public function actionIndex() { $guest = null; $guestForm = new GuestLoginForm(); $cookies = Yii::$app->request->cookies; $guest_id = $cookies->getValue('guest_id'); if (isset($guest_id)) { $guest = Guest::find()->where(array('id' => $guest_id))->one(); if ($guestForm->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) { $guest->first_name = $guestForm->first_name; $guest->last_name = $guestForm->last_name; $guest->phone = $guestForm->phone; $guest->email = $guestForm->email; $guest->save(); } } if (!isset($guest)) { if ($guestForm->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) { $guest = $guestForm->login(); Yii::$app->response->cookies->add(new \yii\web\Cookie(['name' => 'guest_id', 'value' => $guest->id])); $this->redirect('/'); } } if (isset($guest)) { $guestForm->first_name = $guest->first_name; $guestForm->last_name = $guest->last_name; $guestForm->phone = $guest->phone; $guestForm->email = $guest->email; } return $this->render('index', array('guest' => $guest, 'guestForm' => $guestForm)); }
/** * Finds user by [[username]] * * @return User|null */ public function getGuest() { $create = true; if ($this->_guest === false) { $this->_guest = Guest::findByName($this->first_name, $this->last_name, $create); } return $this->_guest; }
public function driverGuest($email) { $guest = \App\Models\Guest::where('email', $email)->first(); if (!$guest) { $guest = \App\Models\Guest::create(compact('email')); } return $guest; }
public function actionDisp() { if (Yii::$app->request->get('id')) { $done = Guest::find()->where(['id' => Yii::$app->request->get('id')])->one(); $done->done = true; $done->save(); } $data = Guest::find()->where(['done' => false])->all(); return $this->render('disp', ['data' => $data]); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $guestChunks = Guest::all()->chunk(6, true); foreach ($guestChunks as $index => $chunk) { $table = Table::find($index + 1); foreach ($chunk as $guest) { $table->seatGuest($guest); } } }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { foreach (Guest::all() as $guest) { $itemChoice = rand(1, 3); $guestMenuItem = new GuestMenuItem(); $guestMenuItem->guest_id = $guest->id; $guestMenuItem->menu_item_id = $itemChoice; $guestMenuItem->save(); } }
public function post_teachersignup(TeacherSignupRequest $request) { $input = $request->except('_token'); $faker = Faker\Factory::create(); $transactionid = $faker->md5; $guest = Guest::create(['name' => $input['name'], 'email' => $input['email'], 'password' => $input['password'], 'package' => $input['package'], 'transactionid' => $transactionid]); if ($guest) { return response()->json(['data' => array('registerstatus' => 'failed', 'message' => $guest->name . ' thanks for registering!Check your email for further details')]); } else { return response()->json(['data' => array('registerstatus' => 'failed', 'message' => 'something went wrong!')]); } }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $faker = Faker::create(); foreach (range(1, 150) as $index) { $guest = new Guest(); $guest->email = $faker->email; $guest->first_name = $faker->firstName; $guest->last_name = $faker->lastName; $guest->event_id = 1; if (Guest::all()->count() > 0) { if (is_int($index / 10)) { $guest->plus_one = $index - 1; } } $guest->save(); if (is_int($index / 30)) { $gdr = new GuestDietaryRestriction(); $gdr->guest_id = $guest->id; $gdr->dietary_restriction_id = rand(1, 3); $gdr->save(); } } }
