = Students::where('status', '=', 1)->where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('gender', '=', 'Male')->count();
             $totalStudentsFemale = Students::where('status', '=', 1)->where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('gender', '=', 'Female')->count();
             $totalTeachesrs = Teacher::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->count();
             $totalTeacherMale = Teacher::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('gender', '=', 'Male')->count();
             $totalTeacherFemale = Teacher::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('gender', '=', 'Female')->count();
             /* Current Month Total Day Count Start */
             $date = new \DateTime("-6");
             $date->modify("-" . ($date->format('j') - 1) . " days");
             $month = date('m');
             $year = date("Y");
             $start_date = "01-" . $month . "-" . $year;
             $start_time = strtotime($start_date);
             $end_time = strtotime("+1 month", $start_time);
             for ($i = $start_time; $i < $end_time; $i += 86400) {
                 $list[] = date('Y-m-d', $i);
                 $list1[] = date('d D', $i);
             $daycount = count($list);
             //return $mo;
             //return count($list);
             /************ Current Month Total Day Count End **************/
             /*********** Current Month Total weekend Count Start ***********/
             $t = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), 1, date('Y')));
             $e = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') + 1, 0, date('Y')));
             //return $t.'--'.$e;
             $begin = new \DateTime($t);
             $end = new \DateTime($e);
             $interval = new \DateInterval('P1D');
             $daterange = new \DatePeriod($begin, $interval, $end);
             $weekends = [];
             foreach ($daterange as $date) {
                 if (in_array($date->format('N'), [5])) {
                     $weekends[$date->format('W')][] = $date->format('Y-m-d');
             $week = count($weekends);
             //return $week;
             //echo 'Number of weeks: ' . count($weekends);
             //echo 'Number of weekend days: ' . (count($weekends, COUNT_RECURSIVE) - count($weekends));
             /************ Current Month Total weekend Count End ****************/
             $workday = $daycount - $week;
             /************ Current Month Teacher Attdence Percentage Start ****************/
             $teacher = Teacher::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->count();
             $allteacherworkday = $workday * $teacher;
             //return $allteacherworkday;
             $m = date("Y-m");
             $teacheratten1 = Attendence::where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 1)->count();
             $teacheratten2 = Attendence::where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 0)->count();
             $total = $teacheratten1 + $teacheratten2;
             // return $allteacherworkday;
             if ($allteacherworkday == 0) {
                 // return 1;
                 $tcurrent = (int) ($total / 1 * 100);
                 // return $tcurrent;
             } elseif ($allteacherworkday != 0) {
                 $tcurrent = (int) ($total / $allteacherworkday * 100);
             //return 2;
             //$tcurrent=(int) (($total/$allteacherworkday)*100);
             //return $tcurrent;
             /************ Current Month Teacher Attdence Percentage End ****************/
             /************ Current Month Student Attdence Percentage Start ****************/
             $student = Students::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->count();
             $studentclassday = $workday * $student;
             //return $studentclassday;
             $m = date("Y-m");
             $studentm = Attendence::where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->where('type', '=', 'Student')->where('status', '=', 0)->count();
             if ($studentclassday == 0) {
                 $sttotal = (int) ($studentm / 1 * 100);
             } elseif ($studentclassday != 0) {
                 $sttotal = (int) ($studentm / $studentclassday * 100);
             //$sttotal=(int) (($studentm/$studentclassday)*100);
             /************ Current Month Student Attdence Percentage End ****************/
             return view('welcome')->with('totalStudents', $totalStudents)->with('totalTeachesrs', $totalTeachesrs)->with('totalStudentsMale', $totalStudentsMale)->with('totalStudentsFemale', $totalStudentsFemale)->with('m', $totalTeacherMale)->with('f', $totalTeacherFemale)->with('teacherthismonth', $tcurrent)->with('studentrthismonth', $sttotal);
         } elseif (priv() == 4) {
             $today = date('Y-m-d');
             $y = date("Y");
             //return $today;
             $totalStudents = Students::where('status', '=', 1)->where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->count();
             $totalStudentsMale = Students::where('status', '=', 1)->where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('gender', '=', 'Male')->count();
             $totalStudentsFemale = Students::where('status', '=', 1)->where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('gender', '=', 'Female')->count();
             $totalTeachesrs = Teacher::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->count();
             $teacherAttendence = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 0)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$today}%")->count();
             $teacherAttendence1 = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 1)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$today}%")->count();
             $total = $teacherAttendence + $teacherAttendence1;
             //return $total;
             $today_atten = (int) ($total / $totalTeachesrs * 100);
             //return $today_atten;
             $a1 = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$y}%")->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 1)->count();
             $a0 = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$y}%")->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 0)->count();
             $ay = $a1 + $a0;
             //return $ay;
