Example #1
 public function update()
     //implement new state answered
     $data = Questions::find(Input::get("id"));
     if (!$data || !Auth::check()) {
         return "not found";
     $validator = Validator::make(['title' => Input::get("title")], ['title' => 'max:255']);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return "i wanna more";
     if (Input::get("title") != "") {
         $data->title = Input::get("title");
     if (Input::get("question") != "") {
         $data->question = Input::get("question");
     if (Input::get("status") != "") {
         $data->status = Input::get("status");
     if (Input::get("state") != "") {
         $state = Classif::where('name', 'PARAGRAPH_STATE')->where('code', Input::get("state"))->first();
         if ($state->id) {
             $data->cid = $state->id;
         return $state;
     //return redirect("/question/$data->title/$data->id"); //maybe dynamic insert without refresh
 public function get_child_categories_and_questions()
     //        $user_info = Auth::user()->toArray();
     //        if ($user_info['user_type'] == 2) {
     $parent_id = Input::get('main_category');
     $category = new Category();
     $categories = $category->get_categories_by_parent_id($parent_id);
     $child_ids_array = array();
     if (!empty($categories)) {
         foreach ($categories as $single_categoty) {
             array_push($child_ids_array, $single_categoty['id']);
     } else {
         $categories = array();
     array_push($child_ids_array, $parent_id);
     $question = new Questions();
     $all_questions = $question->gat_category_questions_in_array($child_ids_array);
     $return_data = array('0' => $categories, '1' => $all_questions);
     return $return_data;
     //        }
     //        $message = "you are not admin. you can't use this method";
     //        return view('welcome')
     //                        ->withMessage($message);
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @param  Request  $request
  * @return Response
 public function store(Request $request)
     $id = $request->input('parentID');
     $questions = Questions::find($id);
     $comment = new Comment();
     $comment->body = $request->input('comment');
     $comment->user_id = Auth::id();
     echo $comment;
Example #4
 public function contact(Request $request)
     $this->validate($request, ['question' => 'required', 'email' => 'email']);
     if (!isset($request->confirmed)) {
         return View('contact.confirm', compact('request'));
     } else {
         if (isset($request->art_id)) {
             $art_id = $request->art_id;
         } else {
             $art_id = 0;
         $input = new Questions();
         $input->art_id = $art_id;
         $input->question = $request->question;
         $input->question = $request->email;
         $input->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
         return View('contact.contact')->withSuccess(trans('succes.asked'));
Example #5
 public function get_all_questions_where_in($ids_array)
     $question = Questions::whereIn('questions.id', $ids_array)->leftJoin('answers', 'questions.id', '=', 'answers.question_id')->selectRaw('questions.*, count(answers.id) as total_answers')->groupBy('questions.id')->get();
     //                ->toSql();
     //        print_r($question);
     //            die;
     if (count($question) > 0) {
         return $question;
     } else {
         return "";
  * Handle an incoming request.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @param  \Closure  $next
  * @return mixed
 public function handle($request, Closure $next)
     $user_id = Auth::user()->id;
     $uri = $request->path();
     $UriExpanded = explode('/', $uri);
     $q_id = $UriExpanded[1];
     $question = Questions::findBySlugOrFail($q_id);
     $id = DB::table('answers')->where('questions_id', '=', $question->id)->where('user_id', '=', $user_id)->count();
     if ($id >= 1) {
         return redirect(action('QuestionsController@index'));
     return $next($request);
  * Handle an incoming request.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @param  \Closure  $next
  * @return mixed
 public function handle($request, Closure $next)
     $uri = $request->path();
     $uriExpanded = explode('/', $uri);
     $id = $uriExpanded[1];
     $userId = Auth::user()->id;
     $question = Questions::findBySlugOrFail($id);
     if ($userId != $question->user_id) {
         flash('You Are Not The Owner Of the Question')->important();
         return redirect($uriExpanded[0] . '/' . $uriExpanded[1]);
     return $next($request);
  * Handle an incoming request.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @param  \Closure  $next
  * @return mixed
 public function handle($request, Closure $next)
     $uri = $request->path();
     $UriExpanded = explode('/', $uri);
     $q_id = $UriExpanded[1];
     $question = Questions::findBySlugOrFail($q_id);
     $a_id = $UriExpanded[3];
     $answer = Answers::findBySlugOrFail($a_id);
     $id = $answer->questions_id;
     if ($id != $question->id) {
         return redirect(action('QuestionsController@index'));