public function search($input) { $query = Guest::query(); $columns = Schema::getColumnListing('guests'); $attributes = array(); foreach ($columns as $attribute) { if (isset($input[$attribute]) and !empty($input[$attribute])) { $query->where($attribute, $input[$attribute]); $attributes[$attribute] = $input[$attribute]; } else { $attributes[$attribute] = null; } } return [$query->get(), $attributes]; }
public function get_guestaccept($id) { if (Auth::user()->type == 'admin') { $faker = Faker\Factory::create(); $teacher = Guest::where(['id' => $id])->first(); $success = User::create(['memberid' => $faker->unique()->md5, 'name' => $teacher->name, 'email' => $teacher->email, 'password' => bcrypt($teacher->password), 'type' => 'teacher']); if ($success) { TeacherInfo::create(['memberid' => $success->memberid, 'package' => $teacher->package]); $success = Guest::where(['id' => $id])->delete(); if ($success) { return response()->json(['stat' => 'success', 'message' => 'Successfully Accepted Guest']); } else { Guest::where(['id' => $id])->delete(); return response()->json(['stat' => 'success', 'message' => 'Successfully Accepted Guest']); } } else { return response()->json(['stat' => 'failed', 'message' => 'Could not accept Guest']); } } }
public function plusOneOf() { return Guest::where('plus_one', '=', $this->id); }
public function getGuest() { try { $response = []; $statusCode = 200; $guest = Guest::all(); foreach ($guest as $a) { $response[] = ['id' => $a->id, 'value' => $a->name . ' (' . $a->description . ')']; } } catch (Exception $e) { $statusCode = 404; } finally { return Response::json($response, $statusCode); } }
/** * Bind data to the view. * * @param View $view * @return void */ public function compose(View $view) { $society = $view->getData()['soc']; $data['services'] = Society::with('service')->where('society', '=', $society)->first(); foreach ($data['services']->service as $service) { if ($service['language'] == "English" and $service['description'] == "") { $service->description = "Our " . $service->servicetime . " service is led in English by a minister or local preacher and a team of musicians. Everyone is welcome!"; } elseif ($service['language'] == "isiZulu" and $service['description'] == "") { $service->description = "Our " . $service->servicetime . " service is led in isiZulu by a minister or local preacher and uses the liturgy and music of the Methodist Hymn Book. Everyone is welcome!"; } $data['allservices'][] = $service; } if (!count($data['services'])) { return View::make('errors.404'); } if (isset($view->getData()['pagetitle'])) { $data['pagetitle'] = $view->getData()['pagetitle']; } else { $data['pagetitle'] = $society; } $socid = Society::where('society', '=', $society)->select('id')->first()->id; if (Helpers::is_online() and $data['services']->society_calendar != "") { $privatecal = new GoogleCalendar(); $data['cals'] = $privatecal->getTen($data['services']->society_calendar, 8); } $data['sermon'] = Sermon::with(['series' => function ($query) use($socid) { $query->where('society_id', '=', $socid); }])->orderBy('servicedate', 'DESC')->first(); if (!$data['sermon'] or !$data['sermon']->series) { $data['sermon'] = "None"; } else { if ($data['sermon']->preachable_type == 'App\\Models\\Minister') { $data['preacher'] = Minister::find($data['sermon']->preachable_id); } elseif ($data['sermon']->preachable_type == 'App\\Models\\Guest') { $data['preacher'] = Guest::find($data['sermon']->preachable_id); } else { $data['preacher'] = Preacher::find($data['sermon']->preachable_id); } } $data['welcome_page'] = "together a transforming discipleship movement"; $data['welcome_page_pic'] = "/public/images/715.jpg"; if ($data['services']->roster) { $data['roster'] = $data['services']->roster; } $data['society'] = Society::where('society', '=', $society)->first(); if ($data['society']->roster) { $data['roster'] = $data['society']->roster; } $webpage = Webpage::where('society_id', '=', $data['society']->id)->get(); foreach ($webpage as $pg) { $data[$pg->fieldname] = $pg->fieldvalue; $data[$pg->fieldname . '_pic'] = $pg->pageimage; } $data['route'] = Route::getCurrentRoute()->getPath(); if ($data['route'] != "{society}" and $data['route'] != "/") { $linkadd = Helpers::makeUrl(strtolower($society), ''); } else { $linkadd = ""; } $menu['link'] = $linkadd . "#sundays"; $menu['label'] = "Sundays"; $menu['longlabel'] = "Sunday services"; $data['menu'][] = $menu; $data['youth'] = Mission::where('society_id', '=', $data['society']->id)->where('category', '=', 'youth')->orderBy('created_at')->take(5)->get(); if (count($data['youth'])) { $menu['link'] = $linkadd . "#youth"; $menu['label'] = "Youth"; $menu['longlabel'] = "Children and Youth"; $data['menu'][] = $menu; } $data['groups'] = Group::where('society_id', '=', $data['society']->id)->where('publish', '=', 1)->get(); if (count($data['groups'])) { foreach ($data['groups'] as $obj) { $dum[0] = $obj->groupname; $dum[1] = $obj->latitude; $dum[2] = $obj->longitude; $dum[3] = Helpers::makeUrl(strtolower($data['services']->society), 'groups/' . $obj->slug); $fin[] = $dum; } $data['fin'] = json_encode($fin); $menu['link'] = "#groups"; $menu['label'] = "Groups"; $menu['longlabel'] = "Small groups"; $data['menu'][] = $menu; } else { $data['fin'] = ""; } $data['missions'] = Mission::where('society_id', '=', $data['society']->id)->where('category', '=', 'project')->take(5)->get(); if (count($data['missions'])) { $menu['link'] = $linkadd . "#projects"; $menu['label'] = "Projects"; $menu['longlabel'] = "Mission projects"; $data['menu'][] = $menu; } $blogs = Blog::with('individual')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(10)->get(); if (count($blogs)) { $first = true; foreach ($blogs as $blog) { $societies = explode(',', $blog->societies); if (in_array($data['society']->id, $societies)) { if ($first) { $data['firstblog'] = $blog; $first = false; } else { $data['blogs'][] = $blog; } } } if (isset($data['firstblog'])) { $menu['link'] = $linkadd . "#blog"; $menu['label'] = "Blog"; $menu['longlabel'] = "Latest blogs"; $data['menu'][] = $menu; } } $menu['link'] = $linkadd . "#contact"; $menu['label'] = "Contact"; $menu['longlabel'] = "Contact us"; $data['menu'][] = $menu; $data['counter'] = 1; $view->with('data', $data); }
public function removeGuest(Request $request, $eventId, $tableId) { $guest = Guest::find(Input::get('guest_id')); if ($guest->table_id !== $tableId) { return $this->prepareResponse('error', $guest->getName() . ' not seated at this table'); } $guest->table_id = null; $guest->save(); return $this->prepareResponse('success', $guest->getName() . ' removed from the table'); }
public function guest(Request $request) { $fn = $request->get('firstname'); $ln = $request->get('lastname'); $guest = Guest::firstOrCreate(['firstname' => $fn, 'lastname' => $ln]); return response()->json($guest); }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function edit($society, $series, $id) { if (Helpers::perm('admin', $society) or Helpers::perm('edit', $society)) { $data['society'] = $society; $data['allseries'] = Series::where('society_id', '=', $society)->lists('series', 'id')->toArray(); $data['series'] = $series; $data['seriesname'] = Series::find($series)->series; $data['ministers'] = Minister::has('individual')->get(); $data['preachers'] = Preacher::has('individual')->get(); $data['guests'] = Guest::orderBy('surname')->orderBy('firstname')->get(); $data['sermon'] = Sermon::find($id); return view('sermons.edit', $data); } else { return view('shared.unauthorised'); } }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id) { $guest = Guest::find($id); $guest->delete(); return Redirect::route('guests.index')->with('okmessage', 'Guest preacher has been deleted'); }
