public function product($id) { // Product Detail $product = Product::find($id); $producer = Producer::find($product->producer); $producerItem = "<a href='" . URL::to('/') . "/producer/" . $producer->id . "/" . strtolower($producer->producer) . ".html'>" . $producer->producer . "</a>"; // Category $productCategoryID = Product::find($id)->category_id; // breadcrumb $breadcrumb = $this->breadcrumb($productCategoryID, $id); // Best Seller $bestSeller = $this->bestSeller(); $image = Images::where('productID', $product['id'])->first(); $thumbnail = $image['imageSrc']; $thumbnailImage = '<a class="preView" rel="' . URL::to('/') . '/' . $thumbnail . '"><img src="' . URL::to('/') . '/' . $thumbnail . '" alt="" class="img-responsive"></a>'; $images = Images::where('productID', $id)->get(); $listImages = ""; foreach ($images as $image) { $img = $image['imageSrc']; $listImages .= '<a href="' . URL::to('/') . '/' . $img . '" class="fancybox-button" rel="photos-lib"><img alt="Berry Lace Dress" src="' . URL::to('/') . '/' . $img . '"></a>'; } $review = '<div class="fb-comments" data-href="' . URL::to('/') . '/product/' . $id . '" data-num-posts="10" data-width="700px"></div>'; return view('home.product.detail')->with(['breadcrumb' => $breadcrumb, 'product' => $product, 'producer' => $producerItem, 'bestSeller' => $bestSeller, 'thumbnailImage' => $thumbnailImage, 'listImages' => $listImages, 'review' => $review]); }
public function destroy($id) { $Src = Images::find($id)->imageSrc; $imageSrc = URL::to('/') . '/' . $Src; File::delete($imageSrc); Images::find($id)->delete(); return redirect(URL::previous())->withSuccess(Lang::get('messages.delete_success')); }
/** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function dashboard() { // $usercount = User::all()->count(); $activecount = User::where('status', '=', 1)->count(); $imagescount = Images::all()->count(); $albumcount = Album::all()->count(); return view('admin.dashboard')->with(['imagescount' => $imagescount, 'albumcount' => $albumcount, 'usercount' => $usercount, 'activeuser' => $activecount, 'fname' => 'Muhammad Adeel ']); }
public function destroy($id) { DB::transaction(function () use($id) { }); $imageSrc = Images::find($id)->imageSrc; unlink($imageSrc); Images::find($id)->delete(); DB::commit(); return redirect(URL::previous())->withSuccess(Lang::get('messages.delete_success')); }
/** * Bootstrap any application services. * * @return void */ public function boot() { // view()->composer('_recent', function ($view) { $data = Images::leftJoin('albums', 'images.album_id', '=', '')->leftJoin('users', 'images.user_id', '=', '')->select('images.*', ' as albumname', ' as username')->limit(4)->where("images.status", "=", 'Public')->orderBy('', 'desc')->get(); $view->with("recent", $data); }); view()->composer('_album', function ($view) { $data = Album::leftJoin('album_types', 'albums.albumtype_id', '=', '')->select('albums.*', ' as typename')->orderBy('', 'desc')->get(); $view->with("albums", $data); }); }
public function postMove() { $rules = array('new_album' => 'required|numeric|exists:albums,id', 'photo' => 'required|numeric|exists:images,id'); $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::route('index'); } $image = Images::find(Input::get('photo')); $image->album_id = Input::get('new_album'); $image->save(); return Redirect::route('show_album', array('id' => Input::get('new_album'))); }
public function getViewProduct($id) { $product = Products::findOrFail($id); $brands = Brands::all(); $models = Models::all(); $productImages = DB::table('product_images')->where('in_product', $id)->get(); $randProducts = Products::orderBy(DB::raw('RAND()'))->take(3)->get(); $randImages = Images::all(); $price_text = ''; if ($product->price_count == 'yes') { $price_text = 'за брой'; } return view('pages.view-product')->with('product', $product)->with('brands', $brands)->with('models', $models)->with('productImages', $productImages)->with('randProducts', $randProducts)->with('randImages', $randImages)->with('price_text', $price_text); }
