/** * Create a new controller instance. * * @return void */ public function __construct(LaravelFacebookSdk $fb, Menu $menu, ProjectRepository $project_repo) { $this->middleware('auth'); $this->menuItems = $menu->where('active', '1')->orderBy('weight', 'asc')->get(); $this->login_url = $fb->getLoginUrl(['email']); $this->project_repo = $project_repo; }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $menu = new Menu(); $menu->event_id = 1; $menu->menu_name = "Test Menu"; $menu->save(); }
/** * Create a new authentication controller instance. * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard $auth * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Registrar $registrar * @return void */ public function __construct(Guard $auth, Registrar $registrar, Menu $menu) { $this->auth = $auth; $this->registrar = $registrar; $this->menuItems = $menu->where('active', '1')->orderBy('weight', 'asc')->get(); $this->middleware('guest', ['except' => 'getLogout']); }
public function __construct(Menu $menuModel, Slider $slider) { $this->data['menu']['left'] = $menuModel->getLeftMenu(); $this->data['menu']['right'] = $menuModel->getRightMenu(); $this->data['slider'] = $slider->getActive(); $URL = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $this->data['url_lang'] = substr($URL, 1, 2); }
/** * Create a new controller instance. * * @return void */ public function __construct(LaravelFacebookSdk $fb, Menu $menu, UserRepository $userrepo, ProjectRepository $project_repo) { $this->middleware('auth'); $this->menuItems = $menu->where('active', '1')->orderBy('weight', 'asc')->get(); $this->login_url = $fb->getLoginUrl(['email']); $this->userrepo = $userrepo; $this->project_repo = $project_repo; $id = Auth::user()->id; $userProfile = Profile::where('user_id', $id)->first(); $errorNotification = '0'; if ($userProfile->f_name == '' || $userProfile->l_name == '' || $userProfile->dob == '0000-00-00' || $userProfile->about_me == '' || $userProfile->first_address == '' || $userProfile->alternate_address == '' || $userProfile->state == '' || $userProfile->zipcode == '' || $userProfile->user_avtar == '') { $errorNotification = '1'; } $this->errorNotification = $errorNotification; }
public function update(Request $request, $menuId) { $info = $request->only('info'); $menu = Menu::find($menuId); $menu->update($info['info']); return view('message', ['msg' => '操作成功', 'redirect' => route('menus.index')]); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function __construct() { $setting = Models\Setting::first(); $this->data['menu'] = Models\Menu::with('child')->where('level', 0)->get(); $this->data['berita'] = Models\Berita::orderBy('id_berita', 'desc')->limit(6)->get(); $this->data['pengumuman'] = Models\Pengumuman::orderBy('tanggal', 'desc')->limit(10)->get(); $this->data['agenda'] = Models\Agenda::orderBy('tgl_posting', 'desc')->limit(5)->get(); $this->data['polling'] = Models\Polling::with('jawaban')->where('status', 'Y')->limit(1)->first(); $this->data['title'] = $setting->title_web; $this->data['desc'] = $setting->desc_web; $this->data['key'] = $setting->key_web; $this->data['logo'] = $setting->logo; $this->data['header_img'] = $setting->bg_header; $this->data['icon'] = $setting->favicon; $this->data['facebook'] = $setting->facebook; $this->data['peta_latitude'] = $setting->peta_latitude; $this->data['peta_longitude'] = $setting->peta_longitude; $this->data['twitter'] = $setting->twitter; $this->data['gplus'] = $setting->gplus; $this->data['slider_home'] = Models\Berita::orderBy('tanggal', 'desc')->limit(5)->get(); $this->data['galeri_home'] = Models\Foto::OrderBy('id_foto', 'desc')->paginate(9); $this->data['opini_home'] = Models\Berita::where('kategori_berita', 5)->orderBy('id_berita', 'desc')->limit(6)->get(); $this->data['banner'] = Models\Banner::where('id', 1)->first(); $this->data['link'] = Models\Link::orderBy('id', 'desc')->limit(5)->get(); $this->data['publikasi'] = Models\Publikasi::orderBy('id', 'desc')->limit(3)->get(); $this->data['setting'] = $setting; }
