public function onError(ConnectionInterface $conn, \Exception $e) { // The connection is closed, remove it, as we can no longer send it messages $this->clients->detach($conn); echo "An error has occurred: {$e->getMessage()}\n"; $conn->close(); }
public static function exceptionHandler(\Exception $exception) { $template = new Template('error.twig'); $template->title = 'Error'; $template->alert('danger', $exception->getMessage()); $template->e = $exception; $template->render(true); }
public static function on_exception_rescue(\ICanBoogie\Exception\RescueEvent $event, \Exception $target) { try { $code = $target->getCode(); if ($code < 100 || $code >= 600) { $code = Status::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } $event->response = new Response(self::render_exception($target), $code); } catch (\Exception $e) { # # we can't provide better… too bad # } }
/** * Error handler * * @param \Exception $exception * @return void */ public function error(\Exception $exception) { $message = strip_tags($exception->getMessage()); if (stripos(PHP_OS, 'win') === false) { $string = " [1;37m[41m " . str_repeat(' ', strlen($message)) . " [0m" . PHP_EOL; $string .= " [1;37m[41m " . $message . " [0m" . PHP_EOL; $string .= " [1;37m[41m " . str_repeat(' ', strlen($message)) . " [0m" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $string .= " Try [1;33m./app help[0m for help" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } else { $string = $message . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' Try \'./app help\' for help' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } echo $string; exit(127); }
public function run() { DB::table('exceptions')->delete(); Exception::create(['title' => 'firstTimeFarmer', 'message' => 'Applicant has a year or less of farming history']); Exception::create(['title' => 'farmerHistory', 'message' => 'Applicant has less than 3 years of farming history.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'outstandingLoan', 'message' => 'Applicant has outstanding loans at ARM.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'previousAddendum', 'message' => 'Applicant utilized loan addendums in previous year:']); Exception::create(['title' => 'plantOwn', 'message' => 'Applicant does not plant his own crops.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'harvestOwn', 'message' => 'Applicant does not harvest his own crop.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'equipmentObligations', 'message' => 'Applicant does not have all equipment obligations met.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'cashOutlayProvisions', 'message' => 'Applicant has not made provisions for all cash outlays.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'fsaGoodStanding', 'message' => 'Applicant is not in good standing with FSA.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'fmaGoodStanding', 'message' => 'Applicant is not in good standing with Federal Crop Insurance (RMA).']); Exception::create(['title' => 'pastDuePremiums', 'message' => 'Applicant has Crop Insurance premiums past due.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'isDefendant', 'message' => 'Applicant is defendant in legal actions.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'outstandingJudgement', 'message' => 'Applicant has judgements outstanding.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'bankruptcyHistory', 'message' => 'Applicant has been previously involved in a bankruptcy.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'bankruptcyOrder', 'message' => 'This loan requires a Banruptcy Order to incur debt.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'outstandingLiens', 'message' => 'There are outstanding liens on the mortgaged crop.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'contractualObligations', 'message' => 'There are outstanding contractual obligations.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'notGradeA', 'message' => "Applicant is rated less than as an 'A'"]); Exception::create(['title' => 'thirdPartyCredit', 'message' => 'Third Party Credit other than Interest was utilized.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'bookedCrops', 'message' => 'More crop was booked than was insured (acres x APH x level)']); Exception::create(['title' => 'producesPeanuts', 'message' => 'This loan includes the production of peanuts.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'producesSugarCane', 'message' => 'This loan includes the production of sugar cane.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'yieldHistory', 'message' => 'No actual yield history existed - T-yield was used']); Exception::create(['title' => 'cashRentWaivers', 'message' => 'Cash Rent waivers were utilized.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'variableHarvesting', 'message' => 'Variable harvesting expenses was utilized.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'rentExpenses', 'message' => 'Certain farms have no rent expense allocated.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'cropBreakEven', 'message' => 'Applicant has yield history that is less than break-even']); Exception::create(['title' => 'nonstandardDueDate', 'message' => 'Due Date is non-standard.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'nonstandardCropDiscount', 'message' => 'Projected crops discount rate used is non-standard.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'nonstandardFsaAssignment', 'message' => 'FSA assignment discount rate used is non-standard.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'nonstandardCropInsuranceDiscount', 'message' => 'Crop Insurance discount rate used is non-standard.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'nonstandardEquipmentDiscount', 'message' => 'Equipment discount rate used is non-standard.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'nonstandardRealEstateDiscount', 'message' => 'Real-Estate discount rate used is non-standard.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'nonstandardClaimsDiscount', 'message' => 'Claims discount rate used is non-standard.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'nonstandardServiceFee', 'message' => 'Service Fee is non-standard']); Exception::create(['title' => 'serviceFeeNotOnTotal', 'message' => 'Service Fee is not charged on the total commitment.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'nonstandardProcessingFee', 'message' => 'Processing Fee is non-standard']); Exception::create(['title' => 'processingFeeNotOnTotal', 'message' => 'Processing Fee is not charged on the total commitment']); Exception::create(['title' => 'nonstandardArmInterest', 'message' => 'ARM Interest Rate is non-standard.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'differingInterestRates', 'message' => 'ARM Interest Rate and Distributor Interest Rate are not the same.