function imageUpload() { if (Auth::check()) { if (Input::hasFile('img')) { $imageFile = Input::file('img'); $filename = time() . '.' . $imageFile->getClientOriginalExtension(); $imageModel = new Images(); $imageModel->name = $filename; $imageModel->ext = $imageFile->getClientOriginalExtension(); $imageModel->save(); $imageFile->move('uploads', $filename); } return view('admin.ImageUpload'); } else { return redirect('login'); } }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function update(Request $request, $id) { $product = Product::find($id); $this->validate($request, ['title' => 'required|max:255', 'description' => 'required', 'price' => 'integer|between:0,30000']); $title = Input::get('title'); $description = Input::get('description'); $price = Input::get('price'); $oldPhotos = Input::get('oldPhotos'); $colors = Input::get('color'); $categories = Input::get('categories'); $product->update(['title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'price' => $price]); $images = Input::file('photos'); $colors = Input::get('color'); $photos = []; $photos_ids = []; if ((is_array($images) || is_object($images)) && !($images[0] == null)) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($images); $i++) { //dd($images); $image = $images[$i]; $color = $colors[$i]; srand(time()); $filename = rand() . $i . '.' . $image->getClientOriginalExtension(); //save image Images::create(['color' => $color, 'img' => $filename, 'alt' => '123']); $path = storage_path() . '/app/images/' . $filename; $im = Image::make($image->getRealPath()); if ($im->width() > 900) { $im->resize(900, null, function ($c) { $c->aspectRatio(); $c->upsize(); }); } $im->save($path); $p = Images::where('img', $filename)->first(); array_push($photos, $p); array_push($photos_ids, $photos[$i]->id); } } if (isset($categories)) { $product->category()->sync($categories); } if (is_array($oldPhotos) && !is_array($photos_ids)) { $allPhotos = $oldPhotos; $product->images()->sync($allPhotos); } if (is_array($photos_ids) && !is_array($oldPhotos)) { $allPhotos = $photos_ids; $product->images()->sync($allPhotos); } if (is_array($photos_ids) && is_array($oldPhotos)) { $allPhotos = array_merge($photos_ids, $oldPhotos); $product->images()->sync($allPhotos); } return redirect()->back()->with('message', ' პროდუქტი განხლდა'); }
public function getCart() { $content = Cart::content(); $images = Images::all(); return view('pages.cart')->with('content', $content)->with('images', $images); }
public function publicShow($id) { $trap = Traps::findOrFail($id); $images = Images::where('trap_id', $id)->get(); return view('home.show_trap')->with('trap', $trap)->with('images', $images); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id) { $image = Images::find($id); $image->delete(); // return redirect()->back(); }
public function GetCommentsOnDoctor() { $doc = json_decode($_COOKIE['doctor_user'], true); $doc_id = $doc[0]['doc_id']; // this should be replaced by $COOKIE reference try { $comments = Comments::whereDoctor_id($doc_id)->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->limit(20)->get(); foreach ($comments as $com) { $pat = Patients::whereUser_id($com->user_id)->first(); $img = Images::whereUser_id($pat->user_id)->first(); $main_ob['com_data'] = $com; $main_ob['pat_first_name'] = $pat->first_name; $main_ob['pat_last_name'] = $pat->last_name; $main_ob['pat_img'] = $img->image_path; $res[] = $main_ob; } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->LogError('AjaxController Get Comments On Doctor Function', $e); } return response()->json($res); }
