Example #1
  * Processes the new meal form to create a new meal
  * @return Redirect
 public function create(Request $request)
     // Construct candidate object
     $meal_data = $request->all();
     // Use todays date as defaults if none are given
     if (empty($meal_data['meal_timestamp'])) {
         $meal_data['meal_timestamp'] = date('d-m-Y') . ' 18:30';
     if (empty($meal_data['locked_timestamp'])) {
         $meal_data['locked_timestamp'] = date('d-m-Y') . ' 15:00';
     // Validate the resulting input
     $validator = Validator::make($meal_data, ['meal_timestamp' => ['date_format:d-m-Y G:i', 'required', 'after:now', 'unique:meals'], 'locked_timestamp' => ['date_format:d-m-Y G:i', 'required', 'after:now']], ['meal_timestamp.date_format' => 'De ingevulde maaltijd is ongeldig (formaat DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM)', 'meal_timestamp.required' => 'De ingevulde maaltijd is ongeldig (formaat DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM)', 'meal_timestamp.after' => 'Je kunt geen maaltijden aanmaken in het verleden', 'meal_timestamp.unique' => 'Er is al een maaltijd op deze datum en tijd', 'locked_timestamp.date_format' => 'De ingevulde sluitingstijd is ongeldig (formaat DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM)', 'locked_timestamp.required' => 'De ingevulde sluitingstijd is ongeldig (formaat DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM)', 'locked_timestamp.after' => 'De deadline voor aanmelding mag niet al geweest zijn']);
     if ($validator->passes()) {
         // Format dates to database compatible values
         $meal_data['meal_timestamp'] = DateTime::createFromFormat('d-m-Y G:i', $meal_data['meal_timestamp']);
         $meal_data['locked_timestamp'] = DateTime::createFromFormat('d-m-Y G:i', $meal_data['locked_timestamp']);
         // Save new meal
         $meal = new Meal($meal_data);
         if ($meal->save()) {
             Log::info("Nieuwe maaltijd: {$meal->id}|{$meal->meal_timestamp}|{$meal->event}");
             Flash::set(Flash::SUCCESS, 'Maaltijd toegevoegd op ' . $meal);
             return redirect('/administratie');
         } else {
             Flash::set(Flash::ERROR, 'Maaltijd kon niet worden toegevoegd');
     } else {
         Session::flash('validation_errors', $validator->messages());
         // Repopulate the form
     return redirect('/administratie/nieuwe_maaltijd');
Example #2
  * Sends an e-mail to all present registrations that a meal has been cancelled
  * @param  App\Models\Meal $meal
  * @return void
 public static function mealIsDestroyedEmail(\App\Models\Meal $meal)
     foreach ($meal->registrations as $registration) {
         Mail::send(['mails/mealIsDestroyed/html', 'mails/mealIsDestroyed/text'], ['meal' => $meal, 'registration' => $registration], function ($message) use($meal, $registration) {
             $message->to($registration->email, $registration->name);
             $message->subject("Maaltijd " . $meal->longDate() . ' gaat niet door');
Example #3
  * Processes the edit meal form to update a meal
  * @return Redirect
 public function update($id, Request $request)
     // Only update existing meals
     $meal = Meal::find($id);
     if (!$meal) {
         App::abort(404, "Maaltijd niet gevonden");
     // Construct candidate object
     $meal_data = $request->all();
     // Validate the resulting input
     $validator = Validator::make($meal_data, ['meal_timestamp' => ['date_format:d-m-Y G:i', 'required', 'unique:meals,meal_timestamp,' . $meal->id], 'locked_timestamp' => ['date_format:d-m-Y G:i', 'required']], ['meal_timestamp.date_format' => 'De ingevulde maaltijd is ongeldig (formaat DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM)', 'meal_timestamp.required' => 'De ingevulde maaltijd is ongeldig (formaat DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM)', 'meal_timestamp.unique' => 'Er is al een maaltijd op deze datum en tijd', 'locked_timestamp.date_format' => 'De ingevulde sluitingstijd is ongeldig (formaat DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM)', 'locked_timestamp.required' => 'De ingevulde sluitingstijd is ongeldig (formaat DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM)']);
     if ($validator->passes()) {
         // Format dates to database compatible values
         $meal_data['meal_timestamp'] = DateTime::createFromFormat('d-m-Y G:i', $meal_data['meal_timestamp']);
         $meal_data['locked_timestamp'] = DateTime::createFromFormat('d-m-Y G:i', $meal_data['locked_timestamp']);
         // Update meal in database
         if ($meal->save()) {
             Log::info("Maaltijd geupdate: {$meal->id}|{$meal->meal_timestamp}|{$meal->event}");
             Flash::set(Flash::SUCCESS, 'Maaltijd geupdate');
             return redirect('/administratie/' . $meal->id);
         } else {
             Flash::set(Flash::ERROR, 'Maaltijd kon niet worden geupdate');
     } else {
         Session::flash('validation_errors', $validator->messages());
         return redirect('/administratie/' . $meal->id . '/edit')->withInput();
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     // Get next monday
     $date = strtotime('next monday');
     // Walk until the thursday (4 days)
     for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
