public function store(Request $request) { $website = new Website(); $webRecords[] = ['name' => null, 'description' => null, 'url' => null]; //all website records $website_model[] = null; //loop on website $length = count($request->get('website')); //lets create a record foreach ($request->get('website') as $url) { $webRecords[] = $this->collectWebsiteData('website', '', $url); // every key has an arr except merchant_id } //loop on social $length = count($request->get('social')); // foreach ($request->get('social') as $url) { $webRecords[] = $this->collectWebsiteData('social', '', $url); // every key has an arr except merchant_id } //loop on ecommerce $length = count($request->get('ecom_site')); // foreach ($request->get('ecom_site') as $url) { $webRecords[] = $this->collectWebsiteData('ecom_site', '', $url); // every key has an arr except merchant_id } unset($webRecords[0]); foreach ($webRecords as $websiteSingleRecord) { $website_model[] = $website->create($websiteSingleRecord); } unset($website_model[0]); return $website_model; }
public function getMerchantRelationsFullMeta() { $user = new User(); $website = new Website(); $director = new Director(); $address = new \App\Models\Address(); $bank = new Bank(); $brand = new Brand(); $merchantFullMeta = ['user' => $user->getMeta(), 'merchant' => [$this->getMeta()], 'bank' => [$bank->getMeta()], 'address' => [$address->getMeta()], 'brand' => [$brand->getMeta()], 'websites' => [$website->getMeta()], 'directors' => [$director->getMeta()]]; return $merchantFullMeta; }
public function actionIndex() { $coupons = new Coupon(); $resultType = $coupons->couponType(); $websites = new Website(); $resultStores = $websites->websiteName(); $coupons = new CouponCategories(); $resultCategory = $coupons->storesName(); $coupons = new Coupon(); $resultDetail = $coupons->couponDetail(); return $this->render('index', ['resultType' => $resultType, 'resultStores' => $resultStores, 'resultCategory' => $resultCategory, 'resultDetail' => $resultDetail]); }
/** * Show the search result to the user. * * @return Response */ public function Search() { $links = null; $query = Input::get('q'); $lucky = Input::get('lucky'); $pageNum = Input::get('p') != "" ? Input::get('p') : 1; $stats = new SearchStats(); if (!empty($query) && $query != "") { //performing the search and calculating elapsed time $starttime = microtime(true); $links = Website::getByQueryString($query); $endtime = microtime(true); $timediff = $endtime - $starttime; //wrapping info into a class $stats->elapsed = $timediff; $stats->total = count($links); $stats->currentPage = $pageNum; $stats->pages = ceil(count($links) / 10); $stats->max = $stats->pages < 11 ? $stats->pages + 1 : 11; //pagination of results $links = Paginator::page($links, $pageNum); } else { return Redirect::to("/"); } //If there are results, if lucky is set to true you will be redirect to the first link if (!empty($links) && !empty($lucky) && $lucky == true) { return Redirect::to($links[0]->url); } else { return view('search')->with('links', $links)->with('query', $query)->with('stats', $stats); } }
/** * @establish a relationship with client or website model */ public function getCow() { if ($this->belong_to == 1) { return $this->hasOne(Client::className(), ['id' => 'clients_or_webs_id']); } elseif ($this->belong_to == 2) { return $this->hasOne(Website::className(), ['id' => 'clients_or_webs_id']); } }
/** * Finds the Website model based on its primary key value. * If the model is not found, a 404 HTTP exception will be thrown. * @param integer $id * @return Website the loaded model * @throws NotFoundHttpException if the model cannot be found */ protected function findModel($id) { if (($model = Website::findOne($id)) !== null) { return $model; } else { throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.'); } }
public function getCreate(Model $data) { parent::getCreate($data); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GET WEBSITE LIST // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $this->layout->main->website_list = Website::orderBy('name')->get()->lists('name', '_id'); return $this->layout; }
function websiteName() { $result = Website::find()->orderBy('WebsiteTitle')->distinct(true)->select('WebsiteTitle')->all(); $type = array(); $ind = 0; foreach ($result as $value) { $type[$ind++] = $value->WebsiteTitle; } return $type; }
public function actionIndex() { $keywords = Yii::$app->request->get('k'); if ($keywords) { $sql_c = 'SELECT * FROM clients WHERE company LIKE "%' . $keywords . '%" OR firstname LIKE "%' . $keywords . '%" OR lastname LIKE "%' . $keywords . '%"'; $clients = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => Client::findBySql($sql_c, [':key' => $keywords]), 'pagination' => ['pageSize' => 10]]); $sql_w = 'SELECT * FROM websites WHERE domain LIKE "%' . $keywords . '%"'; $websites = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => Website::findBySql($sql_w, [':key' => $keywords]), 'pagination' => ['pageSize' => 10]]); return $this->render('index', ['clients' => $clients, 'websites' => $websites]); } }
public function actionIndex() { $model = new Coupon(); $pageSize = 60; $couponData = $model->getAllCoupons($pageSize); $result = $couponData['coupons']; $pagination = $couponData['pagination']; $websites = Website::getAllWebsites(); $categories = CouponCategories::getAllCouponCategories(); //Coupon::$lastresult = $result; return $this->render('index', ['coupons' => $result, 'pagination' => $pagination, 'websites' => $websites, 'categories' => $categories]); }
