Example #1
 public function actionGoodssave()
     $this->layout = false;
     $gh_id = U::getSessionParam('gh_id');
     $openid = U::getSessionParam('openid');
     $order = new MOrder();
     $order->oid = MOrder::generateOid();
     $order->gh_id = $gh_id;
     $order->openid = $openid;
     $order->cid = $_GET["cid"];
     $good = MGoods::findOne(['goods_id' => $order->cid]);
     $order->title = $good->title;
     //利用该字段做一个标记,在myorder 页面中兼容老的商品表item。
     $order->attr = 'goods';
     $order->val_pkg_3g4g = isset($_GET['pkg3g4g']) ? $_GET['pkg3g4g'] : '';
     $order->val_pkg_period = isset($_GET['pkgPeriod']) ? $_GET['pkgPeriod'] : 0;
     $order->val_pkg_monthprice = isset($_GET['pkgMonthprice']) ? $_GET['pkgMonthprice'] : 0;
     $order->val_pkg_plan = isset($_GET['pkgPlan']) ? $_GET['pkgPlan'] : '';
     //$order->feesum = $_GET['feeSum'] * 100;
     $order->feesum = $_GET['feeSum'] * 100;
     $order->office_id = isset($_GET['office']) && $_GET['office'] != MOrder::NO_CHOICE ? $_GET['office'] : 0;
     $order->userid = isset($_GET['userid']) && $_GET['userid'] != MOrder::NO_CHOICE ? $_GET['userid'] : '';
     $order->username = isset($_GET['username']) && $_GET['username'] != MOrder::NO_CHOICE ? $_GET['username'] : '';
     $order->usermobile = isset($_GET['usermobile']) && $_GET['usermobile'] != MOrder::NO_CHOICE ? $_GET['usermobile'] : '';
     //$order->pay_kind = isset($_GET['pay_kind']) ? $_GET['pay_kind'] : MOrder::PAY_KIND_CASH;
     $order->address = isset($_GET['address']) && $_GET['address'] != MOrder::NO_CHOICE ? $_GET['address'] : '';
     $order->kaitong = isset($_GET['kaitong']) && $_GET['kaitong'] != MOrder::NO_CHOICE ? $_GET['kaitong'] : '';
     $order->memo = isset($_GET['memo']) && $_GET['memo'] != MOrder::NO_CHOICE ? $_GET['memo'] : '';
     $order->detail = $order->getDetailStr();
     if ($_GET['selectNum'] != MOrder::NO_CHOICE) {
         $order->select_mobnum = $_GET['selectNum'];
         $mobnum = MMobnum::findOne($_GET['selectNum']);
         if ($mobnum === null || $mobnum->status != MMobnum::STATUS_UNUSED) {
             return json_encode(['status' => 1, 'errmsg' => $mobnum === null ? "mobile doest not exist" : "mobile locked!"]);
     } else {
         $order->select_mobnum = '';
     $order->select_mobnum = '';
     $wid = Yii::$app->request->get('wid', '');
     if (!empty($wid)) {
         list($scene_id, $scene_src_id) = explode('_', $wid);
         $order->scene_id = $scene_id;
         $order->scene_src_id = $scene_src_id;
         if (empty($order->item)) {
         $order->scene_amt = $order->feesum * $order->item->scene_percent / 100;
     if ($order->save(false)) {
         //send wx message and sm
         $manager = MStaff::findOne(['office_id' => $order->office_id, 'is_manager' => 1]);
         if ($manager !== null && !empty($manager->openid)) {
             try {
                 $arr = $order->sendTemplateNoticeToManager($manager);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
         } else {
             U::W(['Have no manager or the manager has not binded openid', $order]);
                     // send wx message to user
                     //$arr = Yii::$app->wx->WxMessageCustomSend(['touser'=>$openid, 'msgtype'=>'text', 'text'=>['content'=>$order->getWxNotice()]]);
                     $arr = $order->sendTemplateNoticeToCustom();
     } else {
         U::W([__METHOD__, $order->getErrors()]);
     $jsApiParameters = $order->GetOrderJsApiParameters();
     return json_encode(['oid' => $order->oid, 'status' => 0, 'pay_url' => $jsApiParameters]);
Example #2
 public function actionClientGoodsView($id)
     $g = MGoods::findOne(['goods_id' => $id]);
     return $this->render('clientGoodsView', ['model' => $g]);
Example #3
  * Finds the MGoods model based on its primary key value.
  * If the model is not found, a 404 HTTP exception will be thrown.
  * @param integer $id
  * @return MGoods the loaded model
  * @throws NotFoundHttpException if the model cannot be found
 protected function findModel($id)
     if (($model = MGoods::findOne($id)) !== null) {
         return $model;
     } else {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.');
Example #4
 public static function zujieAjax($goods_id, $user_id)
     $goods = MGoods::findOne(['goods_id' => $goods_id]);
     $user = User::findOne(['id' => $user_id]);
     $order = new MOrder();
     if (empty($goods) || empty($user)) {
         U::W("----------goods or user is null--------");
         return \yii\helpers\Json::encode(['code' => 1]);
     $order->oid = uniqid();
     $order->feesum = 0;
     $order->status = 1;
     $order->goods_id = $goods->goods_id;
     $order->title = $goods->title;
     $order->userid = $user->id;
     $order->username = $user->username;
     $order->usermobile = $user->mobile;
     $order->address = "--";
     $order->memo = "--";
     $order->memo_reply = "--";
     return \yii\helpers\Json::encode(['code' => 0]);