/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function fire() { foreach (Student::all() as $student) { $picture = file_get_contents('http://local-sig.utt.fr/Pub/trombi/individu/' . $student->student_id . '.jpg'); file_put_contents(public_path() . '/uploads/students-trombi/' . $student->student_id . '.jpg', $picture); } $this->info('Done!'); }
public function index() { $students = Student::all(); foreach ($students as $student) { $user = $student->user()->first(); $student['name'] = $user->name; $student['email'] = $user->email; } return $students; }
function getIndex() { $data['list_students'] = Student::all(); return view('hocsinh.index')->with('data', $data); }
public function exportStudentList() { // work on the export $csv = \League\Csv\Writer::createFromFileObject(new \SplTempFileObject()); $csv->setOutputBOM(Reader::BOM_UTF8); $dbColumn = Input::get('hdndbColumn'); $value = Input::get('hdnvalue'); if ($dbColumn != "all") { $infos = Student::where($dbColumn, '=', $value)->orderBy('lname', 'asc')->get(); } else { $infos = Student::all(); } $headers = Schema::getColumnListing('student_record'); $notInclude = ["id", "created_at", "updated_at"]; $x = 0; foreach ($headers as $header) { if (in_array($header, $notInclude)) { unset($headers[$x]); } $x++; } $csv->insertOne($headers); foreach ($infos as $info) { $data = array(); foreach ($headers as $header) { if ($header == "section") { $data[count($data)] = $this->secInfo($info[$header])['description']; } elseif ($header == "year_lvl") { $data[count($data)] = $this->yearInfo($info[$header])['description']; } else { $data[count($data)] = $info[$header]; } } $csv->insertOne($data); } $date_now = date('Y-m-d-H:i:s'); $filename = 'student_record(' . $date_now . ').csv'; $csv->output($filename); }
/** * Returns all Students * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection|static[] */ public function all() { return Student::all(); }