Example #1
                        $fullsize = CoreUtils::getFullsizeURL($StashItem['id'], 'sta.sh');
                        if (!is_string($fullsize)) {
                            if ($fullsize === 404) {
                                $Database->where('provider', 'sta.sh')->where('id', $StashItem['id'])->delete('deviation_cache');
                                $Database->where('preview', $StashItem['preview'])->orWhere('fullsize', $StashItem['fullsize'])->update('requests', array('fullsize' => null, 'preview' => null));
                                $Database->where('preview', $StashItem['preview'])->orWhere('fullsize', $StashItem['fullsize'])->update('reservations', array('fullsize' => null, 'preview' => null));
                                Response::fail('The original image has been deleted from Sta.sh', array('rmdirect' => true));
                            } else {
                                throw new Exception("Code {$fullsize}; Could not find the URL");
                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                        Response::fail('Error while finding URL: ' . $e->getMessage());
                    // Check image availability
                    if (!!DeviantArt::isImageAvailable($fullsize)) {
                        Response::fail("The specified image doesn't seem to exist. Please verify that you can reach the URL below and try again.<br><a href='{$fullsize}' target='_blank'>{$fullsize}</a>");
                    if (!$Database->where('id', $Post->id)->update("{$thing}s", array('fullsize' => $fullsize))) {
                    Response::done(array('fullsize' => $fullsize));
$type = (new Input('what', function ($value) {
    if (!in_array($value, Posts::$TYPES)) {
        return Input::ERROR_INVALID;
Example #2
			<p><?="$YouHave ".(!$AwaitCount?'no':"<strong>$AwaitCount</strong>")?> image<?=$AwaitCount!==1?'s':''?> waiting to be submited to and/or approved by the group<?=
					? '.'
					: ", listed below.".(
						? "Please submit $them to the group gallery as soon as possible to have $them spot-checked for any issues. As stated in the rules, the goal is to add finished images to the group gallery, making $them easier to find for everyone.".(
							? " You seem to have a large number of images that have not been approved yet, please submit them to the group soon if you haven't already."
							: ''
					).'</p><p>You can click the <strong class="color-green"><span class="typcn typcn-tick"></span> Check</strong> button below the '.CoreUtils::makePlural('image',$AwaitCount).' in case we forgot to click it ourselves after accepting it.'?></p>
<?  if ($AwaitCount){ ?>
			<ul id="awaiting-deviations"><?
		foreach ($AwaitingApproval as $Post){
			$deviation = DeviantArt::getCachedSubmission($Post->deviation_id);
			$url = "http://{$deviation['provider']}/{$deviation['id']}";
			$postLink = $Post->toLink($_);
			$postAnchor = $Post->toAnchor(null, $_);
			$checkBtn = Permission::sufficient('member') ? "<button class='green typcn typcn-tick check'>Check</button>" : '';

			echo <<<HTML
<li id="{$Post->getID()}">
	<div class="image deviation">
		<a href="$url" target="_blank">
			<img src="{$deviation['preview']}" alt="{$deviation['title']}">
	<span class="label"><a href="$url" target="_blank">{$deviation['title']}</a></span>
	<em>Posted under $postAnchor</em>
Example #3
			<h2><span class='typcn typcn-info-large'></span>Additional notes</h2>
			<p id="notes"><?=Appearances::getNotesHTML($Appearance, NOWRAP, NOTE_TEXT_ONLY)?></p>
<?  }

	if (!empty($Appearance['cm_favme'])){
		$preview = Appearances::getCMPreviewURL($Appearance); ?>
		<section class="approved-cutie-mark">
			<h2>Recommended cutie mark vector</h2>
<?=Permission::sufficient('staff')&&!isset($Appearance['cm_dir'])?CoreUtils::notice('fail','Missing CM orientation, falling back to <strong>Tail-Head</strong>. Please edit the appaearance and provide an orientation!'):''?>
