Example #1
  * Handle the event.
  * @param  Events  $event
  * @return void
 public function handle(UnFeedableEvent $event)
     // $event->getContext() : TaskCompleted Feed
     // $lastFeed : Comment Feed
     if ($event->getType() == 'CommentDeleted') {
         $feed = $event->getContext();
         if ($feed->additional_type == 'CommentPosted') {
             // echo "comment count : {$feed->comments->count()}";
             if ($feed->comments->count() > 1) {
                 // samshayamaaanu
                 $lastComment = $feed->comments->last();
                 // $feed->additional_subject_type = 'App\Comment';
                 $feed->additional_subject_id = $event->getSubject()->id;
                 $feed->updated_at = $lastComment->updated_at;
             } else {
                 $feed->additional_type = '';
                 $feed->additional_subject_id = 0;
                 $feed->additional_subject_type = '';
     } else {
         if ($event->getType() == 'ProjectDeleted') {
             // delete all project related feeds
             // create 'project created' feed
         } else {
Example #2
  * Return create tag view
  * @return \Illuminate\View\View
 public function create($team, $feed_id)
     $team = Team::where('slug', '=', $team)->with('feeds')->first();
     $feed = Feed::with('tags.network')->where('id', '=', $feed_id)->first();
     $networks = Network::all();
     return view('admin.tags.create', ['feed' => $feed, 'team' => $team, 'networks' => $networks]);
Example #3
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     if (Input::get('token')) {
         $user = JWTAuth::parseToken()->authenticate();
         return ['sidebar' => [], 'feeds' => Feed::all(), 'self' => $user];
     return response(['error' => 'wheres_the_f***ing_token'], 400);
Example #4
 public function fetch()
     $result = new RSS();
     $url = $this->get_url_only(Feed::get()->toArray());
     $feed = $result->fetch($url);
     $result = $feed->get_items();
     return view('result', compact('result'));
Example #5
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function index(FeedRepository $feedRepository)
     $user = $this->currentUser;
     $feeds = $feedRepository->getPublishedByUserAndFriends($user);
     $friendsUserIds[] = $user->id;
     $feedsCount = Feed::getTotalCountFeedsForUser($friendsUserIds);
     return view('feeds.index', compact('user', 'feeds', 'feedsCount'));
Example #6
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store(Project $project, Request $request)
     $this->validate($request, ['message' => 'required']);
     $user = JWTAuth::parseToken()->authenticate();
     // $audience = User::whereIn('id', explode(',', $request->get('audience')))->get();
     $status = $this->dispatch(new PostStatus($user, $project, $request->all()));
     $feed = Feed::whereType('StatusPosted')->whereSubjectId($status->id)->first();
     return response()->json(['success' => true, 'message' => 'Status Posted.', 'status' => $status, 'feed' => $feed]);
Example #7
 public function setUp()
     $this->project = \App\Project::firstOrFail();
     $this->user = \App\User::firstOrFail();
     $this->feed = \App\Feed::firstOrFail();
     $this->comment = $this->feed->comments->first();
Example #8
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store(Project $project, Request $request)
     $this->validate($request, ['type' => 'required|in:owner,developer,client']);
     $admin = JWTAuth::parseToken()->authenticate();
     // $user = User::findOrFail($request->get('user_id'));
     $type = $request->get('type');
     $audience = User::whereIn('id', explode(',', $request->get('users')))->get();
     $this->dispatch(new AddUserToProject($admin, $project, $audience, $type));