public function getIndex() { $view = parent::getIndex(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GET LIST // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $this->layout->main->data = Model::name('*' . $this->layout->main->filters['name'] . '*')->orderby('name')->paginate(25); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // VIEW // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ return $this->layout; }
public function nav() { $website_to_project = array(); $websites = Website::get(); if ($websites) { foreach ($websites as $key => $val) { $websites_array[$val['websites_id']] = $val['websites_name']; } } $projects = Project::get(); if ($projects) { foreach ($projects as $key => $val) { $projects_array[$val['projects_id']] = $val['projects_name']; } } $posts = Post::select('website', 'project')->orderby("website", "asc")->orderby("project", "asc")->get(); if ($posts) { foreach ($posts as $key => $val) { $website_to_project[$val['website']]['websites_name'] = $websites_array[$val['website']]; $website_to_project[$val['website']]['projects_name'][$val['project']] = $projects_array[$val['project']]; } } return response()->json($website_to_project); }
public function getWebsites() { return $this->hasMany(Website::classname(), ['clients_id' => 'id']); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { // Website::create(['name' => 'HaloMalang', 'url' => '', 'launched_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::parse('2012-03-01 00:00:00')]); }
public static function getAllWebsites() { $websites = Website::find()->limit(15)->all(); return $websites; }
public function website($slug) { $site = Website::where('slug', $slug)->firstOrFail(); return view('', ['site' => $site]); }
protected function migrate_events() { $website = Website::first(); $data_users = User::get(); foreach ($data_users as $user) { $users[$user['username']] = $user; } // get old articles DB::connection('mongodb')->collection('posts')->where('category', 'regex', '/events/i')->chunk(1000, function ($data) use($new_collection, $users, $website) { foreach ($data as $x) { unset($tags); $tags[] = 'events'; if (str_is('*car free day*', strtolower($x['title']))) { $tags[] = 'cfd'; } if (str_is('*seminar*', strtolower($x['title']))) { $tags[] = 'seminar'; } if (str_is('*opening*', strtolower($x['title']))) { $tags[] = 'opening'; } if (str_is('*ustad*', strtolower($x['title']))) { $tags[] = 'religius'; } if (str_is('*clothing*', strtolower($x['title']))) { $tags[] = 'pameran'; } if (str_is('*konser*', strtolower($x['title'])) || str_is('*concert*', strtolower($x['title'])) || str_is('*cherry bell*', strtolower($x['title']))) { $tags[] = 'konser'; } if (str_is('*brawijaya*', strtolower($x['title']))) { $tags[] = 'brawijaya'; } if (str_is('*stand up comedy*', strtolower($x['title']))) { $tags[] = 'stand up comedy'; } if (str_is('*job fair*', strtolower($x['title'])) || str_is('*career expo*', strtolower($x['title']))) { $tags[] = 'job fair'; } if (str_is('*film*', strtolower($x['title']))) { $tags[] = 'film'; } if (str_is('*film*', strtolower($x['title']))) { $tags[] = 'film'; } if (str_is('*lomba*', strtolower($x['title'])) || str_is('*kompetisi*', strtolower($x['title']))) { $tags[] = 'kompetisi'; } if ($x['tgl_published']) { $news = new Event(['title' => $x['title'], 'slug' => str_replace('.', '', $x['url']), 'summary' => str_limit(strip_tags(str_replace("\n", "", $x['full'])), 125), 'content' => $x['full'], 'published_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $x['tgl_published']->sec), 'created_at' => $x['tgl'], 'updated_at' => $x['tgl'], 'user_id' => array_key_exists($x['author'], $users) ? $users[$x['author']]->id : $users['dita']->id, 'started_at' => $x['extra_field']['event_tgl_start']->sec, 'ended_at' => isset($x['extra_field']['event_tgl_end']) ? $x['extra_field']['event_tgl_end']->sec : $x['extra_field']['event_tgl_start']->sec, 'location' => isset($x['extra_field']['event_lokasi']) ? $x['extra_field']['event_lokasi'] : '', 'komunitas_id' => Directory::where('ori_id', '=', $x['extra_field']['event_komunitas'])->first()->id, 'views' => isset($x['views']) ? $x['views'] : 0]); if (!$news->save()) { print_r($news->toArray()); dd($news->getErrors()); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IMAGE // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $s_image = new Image(['name' => 'sm', 'path' => $x['thumbmail'], 'title' => '', 'description' => '']); $m_image = new Image(['name' => 'md', 'path' => $x['image'], 'title' => '', 'description' => '']); $l_image = new Image(['name' => 'lg', 'path' => $x['image'], 'title' => '', 'description' => '']); $news->images()->updateOrCreate(['name' => 'sm'], $s_image->toArray()); $news->images()->updateOrCreate(['name' => 'md'], $m_image->toArray()); $news->images()->updateOrCreate(['name' => 'lg'], $l_image->toArray()); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TAG // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- unset($tags_model); $tags_model = new Collection(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tags_model[] = Tag::firstOrCreate(['name' => $tag]); } foreach ($tags_model as $k => $v) { if (!$tags_model[$k]->save()) { dd($tags_model[$k]->getErrors()); } } if (count($tags_model)) { $news->tags()->sync($tags_model->lists('id')); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WEBSITE // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $news->websites()->sync([$website->id]); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LOG // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $news->authored()->attach(array_key_exists($x['author'], $users) ? $users[$x['author']]->id : $users['dita']->id, ['original_data' => json_encode([]), 'updated_data' => $news->toJson()]); } // $news->websites()->associate($website); // $news->save(); } }); // save to new tables }