     return $next($request);
 public function update($QuestionID)
     $question = Questions::find($QuestionID);
     $old_subquestions = Subquestions::where('QuestionID', '=', $QuestionID)->get()->toArray();
     foreach ($old_subquestions as $value) {
     $data = Request::capture()->all();
     $count = $data['numAnswer'];
     for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
         $subQ = $data['answer' . ($i + 1)];
         $SubQuestionID = DB::table('subquestions')->insertGetId(['QuestionID' => $QuestionID, 'Question' => $subQ, 'created_at' => new \DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new \DateTime()]);
         $answer = new Answers();
         $answer->SubQuestionID = $SubQuestionID;
         $answer->Detail = $data['ta_answer' . ($i + 1)];
         $answer->Logical = 1;
     return redirect(route('user.viewquestion', $QuestionID));
Example #10
 public function adminViewCourse($courseid)
     $course = Courses::find($courseid);
     if (count($course) < 1) {
         return view('errors.404');
     //        $result = array('Title' => $course['Title']);
     $course = $course->toArray();
     $posts = Posts::where('CourseID', '=', $courseid)->get()->toArray();
     $numQuestions = [];
     foreach ($posts as $p) {
         $numQuestions += [$p['id'] => count(Questions::where('PostID', '=', $p['id'])->get()->toArray())];
     $r = array('posts' => $posts);
     $r += array('Title' => $course['Title']);
     $r += array('NumQuestions' => $numQuestions);
     $r += array('CourseID' => $courseid);
     //        return var_dump($r);
     //        dd($r);
     return view('viewcourse', $r);
 public function update($QuestionID)
     $question = Questions::find($QuestionID);
     $old_subquestions = Subquestions::where('QuestionID', '=', $QuestionID)->get()->toArray();
     foreach ($old_subquestions as $value) {
     $request = Request::capture();
     $data = $request->all();
     $count = $data['numAnswer'];
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
         $subQ = $data['answer' . $i];
         $SubQuestionID = DB::table('subquestions')->insertGetId(['QuestionID' => $QuestionID, 'Question' => $subQ, 'created_at' => new \DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new \DateTime()]);
         $file = $request->file('subquestion_photo_' . $i);
         if ($file != null) {
             $sq = Subquestions::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first();
             $sq->Photo = 'Subquestion_' . $QuestionID . '_' . $SubQuestionID . "_-Evangels-English-www.evangelsenglish.com_" . "." . $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
             $file->move(base_path() . '/public/images/imageSubquestion/', $sq->Photo);
         $answer = new Answers();
         $answer->SubQuestionID = $SubQuestionID;
         $answer->Detail = $data['ta_answer' . $i];
         $answer->Logical = 1;
         if ($request->hasFile('answer_photo_' . $i) && $request->file('answer_photo_' . $i)->isValid()) {
             $a = Answers::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first();
             $file = $request->file('answer_photo_' . $i);
             if ($file != null) {
                 $a->Photo = 'Answer_SQ_' . $SubQuestionID . '_' . $a->id . "_-Evangels-English-www.evangelsenglish.com_" . "." . $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
                 $file->move(base_path() . '/public/images/imageAnswer/', $a->Photo);
     return redirect(route('user.viewquestion', $QuestionID));
 private function syncTags(Questions $questions, array $tags, $courses_id)
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $newTags = Tags::firstOrCreate(['name' => $tag, 'courses_id' => $courses_id, 'user_id' => Auth::user()->id]);
  * Show the form for editing the specified resource.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function edit($QuestionID)
     if (!AuthController::checkPermission()) {
         return redirect('/');
     $Answers = Answers::where('QuestionID', '=', $QuestionID)->get();
     foreach ($Answers as $answer) {
         $answer['Detail'] = $this->s2c_convert($answer['Detail']);
     $question = Questions::find($QuestionID)->toArray();
     switch ($question['FormatID']) {
         case 1:
             $view = 'admin.editanswer';
         case 6:
             $view = 'admin.editdragdropanswer';
             $view = 'admin.editanswer';
     $photo = $question['Photo'];
     return view($view)->with(['PostID' => $question['PostID'], "QuestionID" => $QuestionID, 'Answers' => $Answers, 'Photo' => $photo]);
Example #14
  * Get single question page
 public function getSingleQuestionPage($id)
     $question = Questions::find($id);
     $quiz = QuestionCategories::where('question_id', '=', $id)->get()->first();
     $is_answered = count(Answers::where('question_id', '=', $id)->get());
     if ($is_answered > 0) {
         $is_answered = true;
     } else {
         $is_answered = false;
     if (count($question) > 0) {
         return view('admin.single-question')->with(['quiz' => $quiz, 'question' => $question, 'is_answered' => $is_answered]);
Example #15
  * Display the specified resource.
