/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy(Name $name) { // Delete name of $id $name->delete(); flash()->success('Name has been deleted!'); return redirect('names'); }
public function save(CreateNameRequest $request, Name $names) { $names->create($request->all()); return redirect()->route('show_names'); }
/** * Searches through database of FIS racers and returns their points, penalty of race, and users points * * @param $input * * @return array * * ['Racers'] => array of the 5 racers * [0-4] => ['Points'] => Racer's current points, ['LastName'] => Racer's last name, ['FirstName'] => Racer's first name * ['Penalty'] => penalty * ['RacePoints'] => Race Points * ['FinalPoints'] => users FIS points */ public function getFISpoints($input) { /* * Set variables */ extract($this->setVariables($input)); /* * Convert time to seconds */ $usersTime = time_to_sec($input['your-time']); $winnersTime = time_to_sec($input['winners-time']); /* * Loop through racers and grab points from database */ for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $nameResult = Name::where('Lastname', 'LIKE', '%' . trim($input["last-{$i}"]) . '%')->where('Firstname', 'LIKE', '%' . trim($input["first-{$i}"]) . '%')->first(); if ($nameResult == NULL) { $output['Racers'][$i] = ['Points' => 990, 'LastName' => trim($input["last-{$i}"]), 'FirstName' => trim($input["first-{$i}"]), 'Note' => 'Racer does not have a FIS license, 990 used']; $racersPoints[$i] = 990; } else { $pointResult = $nameResult->getPoints()->where('Disciplinecode', 'LIKE', "%{$FISDistance}%")->first(); if ($pointResult == NULL) { $pointResult['Fispoints'] = 990; } else { $pointResult->toArray(); } $nameResult->toArray(); $output['Racers'][$i] = ['Points' => $pointResult['Fispoints'], 'LastName' => $nameResult['Lastname'], 'FirstName' => $nameResult['Firstname']]; $racersPoints[$i] = $pointResult['Fispoints']; } } /* * Calculate penalty * Sum of three lowest points divided by 3.75 */ $sortResult = sort($racersPoints); $topThree = array_slice($racersPoints, 0, 3, true); $penalty = array_sum($topThree) / 3.75; $penalty = round($penalty, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP); $output['Penalty'] = $penalty; /* * Calculate race points * * Page 20 * http://www.fis-ski.com/mm/Document/documentlibrary/Cross-Country/04/26/74/FISpointsrules2015-2016_inclattachments_English.pdf * */ $racePoints = $usersTime * $fFactor / $winnersTime - $fFactor; $racePoints = round($racePoints, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP); $output['RacePoints'] = $racePoints; /* * Calculate final FIS Points */ $finalPoints = $penalty + $racePoints; $output['FinalPoints'] = $finalPoints; return $output; }
public function getSearchResults($input) { $nameResults = Name::where('Lastname', 'LIKE', "%{$input}%")->take(5)->get()->toArray(); return $nameResults; }