Example #1
 public function run()
     Enrichment::create(['id' => '1', 'enrichment_id' => '1', 'class' => '1', 'longName' => 'Whatever', 'dbpediaURL' => 'kati.dbpedia', 'wikipediaURL' => 'whatever.wikipedia', 'description' => 'this is a short description', 'thumbnail' => 'kati.thumbnail']);
     Enrichment::create(['id' => '2', 'enrichment_id' => '2', 'class' => '2', 'longName' => 'Whatever2', 'dbpediaURL' => 'kati2.dbpedia', 'wikipediaURL' => 'whatever2.wikipedia', 'description' => 'this is a short description2', 'thumbnail' => 'kati2.thumbnail']);
     Enrichment::create(['id' => '3', 'enrichment_id' => '3', 'class' => '7', 'longName' => 'Whatever3', 'dbpediaURL' => 'kati3.dbpedia', 'wikipediaURL' => 'whatever3.wikipedia', 'description' => 'this is a short description3', 'thumbnail' => 'kati3.thumbnail']);
     Enrichment::create(['id' => '4', 'enrichment_id' => '4', 'class' => '4', 'longName' => 'Whatever4', 'dbpediaURL' => 'kati4.dbpedia', 'wikipediaURL' => 'whatever4.wikipedia', 'description' => 'this is a short description4', 'thumbnail' => 'kati4.thumbnail']);
 public function topEnrichment(Request $request)
     try {
         $users = MecanexUser::all();
         $videos = Video::all();
         $euscreen_id = $request->video;
         $video_id = $videos->where('video_id', $euscreen_id)->first()->id;
         $username = $request->user;
         $user_id = $users->where('username', $username)->first()->id;
         if ($request->num != 0) {
             $num = $request->num;
         } else {
             $num = 3;
         $topEnrichments = [];
         $listEnrichments = DB::select(DB::raw('SELECT * FROM enrichments_videos_time WHERE video_id=?'), [$video_id]);
         $listEnrichments = json_decode(json_encode($listEnrichments), true);
         $topEnrichments = $this->recommend_enr($listEnrichments, $user_id);
         $topEnrichments = array_slice($topEnrichments, 0, $num, true);
         foreach ($topEnrichments as $key => $score) {
             $response[] = array('enrichment_id' => Enrichment::find($key)->enrichment_id, 'score' => $score);
         $statusCode = 200;
         return $response;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $statusCode = 400;
     } finally {
         return Response::json($response, $statusCode);
 public function scoreEnrichments()
     $terms = Term::all();
     //take all Profile terms
     $enrichments = Enrichment::all();
     foreach ($enrichments as $enrichment) {
         $id = $enrichment->id;
         foreach ($terms as $term) {
             $results = DB::select(DB::raw('select MATCH (class, longName, description) AGAINST (? WITH QUERY EXPANSION)  as rev from enrichments where id = (?)'), [$term->term, $id]);
             DB::table('enrichments_terms_scores')->insert(['enrichment_id' => $id, 'term_id' => $term->id, 'enrichment_score' => $results[0]->rev]);
     $query = DB::select(DB::raw('UPDATE enrichments_terms_scores as t join (select enrichment_id,MAX(enrichment_score) as maximum FROM enrichments_terms_scores GROUP BY enrichment_id)as max_scores  on  t.enrichment_id=max_scores.enrichment_id  SET t.enrichment_score=t.enrichment_score/max_scores.maximum'));
     $terms = Term::all();
     //take all Profile terms
     $enrichments = Enrichment::all();
     foreach ($enrichments as $enrichment) {
         $id = $enrichment->id;
         foreach ($terms as $term) {
             $results = DB::select(DB::raw('select COUNT(*) as rev from enrichments where id=' . $id . ' and class LIKE "%' . $term->term . '%"'));