     $feed = Feed::whereType('UserAddedToProject')->whereSubjectId($user->id)->whereProjectId($project->id)->first();
     return response()->json(['success' => true, 'message' => 'User Joined Project.', 'feed' => $feed]);
Example #9
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker::create();
     $userIds = User::lists('id');
     $date = new DateTime();
     $day = 1;
     $users = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         foreach (range(1, 30) as $index) {
             $date->setDate(2015, 1, $day);
             Feed::create(['user_id' => $user, 'body' => $faker->sentence(), 'poster_firstname' => $faker->firstName, 'poster_profile_image' => $faker->imageUrl($width = 180, $height = 180), 'created_at' => $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'updated_at' => $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
Example #10
 public function getData($table, $id)
     $result = '';
     try {
         switch ($table) {
             case 'feeds':
                 $result = Feed::findOrFail($id);
             case 'meals':
                 $result = Meal::findOrFail($id);
             case 'videos':
                 $result = Video::findOrFail($id);
         return $result;
     } catch (ModelNotFoundException $ex) {
         return false;
Example #11
 public function relatedFeeds()
     $commonFeeds = Feed::common()->orderBy('created_at');
     $myFeeds = Feed::whereIn('project_id', $this->projects->lists('id'))->orderBy('created_at');
     return $commonFeeds->get()->merge($myFeeds);
  * Creates a filtered array of Feed models from the Provider
  * @param $provider
  * @param null $filterString
  * @return array
 public function createFeedsFromProvider($provider, $filterString = null)
     $feedArray = [];
     foreach ($provider->feed()->get_items() as $item) {
         if ($filterString) {
             if (strpos(strtolower($item->get_content()), strtolower($filterString)) !== false || strpos(strtolower($item->get_title()), strtolower($filterString)) !== false) {
                 $feed = Feed::newInstanceFromSimplePieItem($item);
                 array_push($feedArray, $feed);
         } else {
             $feed = Feed::newInstanceFromSimplePieItem($item);
             array_push($feedArray, $feed);
     return $feedArray;
Example #13
  * @return mixed
 public function getLastSortOrder()
     $feed = Feed::orderBy('sort_order', 'DESC')->first();
     return ++$feed->sort_order;
Example #14
 public function stestTaskCreatedCommentPosted()
     $user = User::firstOrFail();
     // variable
     $project = Project::create($this->projectdata);
     // variable
     $task = Task::create($this->taskdata);
     // variable
     $this->assertEquals($task->project->id, $project->id);
     // test
     $comment = Comment::create($this->commentdata);
     // variable
     $this->assertEquals($user->id, $comment->owner->id);
     // test
     // $comment->commentable()->associate($task); // morphTo : fails
     // $comment->commentable()->save($task); // morphTo : fails
     // morphMany : ok
     $this->assertEquals($task->id, $comment->commentable->id);
     // test
     event(new TaskCreated($user, $project, $task));
     $this->assertEquals(1, Feed::count());
     // test
     event(new CommentPosted($user, $comment, $task));
     $this->assertEquals(2, Feed::count());
     // test
     $this->assertEquals($comment->commentable->id, $task->id);
     $this->assertEquals(TaskCreated::class, $task->feed->type);
     $this->assertEquals(CommentPosted::class, $comment->feed->type);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $task->comments->count());
     $this->assertEquals(1, $user->comments->count());
  * Get feeds posted by current user and friends via ajax.
