static function getPendingReservationsHTML($UserID, $sameUser, &$YouHave = null) { global $Database, $currentUser; $YouHave = $sameUser ? 'You have' : 'This user has'; $PrivateSection = $sameUser ? Users::PROFILE_SECTION_PRIVACY_LEVEL['staff'] : ''; $cols = "id, season, episode, preview, label, posted, reserved_by"; $PendingReservations = $Database->where('reserved_by', $UserID)->where('deviation_id IS NULL')->get('reservations', null, $cols); $PendingRequestReservations = $Database->where('reserved_by', $UserID)->where('deviation_id IS NULL')->get('requests', null, "{$cols}, reserved_at, true as requested_by"); $TotalPending = count($PendingReservations) + count($PendingRequestReservations); $hasPending = $TotalPending > 0; $HTML = ''; if (Permission::sufficient('staff') || $sameUser) { $pendingCountReadable = $hasPending > 0 ? "<strong>{$TotalPending}</strong>" : 'no'; $posts = CoreUtils::makePlural('reservation', $TotalPending); $gamble = $TotalPending < 4 && $sameUser ? ' <button id="suggestion" class="btn orange typcn typcn-lightbulb">Suggestion</button>' : ''; $HTML .= <<<HTML <section class='pending-reservations'> <h2>{$PrivateSection}Pending reservations{$gamble}</h2> \t\t\t\t<span>{$YouHave} {$pendingCountReadable} pending {$posts} HTML; if ($hasPending) { $HTML .= " which ha" . ($TotalPending !== 1 ? 've' : 's') . "n't been marked as finished yet"; } $HTML .= "."; if ($sameUser) { $HTML .= " Please keep in mind that the global limit is 4 at any given time. If you reach the limit, you can't reserve any more images until you finish or cancel some of your pending reservations."; } $HTML .= "</span>"; if ($hasPending) { /** @var $Posts Post[] */ $Posts = array_merge(Posts::getReservationsSection($PendingReservations, RETURN_ARRANGED)['unfinished'], array_filter(array_values(Posts::getRequestsSection($PendingRequestReservations, RETURN_ARRANGED)['unfinished']))); usort($Posts, function (Post $a, Post $b) { $a = strtotime($a->posted); $b = strtotime($b->posted); return -($a < $b ? -1 : ($a === $b ? 0 : 1)); }); $LIST = ''; foreach ($Posts as $Post) { unset($_); $postLink = $Post->toLink($_); $postAnchor = $Post->toAnchor(null, $_); $label = !empty($Post->label) ? "<span class='label'>{$Post->label}</span>" : ''; $is_request = isset($Post->rq); $reservation_time_known = !empty($Post->reserved_at); $posted = Time::tag($is_request && $reservation_time_known ? $Post->reserved_at : $Post->posted); $PostedAction = $is_request && !$reservation_time_known ? 'Posted' : 'Reserved'; $contestable = $Post->isOverdue() ? Posts::CONTESTABLE : ''; $LIST .= <<<HTML <li> <div class='image screencap'> \t<a href='{$postLink}'><img src='{$Post->preview}'></a> </div> {$label} <em>{$PostedAction} under {$postAnchor} {$posted}</em>{$contestable} <div> \t<a href='{$postLink}' class='btn blue typcn typcn-arrow-forward'>View</a> \t<button class='red typcn typcn-user-delete cancel'>Cancel</button> </div> </li> HTML; } $HTML .= "<ul>{$LIST}</ul>"; } $HTML .= "</section>"; } return $HTML; }
Response::fail(); } if (!$Database->whereEp($Episode)->delete('episodes')) { Response::dbError(); } Logs::action('episodes', array('action' => 'del', 'season' => $Episode->season, 'episode' => $Episode->episode, 'twoparter' => $Episode->twoparter, 'title' => $Episode->title, 'airs' => $Episode->airs)); $CGDb->where('name', "s{$Episode->season}e{$Episode->episode}")->delete('tags'); Response::success('Episode deleted successfuly', array('upcoming' => Episodes::getSidebarUpcoming(NOWRAP))); break; case "requests": case "reservations": $only = $action === 'requests' ? ONLY_REQUESTS : ONLY_RESERVATIONS; $posts = Posts::get($Episode, $only); switch ($only) { case ONLY_REQUESTS: $rendered = Posts::getRequestsSection($posts); break; case ONLY_RESERVATIONS: $rendered = Posts::getReservationsSection($posts); break; } Response::done(array('render' => $rendered)); break; case "vote": if (isset($_REQUEST['detail'])) { $VoteCountQuery = $Database->rawQuery("SELECT count(*) as value, vote as label\n\t\t\t\tFROM episodes__votes v\n\t\t\t\tWHERE season = ? && episode = ?\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY ASC", array($Episode->season, $Episode->episode)); $VoteCounts = array('labels' => array(), 'datasets' => array(array('data' => array()))); foreach ($VoteCountQuery as $row) { $VoteCounts['labels'][] = $row['label']; $VoteCounts['datasets'][0]['data'][] = $row['value']; }
<?php echo Episodes::getAppearancesSectionHTML($CurrentEpisode); if (Permission::sufficient('staff')) { ?> <section class="admin"> <h2>Administration area</h2> <p class="align-center"> <button id="edit-ep" class="typcn typcn-pencil large darkblue">Metadata</button> <button id="video" class="typcn typcn-pencil large darkblue">Video links</button> <button id="cg-relations" class="typcn typcn-pencil large darkblue">Guide relations</button> </p> </section> <?php } echo Posts::getReservationsSection(null, false, true); echo Posts::getRequestsSection(null, false, true); $export = array('SEASON' => $CurrentEpisode->season, 'EPISODE' => $CurrentEpisode->episode); if (Permission::sufficient('developer')) { $export['USERNAME_REGEX'] = $USERNAME_REGEX; } if ($signedIn) { $export['FULLSIZE_MATCH_REGEX'] = $FULLSIZE_MATCH_REGEX; } echo CoreUtils::exportVars($export); } else { ?> <h1>There's nothing here yet…</h1> <p>…but there will be!</p> <?php if (Permission::sufficient('staff')) {