             DB::table('enrichments_terms_scores')->where('enrichment_id', $id)->where('term_id', $term->id)->update(['enrichment_score' => DB::raw('enrichment_score*0.5+' . $results[0]->rev * 0.5 . '')]);
     $response = ['message' => 'Successful scoring of enrichments'];
     $statusCode = 200;
     return Response::json($response, $statusCode);
 public function explicitrf_function(SignalsRequest $request)
     $username = $request->username;
     $device = $request->device_id;
     $video_id = $request->video_id;
     $action_type = $request->action;
     $explicit_rf = $request->value;
     //check if $request->score==-1 or 0 or 1
     $record_exists = UserAction::where('username', $username)->where('video_id', $video_id)->where('action', $action_type)->first();
     if (empty($record_exists)) {
         $user_action = new UserAction(['username' => $username, 'device_id' => $device, 'video_id' => $video_id, 'explicit_rf' => $explicit_rf, 'action' => $action_type]);
         $get_importance = Action::where('id', $request->action)->first();
         $importance = $get_importance->importance;
         $user_action->update(array('weight' => $explicit_rf, 'importance' => $importance));
     } else {
         $record_exists->update(array('explicit_rf' => $explicit_rf, 'weight' => $explicit_rf));
     //store in the dcgs table - only used for the online experiments
     $mecanex_user = MecanexUser::where('username', $username)->first();
     $dcg_record = Dcg::where('mecanex_user_id', $mecanex_user->id)->where('video_id', $video_id);
     $dcg_record->update(array('explicit_rf' => $explicit_rf));
     //////////////calculate ku///////////////////////
     // number of all enrichments
     $video = Video::where('video_id', $video_id)->first();
     $num_all_enrichments = DB::select(DB::raw('SELECT COUNT(*) as num FROM enrichments_videos_time WHERE video_id=?'), [$video->id]);
     $num_all_enrichments = $num_all_enrichments[0]->num;
     // create list with clicked enrichments
     $get_action_id = Action::where('action', 'click enrichment')->first();
     $action_id = $get_action_id->id;
     $enrichment_click_ids = UserAction::where('username', $username)->where('video_id', $video_id)->where('action', $action_id)->get(array('content_id'));
     $num_clicked_enrichments = count($enrichment_click_ids);
     // replace all database entries with one with the appropriate weight (so that the calculation can be easily done).
     // The information for what enrichments where clicked is now in the $enrichment_click_ids variable
     if ($num_clicked_enrichments != 0) {
         DB::table('user_actions')->where('username', $username)->where('video_id', $video_id)->where('action', $action_id)->delete();
         $user_action = new UserAction(['username' => $username, 'device_id' => $device, 'video_id' => $video_id, 'action' => $action_id, 'content_id' => '1']);
         $get_importance = Action::where('id', $action_id)->first();
         $importance = $get_importance->importance;
         $user_action->update(array('weight' => $num_clicked_enrichments / $num_all_enrichments, 'importance' => $importance));
     // create list with shared enrichments
     $get_action_id = Action::where('action', 'share')->first();
     $action_id = $get_action_id->id;
     $enrichment_share_ids = UserAction::where('username', $username)->where('video_id', $video_id)->where('action', $action_id)->get(array('content_id'));
     $num_shared_enrichments = count($enrichment_share_ids);
     // replace all database entries with one with the appropriate weight (so that the calculation can be easily done).