public function boot() { view()->composer('*', function ($view) { $menuId = request()->get('menuid'); $routeName = app('router')->currentRouteName(); if (empty($menuId)) { $menuId = app('menu')->select('id')->where('route', '=', $routeName)->first()['id']; } $params = ['submenus' => [], 'route_name' => $routeName, 'menuid' => $menuId]; if (!empty($menuId)) { $menus = Menu::all(); $submenus = []; foreach ($menus as $menu) { if ($menu['parentid'] == $menuId) { $submenus[] = $menu; } if ($menu['id'] == $menuId) { $p = $menu; } } array_unshift($submenus, $p); $params['submenus'] = $submenus; } $view->with($params); }); }
/** * 将数据绑定到视图。 * * @param View $view * @return void */ public function compose(View $view) { //查询当前登录用户 $admin = Auth::guard('admin')->user(); if ($admin->admin_name == 'admin') { $menus = Menu::orderBy('sort', 'ASC')->get()->toTree(); } else { if ($admin->role) { $ids = DB::table('sys_role_function')->where('sys_role_id', $admin->role[0]->id)->pluck('sys_fun_id'); $menus = Menu::orderBy('sort', 'ASC')->whereIn('id', $ids)->get()->toTree(); } } $currentRoute = Route::currentRouteName(); $list = explode('.', $currentRoute); $route = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($list) - 1; $i++) { if ($i == 0) { $route .= $list[$i]; } else { $route .= '.' . $list[$i]; } } $route = $route . '.index'; $view->with('currentRoute', $route)->with('trees', $menus); }
public function run() { $menu = Menu::find()->where(['position' => 'bottom'])->one(); $p = explode(',', $menu->content); $model = Page::find()->where(['id' => $p])->all(); return $this->render('links', ['pages' => $model]); }
public static function getChildMenu($ParentId, $ParentLabel) { $menuData = Menu::find()->where(['ismenu' => TRUE, 'status' => TRUE, 'parentid' => $ParentId, 'isweb' => FALSE])->orderBy('orderby')->all(); $submenu = array(); $menu = array(); if (!empty($menuData)) { foreach ($menuData as $mKey => $mValue) { $menu['label'] = Html::tag('i', '', ['class' => $mValue['labelicon']]) . Html::encode($mValue['label']); $urlArray = [$mValue['module'], $mValue['controller'], $mValue['action']]; $menu['url'] = \Yii::$app->urlManager->createUrl(implode('/', $urlArray)); $class = ''; if (\Yii::$app->controller->id == $urlArray[1] && \Yii::$app->controller->action->id == $urlArray[2]) { $class = 'active'; \Yii::$app->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $ParentLabel; \Yii::$app->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $mValue['label']; } $menu['options'] = ['class' => $class]; $submenu[$mValue['orderby']] = $menu; unset($menu, $urlArray); } // $submenu['options'] = ['class' => 'children']; } return $submenu; //, 'options' => ['class' => 'children']]; }
public function destroy($id) { // $data = Menu::find($id); if ($data->delete()) { return response()->json(array('success' => TRUE, 'msg' => 'Data Berhasil Dihapus')); } }
public function content($slug) { $menu_item = Menu::where('url', $slug); if ($menu_item->count()) { return view('home.content', ['menu_item' => $menu_item->first()]); } return view('errors.404'); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function __construct() { $this->data['menu'] = Models\Menu::with('child')->where('level', 0)->get(); $this->data['berita'] = Models\Berita::orderBy('tanggal', 'desc')->limit(4)->get(); $this->data['pengumuman'] = Models\Pengumuman::orderBy('tanggal', 'desc')->limit(5)->get(); $this->data['agenda'] = Models\Agenda::orderBy('tgl_posting', 'desc')->limit(5)->get(); $this->data['polling'] = Models\Polling::with('jawaban')->where('status', 'Y')->limit(1)->first(); }
protected function findModel($id) { if (($model = Menu::findOne($id)) !== null) { return $model; } else { throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.'); } }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param Request $request * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function update(Request $request, $eventSlug, $menuId) { $this->menu = Menu::findOrFail($menuId); $this->menu->fill($request->input()); $this->menu->save(); return redirect()->back()->with('message', 'Menu name updated'); //Do this homie }
