public function addRecord($record) { // Add a record to the usage structure. if ($record instanceof UsageInstance) { $entry = $this->getInstance($record->vmInstanceId, $record->serviceOfferingId); if ($entry === false) { // Create a new entry $entry = ['startdate' => $record->startDate, 'enddate' => $record->endDate, 'resources' => ['cpunumber' => $record->cpuNumber, 'memory' => $record->memory], 'usage' => $record->usage, 'name' => $record->vm_name]; } else { // Add usage from the record we have to the existing VM entry. $entry['usage'] += $record->usage; // If the start date of the record is before our VM's start date, use the if ($record->startDate->lt($entry['startdate'])) { $entry['startdate'] = $record->startDate; } // Same treatment for the end date. if ($record->endDate->gt($entry['enddate'])) { $entry['enddate'] = $record->endDate; } } // Save the entry $this->_instances[$record->vmInstanceId][$record->serviceOfferingId] = $entry; } else { if ($record instanceof UsageDisk) { $entry = $this->getDisk($record->volumeId); if ($entry === false) { $diskType = DiskType::whereTags($record->tags)->first(); $entry = ['startdate' => $record->startDate, 'enddate' => $record->endDate, 'size' => $record->size, 'acs_type' => $record->type, 'usage' => $record->usage, 'instance' => $record->vmInstanceId]; if ($diskType instanceof DiskType) { $entry['type'] = $diskType->id; } } else { $entry['usage'] += $record->usage; // If the start date of the record is before our VM's start date, use the if ($record->startDate->lt($entry['startdate'])) { $entry['startdate'] = $record->startDate; } // Same treatment for the end date. if ($record->endDate->gt($entry['enddate'])) { $entry['enddate'] = $record->endDate; } } $this->_disks[$record->volumeId] = $entry; } } }
/** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return Response */ public function create() { // Gather resource limits $cpuData = SiteConfig::whereParameter('RLcpu_number')->first(); $ramData = SiteConfig::whereParameter('RLram')->first(); $diskData = DiskType::all(); $cpuLimit = $cpuData->data; $ramLimit = []; $disks = []; for ($i = 1; $i <= $ramData->data; $i++) { $ramLimit[$i * 1024] = $i; } foreach ($diskData as $disk) { $disks[$disk->id] = $disk->display_text; } return view('admin.package.create')->with(compact('cpuLimit', 'ramLimit', 'disks')); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { $domainId = SiteConfig::whereParameter('domainId')->first()->data; // Find the one VM for $id. listVMs returns an array of stdObjects representing virtualMachines. $vm = $this->acs->listVirtualMachines(['id' => $id])[0]; $disk = $this->acs->listVolumes(['virtualmachineid' => $vm->id, 'listall' => 'true', 'type' => 'ROOT'])[0]; $serviceOffering = $this->acs->listServiceOfferings(['id' => $vm->serviceofferingid])[0]; $diskType = DiskType::whereTags($serviceOffering->tags)->first(); $snapshots = $this->acs->listSnapshots(['volmueid' => $disk->id, 'account' => Auth::User()->email, 'domainid' => $domainId]); return view('')->with(compact('vm', 'disk', 'diskType', 'snapshots')); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function fire() { $grandfatherPricing = SiteConfig::whereParameter('grandfatherPricing')->first()->data; $priceMethod = SiteConfig::whereParameter('priceMethod')->first()->data; $domainId = SiteConfig::whereParameter('domainId')->first()->data; $tcOrigin = Config::get('taxcloud.originAddress'); $this->taxCloud->setOriginAddress($tcOrigin['address1'], $tcOrigin['address2'], $tcOrigin['city'], $tcOrigin['state'], $tcOrigin['zip']); if ($priceMethod == 'fixedRatio') { $priceData = SiteConfig::where('parameter', 'LIKE', '%Price')->get(); foreach ($priceData as $pd) { $this->pricing[$pd->parameter] = $pd->data; } } else { if ($priceMethod == 'elementPrice') { $priceData = ElementCost::all(); foreach ($priceData as $pd) { $this->pricing[$pd->element]["{$pd->quantity}-{$pd->quantity_type}"] = $pd->price; } } } // Get all of the users with a bill date of today. $users = User::billableToday()->chunk(100, function ($users) use($grandfatherPricing, $priceMethod, $domainId) { foreach ($users as $user) { $acsAccountData = app('Cloudstack\\CloudStackClient')->listUsers(['account' => $user->email, 'domainid' => $domainId])[0]; $invoiceID = uniqid(); $this->info("Working on user {$user->email}, account ID {$acsAccountData->accountid}"); // Get usage records data for VM, disk and general. UsageInstance::where('accountId', '=', $acsAccountData->accountid)->chunk(100, function ($instanceUsage) { // Go through the usage and make a nice array that we can invoice from foreach ($instanceUsage as $record) { $this->repo->addRecord($record); } }); UsageDisk::where('accountId', '=', $acsAccountData->accountid)->chunk(100, function ($diskUsage) { foreach ($diskUsage as $record) { $this->repo->addRecord($record); } }); // Begin pricing VMs and setting TIC on each record. $usage = $this->repo->all(); print_r($usage); $usage['subtotal'] = 0; // Loop through the aggregated records and add pricing and tax information foreach ($usage['instance'] as $vmid => &$instance) { foreach ($instance as $so_id => &$so_instance) { $pkg = Package::where('cpu_number', '=', $so_instance['resources']['cpunumber'])->where('ram', '=', $so_instance['resources']['memory'])->where('disk_size', '=', $so_instance['resources']['disk_size'])->where('disk_type', '=', $so_instance['resources']['disk_type'])->first(); if ($pkg instanceof Package) { $so_instance['tic'] = $pkg->tic; // Set the price $so_instance['price'] = $pkg->price / 720 * $so_instance['usage']; } else { // Instance has custom parameters and should be priced by its individual elements. if ($priceMethod == 'fixedRatio') { $so_instance['price'] = $so_instance['resources']['cpunumber'] * ($this->pricing['corePrice'] / 720) * $so_instance['usage']; $so_instance['price'] += $so_instance['resources']['memory'] / 1024 * ($this->pricing['ramPrice'] / 720) * $so_instance['usage']; $storageType = DiskType::find($so_instance['resources']['disk_type']); $diskAmount = $so_instance['resources']['disk_size'] / 1024 / 1024 / 1024; $so_instance['price'] += $diskAmount * ($this->pricing["{$storageType->tags}Price"] / 720) * $so_instance['usage']; } else { if ($priceMethod == 'elementPrice') { $so_instance['price'] = $this->pricing['CPU']["{$so_instance['resources']['cpunumber']}"] * $so_instance['usage']; $memoryIdentifier = $so_instance['resources']['memory'] / 1024 . "-GB"; $so_instance['price'] += $this->pricing['RAM']["{$memoryIdentifier}"] * $so_instance['usage']; $storageType = DiskType::find($so_instance['resources']['disk_type']); $diskAmount = $so_instance['resources']['disk_size'] / 1024 / 1024 / 1024; $so_instance['price'] += $this->pricing[$storageType->tags][$diskAmount] * $so_instance['usage']; } } $so_instance['tic'] = 30070; // !!REVISE!! } if ($grandfatherPricing == 'YES') { // Check to see if we have this instance on record $gfInstance = VmInstance::where('vm_instance_id', '=', $vmid)->where('cpu_number', '=', $so_instance['resources']['cpunumber'])->where('memory', '=', $so_instance['resources']['memory'])->where('disk_size', '=', $so_instance['resources']['disk_size'])->where('disk_type', '=', $so_instance['resources']['disk_type'])->first(); if ($gfInstance instanceof VmInstance) { $so_instance['price'] = $gfInstance->rate; } else { $newVm = new VmInstance(['vm_instance_id' => $vmid, 'cpu_number' => $so_instance['resources']['cpunumber'], 'memory' => $so_instance['resources']['memory'], 'disk_size' => $so_instance['resources']['disk_size'], 'disk_type' => $so_instance['resources']['disk_type'], 'rate' => $so_instance['price']]); $user->instances()->save($newVm); } } $usage['subtotal'] += $so_instance['price']; } } // Grab a collection of credit cards. We use billing address off the primary card for tax purposes. $cards = CreditCard::where('user_id', '=', $user->id)->orderBy('primary', 'desc')->get(); $paymentGw = app('\\App\\Repositories\\Contracts\\PaymentRepositoryInterface'); $primaryCard = $paymentGw->get($cards->first()->id, $user->id); // Compute Sales Tax $this->taxCloud->setDestAddress($primaryCard['address'], '', $primaryCard['city'], $primaryCard['state'], strpos($primaryCard['zipcode'], '-') === FALSE ? $primaryCard['zipcode'] : substr($primaryCard['zipcode'], 0, 5), ''); $usage['tax'] = $this->taxCloud->calculateSalesTax($user->id, $invoiceID, $usage); $usage['total'] = $usage['subtotal'] + $usage['tax']; // Record the uniqueID. $usage['invoiceNumber'] = $invoiceID; // Record invoice for the total amount. $transInvoice = new Transaction(['amount' => $usage['total'], 'note' => 'Invoice', 'invoice_number' => $invoiceID]); $user->transactions()->save($transInvoice); // Bill the user foreach ($cards as $card) { $response = $paymentGw->charge($card->payment_profile_id, $usage['total']); if ($response == false) { // Notify the user their card failed to charge. // Go on to the next one. continue; } // Record payment and set next bill date $transPayment = new Transaction(['amount' => -$usage['total'], 'note' => 'Payment']); $user->transactions()->save($transPayment); $user->bill_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+1 month")); break; // If its successful, proceed. } // Serialize the cache and save it for the user it was generated for $invoice = new \App\Invoice(['invoice_data' => serialize($usage)]); $user->invoices()->save($invoice); // Reset the cache for the next user $this->repo->clearCache(); } }); }