     // The information for what enrichments where clicked is now in the $enrichment_shared_ids variable
     if ($num_shared_enrichments != 0) {
         DB::table('user_actions')->where('username', $username)->where('video_id', $video_id)->where('action', $action_id)->delete();
         $user_action = new UserAction(['username' => $username, 'device_id' => $device, 'video_id' => $video_id, 'action' => $action_id, 'content_id' => '1']);
         $get_importance = Action::where('id', $action_id)->first();
         $importance = $get_importance->importance;
         $user_action->update(array('weight' => $num_shared_enrichments / $num_all_enrichments, 'importance' => $importance));
     $k_nominator = UserAction::where('username', $username)->where('video_id', $video_id)->groupBy('username')->get(['username', DB::raw('SUM(importance*weight) as total_score')])->first();
     $query = "SELECT SUM(t1.importance ) AS total FROM (SELECT DISTINCT action, importance FROM user_actions WHERE username=:username AND video_id=:videoid) AS t1 ";
     $k_denominator = DB::select(DB::raw($query), array('username' => $username, 'videoid' => $video_id));
     //returns array
     $k = $k_nominator->total_score / $k_denominator[0]->total;
     //to [0] gia na prospelasei to 1o stoixeio tou array pou einai to object
     /////////////////////////////update weights and update profile//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     /////////////Retrieve Terms/////////////////////////////
     //////////////retrieve terms for given video//////////////
     $video = Video::where('video_id', $request->video_id)->first();
     $threshold = 0;
     //need to appropriate set
     $results = $video->term()->where('video_score', '>', $threshold)->get(array('term_id'));
     $video_term_list = [];
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         //retrieve the terms that will be updated
         array_push($video_term_list, $result->term_id);
     ///////////retrieve terms for the clicked enrichments//////////////
     //		$get_actionid = Action::where('action', 'click enrichment')->first();
     //		$action_id = $get_actionid->id;
     //		$enrichment_ids = UserAction::where('username', $username)->where('video_id', $video_id)->where('action', $action_id)->get(array('content_id'));
     $enrichment_term_list = [];
     //		foreach ($enrichment_ids as $enrichment_id)
     //		{
     //			//call the api and get some terms
     //			//or emulate enrichment_terms
     //			//$results=Enrichment::where('id',$enrichment_id)->get(array('term_id'))
     //			foreach($results as $result)
     //			{
     //				array_push($enrichment_term_list,$result->term_id);
     //			}
     //		}
     $enrichment_terms = [3, 4, 7];
     //retrieve terms for the clicked ads
     $ads_terms = [4, 8, 10];
     ///Final term_list -  no need since I will update in three steps
     //		$term_list=array_merge($video_term_list,$enrichment_terms,$ads_terms);
     //		$terms=array_unique($term_list);
     ////////////////update weights of profile//////////////////////////
     $term_scores = [];
     //save all scores to get the max
     $user = MecanexUser::where('username', $username)->get()->first();
     $video = Video::where('video_id', $video_id)->get()->first();
     $link_user = MecanexUserTermHomeTermNeighbour::where('mecanex_user_id', $user->id)->get()->first();
     //return $video;
     //return $link_user;
     //update based on video_terms
     //return $video_term_list;
     foreach ($video_term_list as $video_term_id) {
         $temp_user = $user->term->find($video_term_id);
         $user_term_score = $temp_user->pivot->user_score;
         //get score of user
         $temp_video = $video->term->find($video_term_id);
         $video_term_score = $temp_video->pivot->video_score;
         //get score of video
         $final_score = $k * (0.8 * $video_term_score);
         foreach ($enrichment_click_ids as $enrichment_click_id) {
             $id = $enrichment_click_id->content_id;
             $enrichment = Enrichment::where('enrichment_id', $id)->get()->first();
             $temp_enrichment = $enrichment->term->find($video_term_id);
             $enrichment_term_score = $temp_enrichment->pivot->enrichment_score;
             $final_score = $final_score + $k * (0.1 / $num_clicked_enrichments * $enrichment_term_score);
         foreach ($enrichment_share_ids as $enrichment_share_id) {
             $id = $enrichment_share_id->content_id;
             $enrichment = Enrichment::where('enrichment_id', $id)->get()->first();
             $temp_enrichment = $enrichment->term->find($video_term_id);
             $enrichment_term_score = $temp_enrichment->pivot->enrichment_score;
             $final_score = $final_score + $k * (0.1 / $num_shared_enrichments * $enrichment_term_score);
         //update score
         $new_score = $user_term_score + $final_score;
         $new_score = max($new_score, 0);
         // don't let negative values
         array_push($term_scores, $new_score);
         //				//store score
         $user->term()->sync([$video_term_id => ['user_score' => $new_score]], false);
     //return $term_scores;
     // update matrix
     $number_video_terms = count($video_term_list);