public function get_comments_by_user(Request $request) { $user = json_decode($_COOKIE['user'], true); try { $comments = Comments::whereUser_id($user[0]['id'])->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->limit(20)->get(); foreach ($comments as $com) { $doc = Doctors::find($com->doctor_id); $img = Images::whereUser_id($doc->user_id)->first(); $main_ob['com_data'] = $com; $main_ob['doc_first_name'] = $doc->first_name; $main_ob['doc_last_name'] = $doc->last_name; $main_ob['doc_img'] = $img->image_path; $res[] = $main_ob; } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->LogError('AjaxController Get_Comments_By_User Function', $e); } return response()->json($res); }
public function deleteImages($id) { Images::deleteImagesByID($id); return redirect()->back(); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param Request $request * @return Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $input = $request->only('name', 'modelNo', 'price', 'description', 'category_id', 'brand', 'quantityInStock', 'size', 'sale', 'timeSale'); $validator = $this->validator($input); if ($validator->fails()) { return redirect('admin/product_add')->withErrors($validator); } else { $product = new Products(); $product->name = $request->input('name'); $product->modelNo = $request->input('modelNo'); $product->price = $request->input('price'); $product->sale = $request->input('sale'); $product->timeSale = $request->input('timeSale'); $product->description = $request->input('description'); $product->category_id = $request->input('category_id'); $product->brand = $request->input('brand'); $product->quantityInStock = $request->input('quantityInStock'); $product->save(); $sizes = $request->input('size'); foreach ($sizes as $size) { $productSize = new productSize(); $productSize->name = $size; $productSize->product_id = $product->id; $productSize->save(); } $imageName = ''; $images = $request->file('image'); foreach ($images as $image) { $rules = ['image' => 'required|image|mimes:jpg,jpeg,png,gif|image_size:<=30000']; $validator = Validator::make(array('image' => $image), $rules); if ($validator->passes()) { global $imageName; $rand = rand(1, 10000); $imageName = $rand . '.' . $request->input('modelNo') . '.' . $image->getClientOriginalExtension(); $image->move(base_path() . '/public/images_product', $imageName); $image = new Images(); $image->name = 'images_product/' . $imageName; $image->product_id = $product->id; $image->save(); } else { return redirect('admin/product_add')->withErrors($validator); } } return redirect('admin/product_list'); } }
public function allProducts($type = "", $id = 0, $search = "") { if ($type == "new") { $products = DB::table('product')->orderBy('id', 'desc')->paginate(4)->toArray(); } else { if ($type == "best_seller") { $products = DB::table('product')->orderBy('purchase', 'desc')->paginate(4)->toArray(); } else { if ($type == 'search') { $products = DB::table('product')->where('name', 'LIKE', '%' . $search . '%')->paginate(8)->toArray(); } } } $allProduct = array(); foreach ($products['data'] as $product) { $allProduct[] = $product; } $allProductInView = ""; foreach ($allProduct as $item) { $description = $item->description; $producerName = Producer::find($item->producer)->producer; $images = Images::where('productID', $item->id)->first(); $thumbnail = $images['imageSrc']; $allProductInView .= '<div class="col-lg-3 col-sm-6">'; $allProductInView .= '<div class="thumbnail">'; $allProductInView .= '<a class="preview" rel="' . URL::to('/') . '/' . $thumbnail . '" href="' . URL::to('/product') . '/' . $item->id . '/' . $item->name . '.html" class="post-image-link">'; $allProductInView .= '<p><img src="' . URL::to('/') . '/' . $thumbnail . '" class="img-responsive" alt="' . strtolower($item->name) . '"></p>'; $allProductInView .= '</a>'; $allProductInView .= '<div class="caption">'; $allProductInView .= '<h3><a href="' . URL::to('/product') . '/' . $item->id . '/' . strtolower($item->name) . '.html">' . $item->name . '</a></h3>'; $allProductInView .= substr($description, 0, 70) . '<br>'; $allProductInView .= '<span class="btn btn-default"><i class="fa fa-cart"></i>' . $item->price . '$</span>'; $allProductInView .= '<a href="' . URL::to('/') . '/producer/' . $item->producer . '/' . strtolower($producerName) . '.html" class="btn btn-primary">' . $producerName . '</a>'; $allProductInView .= '</div>'; $allProductInView .= ' </div></div>'; } return $allProductInView; }