			<a id="pony-cm" href="http://fav.me/<?=$Appearance['cm_favme']?>" style="background-image:url('<?=Appearances::getCMPreviewSVGURL($Appearance['id'])?>')">
				<div class="img cm-dir-<?=$Appearance['cm_dir']===CM_DIR_HEAD_TO_TAIL?'ht':'th'?>" style="background-image:url('<?=CoreUtils::aposEncode($preview)?>')"></div>
			<p class="aside">This is only an illustration, the body shape & colors are <strong>not</strong> guaranteed to reflect the actual design.</p>
			<p>The image above links to the vector made by <?php
				$Vector = DeviantArt::getCachedSubmission($Appearance['cm_favme']);
				echo Users::get($Vector['author'],'name','name, avatar_url')->getProfileLink(User::LINKFORMAT_FULL);
			?> and shows which way the cutie mark should be facing.</p>
<?  } ?>
		<section class="color-list">
			<h2 class="admin">Color groups</h2>
			<div class="admin">
				<button class="darkblue typcn typcn-arrow-unsorted reorder-cgs">Re-order groups</button>
				<button class="green typcn typcn-plus create-cg">Create group</button>
<?  if ($placehold = Appearances::getPendingPlaceholderFor($Appearance))
		echo $placehold;
	else { ?>
			<ul id="colors" class="colors"><?php
		$CGs = ColorGroups::get($Appearance['id']);
Example #4
use App\Cookie;
use App\CSRFProtection;
use App\DeviantArt;
use App\Exceptions\CURLRequestException;
use App\Permission;
use App\Response;
use App\Users;
use App\Models\User;
/** @var $signedIn bool */
if (!$signedIn) {
    Response::success("You've already signed out");
if (isset($_REQUEST['unlink'])) {
    try {
        DeviantArt::request('https://www.deviantart.com/oauth2/revoke', null, array('token' => $currentUser->Session['access']));
    } catch (CURLRequestException $e) {
        Response::fail("Coulnd not revoke the site's access: {$e->getMessage()} (HTTP {$e->getCode()})");
if (isset($_REQUEST['unlink']) || isset($_REQUEST['everywhere'])) {
    $col = 'user';
    $val = $currentUser->id;
    $username = Users::validateName('username', null, true);
    if (isset($username)) {
        if (!Permission::sufficient('staff') || isset($_REQUEST['unlink'])) {
        /** @var $TargetUser User */
        $TargetUser = $Database->where('name', $username)->getOne('users', 'id,name');
        if (empty($TargetUser)) {
Example #5
  * Check authentication cookie and set global
 static function authenticate()
     global $Database, $signedIn, $currentUser, $Color, $color;
     if (!POST_REQUEST && isset($_GET['CSRF_TOKEN'])) {
     if (!Cookie::exists('access')) {
     $authKey = Cookie::get('access');
     if (!empty($authKey)) {
         if (!preg_match(new RegExp('^[a-f\\d]+$', 'iu'), $authKey)) {
             $oldAuthKey = $authKey;
             $authKey = bin2hex($authKey);
             $Database->where('token', sha1($oldAuthKey))->update('sessions', array('token' => sha1($authKey)));
             Cookie::set('access', $authKey, time() + Time::$IN_SECONDS['year'], Cookie::HTTPONLY);
         $currentUser = Users::get(sha1($authKey), 'token');
     if (!empty($currentUser)) {
         if ($currentUser->role === 'ban') {
             $Database->where('id', $currentUser->id)->delete('sessions');
         } else {
             if (strtotime($currentUser->Session['expires']) < time()) {
                 $tokenvalid = false;
                 try {
                     DeviantArt::getToken($currentUser->Session['refresh'], 'refresh_token');
                     $tokenvalid = true;
                 } catch (CURLRequestException $e) {
                     $Database->where('id', $currentUser->Session['id'])->delete('sessions');
                     trigger_error("Session refresh failed for {$currentUser->name} ({$currentUser->id}) | {$e->getMessage()} (HTTP {$e->getCode()})", E_USER_WARNING);
             } else {
                 $tokenvalid = true;
             if ($tokenvalid) {
                 $signedIn = true;
                 if (time() - strtotime($currentUser->Session['lastvisit']) > Time::$IN_SECONDS['minute']) {