  * 	@param User $user
  * 	@param int $startingPoint
  *	@return mixed
 public function getPublishedByUserAndFriendsAjax(User $user, $skipQty)
     $friendsUserIds = $user->friends()->lists('requester_id');
     $friendsUserIds[] = $user->id;
     return Feed::whereIn('user_id', $friendsUserIds)->latest()->skip($skipQty)->take(10)->get();
Example #16
 public function stestDeleteFeed()
     $cd = ['comment' => 'lets bring the pain'];
     $feed = Feed::firstOrFail();
     $user1 = User::firstOrFail();
     $user2 = User::all()->last();
     $comment1 = Bus::dispatch(new PostComment($user1, $cd, $feed));
     $comment2 = Bus::dispatch(new PostComment($user2, $cd, $feed));
     $commentFeed = Feed::whereType('App\\Events\\CommentPosted')->whereContextId($feed->id)->firstOrFail();
     $this->assertEquals($user2->id, $commentFeed->origin->id);
     $this->assertEquals($comment2->id, $commentFeed->subject->id);
     Bus::dispatch(new DeleteComment($user2, $comment2));
     $this->assertEquals($user1->id, $commentFeed->origin->id);
     $this->assertEquals($comment1->id, $commentFeed->subject->id);
Example #17
  * Return redirect - deletes feed
  * @return \Illuminate\View\View
 public function delete($team, $feed_id)
     return redirect('/team/' . $team . '/feed');
Example #18
 public function updateFeed(Request $request, $id)
     $Feed = Feed::find($id);
     $Feed->name = $request->input('name');
     return response()->json($Feed);
Example #19
 public function feed($lang)
     $feed = new Feed();
     $posts = Post::where('lang', '=', $lang)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(20)->get();
     $feed->title = Config::get('app.blog_title');
     $feed->description = Config::get('app.blog_description');
     $feed->logo = '';
     $feed->link = URL::to('feed/' . $lang);
     // 'datetime', 'timestamp' or 'carbon'
     $feed->pubdate = $posts[0]->created_at;
     $feed->lang = $lang;
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         $feed->addItem($post->title, $post->sub_title, 'URL', $post->created_at, $post->preview, $post->content);
     return $feed->render('rss');
  * Remove the specified resource from storage.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function destroy($id)
     return redirect('feed');
Example #21
 public function getFever()
     /* Fever API needs strings for category_id and feed_id's */
     //static for now
     $email = 'username';
     $pass = '******';
     $api_key = md5($email . ':' . $pass);
     //always return status 1: password and username correct
     $status = '1';
     //latest api version is 3
     $arr = ['api_version' => '3', 'auth' => $status];
     //last refreshed is current system time
     $time = ['last_refreshed_on_time' => strtotime('now')];
     $arr = array_merge($arr, $time);
     //when argument is groups, retrieve list with categories and id's
     if (isset($_GET['groups'])) {
         $groups = [];
         $Categories = Category::orderBy('category_order', 'asc')->get();
         if (!empty($Categories)) {
             foreach ($Categories as $Category) {
                 array_push($groups, ['id' => (string) $Category->id, 'title' => $Category->name]);
         $response_arr['groups'] = $groups;
         $arr = array_merge($arr, $response_arr);
     //when argument is feeds, retrieve list with feeds and id's
     if (isset($_GET['feeds'])) {
         $feeds = [];
         $Feeds = Feed::orderBy('feed_name', 'asc')->get();
         if (!empty($Feeds)) {
             foreach ($Feeds as $Feed) {
                 array_push($feeds, ['id' => (int) $Feed->id, 'favicon_id' => (int) $Feed->id, 'title' => $Feed->feed_name, 'url' => $Feed->url, 'site_url' => $Feed->url, 'is_spark' => '0', 'last_updated_on_time' => strtotime($Feed->updated_at)]);
         $response_arr['feeds'] = $feeds;
         $arr = array_merge($arr, $response_arr);
     //when argument is groups or feeds, also return feed id's linked to category id's
     if (isset($_GET['groups']) || isset($_GET['feeds'])) {
         $feeds_groups = [];
         //The array is composed with a group_id and feed_ids containing a string/comma-separated list of positive integers
         $Categories = Category::orderBy('category_order', 'asc')->get();
         if (!empty($Categories)) {
             foreach ($Categories as $key => $Category) {
                 $feeds_groups[$key]['group_id'] = (int) $Category->id;
                 $Feeds = Category::find($Category->id)->feeds;
                 if (!empty($Feeds)) {
                     $feed_ids = [];
                     foreach ($Feeds as $Feed) {
                         array_push($feed_ids, $Feed->id);
                     $feeds_groups[$key]['feed_ids'] = implode(',', $feed_ids);
