public function link_report() { $excel = new PHPExcel(); $sheet = new PHPExcel_Worksheet($excel, "Heads of Household"); $sheet->fromArray(["Family Number", "Last Name", "First Name"], NULL, 'A1'); $households = Household::all(); // TODO ATN ::where('approved', 1); $i = 2; foreach ($households as $h) { $sheet->fromArray([$h->id, $h->name_last, $h->name_first], NULL, 'A' . $i++); } Export::AutoSizeSheet($sheet); $excel->addSheet($sheet); $sheet = new PHPExcel_Worksheet($excel, "Children"); $sheet->fromArray(["Family Number", "Head of Household", "Child Number", "Child First Name", "Age", "Wish List", "Bike?", "Bike Style", "Bike Size", "Clothes?", "Shirt Size", "Pants Size", "Shoe Size"], NULL, 'A1'); $children = Child::join('household', '', '=', 'child.household_id')->where('household.deleted_at')->select('child.*')->get(); $i = 2; foreach ($children as $c) { if (!$c->household) { continue; } $sheet->fromArray([$c->household_id, $c->household->name_last . ", " . $c->household->name_first, $c->id, $c->name_first, $c->age, $c->additional_ideas, $c->bike_want == "Y" ? "Yes" : "", $c->bike_want == "Y" ? $c->bike_style : "", $c->bike_want == "Y" ? $c->bike_size : "", $c->clothes_want == "Y" ? "Yes" : "", $c->clothes_size_shirt, $c->clothes_size_pants, $c->shoe_size], NULL, 'A' . $i++); } Export::AutoSizeSheet($sheet); $excel->addSheet($sheet); $excel->removeSheetByIndex(0); header('Content-type: application/'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="GiftProjectTheLinkReport_' . date("YmdHis") . '.xlsx"'); header('Cache-Control: max-age=0'); $writer = new PHPExcel_Writer_Excel2007($excel); $writer->setOffice2003Compatibility(true); $writer->save('php://output'); flush(); exit(0); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $data = array('title' => 'Dashboard', 'household_count' => Household::all()->count(), 'family_count' => Family::all()->count(), 'person_count' => Person::all()->count(), 'guest_count' => Guest::all()->count()); return view('dashboard')->with($data); }