                     $lastVisitTS = date('c');
                     if ($Database->where('id', $currentUser->Session['id'])->update('sessions', array('lastvisit' => $lastVisitTS))) {
                         $currentUser->Session['lastvisit'] = $lastVisitTS;
                 $_PrefersColour = array('Pirill-Poveniy' => true, 'itv-canterlot' => true);
                 if (isset($_PrefersColour[$currentUser->name])) {
                     $Color = 'Colour';
                     $color = 'colour';
     } else {
         Cookie::delete('access', Cookie::HTTPONLY);
Example #6
  * Requests or refreshes an Access Token
  * $type defaults to 'authorization_code'
  * @param string $code
  * @param null|string $type
  * @return User|void
 static function getToken(string $code, string $type = null)
     global $Database, $http_response_header;
     if (empty($type) || !in_array($type, array('authorization_code', 'refresh_token'))) {
         $type = 'authorization_code';
     $URL_Start = 'https://www.deviantart.com/oauth2/token?client_id=' . DA_CLIENT . '&client_secret=' . DA_SECRET . "&grant_type={$type}";
     switch ($type) {
         case "authorization_code":
             $json = DeviantArt::request("{$URL_Start}&code={$code}" . OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI, false);
         case "refresh_token":
             $json = DeviantArt::request("{$URL_Start}&refresh_token={$code}", false);
     if (empty($json)) {
         if (Cookie::exists('access')) {
             $Database->where('access', Cookie::get('access'))->delete('sessions');
             Cookie::delete('access', Cookie::HTTPONLY);
     if (empty($json['status'])) {
     $userdata = DeviantArt::request('user/whoami', $json['access_token']);
     /** @var $User Models\User */
     $User = $Database->where('id', $userdata['userid'])->getOne('users');
     if (isset($User->role) && $User->role === 'ban') {
         $_GET['error'] = 'user_banned';
         $BanReason = $Database->where('target', $User->id)->orderBy('entryid', 'ASC')->getOne('log__banish');
         if (!empty($BanReason)) {
             $_GET['error_description'] = $BanReason['reason'];
     $UserID = strtolower($userdata['userid']);
     $UserData = array('name' => $userdata['username'], 'avatar_url' => URL::makeHttps($userdata['usericon']));
     $AuthData = array('access' => $json['access_token'], 'refresh' => $json['refresh_token'], 'expires' => date('c', time() + intval($json['expires_in'])), 'scope' => $json['scope']);
     $cookie = bin2hex(random_bytes(64));
     $AuthData['token'] = sha1($cookie);
     $browser = CoreUtils::detectBrowser();
     foreach ($browser as $k => $v) {
         if (!empty($v)) {
             $AuthData[$k] = $v;
     if (empty($User)) {
         $MoreInfo = array('id' => $UserID, 'role' => 'user');
         $makeDev = !$Database->has('users');
         if ($makeDev) {
             $MoreInfo['id'] = strtoupper($MoreInfo['id']);
         $Insert = array_merge($UserData, $MoreInfo);
         $Database->insert('users', $Insert);
         $User = new User($Insert);
         if ($makeDev) {
     } else {
         $Database->where('id', $UserID)->update('users', $UserData);
     if (empty($makeDev) && !empty($User) && Permission::insufficient('member', $User->role) && $User->isClubMember()) {
     if ($type === 'refresh_token') {
         $Database->where('refresh', $code)->update('sessions', $AuthData);
     } else {
         $Database->where('user', $User->id)->where('scope', $AuthData['scope'], '!=')->delete('sessions');
         $Database->insert('sessions', array_merge($AuthData, array('user' => $UserID)));
     $Database->rawQuery("DELETE FROM sessions WHERE \"user\" = ? && lastvisit <= NOW() - INTERVAL '1 MONTH'", array($UserID));
     Cookie::set('access', $cookie, time() + Time::$IN_SECONDS['year'], Cookie::HTTPONLY);
     return $User ?? null;
Example #7