             if ($y % 4 == 0) {
                 $x = 366;
                 $year_percent = (int) ($ay / $x * 100);
             } else {
                 $yx = 365;
                 $year_percent = (int) ($ay / $yx * 100);
             //return $atten_percent;
             // return $AtotalInstitute;
             $totalTeacherMale = Teacher::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('gender', '=', 'Male')->count();
             $totalTeacherFemale = Teacher::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('gender', '=', 'Female')->count();
             $m = date("Y-m");
             $d = date('t');
             $at = Holyday::where('holiday_date', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->count();
             $p = $d - $at;
             //return $p;
             $a12 = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 1)->count();
             $a02 = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 0)->count();
             $ay2 = $a12 + $a02;
             //return $a12.$a02;
             $t = $totalTeachesrs * $p;
             $ms = (int) ($ay2 / $t * 100);
             //return $ms;
             $at = Holyday::where('holiday_date', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->count();
             $InstiHolyday = InstiHolyday::where('holiday_date', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->count();
             // $InstiHolyday=AcademicCalender::where('holiday_date','LIKE',"%$m%")->where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->count();
             //return $InstiHolyday;
             $p = $d - ($at + $InstiHolyday);
             $ms = (int) ($p / $d * 100);
             //students attendence report saif...
             //today attendence calculation
             $totalStudents = Students::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->count();
             $totalstudentsAtten = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('type', '=', 'Student')->where('status', '=', 0)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$today}%")->count();
             $studentTodayReport = (int) ($totalstudentsAtten / $totalStudents * 100);
             //monthly calculation
             $stdPrestAve = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('type', '=', 'Student')->where('status', '=', 0)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->count();
             //$presentPersent= (int)(($stdPrestAve/$p)*100);
             $mtotal = $totalStudents * $p;
             $monthpresentPersent = (int) ($stdPrestAve / $mtotal * 100);
             ///yearly calculation
             return view('welcome')->with('totalStudents', $totalStudents)->with('totalTeachesrs', $totalTeachesrs)->with('totalStudentsMale', $totalStudentsMale)->with('totalStudentsFemale', $totalStudentsFemale)->with('today', $today_atten)->with('year', $year_percent)->with('m', $totalTeacherMale)->with('f', $totalTeacherFemale)->with('mon', $ms)->with('studentTodayReport', $studentTodayReport)->with('monthpresentPersent', $monthpresentPersent);
         } elseif (priv() == 5) {
             $today = date('Y-m-d');
             $y = date("Y");
             //return $today;
             $totalStudents = Students::where('status', '=', 1)->where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->count();
             $totalStudentsMale = Students::where('status', '=', 1)->where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('gender', '=', 'Male')->count();
             $totalStudentsFemale = Students::where('status', '=', 1)->where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('gender', '=', 'Female')->count();
             $totalTeachesrs = Teacher::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->count();
             $teacherAttendence = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 0)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$today}%")->count();
             $teacherAttendence1 = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 1)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$today}%")->count();
             $total = $teacherAttendence + $teacherAttendence1;
             //return $total;
             $today_atten = (int) ($total / $totalTeachesrs * 100);
             //return $today_atten;
             $a1 = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$y}%")->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 1)->count();
             $a0 = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$y}%")->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 0)->count();
             $ay = $a1 + $a0;
             //return $ay;
             if ($y % 4 == 0) {
                 $x = 366;
                 $year_percent = (int) ($ay / $x * 100);
             } else {
                 $yx = 365;
                 $year_percent = (int) ($ay / $yx * 100);
             //return $atten_percent;
             // return $AtotalInstitute;
             $totalTeacherMale = Teacher::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('gender', '=', 'Male')->count();
             $totalTeacherFemale = Teacher::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('gender', '=', 'Female')->count();
             $m = date("Y-m");
             $d = date('t');
             $at = Holyday::where('holiday_date', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->count();
             $p = $d - $at;
             //return $p;
             $a12 = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 1)->count();
             $a02 = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->where('type', '=', 'Teacher')->where('status', '=', 0)->count();
             $ay2 = $a12 + $a02;
             //return $a12.$a02;
             $t = $totalTeachesrs * $p;
             $ms = (int) ($ay2 / $t * 100);
             //return $ms;
             $at = Holyday::where('holiday_date', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->count();
             $InstiHolyday = InstiHolyday::where('holiday_date', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->count();
             // $InstiHolyday=AcademicCalender::where('holiday_date','LIKE',"%$m%")->where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->count();
             //return $InstiHolyday;
             $p = $d - ($at + $InstiHolyday);
             $ms = (int) ($p / $d * 100);
             //students attendence report saif...