         $response_arr['feeds_groups'] = $feeds_groups;
         $arr = array_merge($arr, $response_arr);
     //return list with all unread article id's
     if (isset($_GET['unread_item_ids'])) {
         $unread_item_ids = [];
         $Articles = Article::where('status', 'unread')->orderBy('id', 'asc')->get();
         if (!empty($Articles)) {
             foreach ($Articles as $Article) {
                 array_push($unread_item_ids, $Article->id);
         //string/comma-separated list of positive integers instead of array
         $stack = implode(',', $unread_item_ids);
         $unreaditems = ['unread_item_ids' => $stack];
         $arr = array_merge($arr, $unreaditems);
     //return string/comma-separated list with id's from read and starred articles
     if (isset($_GET['saved_item_ids'])) {
         $saved_item_ids = [];
         $Articles = Article::where('star_ind', '1')->orderBy('id', 'asc')->get();
         if (!empty($Articles)) {
             foreach ($Articles as $Article) {
                 array_push($saved_item_ids, $Article->id);
         //string/comma-separated list of positive integers instead of array
         $stack = implode(',', $saved_item_ids);
         $saveditems = ['saved_item_ids' => $stack];
         $arr = array_merge($arr, $saveditems);
     //when argument is items, return 50 articles at a time
     if (isset($_GET['items'])) {
         $total_items = [];
         $total_items['total_items'] = Article::count();
         $arr = array_merge($arr, $total_items);
         $items = [];
         //request specific items, a maximum of 50 specific items requested by comma-separated argument
         if (isset($_GET['with_ids'])) {
             //list with id's is comma-separated, so transform to array
             $ArrayIds = explode(',', $_REQUEST['with_ids']);
             //create empty array to store Article results
             $Articles = [];
             if (!empty($ArrayIds)) {
                 foreach ($ArrayIds as $ArrayId) {
                     $Article = Article::find($ArrayId);
                     array_push($Articles, $Article);
             //request 50 additional items using the highest id of locally cached items
         } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['since_id'])) {
             $Articles = Article::where('id', '>', $_REQUEST['since_id'])->orderBy('id', 'asc')->take(50)->get();
             //request 50 previous items using the lowest id of locally cached items
         } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['max_id'])) {
             $Articles = Article::where('id', '<', $_REQUEST['max_id'])->orderBy('id', 'asc')->take(50)->get();
             //if no argument is given provide total_items and up to 50 items
         } else {
             $Articles = Article::take(50)->orderBy('id', 'asc')->get();
         if (!empty($Articles)) {
             foreach ($Articles as $Article) {
                 array_push($items, ['id' => (int) $Article->id, 'feed_id' => (int) $Article->feed_id, 'title' => $Article->subject, 'author' => $Article->author, 'html' => $Article->content, 'url' => $Article->url, 'is_saved' => (int) $Article->star_ind, 'is_read' => $Article->status == 'read' ? 1 : 0, 'created_on_time' => strtotime($Article->published)]);
         $response_arr['items'] = $items;
         $arr = array_merge($arr, $response_arr);
     //when argument is links, don't return anything at this moment
     if (isset($_GET['links'])) {
         $links = [];
         $response_arr['links'] = $links;
         $arr = array_merge($arr, $response_arr);
     //when argument is groups, retrieve list with categories and id's
     if (isset($_GET['favicons'])) {
         $favicons = [];
         $Feeds = Feed::orderBy('feed_name', 'asc')->get();
         if (!empty($Feeds)) {
             foreach ($Feeds as $Feed) {
                 if (empty($Feed->favicon)) {
                     //TODO: replace with Laravel's URL functionality
                     $faviconurl = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
                     $faviconurl = substr($faviconurl, 0, strpos($faviconurl, 'index.php/api')) . 'img/rss-default.png';
                 } else {
                     $faviconurl = $Feed->favicon;
                 array_push($favicons, ['id' => (int) $Feed->id, 'title' => $faviconurl]);
             $response_arr['favicons'] = $favicons;
             $arr = array_merge($arr, $response_arr);
     //return fever response
     return response()->json($arr);
Example #22
  * Execute the command.
  * @param  FeedRepository $feedRepository
  * @return void
 public function handle()
     $feed = Feed::publish($this->body, $this->posterFirstname, $this->posterProfileImage);
     return $feed;