 private function _getDirectUrl($id)
     switch ($this->provider) {
         case 'imgur':
             $this->fullsize = "https://i.imgur.com/{$id}.png";
             $this->preview = "https://i.imgur.com/{$id}m.png";
         case 'derpibooru':
             $Data = @file_get_contents("http://derpibooru.org/{$id}.json");
             if (empty($Data)) {
                 throw new \Exception('The requested image could not be found on Derpibooru');
             $Data = JSON::decode($Data);
             if (isset($Data['duplicate_of'])) {
                 return $this->_getDirectUrl($Data['duplicate_of']);
             if (!isset($Data['is_rendered'])) {
                 error_log("Invalid Derpibooru response for ID {$id}\n" . var_export($Data, true));
                 throw new \Exception('Derpibooru returned an invalid API response. This issue has been logged, please <a class="send-feedback">remind us</a> to take a look.');
             if (!$Data['is_rendered']) {
                 throw new \Exception('The image was found but it hasn\'t been rendered yet. Please wait for it to render and try again shortly.');
             $this->fullsize = $Data['representations']['full'];
             $this->preview = $Data['representations']['small'];
             self::_checkImageAllowed($this->fullsize, $Data['mime_type']);
         case 'puush':
             $path = "http://puu.sh/{$id}";
             $image = @file_get_contents($path);
             if (empty($image) || $image === 'That puush could not be found.') {
                 throw new \Exception('The requested image could not be found on Puu.sh');
             if ($image === 'You do not have access to view that puush.') {
                 throw new \Exception('The requested image is a private Puu.sh and the token is missing from the URL');
             $this->fullsize = $this->preview = $path;
         case 'dA':
         case 'fav.me':
         case 'sta.sh':
             if ($this->provider === 'dA') {
                 $id = 'd' . base_convert($id, 10, 36);
                 $this->provider = 'fav.me';
             try {
                 $CachedDeviation = DeviantArt::getCachedSubmission($id, $this->provider);
                 if (!DeviantArt::isImageAvailable($CachedDeviation['preview'])) {
                     $preview = CoreUtils::aposEncode($CachedDeviation['preview']);
                     throw new \Exception("The preview image appears to be unavailable. Please make sure <a href='{$preview}'>this link</a> works and try again, or re-submit the deviation if this persists.");
                 if (!DeviantArt::isImageAvailable($CachedDeviation['fullsize'])) {
                     $fullsize = CoreUtils::aposEncode($CachedDeviation['fullsize']);
                     throw new \Exception("The submission appears to be unavailable. Please make sure <a href='{$fullsize}'>this link</a> works and try again, or re-submit the deviation if this persists.");
             } catch (CURLRequestException $e) {
                 if ($e->getCode() === 404) {
                     throw new \Exception('The requested image could not be found');
                 throw new \Exception($e->getMessage());
             if (empty($CachedDeviation)) {
                 throw new \Exception("{$this->provider} submission information could not be fetched for {$id}");
             $this->preview = $CachedDeviation['preview'];
             $this->fullsize = $CachedDeviation['fullsize'];
             $this->title = $CachedDeviation['title'];
             $this->author = $CachedDeviation['author'];
         case 'lightshot':
             $page = @file_get_contents("http://prntscr.com/{$id}");
             if (empty($page)) {
                 throw new \Exception('The requested page could not be found');
             if (!preg_match(new RegExp('<img\\s+class="image__pic[^"]*"\\s+src="http://i\\.imgur\\.com/([A-Za-z\\d]+)\\.'), $page, $_match)) {