             //today attendence calculation
             $totalStudents = Students::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->count();
             $totalstudentsAtten = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('type', '=', 'Student')->where('status', '=', 0)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$today}%")->count();
             $studentTodayReport = (int) ($totalstudentsAtten / $totalStudents * 100);
             //monthly calculation
             $stdPrestAve = Attendence::where('institute_code', '=', Auth::user()->institute_id)->where('type', '=', 'Student')->where('status', '=', 0)->where('created_at', 'LIKE', "%{$m}%")->count();
             //$presentPersent= (int)(($stdPrestAve/$p)*100);
             $mtotal = $totalStudents * $p;
             $monthpresentPersent = (int) ($stdPrestAve / $mtotal * 100);
             ///yearly calculation
             return view('welcome')->with('totalStudents', $totalStudents)->with('totalTeachesrs', $totalTeachesrs)->with('totalStudentsMale', $totalStudentsMale)->with('totalStudentsFemale', $totalStudentsFemale)->with('today', $today_atten)->with('year', $year_percent)->with('m', $totalTeacherMale)->with('f', $totalTeacherFemale)->with('mon', $ms)->with('studentTodayReport', $studentTodayReport)->with('monthpresentPersent', $monthpresentPersent);
         } elseif (priv() == 6) {
             return "Users";
         } elseif (priv() == 7) {
             /****Thana Officer****/
             return "Thana Officer";
         } elseif (priv() == 8) {
             /****District Officer****/
             return "District Officer";
         } elseif (priv() == 9) {
             /****Division Officer****/
             return "Divission Officer";
         } elseif (priv() == 10) {
             /****Board Officer****/
             return "Board Officer";
         } else {
             Session::flash('data', 'Not Logged In! Please Login to Continue.');
             return redirect::to('/');
     } else {
         Session::flash('data', 'Not Logged In! Please Login to Continue.');
         return redirect::to('/');
Example #3
//Route::get('/movies', function () {
//$Movies = \App\Movie::where('title','=','shuga')->get();
//$Movies = \App\movie::where('rating','>'2)->get(); //select * from movies where rating > 2
//return $movies;
//$movie= new \App\Movie();
// $movie= \App\Movie::find(5);
// $movie->genre='Horror';
// $movie->rating=4;
// $movie->save();
// return $movie;
//return \App\Movie::all();
Route::get('/students', function () {
    //$Students = \App\Students::where('lastname','=','Maich')->get();
    //return $Students;
    $students = new \App\Students();
    $students->id = '6';
    $students->firstname = 'Cate';
    $students->lastname = 'Mwai';
    // $movie= \App\Movie::find(5);
    // $movie->genre='Horror';
    // $movie->rating=4;
    // $movie->save();
    // return $movie;
    return \App\Students::all();
    Route::get('/movies', 'studentsController@index');
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function index()
     $students = Students::all();
     $data = array('students' => $students);
     return view('students.list', $data);