public function deleteImage(Request $request) { if (Auth::user()->email == '*****@*****.**') { Images::where('id', $request->input('image_id'))->delete(); return redirect()->back()->with($request->session()->flash('admin-success', 'Успешно изтрихте снимка.')); } }
public function setThumbnail() { $products = Product::all()->toArray(); foreach ($products as $item) { $images = Images::where('productID', $item['id'])->first(); $thumbnail = $images['imageSrc']; $model = Product::find($item['id']); $model->thumbnail = $thumbnail; $model->save(); } return redirect_success('Admin\\ProductController@index', "Set Thumbnail Success"); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id, $type = '') { // $data = Images::find($id); if (Gate::denies('delete', $data)) { abort(403, "You have no rights to do this "); } else { File::delete(public_path() . "\\uploads\\images\\" . $data->name); $isdelete = $data->delete(); if ($type == '') { $response = Response::json(array("files" => "Success")); return $response; } else { return redirect('/images/list/' . $type)->with('status', "File Removed Successfully"); } } }
public function allProductInCategory($id = 0, $type = "", $order = "") { $this->allCategoryId($id); if ($type == "all" and $order == "") { $products = DB::table('product')->whereIn('category_id', $this->allID)->paginate(9)->toArray(); } else { if ($type == "name" and $order == "asc") { $products = DB::table('product')->whereIn('category_id', $this->allID)->orderBy("name", "asc")->paginate(9)->toArray(); } else { if ($type == "name" and $order == "desc") { $products = DB::table('product')->whereIn('category_id', $this->allID)->orderBy("name", "desc")->paginate(9)->toArray(); } else { if ($type == "price" and $order == "asc") { $products = DB::table('product')->whereIn('category_id', $this->allID)->orderBy("price", "asc")->paginate(9)->toArray(); } else { if ($type == "price" and $order == "desc") { $products = DB::table('product')->whereIn('category_id', $this->allID)->orderBy("price", "desc")->paginate(9)->toArray(); } } } } } $allProduct = array(); foreach ($products['data'] as $product) { $allProduct[] = $product; } $allProductInView = ""; foreach ($allProduct as $item) { $description = $item->description; $producerName = Producer::find($item->producer)->producer; $images = Images::where('productID', $item->id)->first(); $thumbnail = $images['imageSrc']; $allProductInView .= '<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12">'; $allProductInView .= '<div class="thumbnail">'; $allProductInView .= '<a class="preview" rel="' . URL::to('/') . '/' . $thumbnail . '" href="' . URL::to('/product') . '/' . $item->id . '/' . $item->name . '.html" class="post-image-link">'; $allProductInView .= '<p><img src="' . URL::to('/') . '/' . $thumbnail . '" class="img-responsive" alt="' . strtolower($item->name) . '"></p>'; $allProductInView .= '</a>'; $allProductInView .= '<div class="caption">'; $allProductInView .= '<h3><a href="' . URL::to('/product') . '/' . $item->id . '/' . strtolower($item->name) . '.html">' . $item->name . '</a></h3>'; $allProductInView .= substr($description, 0, 70) . '<br>'; $allProductInView .= '<span class="btn btn-default"><i class="fa fa-cart"></i>' . $item->price . '$</span>'; $allProductInView .= '<a href="' . URL::to('/') . '/producer/' . $item->producer . '" class="btn btn-primary">' . $producerName . '</a>'; $allProductInView .= '</div>'; $allProductInView .= ' </div></div>'; } return $allProductInView; }