  * @param  int $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function show($id)
     //Question  database tablosundan ilgili id ile veriyi(soruyu) cekiyor.
     $question = Questions::findOrNew($id);
     $votes = Vote::where('content_id', $id)->where('content', 'question')->get(['vote']);
     if ($votes) {
         $vote = 0;
         foreach ($votes as $vote_t) {
             $vote += $vote_t['vote'];
         $question['vote'] = $vote;
     } else {
         $question['vote'] = 0;
     //Answers tablosundan ilgili questionla ilgili var ise cevaplari(Answers) buluyor ve getiriyor.
     $answers = Answers::where('question_id', $id)->get();
     foreach ($answers as $answer) {
         $answer_votes = Vote::where('content_id', $answer->id)->where('content', 'q_answer')->get(['vote']);
         if ($answer_votes) {
             $vote = 0;
             foreach ($answer_votes as $vote_t) {
                 $vote += $vote_t['vote'];
             $answer['vote'] = $vote;
         } else {
             $answer['vote'] = 0;
     //Gerekli view a aldigi verilerle birlikte gonderiyor ve sayfa aciliyor.
     return view('QA.show')->with('question', $question)->with('answers', $answers);
  * @param $id
  * @return \Illuminate\View\View
 public function write($id)
     $question = Questions::findBySlugOrFail($id);
     return view('Answer.write', compact('question'));
 public function question($q_id)
     $user = new User();
     if (Auth::check()) {
         $user_data = $user->get_user_profile_data();
         //id , username and user rank
     } else {
         $user_data['id'] = "";
     // Get question Data
     $question = new Questions();
     $question_item = $question->get_question_by_id($q_id);
     $q_data['q_id'] = $question_item[0]['id'];
     $q_data['q_content'] = $question_item[0]['content'];
     $q_data['user_id'] = $question_item[0]['user_id'];
     // get all answer of givern question ID
     $answers = new Answers();
     $get_all_answers = $answers->get_answers_ids_by_question_id($q_data['q_id']);
     $get_all_answers_ids = array();
     $get_all_users_ids = array();
     $get_all = array();
     $answers_status = new Answers_status();
     if ($get_all_answers != NULL) {
         // make array of all answer's IDs
         foreach ($get_all_answers as $answer) {
             array_push($get_all_answers_ids, $answer['id']);
             array_push($get_all_users_ids, $answer['user_id']);
     // get all usernames from user ids in array
     //        $users_data = $user->get_user_names_by_ids($get_all_users_ids);
     //        $username_array = array();
     // get all statuses of all answers
     $gat_status_in_array = $answers_status->gat_status_in_array($get_all_answers_ids);
     $status_array = array();
     if ($gat_status_in_array != null) {
         foreach ($gat_status_in_array as $key => $item) {
             $status_array[$item['answer_id']][$key] = $item;
         ksort($status_array, SORT_NUMERIC);
     if ($get_all_answers != NULL) {
         foreach ($get_all_answers as $answer) {
             $like_count = 0;
             $dislike_count = 0;
             $spam_count = 0;
             if ($status_array != null) {
                 foreach ($gat_status_in_array as $status) {
                     if ($answer['id'] == $status['answer_id']) {
                         if ($status['status'] == 1) {
                         } elseif ($status['status'] == 0) {
                         } elseif ($status['status'] == 2) {
             // get user name
             $username = $user->get_user_name_by_id($answer['user_id']);
             $all_array = array('answer_data' => $answer->toArray(), 'likes' => $like_count, 'dislikes' => $dislike_count, 'spam' => $spam_count, 'user_name' => $username);
             array_push($get_all, $all_array);
     return view('user/question_data')->withQuestionId($q_data['q_id'])->withQuestionUserId($q_data['user_id'])->withQuestionContent($q_data['q_content'])->withUserId($user_data['id'])->withAnswersArray($get_all);
 public static function destroy($id)
     if (!AuthController::checkPermission()) {
         return redirect('/');
     $question = Questions::find($id);
     @unlink(public_path('images/imageQuestion/' . $question['Photo']));
     $postid = $question['PostID'];
     $format = $question['FormatID'];
