/** * Execute the job. * * @return void */ public function handle() { $properties = \App\Property::with('propertyImages')->get(); foreach ($properties as $checkProperty) { try { $results = \App\Libraries\RetsQuery::properties('Property', 'Listing', '(Matrix_Unique_ID = ' . $checkProperty['Matrix_Unique_ID'] . ')'); } catch (Exception $e) { Bugsnag::notifyException($e); } catch (PHRETS\Exceptions\CapabilityUnavailable $e) { Bugsnag::notifyException($e); } foreach ($results as $property) { if ($property['Status'] !== 'Active') { if (!empty($checkProperty->propertyImages->toArray())) { $this->removeClosedImages($checkProperty->propertyImages); } $this->removeFromElasticSearch($property['MLSNumber']); $property = \App\Property::find($checkProperty['id']); if ($property) { $property->delete(); } } } } dispatch((new \App\Jobs\RemoveUnrelatedImages())->onQueue('images')); }
public function test(Request $request) { $property = Property::find($request->prop); $property->language = $property->propertyLanguages()->where('locale', 'en')->first(); // $property->thumbnails = $property-> $pdf = \PDF::loadView('pdf.property', ['property' => $property]); return $pdf->stream('invoice.pdf'); }
/** * Register any application authentication / authorization services. * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate $gate * @return void */ public function boot(GateContract $gate) { $this->registerPolicies($gate); // role: super admin, manager, super agent, agent // page: dashboard, properties(villa, villa rental, land), enquiry, customer, blog, page, setting $gate->define('property-edit', function ($user, $property_id) { $user = $user->get(); $property = \App\Property::find($property_id); if ($user->role_id == 3 or $user->role_id == 4) { return $property->user_id == $user->id; } if ($user->role_id == 2) { return $property->user->branch_id == $user->branch_id; } if ($user->role_id == 1) { return true; } }); $gate->define('enquiry-edit', function ($user, $enquiry_id) { $user = $user->get(); $enquiry = \App\Enquiry::find($enquiry_id); if ($user->role_id == 3 or $user->role_id == 4) { return $enquiry->property->user_id == $user->id; } if ($user->role_id == 2) { return $enquiry->property->user->branch_id == $user->branch_id; } if ($user->role_id == 1) { return true; } }); $gate->define('customer-edit', function ($user, $customer_id) { $user = $user->get(); $customer = \App\Customer::find($customer_id); // if ($user->role_id == 3 OR $user->role_id == 4) return $customer->user_id == $user->id; // if ($user->role_id == 2) return $customer->user->branch_id == $user->branch_id; if ($user->role_id == 1) { return true; } }); $gate->define('user-edit', function ($user, $user_id) { $user = $user->get(); $account = \App\User::find($user_id); if ($user->role_id == 2) { return $account->branch_id == $user->branch_id; } if ($user->role_id == 1) { return true; } }); }
public function properties(Request $request, $term = null) { // $categories = new \App\Term(); $categories = $categories->where('type', 'property_category'); if ($request->category) { $category_slug = $request->category; $category = \App\Term::where('slug', $category_slug)->where('type', 'property_category')->first(); if ($category) { $categories = $categories->where(function ($q) use($category_slug, $category) { $q->where('slug', $category_slug)->orWhere('parent_id', $category->id); }); } } $categories = $categories->get(); if ($request->action == 'create') { return view('admin.pages.property.create', compact('request', 'categories')); } if ($request->action == 'edit' && isset($request->id)) { if (Gate::denies('property-edit', $request->id)) { return redirect()->back(); } $property = \App\Property::find($request->id); // exists document $exist_document = array(); foreach ($property->documents as $key => $value) { $exist_document[] = strtolower($value->name); } // exists facility $exist_facility = array(); foreach ($property->facilities as $key => $value) { $exist_facility[] = strtolower($value->name); } $thumb = $property->thumb()->first(); $thumbnail = $thumb ? $thumb->value : 0; return view('admin.pages.property.edit', compact('property', 'request', 'categories', 'exist_document', 'exist_facility', 'thumbnail')); } if ($request->action == 'edit-translation' && isset($request->id)) { if (Gate::denies('property-edit', $request->id)) { return redirect()->back(); } $property = \App\Property::find($request->id); return view('admin.pages.property.edit-translation', compact('property', 'request', 'categories')); } $request = json_encode($request->all()); $request = json_decode($request, true); $api_url = route('api.properties.index', $request); return view('admin.pages.property.listing', compact('api_url', 'request')); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param StoreAddressPostRequest $request * @return Response */ public function store(StoreAddressPostRequest $request) { $address = new Address(array('unit' => $request->unit, 'street' => $request->street, 'postCode' => $request->postCode, 'city' => $request->city, 