Example #1
  * Show the form for editing the specified resource.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function edit($id)
     $data = array('hashtag' => table_hashtag::where('hashtag_id', '=', $id)->get());
     return view('admin.database.hashtag.hashtag-edit', compact('data'));
Example #2
 public function search_content()
     $app = app();
     if (Request::has('token')) {
         $token = Request::input('token', '');
         $compare = GlobalLibrary::tokenExtractor($token);
         $users_checker = GlobalLibrary::CheckUsersToken($compare);
         //echo '<pre>'.print_r($compare).'</pre>';
         if ($users_checker[0]) {
             $uname = $users_checker[1];
             $uid = $users_checker[2];
             $email = $users_checker[3];
             $users = table_users_detail::where('users_email', '=', $email)->where('users_name', '=', $uname)->where('users_detail_id', '=', $uid)->first();
             $follow = $users->users_json_following;
             //get query
             $keyword = Request::input('qwr');
             $result = DB::select('Select tc.*, tud.users_name, tcc.content_category_title
                             from table_content_category tcc, table_content tc, table_users_detail tud
                             WHERE tc.content_category_id = tcc.content_category_id
                             AND tud.users_id = tc.content_users_uploader
                             AND tc.content_title like ' . $keyword . '
             foreach ($result as $res => $value) {
                 //get media manager
                 $idsplit = explode(',', $value->content_media_id);
                 $length = count($idsplit);
                 $name = '';
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
                     $cek = table_media_manager::where('media_manager_id', '=', $idsplit[$i])->first();
                     if ($cek != null) {
                         $name = $name . $cek->media_manager_title . ', ';
                 //get content repost
                 $cekrepost = table_content::where('content_id', '=', $value->content_repost_from)->first();
                 if ($cekrepost != null) {
                     $value->content_repost_from = $cekrepost->content_title;
                 //get hashtag
                 $idsplittag = explode(',', $value->hashtag_id);
                 $lengthtag = count($idsplittag);
                 $hashtag = '';
                 for ($j = 0; $j < $lengthtag; $j++) {
                     $cektag = table_hashtag::where('hashtag_id', '=', $idsplittag[$j])->first();
                     if ($cektag != null) {
                         $hashtag = $hashtag . $cektag->media_manager_title . ', ';
                 $value->hashtag_id = $hashtag;
             //this code for convert
             $dataConverted = array();
             $app = app();
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($result as $row) {
                 $dataConverted[$i] = $app->make('stdClass');
                 $dataConverted[$i]->id = $row->content_id;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->ttl = $row->ccontent_title;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->hed = $row->content_headline;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->det = $row->content_detail;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->med = $row->content_media_id;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->upl = $row->content_users_uploader;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->uun = $row->content_users_uploader_name;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->cle = $row->content_last_editor;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->cdi = $row->content_date_insert;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->cdu = $row->content_date_update;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->cde = $row->content_date_expired;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->pub = $row->content_publish;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->cat = $row->content_category_id;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->ccn = $row->content_category_name;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->chi = $row->content_hashtag_id;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->crf = $row->content_repost_from;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->crn = $row->content_repost;
             return (new Response(array('status' => true, 'msg' => 'success', 'data' => $dataConverted), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
         } else {
             return (new Response(array('status' => false, 'msg' => 'Authentication Failed2'), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
     } else {
         return (new Response(array('status' => false, 'msg' => 'Authentication Failed1'), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");