/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $data = $request->all(); // Salva o lote $lote = Lote::create(['descricao' => $data['descricao'], 'obra' => $data['obra_id'], 'fkestagio' => null, 'fketapa' => $data['etapa_id'], 'producao' => null]); if ($lote) { $sys_notifications[] = array('type' => 'success', 'message' => 'Lote criado com sucesso!'); } else { $sys_notifications[] = array('type' => 'danger', 'message' => 'Não foi possível criar o lote'); $request->session()->flash('sys_notifications', $sys_notifications); return back()->withInput($request->all()); } // Salva o Cronograma do Conjunto $data['fkobra'] = $data['obra_id']; $data['fketapa'] = $data['etapa_id']; $handles_ids = array(); foreach (@$data['handles_ids'] as $handle_id) { if ($request->has('grouped')) { $handles_conjunto = Handle::find($handle_id)->group(); foreach ($handles_conjunto as $handle) { // Atualiza HANDLE [lote] $handle->fklote = $lote->id; $handle->save(); $handles_ids[] = $handle->id; } } else { $handl = Handle::find($handle_id); // Atualiza HANDLE [lote] $handl->fklote = $lote->id; $handl->save(); $handles_ids[] = $handl->id; } } foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (empty($value)) { unset($data[$key]); } } $cronosaved = 0; foreach ($handles_ids as $handle_id) { $data['fkpeca'] = $handle_id; $data['fklote'] = $lote->id; $cjtcrono = CjtCrono::create($data); if ($cjtcrono) { $cronosaved++; } } if ($cronosaved > 0) { $sys_notifications[] = array('type' => 'success', 'message' => 'Novo Conograma criado com ' . $cronosaved . ' itens!'); } else { $sys_notifications[] = array('type' => 'danger', 'message' => 'Não foi possível criar o CRONOGRAMA!'); $request->session()->flash('sys_notifications', $sys_notifications); return back()->withInput($request->all()); } $request->session()->flash('sys_notifications', $sys_notifications); return back()->withInput($request->all()); }
public function postEliminar() { $idFinca = Input::get('id'); $lote = Lote::where('finca_id', '=', $idFinca); $finca = Finca::find($idFinca); $finca->delete(); if ($lote->count()) { $lote->delete(); } }
public function postEliminar() { $acidez = Acidez::find(Input::get('id')); $lote = Lote::where('acidez_id', '=', Input::get('id')); if ($lote->count()) { $lote = $lote->first(); $lote->acidez_id = 0; $lote->save(); } $acidez->delete(); }
public function postEliminar() { $aroma = Aroma::find(Input::get('id')); $lote = Lote::where('aroma_id', '=', Input::get('id')); if ($lote->count()) { $lote = $lote->first(); $lote->aroma_id = 0; $lote->save(); } $aroma->delete(); }
public function postEliminar() { $sabor = Sabor::find(Input::get('id')); $lote = Lote::where('sabor_id', '=', Input::get('id')); if ($lote->count()) { $lote = $lote->first(); $lote->sabor_id = 0; $lote->save(); } $sabor->delete(); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index(Request $request, $obra_id = null, $etapa_id = null) { if ($request->ajax()) { $flg_rec = $request->input('flg_rec', 3); $orderBy = $request->input('sort', ['id' => 'asc']); $handle = new Handle(); $cjtcrono = new CjtCrono(); $handles = $handle->where('obra', $obra_id)->where('fketapa', $etapa_id)->where('FLG_REC', $flg_rec)->orderBy(current(array_keys($orderBy)), current($orderBy))->with('lote'); // if you need options data anyway if ($request->input('grouped')) { if ($flg_rec == 3) { $handles = $handles->groupBy('MAR_PEZ')->select($handle->getTable() . '.*', DB::raw('SUM(QTA_PEZ) as QTA_PEZ'))->get(); } else { $handles = $handles->groupBy('POS_PEZ')->select($handle->getTable() . '.