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'nonRPInsurance', 'message' => 'Crop Insurance other than RP is being used.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'cropInsuranceShare', 'message' => 'Crop Insurance share used is greater than the applicants share of operation']); Exception::create(['title' => 'wholeFarmExpenses', 'message' => 'Whole farm expenses have been utilized and not directly allocated for each crop.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'noGuarantors', 'message' => 'Personal Guarantees are being relied upon by this loan.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'equipmentCollateral', 'message' => 'This loan relies upon equipment as collateral.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'realEstateCollateral', 'message' => 'This loan relies upon real estate as collateral.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'insuranceClaimCollateral', 'message' => 'This loan relies upon outstanding Crop Insurance Claims as collateral.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'negativeCashFlow', 'message' => 'Loan has negative cash flow.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'riskMargin', 'message' => "Loan's Risk Margin is less than 5% or Loans Risk Margin is less than 0."]); Exception::create(['title' => 'insufficientValueARM', 'message' => 'The crop insurance forecaset plus FSA payments do not exceed the value of ARM Commitment.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'insufficientValueTotal', 'message' => 'The crop insurance forecast plus FSA payments do not exceed the value of Total Commitment']); Exception::create(['title' => 'balanceSheetLessArm', 'message' => "The balance sheet shows less Net Worth than the ARM Commitment"]); Exception::create(['title' => 'balanceSheetNetWorth', 'message' => "The Balance Sheet shows negative net worth."]); Exception::create(['title' => 'crossCollateralized', 'message' => 'This is a cross-collateralized loan.']); Exception::create(['title' => 'controlledDisbursment', 'message' => 'This is a controlled disbursement loan.']); }
public function update($id) { // save updated $record = $this->records->find($id); if (!$record) { Exception::create(Input::all()); return $this->respond($record); } $record->fill(Input::all())->save(); return $this->respond($record); }
public function onError(ConnectionInterface $conn, \Exception $e) { echo "An error has occurred: {$e->getMessage()}\n"; $conn->close(); }
public function __invoke(Request $request, Response $response, \Exception $exception) { // Log the message $this->logger->critical($exception->getMessage()); return parent::__invoke($request, $response, $exception); }
/** * Shows caught exception in a nice view. * @param \App\Exception\HttpException|\Exception $exception * @return null */ public function handle_error_request(\Exception $exception) { if (!function_exists('apache_request_headers')) { function apache_request_headers() { $arh = array(); $rx_http = '/\\AHTTP_/'; foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $val) { if (preg_match($rx_http, $key)) { $arh_key = preg_replace($rx_http, '', $key); $rx_matches = array(); // do some nasty string manipulations to restore the original letter case // this should work in most cases $rx_matches = explode('_', $arh_key); if (count($rx_matches) > 0 and strlen($arh_key) > 2) { foreach ($rx_matches as $ak_key => $ak_val) { $rx_matches[$ak_key] = ucfirst($ak_val); } $arh_key = implode('-', $rx_matches); } $arh[$arh_key] = $val; } } return $arh; } } try { $response = null; $request = null; if ($exception instanceof HttpException) { $request = $exception->getParameter('request'); } $event = new GetResponseEvent($request, $request ? $request->cookie() : []); $event->setException($exception); $this->dispatcher->dispatch(Events::KERNEL_PRE_HANDLE_EXCEPTION, $event); if ($event->getResponse()) { $response = $event->getResponse(); } if (!$response) { $isAdmin = $exception instanceof HttpException && $exception->getParameter('request') && $exception->getParameter('request')->isAdminPath() && $this->auth->has_role('admin'); if ($isAdmin) { $route_data = $this->router->match('/admin/error/' . $exception->getCode()); } else { $route_data = $this->router->match('/error/' . $exception->getCode()); } $route_data['params'] = array_merge($route_data['params'], ['exception' => $exception]); $request = $this->request($route_data['route'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], $_POST, $_GET, $route_data['params'], $_SERVER, $_COOKIE, apache_request_headers()); $response = $request->execute(); } $response->send_headers()->send_body(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->handle_exception($e); } }
/** * Shows caught exception in a nice view. * @param \App\Exception\HttpException|\Exception $exception * @return null */ public function handle_error_request(\Exception $exception) { try { $response = null; $request = null; if ($exception instanceof HttpException) { $request = $exception->getParameter('request'); } $event = new GetResponseEvent($request, $request ? $request->getCookie() : []); $event->setException($exception); $this->dispatcher->dispatch(Events::KERNEL_PRE_HANDLE_EXCEPTION, $event); if ($event->getResponse()) { $response = $event->getResponse(); } if (!$response) { $isAdmin = $exception instanceof HttpException && $exception->getParameter('request') && $exception->getParameter('request')->isAdminPath() && $this->auth->has_role('admin'); if ($isAdmin) { $route_data = $this->router->match('/admin/error/' . $exception->getCode()); } else { $route_data = $this->router->match('/error/' . $exception->getCode()); } $route_data['params'] = array_merge($route_data['params'], ['exception' => $exception]); $request = $this->request($route_data['route'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], $_POST, $_GET, $route_data['params'], $_SERVER, $_COOKIE); $response = $request->execute(); } $response->send_headers()->send_body(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->handle_exception($e); } }
/** * Custom error handler method * * @param \Exception $exception * @return void */ public function error(\Exception $exception) { $view = new View(__DIR__ . '/../view/exception.phtml'); $view->title = 'Application Error'; $view->message = htmlentities(strip_tags($exception->getMessage()), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../config/application.php')) { $config = (include __DIR__ . '/../config/application.php'); $view->application_title = $config['application_title']; } else { $view->application_title = ''; } $response = new Response(); $response->setBody((string) $view); $response->send(500); }
/** * @param \Exception $e */ protected function logException(\Exception $e) { \Log::error($e->getMessage() . ' in ' . $e->getFile() . ':' . $e->getLine() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString() . "\n" . str_repeat('=', 80) . "\n"); }