public function index() { $expenses = Expense::where('office', '=', '2')->orderBy('paid_on', 'desc')->get(); $payments = Payment::orderBy('paid_on', 'desc')->get(); // \Auth::user()->name; //get name of Auth user return view('expenses.index', compact('expenses', 'payments')); }
/** * Show the application dashboard to the user. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $expensesss = Expense::where('project_id', '=', 0)->first(); $expensess = Expense::where('project_id', '=', 0)->orderBy('paid_on', 'desc')->get(); $clients = Client::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get(); $projects = Project::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get(); $expenses = Expense::where('project_id', '>', 0)->orderBy('paid_on', 'desc')->get(); $payments = Payment::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get(); $hours = Hour::where('amount_paid', '<', 0)->orderBy('day_worked', 'desc')->get(); return view('home', compact('projects', 'expenses', 'payments', 'hours', 'clients', 'expensess', 'expensesss')); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { // Define first day of current month. $date = date('Y-m') . '-01'; // Get all the branches. $branches = Branch::all(); foreach ($branches as $branch) { // Try to get expense. $expense = Expense::where('BranchId', '=', $branch->Id)->where('Date', '=', $date)->first(); if (!$expense) { $default = json_decode($branch->DefaultExpenses); if ($default->regimen == 'cuotafija') { Expense::create(array('Date' => $date, 'BranchId' => $branch->Id, 'Electricity' => $default->electricity, 'Water' => $default->water, 'Telecommunications' => $default->phone, 'Rent' => $default->rent, 'Depreciation' => $default->depreciation, 'Security' => $default->security, 'Government' => $default->government, 'Taxes' => $default->taxes, 'Regimen' => $default->regimen, 'TaxesSettled' => 1)); } else { Expense::create(array('Date' => $date, 'BranchId' => $branch->Id, 'Electricity' => $default->electricity, 'Water' => $default->water, 'Telecommunications' => $default->phone, 'Rent' => $default->rent, 'Depreciation' => $default->depreciation, 'Security' => $default->security, 'Government' => $default->government, 'Taxes' => $default->taxes, 'Regimen' => $default->regimen, 'TaxesSettled' => 0)); } } } }
public function monthlyExpenses(Request $request, $month = null) { $months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']; $otherMonth = isset($month) && ($month > 0 && $month < 13); $currentMonthTrackedExpenses = TrackedExpenses::query(); if ($otherMonth) { //Get a Specific Months Data $monthStart = Carbon::create(date('Y'), $month, 1, 0, 0, 0); $monthEnd = Carbon::create(date('Y'), $month, 1, 0, 0, 0)->endOfMonth(); $currentMonthTrackedExpenses = $currentMonthTrackedExpenses->where('created_at', '>=', $monthStart)->where('created_at', '<=', $monthEnd); if ($month == 1) { $monthStart = clone $monthStart; $monthStart->previous()->startOfMonth(); $monthEnd = clone $monthEnd; $monthEnd = $monthEnd->firstOfMonth()->previous()->endOfMonth(); } else { $monthStart = $monthStart->previous()->startOfMonth(); $monthEnd = $monthEnd->previous()->lastOfMonth(); } $lastMonthData = TrackedExpenses::where('created_at', '>=', $monthStart)->where('created_at', '<=', $monthEnd)->orderBy('id', 'asc')->get()->toArray(); } else { //Get current Months Data $currentMonthTrackedExpenses = $currentMonthTrackedExpenses->where('created_at', '>=', Carbon::now()->startOfMonth())->where('created_at', '<=', Carbon::now()->endOfMonth()); $lastMonthData = TrackedExpenses::where('created_at', '>=', Carbon::now()->startOfMonth()->previous()->firstOfMonth())->where('created_at', '<=', Carbon::now()->startOfMonth()->previous()->lastOfMonth())->get()->toArray(); } //$lastMonthData = $lastMonthData->orderBy('id','desc')->get()->toArray(); $currentMonthTrackedExpenses = $currentMonthTrackedExpenses->orderBy('id', 'desc')->get(); $expenses = Expense::where('active', 1)->get(); $current = 0; foreach ($expenses as $expense) { $e[$current]['expense'] = $expense; $e[$current]['monthlypayed'] = $this->findExpense($expense->id, $currentMonthTrackedExpenses); $e[$current]['lastMonthCost'] = $this->findExpenseLastMonth($expense->id, $lastMonthData); $current++; } return ['month' => $otherMonth ? $months[$month - 1] : Date('F'), 'payments' => $e, 'year' => date('Y')]; }