     switch ($format) {
         case 1:
         case 6:
             $answers = Answers::where('QuestionID', '=', $id)->get()->toArray();
             foreach ($answers as $answer) {
         case 2:
             $spaces = Spaces::where('QuestionID', '=', $id)->get()->toArray();
             foreach ($spaces as $value) {
         case 3:
             $answers = Answers::where('QuestionID', '=', $id)->get()->toArray();
             foreach ($answers as $answer) {
         case 4:
             $answers = Answers::where('QuestionID', '=', $id)->get()->toArray();
             foreach ($answers as $answer) {
         case 5:
             $subq = Subquestions::where('QuestionID', '=', $id)->get()->toArray();
             foreach ($subq as $s) {
     return redirect(route('user.viewpost', $postid));
  * Remove the specified resource from storage.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public static function destroy($id)
     if (!AuthController::checkPermission()) {
         return redirect('/');
     $question = Questions::find($id);
     @unlink(public_path('images/imageQuestion/' . $question['Photo']));
     $postid = $question['PostID'];
     $format = Posts::find($postid)['FormatID'];
     if ($format == 1) {
         $answers = Answers::where('QuestionID', '=', $id)->get()->toArray();
         foreach ($answers as $answer) {
     } else {
         if ($format == 2) {
             $spaces = Spaces::where('QuestionID', '=', $id)->get()->toArray();
             foreach ($spaces as $value) {
     return redirect(route('user.viewpost', $postid));
Example #20
  * Show the form for editing the specified resource.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function edit($QuestionID)
     if (!AuthController::checkPermission()) {
         return redirect('/');
     $Answers = Answers::where('QuestionID', '=', $QuestionID)->get();
     foreach ($Answers as $answer) {
         $answer['Detail'] = $this->s2c_convert($answer['Detail']);
     $question = Questions::find($QuestionID)->toArray();
     $photo = $question['Photo'];
     return view('admin.editanswer')->with(['PostID' => $question['PostID'], "QuestionID" => $QuestionID, 'Answers' => $Answers, 'Photo' => $photo]);
Example #21
							@if ((auth()->user()) && (auth()->user()->admin == 1))
								<a style="text-decoration: none;" href="{{route('user.viewquestion', $q['id'])}}"><img class="img-responsive" alt="{{$q['Question'] . ' - Evangels English - '}}{{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}}" src="/images/imageQuestion/{{$q['Photo']}}" /></a>
								<img class="img-responsive" alt="{{$q['Question'] . ' - Evangels English - '}}{{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}}" src="/images/imageQuestion/{{$q['Photo']}}" />
				@elseif ($q['ThumbnailID'] == 2)
					@if ($q['Video'] != null)
						<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-4by3">
						<iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/{{$q['Video']}}" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
$subP = \App\Questions::getFilledQuestion($q['Question']);
// don't know what's different between this view & viewfilledquestion
				<div style="color:#cc0066; font-weight:bold;">
				@if (strlen($q['Description']) > 0)
					{!! nl2br($q['Description']) . ":" !!}
					@foreach ($subP as $value)
						{!! nl2br($value) !!}
						@if (count($Spaces[$q['id']]) > 0)
						<select style="color:#cc0066" id="select_space_{{current($Spaces[$q['id']])['id']}}" data-show-icon="true">
$this_answers = $AnswersFor2[current($Spaces[$q['id']])['id']];
Example #22
 public function getQuestion($id)
     $question = Questions::find($id);
     return $question->question_name;
Example #23
 public static function destroy($id)
     if (!AuthController::checkPermission()) {
         return redirect('/');
     $post = Posts::find($id);
     @unlink(public_path('images/imagePost/' . $post['Photo']));
     $questions = Questions::where('PostID', '=', $id)->get()->toArray();
     foreach ($questions as $question) {
     $courseid = $post['CourseID'];
     $course = Courses::find($post->CourseID);
     return redirect(route('admin.viewcourse', $courseid));
Example #24
  * Remove the specified resource from storage.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function destroy($id)
     return redirect('questions');