/** * send a email to client with checklist attached * @return void */ public function actionSendmail() { $post = Yii::$app->request->post('SendmailForm'); Yii::$app->response->format = 'json'; $sm_form = new SendmailForm(); if ($sm_form->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $sm_form->validate()) { $checklistCow = ChecklistsCow::findOne($post['checklists_cow_id']); if ($checklistCow->belong_to == 1) { $cow = Client::findOne($checklistCow->clients_or_webs_id); $email = $cow->email; } elseif ($checklistCow->belong_to == 2) { $cow = Website::findOne($checklistCow->clients_or_webs_id); $email = $cow->client->email; } // save time sending // checking if time sending is exist then only update else create new one $timeSent = ChecklistsTimeSent::find()->where(['checklists_cow_id' => $post['checklists_cow_id']])->one(); if (!isset($timeSent)) { $timeSent = new ChecklistsTimeSent(); } $timeSent->checklists_cow_id = $post['checklists_cow_id']; $timeSent->time_sent = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $timeSent->save(); // if everything is ok, then send mail. go ahead!!! Yii::$app->mailer->compose()->setFrom('*****@*****.**')->setTo($email)->setSubject($post['subject'])->setTextBody($post['content'])->attach(Yii::$app->basePath . '/web/upload/pdf/' . $checklistCow->file_name)->send(); return ['errors' => '']; } else { return ['errors' => 'Something is wrong.']; } }
private function check_repeat($websites_name) { $websites = Website::where('websites_name', $websites_name)->count(); if ($websites) { return true; } }
public function actionIndex() { $count = ['clients' => count(Client::find()->all()), 'websites' => count(Website::find()->all()), 'checklists' => count(Checklist::find()->all()), 'messages' => count(Message::find()->all())]; return $this->render('index', ['count' => $count]); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { /* $brand_name_array = $request->get('brand_name'); Models used fo registering a merchant User, Bank, Buyer, Address, Merchant, Brand, Website and Director */ $user = new User(); $user_model = $user->store($request); //return new user record in db $bank = new Bank(); $bank_model = $bank->store($request); if ($request['indication'] == 'buyer') { return "no functionality implemented"; $buyer = new Buyer(); $buyer_model = $buyer->store($request, $user_model); } if ($request['indication'] == 'merchant') { //TODO: for adding address first create address then add address id to merchant table //country_id => working $address = new Address(); $address_model = $address->store($request); // user_id, country_id, address_id, bank_id => working $user_as_merchant = new Merchant(); $user_as_merchant_model = $user_as_merchant->store($request, $user_model, $bank_model, $address_model); /* * Document table */ $documents = new Document(); $documents_model = $documents->store($request, $user_as_merchant_model); //todo: add brand //1)create merchant and get model //2)create all brand and get all models //3)sync merchant model with brand models in merchantbrand table $brand = new Brand(); $brand_models = $brand->store($request, $user_as_merchant_model, $address_model); //now syncing $user_as_merchant_model->attachBrands($user_as_merchant_model, $brand_models); // //for storing web sites in "merchantwebsite" table //first create merchant and get id //then create websites and get website model array like director //then attach merchant with each website id $website = new Website(); $website_models = $website->store($request); //attachment with merchant in "merchantwebsite" table $user_as_merchant->attachWebsites($website_models, $user_as_merchant_model); $director = new Director(); $director_model = $director->store($request, $user_as_merchant_model); /*save all FKs of directors & merchants to merchantdirectos tables */ $user_as_merchant_model->attachDirectors($director_model, $user_as_merchant_model); \Session::flash(Config::get(''), $this->messageHandler->success('merchantRegistered', null, null, true, true, true)); } return redirect()->back(); }
public function addshow() { //网站列表 $data['websites'] = Website::orderby('websites_id', 'desc')->get(); $data['projects'] = Project::orderby('projects_id', 'desc')->get(); $data['posts_content'] = file_get_contents(""); return response()->json(['status' => true, 'message' => '数据查询成功', 'data' => $data]); }
function saving($model) { if (\App\Models\Website::validate($model) === false) { return false; } }
public function getWebsite() { return $this->hasOne(Website::className(), ['WebsiteID' => 'WebsiteID']); }