private function setPurchasePayment() { $accountPayment = NameOfAccount::find(Input::get('account_name_id')); if ($accountPayment->opening_balance >= Input::get('amount')) { $expense[0] = Expense::where('invoice_id', '=', Input::get('invoice_id'))->get(); $expenseTransaction = new Transaction(); $expenseTransaction->branch_id = Input::get('branch_id'); $expenseTransaction->account_category_id = Input::get('account_category_id'); $expenseTransaction->account_name_id = Input::get('account_name_id'); $expenseTransaction->amount = Input::get('amount'); $expenseTransaction->remarks = Input::get('remarks'); $expenseTransaction->type = "Expense"; $expenseTransaction->user_id = Session::get('user_id'); $expenseTransaction->payment_method = Input::get('payment_method'); $expenseTransaction->invoice_id = Input::get('invoice_id'); $expenseTransaction->cheque_no = Input::get('cheque_no'); $expenseTransaction->save(); $totalAmount = 0; $transactions = Transaction::where('invoice_id', '=', $expenseTransaction->invoice_id)->get(); foreach ($transactions as $transaction) { $totalAmount = $totalAmount + $transaction->amount; } $expense = Expense::find($expense[0][0]['id']); if ($totalAmount == $expense->amount) { $expense->status = "Completed"; } else { $expense->status = "Partial"; } $expense->save(); $accountPayment->opening_balance = $accountPayment->opening_balance - Input::get('amount'); $accountPayment->save(); Session::flash('message', 'Expense has been Successfully Cleared.'); } else { Session::flash('message', 'You dont have Enough Balance'); } }
<th>Received by</th> <th>Status</th> <th>Action</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $slNo = 1; ?> @foreach($purchaseregister as $reg) <?php if ($reg->type == 'Payment') { $sale = \App\PurchaseInvoice::where('invoice_id', '=', $reg->invoice_id)->first(); $partyname = \App\Party::find($sale->party_id); } else { $sale = \App\Expense::where('invoice_id', '=', $reg->invoice_id)->first(); } $time = strtotime($reg->cheque_date); $newformat = date('d', $time); $today = date('d', time()); ?> <tr> <td <?php if ($newformat >= $today - 2 && $newformat <= $today + 2) { echo "class='blink'"; } ?> >{{$slNo}}</td> <td <?php if ($newformat >= $today - 2 && $newformat <= $today + 2) { echo "class='blink'";
public function expenseSave() { // Validate Input. $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), array('electricity' => 'required', 'water' => 'required', 'phone' => 'required', 'rent' => 'required', 'government' => 'required', 'depreciation' => 'required', 'taxes' => 'required', 'security' => 'required')); if ($validator->fails()) { return response()->json(['error' => 'Es necesario escribir algo para buscar!']); } // Get Expenses of selected month. $expenses = Expense::where('Date', '=', Input::get('year') . '-' . Input::get('month') . '-01')->first(); if (!$expenses) { $response['state'] = 'Error'; $response['error'] = 'No se encontraron gastos registrados para este mes!'; return response()->json($response); } // Check we are not modifying taxes from a cuotafija. if ($expenses->Regimen == 'cuotageneral' && Input::get('taxes') != $expenses->Taxes) { $response['state'] = 'Error'; $response['error'] = 'No se permite modificar los impuestos de un mes con regimen de cuota general!'; return response()->json($response); } $expenses->Electricity = Input::get('electricity'); $expenses->Water = Input::get('water'); $expenses->Telecommunications = Input::get('phone'); $expenses->Rent = Input::get('rent'); $expenses->Government = Input::get('government'); $expenses->Depreciation = Input::get('depreciation'); $expenses->Taxes = Input::get('taxes'); $expenses->Security = Input::get('security'); $expenses->save(); $response['state'] = 'Success'; $response['message'] = 'Gastos guardados exitosamente!'; return response()->json($response); }
public function getDeleteTransaction($id) { $transaction = Transaction::find($id); $account_id = Input::get('data'); $accounts = NameOfAccount::find($account_id); $accounts->opening_balance = $accounts->opening_balance + $transaction->amount; $expense = Expense::where('invoice_id', '=', $transaction->invoice_id)->first(); $accounts->save(); $transaction->delete(); $checkTransaction = Transaction::where('invoice_id', '=', $transaction->invoice_id)->first(); if ($checkTransaction) { $expense->status = "Partial"; } else { $expense->status = "Activate"; } $expense->save(); $message = array('Transaction Successfully Deleted'); return new JsonResponse($message); }
public function testDeleteExpense() { $this->seedDatabase(); $expense = Expense::where('title', 'ropa')->first(); $this->delete('/expenses/' . $expense->id)->notSeeInDatabase('expenses', ['title' => 'ropa', 'amount' => 20], $connection = null); }
public function generate($id) { ini_set("max_execution_time", 0); $project = Project::find($id); $accomplishments = Accomplishment::where('project_id', $id)->get(); $actions = Action::where('project_id', $id)->get(); $expenses = Expense::where('project_id', $id)->get(); $issues = Issue::where('project_id', $id)->get(); $milestones = Milestone::where('project_id', $id)->get(); $risks = Risk::where('project_id', $id)->get(); $lastUser = $project->users->last(); return view('projects.generate', compact('project', 'actions', 'accomplishments', 'expenses', 'issues', 'milestones', 'risks', 'lastUser')); }