public function run()
     $exp = ['name' => 'Become an expeditionist', 'description' => 'Detailed info on how one can become an expeditionist and what it involves. Only PDFs are valid.'];
     $volunteer = ['name' => 'Become a volunteer', 'description' => 'Detailed info on how one can become a volunteer and what it involves. Only PDFs are valid.'];
 public function getInvolved()
     $page = $this->contentRepository->getPageByName('get involved');
     $sponsors = Sponsor::ordered()->get();
     $charities = Charity::ordered()->get();
     $expeditionistPdf = FileResource::where('name', 'Become an expeditionist')->first();
     $volunteerPdf = FileResource::where('name', 'Become a volunteer')->first();
     return view('front.pages.getinvolved')->with(compact('page', 'sponsors', 'charities', 'expeditionistPdf', 'volunteerPdf'));
 public function storeFile(Request $request, $resourceId)
     $this->validate($request, ['file' => 'required|mimes:pdf']);
     return response()->json('ok');