public function postDestroy() { $menu = Menu::find(Input::get('id')); if ($menu) { $menu->delete(); return Redirect::back()->with('message', 'Элемент меню удален'); } return Redirect::back()->with('message', "Ошибка"); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { Menu::create(['key' => '', 'name' => 'Главная', 'sort' => '1']); Menu::create(['key' => 'catalog', 'name' => 'Каталог', 'sort' => '2']); Menu::create(['key' => 'delivery', 'name' => 'Доставка и оплата', 'sort' => '3']); Menu::create(['key' => 'orderFurniture', 'name' => 'Мебель на заказ', 'sort' => '4']); Menu::create(['key' => 'wholesalers', 'name' => 'Оптовикам', 'sort' => '5']); Menu::create(['key' => 'contacts', 'name' => 'Контакты', 'sort' => '6']); }
/** * @param Category $except * * @return CategoriesController */ protected function getCategoryOptions($except = null) { /** @var \Kalnoy\Nestedset\QueryBuilder $query */ $query = Menu::select('id', 'fun_name')->withDepth(); if ($except) { $query->whereNotDescendantOf($except)->where('id', '<>', $except->id); } return $this->makeOptions($query->get()); }
public function validateUrl($attribute, $params) { $row = Menu::findOne(['url' => $this->url]); if ($row) { //if ($row->id != $this->post_id){ $this->addError($attribute, 'Пункт меню с таким URI уже существует.'); //} } }
public function getAll() { $top = DB::table('toplinks')->get(); $links = $this->fetchTable(Menu::all()); $sublinks = $this->getSublinks(); $title = $this->getTitle('Home'); $Links = array('titletest' => $title, 'menu' => $links, 'sublinks' => $sublinks, 'toplinks' => $top); return $Links; }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param MenuItemRequest $request * @return Response */ public function store(MenuItemRequest $request, $eventSlug, $menuId) { $this->menuItem->newInstance(); $menu = Menu::findOrFail($menuId); $this->menuItem->fill($request->input()); $this->menuItem->menu_id = $menu->id; $this->menuItem->save(); return redirect()->route('event.{eventSlug}.menu.index', [$menu->event->slug])->with(compact('menu', 'event')); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy(Request $request, $eventId) { $menu = Menu::where('event_id', '=', $eventId)->get()->first(); if (!$menu) { return $this->respondNotFound('Menu does not exist'); } $menu_name = $menu->menu_name; $menu->delete(); return $this->respondDeleteSuccess($menu_name . ' deleted'); }
/** * Determine if the user is authorized to make this request. * * @return bool */ public function authorize() { //if(!parent::authorize()) return false; if ($this->menu) { if ($this->user()->isAdmin()) { return true; } return Menu::where('id', $this->menu)->where('user_id', $this->user()->id)->exists(); } return true; }
public function generateMenu() { $menu = Menu::where('pid', '=', 0)->orderBy('id', 'asc')->get(); foreach ($menu as $k => $item) { $menu[$k]['sub'] = Menu::where('pid', '=', $item->id)->orderBy('id', 'asc')->get(); if (count($menu[$k]['sub']) < 1) { unset($menu[$k]['sub']); } } return $menu; }
function actionAdminList() { $query = new Query(); $query->addSelect('c.*')->from([Menu::tableName() . ' c']); $provider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $query, 'pagination' => ['pageSize' => 100]]); $model = new MenuForm(); if ($model->load(\Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->validate()) { $object = new Menu(); $object->name = $model->name; $object->url = $model->url; $object->sort_int = 0; $object->active = 1; $object->parent_id = 0; $object->save(); $model->command_reload_page = 1; //return $this->redirect(Url::toRoute(['posts/menu-list'])); } $this->layout = 'admin'; return $this->render('//admin/menu/list.php', ['provider' => $provider, 'model' => $model]); }