public function get_community_suggestions() { try { $com_sug = Doctors::whereDoc_type('NON_FORMAL')->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->limit(5)->get(); foreach ($com_sug as $doc) { $temp['doc_id'] = $doc->id; $temp['doc_first_name'] = $doc->first_name; $temp['doc_last_name'] = $doc->last_name; $temp['doc_address_2'] = $doc->address_2; $temp['doc_city'] = $doc->city; /* Get suggested User */ $non_formal = Non_Formal_doctors::whereDoctor_id($doc->id)->first(); $user = User::whereId($non_formal->suggested_user)->first(); $temp['sug_user_name'] = $user->name; /* Get suggested User Image */ $img = Images::whereUser_id($user->id)->first(); $temp['image_path'] = $img->image_path; $featured_main[] = $temp; } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->LogError('Get Community Suggestion Doctors Function', $e); } return $featured_main; }
public function allItem($type) { $allItem = ""; $total = 0; if (Session::has('product')) { $products = Session::get('product'); if (count($products) > 0) { foreach ($products as $item) { $images = Images::where('productID', $item["id"])->first(); $thumbnail = $images['imageSrc']; if ($type == "view") { $allItem .= '<td class="goods-page-image"><input type="hidden" name="id[]" value="' . $item["id"] . '" /> <a href="' . URL::to('/product/') . '/' . $item["id"] . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . URL::to('/') . '/' . $thumbnail . '" alt=""></a> </td>'; $allItem .= '<td class="goods-page-description"> <h3><a href="' . URL::to('/product/') . '/' . $item["id"] . '" target="_blank">' . $item['name'] . '</a></h3> </td>'; $allItem .= '<td class="goods-page-quantity"> <div class="product-quantity"> <div class="input-group bootstrap-touchspin input-group-sm"><span class="input-group-btn"> <button class="btn quantity-down bootstrap-touchspin-down" type="button"> <i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i></button></span> <span class="input-group-addon bootstrap-touchspin-prefix" style="display: none;"></span> <input name="number[]" id="product-quantity" type="text" value="' . $item['number'] . '" readonly="" class="form-control input-sm" style="display: block;"><span class="input-group-addon bootstrap-touchspin-postfix" style="display: none;"></span><span class="input-group-btn"><button class="btn quantity-up bootstrap-touchspin-up" type="button"><i class="fa fa-angle-up"></i></button></span></div> </div> </td>'; $allItem .= '<td class="goods-page-price"> <strong><span>$</span>' . $item['price'] . '</strong> </td>'; $allItem .= '<td class="goods-page-total"> <strong><span>$</span>' . $item['total'] . '</strong> </td>'; $allItem .= '<td class="del-goods-col"> <a class="del-goods" href="' . URL::to('/cart/remove') . '/' . $item['id'] . '"> </a> </td></tr>'; } else { if ($type == "checkout") { $allItem .= '<tr><input type="hidden" name="productID[]" value="' . $item['id'] . '" /> <td class="goods-page-image"> <a href="' . URL::to('/product/') . '/' . $item['id'] . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . URL::to('/') . '/' . $thumbnail . '" alt=""></a> </td>'; $allItem .= '<td class="goods-page-description"> <h3><a href="' . URL::to('/product/') . '/' . $item['id'] . '" target="_blank">' . $item['name'] . '</a></h3> </td>'; $allItem .= '<td class="goods-page-quantity"> <div class=""> <h3>' . $item['number'] . '</h3> <input name="pQty[]" id="product-quantity" type="hidden" value="' . $item['number'] . '" readonly class="form-control input-sm" style="display: block;"> </div> </td>'; $allItem .= '<td class="goods-page-price"> <strong><span>$</span>' . $item['price'] . '</strong> </td>'; $allItem .= '<td class="goods-page-total"> <strong><span>$</span>' . $item['total'] . '</strong> </td></tr>'; } } $total += $item['total']; } $this->total = $total; } else { return redirect(URL::to('/'))->withSuccess("Shopping cart empty"); } } else { return redirect(URL::to('/'))->withSuccess("Shopping cart empty"); } return $allItem; }
public static function createImages($image) { Images::create(['image' => $image->getClientOriginalName()]); $image->move('images/slider', $image->getClientOriginalName()); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { $image = Images::find($id); return view('', compact('image')); }