'state' => $request->state, 'country' => $request->country)); switch (Session::get('AddRole')) { case "tenant": $client = Client::find(Session::get('ClientInsertedId')); $client->addresses()->save($address); Session::flash('flash_message', 'Address successfully added! '); return redirect()->action('ClientController@index'); break; case "owner": $client = Client::find(Session::get('ClientInsertedId')); $client->addresses()->save($address); Session::flash('flash_message', 'Address successfully added! '); return redirect()->action('PropertyController@store', Session::get('ClientInsertedId')); break; case "property": $property = Property::find(Session::get('PropertyInsertedId')); $property->addresses()->save($address); return redirect()->action('OwnerController@index'); break; } return redirect('home'); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param Address $address * @return Response * @throws \Exception * @internal param int $id */ public function destroy(Address $address) { $property = Property::find($address->addressable_id); $property->delete(); $address->delete(); return redirect()->back(); }
public function propertyView($category, $slug) { $slug = explode('-', $slug); $id = end($slug); $property = Property::find($id); return view('pages.property-view', compact('property')); }
if ($validator->fails()) { return redirect(url('/property/edit/' . $data['property_id']))->withInput()->withErrors($validator); } $myErrorArr = array(); $districts = District::where('name', $request->district)->get(); if (count($districts) < 1) { array_push($myErrorArr, 'That district is not recognized'); } $cities = City::where('name', $request->city)->get(); if (count($cities) < 1) { array_push($myErrorArr, 'That city is not recognized.'); } if (count($myErrorArr) > 0) { return redirect(url('/property/add'))->withInput()->withErrors($myErrorArr); } $property = Property::find($data['property_id']); $property->title = $request->title; $property->address = $request->address; $property->district_id = $districts[0]->id; $property->city_id = $cities[0]->id; $property->type = $request->type; $property->price_per_night = $request->price_per_night; $property->max_occupancy = $request->max_occupancy; $property->description = $request->description; $property->save(); $features = PropertyFeatures::where('property_id', $property->id)->get()[0]; $features->property_id = $property->id; $features->kitchen = on2true($request->get('kitchen', false)); $features->internet = on2true($request->get('internet', false)); $features->tv = on2true($request->get('tv', false)); $features->essentials = on2true($request->get('essentials', false));
public function show($id) { $announcement = Property::find($id); $time = $announcement->creation_time(); $sameAnnon = Property::where('price', '=', $announcement->price)->where('area_id', '=', $announcement->area->first()->id)->take(3)->get(); // dd($announcement); if (is_null($announcement)) { abort(404); } return view('announcements.show', compact('announcement', 'time', 'sameAnnon')); }
public function delete($id) { // $property = Property::find($id); $property->delete(); return response()->json(array('status' => 200, 'monolog' => array('title' => 'delete success', 'message' => 'object has been deleted'), 'id' => $id)); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id) { // $property = Property::find($id); $property->delete(); // $property->softDeletes(); // return redirect()->back(); return response()->json(array('status' => 200, 'monolog' => array('title' => 'delete success', 'message' => 'Property has been deleted'), 'id' => $id)); }
public function show($id) { $property = Property::find($id); return view('properties.show', compact('property')); }
public function getBid($property_id) { $property = Property::find($property_id); return response()->view('property.view', ['property' => $property]); }
public function postAddcolumns(Request $request) { $category = session('category'); $propertyIDs = $request->except('_token'); $validator = $this->validatorForProperties($propertyIDs); if ($validator->fails()) { $request->session()->flash('category', $category); return redirect()->back()->withErrors($validator->messages())->withInput(); } $category->save(); Schema::create($category->table_name, function (Blueprint $table) use($category, $request, $propertyIDs) { $table->increments('id'); $table->integer('product_id')->unsigned(); foreach ($propertyIDs as $propertyID) { $property = Property::find($propertyID); switch ($property->type) { case 0: $table->integer($property->real_name); break; case 1: $table->string($property->real_name); break; case 2: $table->text($property->real_name); break; case 3: $table->date($property->real_name); } } $table->timestamps(); }); Schema::table($category->table_name, function (Blueprint $table) { $table->foreign('product_id')->references('id')->on('products')->onUpdate('cascade')->onDelete('cascade'); }); $msg = "Категория \"" . $category->name . "\" добавлена."; return redirect('admin/category')->with('msg', $msg); }