/** * @param Menu $menuModel * @param Slider $slider * @param Alphabet $alphabet * @param Song $song * @param Performer $performer * @param Lessons $lessons * @param Request $request */ public function __construct(Menu $menuModel, Slider $slider, Alphabet $alphabet, Song $song, Performer $performer, Lessons $lessons, Request $request) { $this->performer = $performer; #Models performer $this->song = $song; #Models song $this->lessons = $lessons; #Models lessons $this->request = $request; #request $this->data['menu']['left'] = $menuModel->getLeftMenu(); $this->data['menu']['right'] = $menuModel->getRightMenu(); $this->data['slider'] = $slider->getActive(); $this->data['alphabet'] = $alphabet->getActive(); $this->data['countPerformer'] = count($performer->getActive()); $this->data['countSong'] = count($song->getActive()); $this->data['countLessons'] = count($lessons->getAll()); $URL = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $this->data['url_lang'] = substr($URL, 1, 2); }
public function loadSettings() { echo 'loadSettings(company) exit'; exit; //load also income maps $settings = array(); if (Yii::$app->db->schema->getTableSchema('{{config}}') !== null) { Yii::$app->session['menu'] = Menu::buildUserMenu(); } //Yii::$app->session['settings'] = $settings; }
public function actionPage($slug) { $page = Page::find()->where(['slug' => $slug])->one(); if ($slug == 'home') { return $this->goHome(); } if (Yii::$app->deviceDetect->isMobile()) { $this->layout = "//mobile"; $mobile = 'mobile/'; } else { $this->layout = "//inner"; $mobile = ''; } if ($page->parent_id == 0) { $menu = Menu::find()->where(['position' => 'bottom'])->one(); $links = explode(',', $menu->content); if ($page->id == 13) { $group_news = Post::find()->where(['page_id' => 14])->orderBy(['create_date' => SORT_DESC])->all(); $industry_news = Post::find()->where(['page_id' => 15])->orderBy(['create_date' => SORT_DESC])->limit(6)->all(); $media_news = Post::find()->where(['page_id' => 16])->orderBy(['create_date' => SORT_DESC])->limit(6)->all(); $pic_news = Photo::find()->where(['page_id' => 39, 'parent_id' => 0])->orderBy(['create_date' => SORT_DESC])->limit(10)->all(); $headlines = Post::find()->where(['is_headline' => 1])->orderBy(['create_date' => SORT_DESC])->all(); return $this->render($mobile . 'template/' . $page->template, ['page' => $page, 'group_news' => $group_news, 'industry_news' => $industry_news, 'media_news' => $media_news, 'pic_news' => $pic_news, 'headlines' => $headlines]); } else { if (in_array($page->id, $links)) { return $this->render($mobile . 'template/' . $page->template, ['page' => $page, 'menu' => Page::find()->where(['id' => $links])->all()]); } } $menu = Page::find()->where(['parent_id' => $page->id])->orderBy(['display_order' => SORT_ASC])->all(); $s = $menu ? $menu[0]->slug : null; return $this->redirect(['page', 'slug' => $s]); } else { $menu = Page::find()->where(['parent_id' => $page->parent_id])->orderBy(['display_order' => SORT_ASC])->all(); } if ($page->type == 3) { //新闻列表 $query = Post::find()->where(['page_id' => $page->id]); $countQuery = clone $query; $pnation = new Pagination(['defaultPageSize' => 12, 'totalCount' => $countQuery->count()]); $posts = $query->orderBy(['create_date' => SORT_DESC])->offset($pnation->offset)->limit($pnation->limit)->all(); return $this->render($mobile . 'template/' . $page->template, ['page' => $page, 'menu' => $menu, 'pnation' => $pnation, 'posts' => $posts]); } else { if ($page->type == 4) { //相册列表 $query = Photo::find()->where(['page_id' => $page->id, 'parent_id' => 0]); $countQuery = clone $query; $pnation = new Pagination(['defaultPageSize' => 9, 'totalCount' => $countQuery->count()]); $albums = $query->orderBy(['create_date' => SORT_DESC])->offset($pnation->offset)->limit($pnation->limit)->all(); // $albums = Photo::find()->where(['page_id'=>$page->id,'parent_id'=>0])->orderBy(['create_date'=>SORT_DESC])->all(); return $this->render($mobile . 'template/' . $page->template, ['page' => $page, 'albums' => $albums, 'pnation' => $pnation, 'menu' => $menu]); } } return $this->render($mobile . 'template/' . $page->template, ['page' => $page, 'menu' => $menu]); }
public function index() { //Get Menu Lists if ($this->auth->check()) { $status = "logined"; } else { $status = "unlogin"; } $this->login = $status; $menu = Menu::with('SubMenu')->get(); return response()->json($menu); }