     $link_term_scores = [];
     //save all scores to get the max
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $number_video_terms - 1; $i++) {
         for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $number_video_terms; $j++) {
             $temp_user_matrix = MecanexUserTermHomeTermNeighbour::where('mecanex_user_id', $user->id)->where('term_home_id', $video_term_list[$i])->where('term_neighbor_id', $video_term_list[$j])->get()->first();
             //return $temp_user_matrix;
             $temp_video = $video->term->find($video_term_list[$i]);
             $video_term_score1 = $temp_video->pivot->video_score;
             $temp_video = $video->term->find($video_term_list[$j]);
             $video_term_score2 = $temp_video->pivot->video_score;
             $final_score = $k * (0.8 * $video_term_score1 * $video_term_score2);
             foreach ($enrichment_click_ids as $enrichment_click_id) {
                 $id = $enrichment_click_id->content_id;
                 $enrichment = Enrichment::where('enrichment_id', $id)->get()->first();
                 $temp_enrichment = $enrichment->term->find($video_term_list[$i]);
                 $enrichment_term_score1 = $temp_enrichment->pivot->enrichment_score;
                 $temp_enrichment = $enrichment->term->find($video_term_list[$j]);
                 $enrichment_term_score2 = $temp_enrichment->pivot->enrichment_score;
                 $final_score = $final_score + $k * (0.1 / $num_clicked_enrichments * $enrichment_term_score1 * $enrichment_term_score2);
             foreach ($enrichment_share_ids as $enrichment_share_id) {
                 $id = $enrichment_share_id->content_id;
                 $enrichment = Enrichment::where('enrichment_id', $id)->get()->first();
                 $temp_enrichment = $enrichment->term->find($video_term_list[$i]);
                 $enrichment_term_score1 = $temp_enrichment->pivot->enrichment_score;
                 $temp_enrichment = $enrichment->term->find($video_term_list[$j]);
                 $enrichment_term_score2 = $temp_enrichment->pivot->enrichment_score;
                 $final_score = $final_score + $k * (0.1 / $num_shared_enrichments * $enrichment_term_score1 * $enrichment_term_score2);
             $new_score = $temp_user_matrix->link_score + $final_score;
             $new_score = max($new_score, 0);
             // don't let negative values
             array_push($link_term_scores, $new_score);
             $temp_user_matrix->link_score = $new_score;
     //same should be done for enrichments and ads
     //find max value and divide term values
     $max_term_value = max(max($term_scores), 1);
     if ($link_term_scores != []) {
         $max_link_term_value = max(max($link_term_scores), 1);
     foreach ($video_term_list as $video_term_id) {
         $temp_user = $user->term->find($video_term_id);
         $user_term_score = $temp_user->pivot->user_score;
         //get score of user
         $temp_video = $video->term->find($video_term_id);
         $video_term_score = $temp_video->pivot->video_score;
         //get score of video
         //update score
         $new_score = $user_term_score / $max_term_value;
         //store score
         $user->term()->sync([$video_term_id => ['user_score' => $new_score]], false);
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $number_video_terms - 1; $i++) {
         for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $number_video_terms; $j++) {
             $temp_user_matrix = MecanexUserTermHomeTermNeighbour::where('mecanex_user_id', $user->id)->where('term_home_id', $video_term_list[$i])->where('term_neighbor_id', $video_term_list[$j])->get()->first();
             $old_score = $temp_user_matrix->link_score;
             $new_score = $old_score / $max_link_term_value;
             $temp_user_matrix->link_score = $new_score;
     //calculate profile
     $terms = Term::all()->count();
     for ($j = 1; $j <= $terms; $j++) {
         $profile_score = 0;
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $terms; $i++) {
             $temp_user = $user->term->find($i);
             $user_term_score = $temp_user->pivot->user_score;
             //get score of user
             if ($i == $j) {
                 $link_score = 0;
             } elseif ($i > $j) {
                 $temp_user_matrix = MecanexUserTermHomeTermNeighbour::where('mecanex_user_id', $user->id)->where('term_home_id', $j)->where('term_neighbor_id', $i)->get()->first();
                 $link_score = $temp_user_matrix->link_score;
             } else {
                 $temp_user_matrix = MecanexUserTermHomeTermNeighbour::where('mecanex_user_id', $user->id)->where('term_home_id', $i)->where('term_neighbor_id', $j)->get()->first();
                 $link_score = $temp_user_matrix->link_score;
             $profile_score = $profile_score + $user_term_score * $link_score;
         $user->profilescore()->sync([$j => ['profile_score' => $profile_score]], false);
     DB::table('user_actions')->where('username', $username)->where('video_id', $video_id)->delete();
     $response = ["message" => 'RF Saved'];
     $statusCode = 200;
     return response($response, $statusCode)->header('Content-Type', 'application/json');