/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function update(ClientRequest $request, $slug) { $client = Client::where(compact('slug'))->firstOrFail(); $client_request = $request->except('tabs'); $client->update($client_request); Toastr::success("Saved changes"); $tabs = explode(':', $request->get('tabs')); return redirect('/client/' . $client->slug . '/' . $tabs[0] . '/' . $tabs[1]); }
public function getclients() { $start = Input::get('start', Date::now()->format('date')); $end = Input::get('end', Date::now()->format('date')); $client = Client::where('clientid', '=', Input::get('Client'))->first(); $tjobs = Job::select(array('jobid', 'name', 'starttime', 'endtime', 'level', 'jobbytes', 'jobfiles', 'jobstatus'))->where('clientid', '=', $client->clientid)->where('starttime', '>=', $start)->where('endtime', '<=', $end); switch (Input::get('type')) { case "terminated": $tjobs->where('jobstatus', '=', 'T'); break; case "running": $tjobs->where('jobstatus', '=', 'R'); break; case "watting": $tjobs->wherein('jobstatus', array('c', 'F', 'j', 'M', 'm', 'p', 's', 't')); break; case "error": $tjobs->wherein('jobstatus', array('e', 'f', 'E')); break; case "cancel": $tjobs->where('jobstatus', '=', 'A'); break; } return Datatables::of($tjobs)->edit_column('name', '{{ link_to_route("jobs", $name ,array("Job" => $jobid)) }} ')->edit_column('jobid', '{{ link_to_route("jobs", $jobid ,array("Job" => $jobid)) }} ')->make(); }
public function postMultiple() { /* | | Getting information from user | */ $userInfo = array(); foreach (\Input::all() as $key => $value) { $userInfo[$key] = $value; } //var_dump($userInfo); $message = $userInfo['holidayText']; $state = $userInfo['state']; $spamOrClient = $userInfo['spamOrClient']; //echo $message; //echo $state; //echo $spamClient; /* | | Connecting to the turbosms api via soap connection | */ $client = new SoapClient('http://turbosms.in.ua/api/wsdl.html'); $auth = array('login' => 'bandson', 'password' => '031194vela'); $result = $client->Auth($auth); //echo $result->AuthResult . ' '; /* | | Setting appropriate data | */ $ruleMaleClient = ['state' => 'male', 'spamOrClient' => 'client']; $ruleMaleSpam = ['state' => 'male', 'spamOrClient' => 'spam']; $ruleMaleAll = ['state' => 'male']; $ruleFemaleClient = ['state' => 'female', 'spamOrClient' => 'client']; $ruleFemaleSpam = ['state' => 'female', 'spamOrClient' => 'spam']; $ruleFemaleAll = ['state' => 'female']; $ruleAllClient = ['spamOrClient' => 'client']; $ruleAllSpam = ['spamOrClient' => 'spam']; if ($state == "male") { $str = ''; if ($spamOrClient == "spam") { $client = Client::where($ruleMaleSpam)->get(); //echo $client; } else { if ($spamOrClient == "client") { $client = Client::where($ruleMaleClient)->get(); //echo $client; } else { if ($spamOrClient == "spCl") { $client = Client::where($ruleMaleAll)->get(); //echo $client; } } } foreach ($client as $row) { $str = $str . ',' . $row->mobNum; } $telephones = substr($str, 1); //echo $telephones; } else { if ($state == "female") { $str = ''; if ($spamOrClient == "spam") { $client = Client::where($ruleFemaleSpam)->get(); //echo $client; } else { if ($spamOrClient == "client") { $client = Client::where($ruleFemaleClient)->get(); //echo $client; } else { if ($spamOrClient == "spCl") { $client = Client::where($ruleFemaleAll)->get(); //echo $client; } } } foreach ($client as $row) { $str = $str . ',' . $row->mobNum; } $telephones = substr($str, 1); //echo $telephones; } else { if ($state == "all") { $str = ''; if ($spamOrClient == "spam") { $client = Client::where($ruleAllSpam)->get(); //echo $client; } else { if ($spamOrClient == "client") { $client = Client::where($ruleAllClient)->get(); //echo $client; } else { if ($spamOrClient == "spCl") { $client = Client::all(); //echo $client; } } } foreach ($client as $row) { $str = $str . ',' . $row->mobNum; } $telephones = substr($str, 1); //echo $telephones; } } } $sms = array('sender' => 'Bandson', 'destination' => $telephones, 'text' => $message); //var_dump($sms); /* | | Sending SMS | */ //$res=$client->SendSMS($sms); //echo $res->SendSMSResult->ResultArray[0] . ' //'; /* | | Putting activity into log | */ $activityToLog = new ActivityLog(); $activityToLog->activity = "Sent multiple SMS! Turbosms Login: "******". Destination: " . $sms['destination'] . ". Message: " . $sms['text']; $activityToLog->user = \Auth::user()->name; $activityToLog->save(); \Session::flash('messageSentMult', 'Сообщения отправлены!'); return redirect('/send/multiple'); }