         $current_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+{$i} days", $date));
         echo "Attempting {$current_date}...";
         if (Meal::withTrashed()->whereRaw("DATE(meal_timestamp) = '{$current_date}'")->count() == 0) {
             Meal::create(['meal_timestamp' => $current_date . ' 18:30:00', 'locked_timestamp' => $current_date . ' 15:00:00']);
             echo "created\n";
         } else {
             echo "exists\n";
Example #5
 public function aanmelden_anonmiem()
     $meal = Meal::find((int) Request::input('meal_id'));
     if (!$meal) {
         return response()->json(['error' => 'meal_not_found', 'error_details' => 'Maaltijd bestaat niet'], 404);
     // Create a new registration
     $registration = new Registration(['name' => e(Request::input('name')), 'handicap' => Request::input('handicap') != '' ? e(Request::input('handicap')) : null]);
     $registration->confirmed = true;
     $registration->meal_id = $meal->id;
     if ($registration->save()) {
         Log::info("Aangemeld: administratie|{$registration->id}|{$registration->name}");
         return view('meal/_registration', ['registration' => $registration]);
     } else {
         return response()->json(['error' => 'create_registration_admin_unknown_error', 'error_details' => 'Deze registratie kon niet opgeslagen worden, reden onbekend.'], 500);
Example #6
  * Removes a meal
  * @param int $id the id of the meal to remove
  * @return Redirect
 public function verwijder($id)
     // Find the meal
     $meal = Meal::find($id);
     if (!$meal) {
         \App::abort(404, "Maaltijd niet gevonden");
     // Store the name of the meal for usage in the flash message
     $date = (string) $meal;
     // Send an e-mail to the registrations for confirmation
     // Remove all guests
     foreach ($meal->registrations()->get() as $registration) {
         if ($registration->email !== null) {
     // Remove the meal
     // Update user
     Flash::set(Flash::SUCCESS, "Maaltijd op {$date} verwijderd. Alle aanmeldingen zijn gemaild met een bevestiging.");
     \Log::info("Maaltijd verwijderd: {$date}");
     return \Redirect::to('/administratie');
Example #7
File: run.php Project: jyothu/Rates
 $contractPeriodName = $row["CONTRACTDURATIONNAME"];
 $contractStart = $row["CONTRACTDURATIONSTARTDATE"];
 $contractEnd = $row["CONTRACTDURATIONENDDATE"];
 $currency = $row["CURRENCYISOCODE"];
 $buyPrice = $row["BUYPRICE"];
 $margin = $row["MARGIN"];
 $sellPrice = $row["SELLING"];
 $serviceTypeObj = Models\ServiceType::firstOrCreate(array('name' => $serviceType));
 $currencyObj = Models\Currency::firstOrCreate(array('code' => $currency));
 $regionObj = Models\Region::firstOrCreate(array('name' => $region));
 $supplierObj = $regionObj->suppliers()->firstOrCreate(array('name' => $supplierName, 'ts_id' => $supplierId));
 if ($occupancyId) {
     $occupancyObj = Models\Occupancy::firstOrCreate(array('id' => $occupancyId, 'name' => $occupancyName));
 if ($mealName) {
     $mealObj = Models\Meal::firstOrCreate(array('name' => $mealName));
 // Find or Create Service
 $serviceParams = array('ts_id' => $serviceId, 'name' => $serviceName, 'region_id' => $regionObj->id, 'currency_id' => $currencyObj->id, 'service_type_id' => $serviceTypeObj->id, 'supplier_id' => $supplierObj->id, 'name' => $serviceName);
 $serviceObj = Models\Service::firstOrCreate($serviceParams);
 // Find or Create Policies
 $policyParams = array('ts_id' => $policyId, 'name' => $policyName);
 // Find or Create Contracts
 $contractObj = $serviceObj->contracts()->firstOrCreate(array('ts_id' => $contractId, 'name' => $contractName));
 $contractPeriodParams = array('ts_id' => $contractPeriodId, 'name' => $contractPeriodName, 'start' => date("Y/m/d", strtotime($contractStart)), 'end' => date("Y/m/d", strtotime($contractEnd)));
 $contractPeriodObj = $contractObj->contractPeriods()->firstOrCreate($contractPeriodParams);
 // Find or Create Season
 $seasonObj = $contractPeriodObj->seasons()->firstOrCreate(array('ts_id' => $seasonId, 'name' => $seasonName));
 $seasonPeriodParams = array('start' => date("Y/m/d", strtotime($seasonStart)), 'end' => date("Y/m/d", strtotime($seasonEnd)));
 $seasonPeriodObj = $seasonObj->seasonPeriods()->firstOrCreate($seasonPeriodParams);
Example #8
  * Unsubscribe a user from a meal
  * @return JSON
 public function afmelden()
     // Find the meal
     $meal = Meal::find((int) Request::input('meal_id'));
     if (!$meal) {
         return response()->json(['error' => 'meal_not_found', 'error_details' => 'De maaltijd bestaat niet'], 404);
     // Check if the meal is still open
     if (!$meal->open_for_registrations()) {
         return response()->json(['error' => 'meal_deadline_expired', 'error_details' => 'De aanmeldingsdeadline is verstreken'], 400);
     // Find the registration data
     $user = OAuth::user();
     $registration = $user->registrationFor($meal);
     if (!$registration) {
         return response()->json(['error' => 'no_registration', 'error_details' => 'Je bent niet aangemeld voor deze maaltijd'], 404);
     // Destroy the registration
     $id = $registration->id;
     $name = $registration->name;
     \Log::info("Afgemeld {$registration->name} (ID: {$registration->id}) voor {$meal} (ID: {$meal->id}) door {$user->name} (ID: {$user->id})");
     return response(null, 200);