public function getTablePopulationAttribute() { return Guest::where('table_id', '=', $this->id)->count(); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($society, $slug) { $data['soc'] = $society; $data['individual'] = Individual::where('slug', '=', $slug)->first(); if ($data['individual'] and $data['individual']->social) { $socials = explode(',', $data['individual']->social); foreach ($socials as $social) { if (strpos($social, 'twitter')) { $data['socials']['twitter'] = $social; } elseif (strpos($social, 'facebook')) { $data['socials']['facebook'] = $social; } elseif (strpos($social, 'instagram')) { $data['socials']['instagram'] = $social; } elseif (strpos($social, 'youtube')) { $data['socials']['youtube'] = $social; } } } if ($data['individual']) { $id = $data['individual']->id; if (count(Preacher::where('individual_id', '=', $id)->get()) > 0) { $data['preacher'] = Preacher::with(array('sermons' => function ($query) { $query->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC'); }))->where('individual_id', '=', $id)->first(); } elseif (count(Minister::with('sermons')->where('individual_id', '=', $id)->get()) > 0) { $data['preacher'] = Minister::where('individual_id', '=', $id)->first(); } $data['pagetitle'] = $data['individual']->firstname . " " . $data['individual']->surname; } else { $data['preacher'] = Guest::where('slug', '=', $slug)->first(); $data['pagetitle'] = $data['preacher']->firstname . " " . $data['preacher']->surname; $id = 0; } if (isset($data['preacher'])) { $sermons = $data['preacher']->sermons->lists('id')->all(); $data['sermons'] = Sermon::wherein('id', $sermons)->orderBy('servicedate', 'DESC')->paginate(5); } $data['blogs'] = Blog::where('individual_id', '=', $id)->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->limit(9)->get(); return View::make('', $data); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { Guest::find($id)->Festival()->detach(); $guest = Guest::find($id); $a = Guest::where('id', $id)->delete(); $response = []; $response["name"] = $guest->name; if ($a > trashed()) { $statusCode = 200; $response['result'] = "deleted"; } else { $statusCode = 422; $response['result'] = "Cannot delete."; } return Response::json($response, $statusCode); }
public static function postAddGuest() { if (Auth::check()) { $validation = \App\Models\Guest::validate(Input::all()); if ($validation->passes()) { if (count(\App\Models\Reservation::checkIfExistsZakaznik(Input::get('guest_id'))) == 0) { /** Here, you have to check if user_id is valid ID number **/ DB::insert('INSERT INTO zakaznik (meno, rodnecislo, adresa, datnar, telcis, mail) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', [Input::get('name'), Input::get('guest_id'), Input::get('address'), Input::get('birth_date'), Input::get('telephone'), Input::get('mail')]); } DB::insert('INSERT INTO obyvana (CisPobytu, IDZak) VALUES (?, ?)', [Input::get('id'), Input::get('guest_id')]); return Redirect::route('home')->with('message', 'Guest successfully added!'); } else { return Redirect::route('addguest')->withErrors($validation)->withInput()->with('id', Input::get('id')); } } else { return Redirect::route('home')->with('message', 'You are not logged in!'); } }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function show($yy, $qq, $aa) { $fin = array(); $fm = Helpers::getSetting('first_month'); $m1 = $qq * 3 - 3 + $fm; $y1 = $yy; $m2 = $qq * 3 - 2 + $fm; $y2 = $yy; $m3 = $qq * 3 - 1 + $fm; $y3 = $yy; if ($m2 > 12) { $m2 = $m2 - 12; $y2 = $y2 + 1; } if ($m3 > 12) { $m3 = $m3 - 12; $y3 = $y3 + 1; } if ($aa == "edit") { $perms = Permission::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->get(); foreach ($perms as $perm) { if ($perm->preaching or $perm->admin) { $data['authsoc'][] = $perm['society_id']; } } if (!isset($data['authsoc'])) { $aa = "view"; } } $firstDateTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m1, 1, $y1); $firstDay = date("N", $firstDateTime); $firstSunday = date("d M Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, $m1, 8 - $firstDay, $y1)); $lastSunday = strtotime($firstSunday); $lastDay = mktime(23, 59, 59, $m3, cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $m3, $y3), $y3); $extras = Weekday::where('servicedate', '>=', $firstDateTime)->where('servicedate', '<=', $lastDay)->orderBy('servicedate')->get()->toArray(); $data['meetings'] = Meeting::where('meetingdatetime', '<', $lastDay)->where('meetingdatetime', '>', $firstDateTime)->orderBy('meetingdatetime')->get(); $dum['dt'] = $lastSunday; $dum['yy'] = intval(date("Y", $lastSunday)); $dum['mm'] = intval(date("n", $lastSunday)); $dum['dd'] = intval(date("j", $lastSunday)); $sundays[] = $dum; $data['societies'] = Society::orderBy('society')->with('service')->get(); $data['ministers'] = Minister::has('individual')->get(); $data['preachers'] = Preacher::has('individual')->get(); $data['guests'] = Guest::where('active', '=', 1)->get(); while (date($lastSunday + 604800 <= $lastDay)) { $lastSunday = $lastSunday + 604800; $dum['dt'] = $lastSunday; $dum['yy'] = intval(date("Y", $lastSunday)); $dum['mm'] = intval(date("n", $lastSunday)); $dum['dd'] = intval(date("j", $lastSunday)); $sundays[] = $dum; } if (count($extras)) { $xco = 0; for ($q = 0; $q < count($sundays); $q++) { if ($xco < count($extras) and $extras[$xco]['servicedate'] < $sundays[$q]['dt']) { $dum['dt'] = $extras[$xco]['servicedate']; $dum['yy'] = intval(date("Y", $extras[$xco]['servicedate'])); $dum['mm'] = intval(date("n", $extras[$xco]['servicedate'])); $dum['dd'] = intval(date("j", $extras[$xco]['servicedate'])); $data['sundays'][] = $dum; $xco++; $q = $q - 1; } else { $data['sundays'][] = $sundays[$q]; } } } else { $data['sundays'] = $sundays; } $pm1 = Plan::where('planyear', '=', $y1)->where('planmonth', '=', $m1)->get(); foreach ($pm1 as $p1) { $soc = Society::find($p1->society_id)->society; $ser = Service::find($p1->service_id)->servicetime; if ($p1->preachable) { @($data['fin'][$soc][$p1->planyear][$p1->planmonth][$p1->planday][$ser]['preacher'] = substr($p1->preachable_type, 11, 1) . "_" . $p1->preachable->id); if ($p1->preachable_type == "App\\Models\\Guest") { @($data['fin'][$soc][$p1->planyear][$p1->planmonth][$p1->planday][$ser]['pname'] = substr($p1->preachable->firstname, 0, 1) . " " . $p1->preachable->surname); } else { @($data['fin'][$soc][$p1->planyear][$p1->planmonth][$p1->planday][$ser]['pname'] = substr($p1->preachable->individual->firstname, 0, 1) . " " . $p1->preachable->individual->surname); } } else { @($data['fin'][$soc][$p1->planyear][$p1->planmonth][$p1->planday][$ser]['preacher'] = ""); } if ($p1->tag_id) { @($data['fin'][$soc][$p1->planyear][$p1->planmonth][$p1->planday][$ser]['tag'] = $p1->tag_id); @($data['fin'][$soc][$p1->planyear][$p1->planmonth][$p1->planday][$ser]['tname'] = Tag::find($p1->tag_id)->abbr); } else { @($data['fin'][$soc][$p1->planyear][$p1->planmonth][$p1->planday][$ser]['tag'] = ""); } } $pm2 = Plan::where('planyear', '=', $y2)->where('planmonth', '=', $m2)->get(); foreach ($pm2 as $p2) { $soc = Society::find($p2->society_id)->society; $ser = Service::find($p2->service_id)->servicetime; if ($p2->preachable) { @($data['fin'][$soc][$p2->planyear][$p2->planmonth][$p2->planday][$ser]['preacher'] = substr($p2->preachable_type, 11, 1) . "_" . $p2->preachable->id); if ($p2->preachable_type == "App\\Models\\Guest") { @($data['fin'][$soc][$p2->planyear][$p2->planmonth][$p2->planday][$ser]['pname'] = substr($p2->preachable->firstname, 0, 1) . " " . $p2->preachable->surname); } else { @($data['fin'][$soc][$p2->planyear][$p2->planmonth][$p2->planday][$ser]['pname'] = substr($p2->preachable->individual->firstname, 0, 1) . " " . $p2->preachable->individual->surname); } } else { @($data['fin'][$soc][$p2->planyear][$p2->planmonth][$p2->planday][$ser]['preacher'] = ""); } if ($p2->tag_id) { @($data['fin'][$soc][$p2->planyear][$p2->planmonth][$p2->planday][$ser]['tag'] = $p2->tag_id); @($data['fin'][$soc][$p2->planyear][$p2->planmonth][$p2->planday][$ser]['tname'] = Tag::find($p2->tag_id)->abbr); } else { @($data['fin'][$soc][$p2->planyear][$p2->planmonth][$p2->planday][$ser]['tag'] = ""); } } $pm3 = Plan::where('planyear', '=', $y3)->where('planmonth', '=', $m3)->get(); foreach ($pm3 as $p3) { $soc = Society::find($p3->society_id)->society; $ser = Service::find($p3->service_id)->servicetime; if ($p3->preachable) { @($data['fin'][$soc][$p3->planyear][$p3->planmonth][$p3->planday][$ser]['preacher'] = substr($p3->preachable_type, 11, 1) . "_" . $p3->preachable->id); if ($p3->preachable_type == "App\\Models\\Guest") { @($data['fin'][$soc][$p3->planyear][$p3->planmonth][$p3->planday][$ser]['pname'] = substr($p3->preachable->firstname, 0, 1) . " " . $p3->preachable->surname); } else { @($data['fin'][$soc][$p3->planyear][$p3->planmonth][$p3->planday][$ser]['pname'] = substr($p3->preachable->individual->firstname, 0, 1) . " " . $p3->preachable->individual->surname); } } else { @($data['fin'][$soc][$p3->planyear][$p3->planmonth][$p3->planday][$ser]['preacher'] = ""); } if ($p3->tag_id) { @($data['fin'][$soc][$p3->planyear][$p3->planmonth][$p3->planday][$ser]['tag'] = $p3->tag_id); @($data['fin'][$soc][$p3->planyear][$p3->planmonth][$p3->planday][$ser]['tname'] = Tag::find($p3->tag_id)->abbr); } else { @($data['fin'][$soc][$p3->planyear][$p3->planmonth][$p3->planday][$ser]['tag'] = ""); } } $data['tags'] = Tag::orderBy('abbr')->get(); if ($qq == 1) { $data['prev'] = "plan/" . strval($yy - 1) . "/4"; } else { $data['prev'] = "plan/{$yy}/" . strval($qq - 1); } if ($qq == 4) { $data['next'] = "plan/" . strval($yy + 1) . "/1"; } else { $data['next'] = "plan/{$yy}/" . strval($qq + 1); } if ($aa == "edit") { return View::make('plans.edit', $data); } else { $data['pb'] = Helpers::getSetting('presiding_bishop'); if (!$data['pb']) { return view('errors.errors')->with('errormessage', 'Before you can view the plan, please enter the name of the Presiding Bishop'); } $data['gs'] = Helpers::getSetting('general_secretary'); if (!$data['gs']) { return view('errors.errors')->with('errormessage', 'Before you can view the plan, please enter the name of the General Secretary'); } $data['db'] = Helpers::getSetting('district_bishop'); if (!$data['db']) { return view('errors.errors')->with('errormessage', 'Before you can view the plan, please enter the name of the District Bishop'); } $data['super'] = Individual::find(Helpers::getSetting('superintendent')); if (!$data['super']) { return view('errors.errors')->with('errormessage', 'Before you can view the plan, please specify who the Circuit Superintendent is'); } $this->report($data); } }