*', DB::raw('SUM(QTA_PEZ) as QTA_PEZ'))->get(); } } else { $handles = $handles->get(); } if ($request->ajax()) { $response = array(); $response['data'] = array(); foreach ($handles as $handle) { // dd( $handle->group ); $response['data'][] = ['PROJETO' => $handle->PROJETO, 'HANDLE' => $handle->HANDLE, 'FLG_REC' => $handle->FLG_REC, 'NUM_COM' => $handle->NUM_COM, 'DES_COM' => $handle->DES_COM, 'LOT_COM' => $handle->LOT_COM, 'DLO_COM' => $handle->DLO_COM, 'CLI_COM' => $handle->CLI_COM, 'IND_COM' => $handle->IND_COM, 'DT1_COM' => $handle->DT1_COM, 'DT2_COM' => $handle->DT2_COM, 'NUM_DIS' => $handle->NUM_DIS, 'DES_DIS' => $handle->DES_DIS, 'NOM_DIS' => $handle->NOM_DIS, 'REV_DIS' => $handle->REV_DIS, 'DAT_DIS' => $handle->DAT_DIS, 'TRA_PEZ' => $handle->TRA_PEZ, 'SBA_PEZ' => $handle->SBA_PEZ, 'DES_SBA' => $handle->DES_SBA, 'TIP_PEZ' => $handle->TIP_PEZ, 'MAR_PEZ' => $handle->MAR_PEZ, 'MBU_PEZ' => $handle->MBU_PEZ, 'DES_PEZ' => $handle->DES_PEZ, 'POS_PEZ' => $handle->POS_PEZ, 'NOT_PEZ' => $handle->NOT_PEZ, 'ING_PEZ' => $handle->ING_PEZ, 'MAX_LEN' => $handle->MAX_LEN, 'QTA_PEZ' => $handle->QTA_PEZ, 'QT1_PEZ' => $handle->QT1_PEZ, 'MCL_PEZ' => $handle->MCL_PEZ, 'COD_PEZ' => $handle->COD_PEZ, 'COS_PEZ' => $handle->COS_PEZ, 'NOM_PRO' => $handle->NOM_PRO == null ? 'CHAPA' : $handle->NOM_PRO, 'LUN_PRO' => $handle->LUN_PRO, 'LAR_PRO' => $handle->LAR_PRO, 'SPE_PRO' => $handle->SPE_PRO, 'MAT_PRO' => $handle->MAT_PRO, 'TIP_BUL' => $handle->TIP_BUL, 'DIA_BUL' => $handle->DIA_BUL, 'LUN_BUL' => $handle->LUN_BUL, 'PRB_BUL' => $handle->PRB_BUL, 'PUN_LIS' => $handle->PUN_LIS, 'SUN_LIS' => $handle->SUN_LIS, 'PRE_LIS' => $handle->PRE_LIS, 'FLG_DWG' => $handle->FLG_DWG, 'obra' => $handle->obra, 'id' => $handle->id, 'fklote' => $handle->lote ? $handle->lote->descricao : '', 'fkestagio' => $handle->fkestagio, 'grp' => $handle->grp, 'nome_file1' => $handle->nome_file1, 'nome_file2' => $handle->nome_file2, 'nome_file3' => $handle->nome_file3, 'nome_file4' => $handle->nome_file4, 'fketapa' => $handle->fketapa, 'CATEPERFIL' => $handle->CATEPERFIL, 'fkImportacao' => $handle->fkImportacao, 'fkpreparacao' => $handle->fkpreparacao, 'fkmedicao' => $handle->fkmedicao, 'status' => null]; } $response['current'] = $request->input('current', 1); $response['rowCount'] = $request->input('rowCount', 10); $response['total'] = $handles->count(); return json_encode($response); } } else { $obras = new ObrasController(); $obras = $obras->index($request); $lotes = Lote::all(); if ($request->old('obra_id')) { $etapas = $obras->find($request->old('obra_id'))->etapas->lists('codigo', 'id'); } else { $etapas = array(); } JavaScript::put(['urlbase' => env("APP_URL") . env("APP_URLPREFIX"), 'obra_id' => $request->old('obra_id'), 'etapa_id' => $request->old('etapa_id'), 'etapas' => $etapas, 'selected' => $request->old('handles_ids')]); return view('pecas.index', compact('obras', 'lotes')); } }
public function postEliminar() { $medio = Medio::where('productor_id', '=', Input::get('id')); if ($medio->count()) { $medio->delete(); } $certificacion = Certificacion_Productor::where('productor_id', '=', Input::get('id')); if ($certificacion->count()) { $certificacion->delete(); } $finca = Finca::where('productor_id', '=', Input::get('id')); if ($finca->count()) { $finca = $finca->first(); $lote = Lote::where('finca_id', '=', $finca->id); $lote->delete(); $finca->delete(); } $productor = Productor::where('id', '=', Input::get('id')); $productor->delete(); }
public function getLotes() { $lotes = Lote::with('finca', 'variedad1', 'tipo_beneficio', 'tipo_secado', 'acidez', 'aroma', 'sabor')->get(); return response()->json($lotes)->setCallback(Input::get('callback')); }
public function postEliminar() { $id = Input::get('id'); $perfl = Input::get('perfil'); Lote::find($id)->fill(Input::all())->delete(); }