private function loadLanguageFile() { $languageFilePath = Application::getConfigPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::LANGUAGES_FOLDER . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->langString . '.php'; if (!file_exists($languageFilePath)) { throw new \Exception($languageFilePath . ' file could not be found'); } $filePathVocabulary = (require $languageFilePath); if (!is_array($filePathVocabulary)) { throw new \Exception('language aliases config file should return an array'); } $this->vocabulary = $filePathVocabulary; return; }
private function setConfig() { $dbConfigFilePath = Application::getConfigPath() . self::DB_CONFIG_FILENAME; if (!file_exists($dbConfigFilePath)) { throw new \Exception(self::DB_CONFIG_FILENAME . ' config file can not be found'); } $dbConfigArray = (require $dbConfigFilePath); if (!is_array($dbConfigArray)) { throw new \Exception(self::DB_CONFIG_FILENAME . ' config file should return an array'); } $this->config = $dbConfigArray; return; }
private static function setRoutes() { $routesFilePath = Application::getConfigPath() . self::ROUTES_FILENAME; if (!file_exists($routesFilePath)) { throw new \Exception(self::ROUTES_FILENAME . ' config file can not be found'); } $routesArray = (require $routesFilePath); if (!is_array($routesArray)) { throw new \Exception(self::ROUTES_FILENAME . ' config file should return an array'); } if (sizeof($routesArray) == 0) { throw new \Exception(self::ROUTES_FILENAME . ' config file should contain at least one route'); } foreach ($routesArray as $key => $value) { if ($key[0] != '/') { throw new \Exception('Each route in routes config file should starts from slash'); } } self::$routes = $routesArray; return; }