                 throw new \Exception('The requested image could not be found');
             $this->provider = 'imgur';
             throw new \Exception("The image could not be retrieved due to a missing handler for the provider \"{$this->provider}\"");
     $this->preview = URL::makeHttps($this->preview);
     $this->fullsize = URL::makeHttps($this->fullsize);
     $this->id = $id;
Example #8
switch ($do ?? null) {
    case "colorguide":
        if (!empty($Appearance)) {
            $sprite = Appearances::getSpriteURL($Appearance['id']);
            if ($sprite) {
                $ThumbImage = $sprite;
            $Description = 'Show accurate colors for "' . $Appearance['label'] . '" from the MLP-VectorClub\'s Official Color Guide';
    case "s":
        if (!empty($LinkedPost)) {
            if (!$LinkedPost->isFinished) {
                $ThumbImage = $LinkedPost->preview;
            } else {
                $finishdeviation = DeviantArt::getCachedSubmission($LinkedPost->deviation_id);
                if (!empty($finishdeviation['preview'])) {
                    $ThumbImage = $finishdeviation['preview'];
            $Title = $LinkedPost->label;
            if ($LinkedPost->isRequest) {
                $Description = 'A request';
            } else {
                $_user = Users::get($LinkedPost->reserved_by, 'id', 'name');
                $Description = 'A reservation' . (!empty($_user->name) ? " by {$_user->name}" : '');
            $Description .= ' on the MLP-VectorClub\'s website';
Example #9
  * List ltem generator function for request & reservation generators
  * @param Post $Post
  * @param bool $view_only     Only show the "View" button
  * @param bool $cachebust_url Append a random string to the image URL to force a re-fetch
  * @return string
 static function getLi(Post $Post, bool $view_only = false, bool $cachebust_url = false) : string
     $finished = !empty($Post->deviation_id);
     $isRequest = $Post->isRequest;
     $type = $isRequest ? 'request' : 'reservation';
     $ID = "{$type}-{$Post->id}";
     $alt = !empty($Post->label) ? CoreUtils::aposEncode($Post->label) : '';
     $postlink = (new Episode($Post))->formatURL() . "#{$ID}";
     $ImageLink = $view_only ? $postlink : $Post->fullsize;
     $cachebust = $cachebust_url ? '?t=' . time() : '';
     $Image = "<div class='image screencap'><a href='{$ImageLink}'><img src='{$Post->preview}{$cachebust}' alt='{$alt}'></a></div>";
     $post_label = self::_getPostLabel($Post);
     $permalink = "<a href='{$postlink}'>" . Time::tag($Post->posted) . '</a>';
     $posted_at = '<em class="post-date">';
     if ($isRequest) {
         global $signedIn, $currentUser;
         $isRequester = $signedIn && $Post->requested_by === $currentUser->id;
         $isReserver = $signedIn && $Post->reserved_by === $currentUser->id;
         $overdue = Permission::sufficient('member') && $Post->isOverdue();
         $posted_at .= "Requested {$permalink}";
         if ($signedIn && (Permission::sufficient('staff') || $isRequester || $isReserver)) {
             $posted_at .= ' by ' . ($isRequester ? "<a href='/@{$currentUser->name}'>You</a>" : Users::get($Post->requested_by)->getProfileLink());
     } else {
         $overdue = false;
         $posted_at .= "Reserved {$permalink}";
     $posted_at .= "</em>";
     $hide_reserved_status = !isset($Post->reserved_by) || $overdue && !$isReserver;
     if (!empty($Post->reserved_by)) {
         $Post->Reserver = Users::get($Post->reserved_by);
         $reserved_by = $overdue && !$isReserver ? ' by ' . $Post->Reserver->getProfileLink() : '';
         $reserved_at = $isRequest && !empty($Post->reserved_at) && !($hide_reserved_status && Permission::insufficient('staff')) ? "<em class='reserve-date'>Reserved <strong>" . Time::tag($Post->reserved_at) . "</strong>{$reserved_by}</em>" : '';
         if ($finished) {
             $approved = !empty($Post->lock);
             $Deviation = DeviantArt::getCachedSubmission($Post->deviation_id, 'fav.me', true);
             if (empty($Deviation)) {
                 $ImageLink = $view_only ? $postlink : "http://fav.me/{$Post->deviation_id}";
                 $Image = "<div class='image deviation error'><a href='{$ImageLink}'>Preview unavailable<br><small>Click to view</small></a></div>";
             } else {
                 $alt = CoreUtils::aposEncode($Deviation['title']);
                 $ImageLink = $view_only ? $postlink : "http://fav.me/{$Deviation['id']}";
                 $Image = "<div class='image deviation'><a href='{$ImageLink}'><img src='{$Deviation['preview']}{$cachebust}' alt='{$alt}'>";
                 if ($approved) {
                     $Image .= "<span class='typcn typcn-tick' title='This submission has been accepted into the group gallery'></span>";
                 $Image .= "</a></div>";
             if (Permission::sufficient('staff')) {
                 $finished_at = !empty($Post->finished_at) ? "<em class='finish-date'>Finished <strong>" . Time::tag($Post->finished_at) . "</strong></em>" : '';
                 $locked_at = '';
                 if ($approved) {
                     global $Database;
                     $LogEntry = $Database->rawQuerySingle("SELECT l.timestamp\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM log__post_lock pl\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN log l ON l.reftype = 'post_lock' && l.refid = pl.entryid\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE type = ? && id = ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY pl.entryid ASC\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1", array($type, $Post->id));
                     $locked_at = $approved ? "<em class='approve-date'>Approved <strong>" . Time::tag(strtotime($LogEntry['timestamp'])) . "</strong></em>" : '';
                 $Image .= $post_label . $posted_at . $reserved_at . $finished_at . $locked_at;
                 if (!empty($Post->fullsize)) {
                     $Image .= "<a href='{$Post->fullsize}' class='original color-green' target='_blank'><span class='typcn typcn-link'></span> Original image</a>";
         } else {
             $Image .= $post_label . $posted_at . $reserved_at;
     } else {
         $Image .= $post_label . $posted_at;
     if ($overdue && (Permission::sufficient('staff') || $isReserver)) {
         $Image .= self::CONTESTABLE;
     if ($hide_reserved_status) {
         $Post->Reserver = false;
     return "<li id='{$ID}'>{$Image}" . self::_getPostActions($Post, $isRequest, $view_only ? $postlink : false) . '</li>';
Example #10
  * Retruns CM preview image link
  * @param array $Appearance
  * @return string
 static function getCMPreviewURL($Appearance)
     return $Appearance['cm_preview'] ?? DeviantArt::getCachedSubmission($Appearance['cm_favme'])['preview'];
Example #11
use App\UserPrefs;
if (!isset($_GET['error']) && (empty($_GET['code']) || empty($_GET['state']))) {
    $_GET['error'] = 'unauthorized_client';
if (isset($_GET['error'])) {
    $err = $_GET['error'];
    if (isset($_GET['error_description'])) {
        $errdesc = $_GET['error_description'];
    global $signedIn;
    if ($signedIn) {
$currentUser = DeviantArt::getToken($_GET['code']);
$signedIn = !empty($currentUser);
if (isset($_GET['error'])) {
    $err = $_GET['error'];
    if (isset($_GET['error_description'])) {
        $errdesc = $_GET['error_description'];
    if ($err === 'user_banned') {
        $errdesc .= "\n\nIf you'd like to appeal your ban, please <a href='http://mlp-vectorclub.deviantart.com/notes/'>send the group a note</a>.";
if (preg_match(new RegExp('^[a-z\\d]+$', 'i'), $_GET['state'], $_match)) {
    $confirm = str_replace('{{CODE}}', $_match[0], file_get_contents(INCPATH . 'views/loginConfrim.html'));
    $confirm = str_replace('{{USERID}}', Permission::sufficient('developer') || UserPrefs::get('p_disable_ga') ? '' : $currentUser->id, $confirm);